ons 2001-12-26 klockan 07.39 skrev Dan Armak: > Well, I understand that. And I started this thread asking for advice on where > to put my ebuilds (outside Gentoo) for those who do want to use them and/or > help me work on them. That question remained unanswered btw. What about developers have there own pages at www.gentoo.org? Either www.gentoo.org/~hallski or people.gentoo.org/hallski or something along that? Drobbins, what do you think? Regards, Mikael Hallendal > Of course it'd have been more comfortable for me to have them in cvs & > masked, but I understand Hallski's concerns and I'm willing to go along with > his decision, even if I don't agree. > > -- > > Dan Armak > Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team > Matan, Israel > > _______________________________________________ > gentoo-dev mailing list > gentoo-dev@gentoo.org > http://lists.gentoo.org/mailman/listinfo/gentoo-dev > -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden