lör 2001-12-22 klockan 19.12 skrev Dan Armak: > On Saturday 22 December 2001 20:29, you wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I run cvs with no problems at all. If the ebuild is called beta? Users > > should know that it can brake things. I would say go for it :)... > I'd have said the same, but in this case it's Hallski's decision, as he is > head of the Desktop team. If everyone thinks we should put these kind of stuff in portage I'll bend for the majority. My reasoning was that _if_ we have these kind of things in Portage it might break stuff other than that particular package. And users will install it no matter how many alpha/beta etc. tags you put on the package name, be sure. That means that users might come and ask, my foobar doesn't work, and we developers can spend several hours trying to figure out what's wrong until it's clear that he installed foo-beta which happends to break this package. That is why I'm against putting untested early-beta software in the packagesystem. Because no matter how much unsupported they are, we will always end up support it. But as I said, if everyone else feels this is ok, just put it in. Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden