fre 2001-12-07 klockan 13.55 skrev Hobbs, Timothy: > db1 and db3 are not compatible. > Check your USE var and optionally just emerge the db-1.85-r1.ebuild. > > It looks like the dependancy tree is: > galeon needs mozilla > mozilla needs perl > perl needs either berkley db, both versions 1 and 3 or gdbm, depending on > your USE var. (berkdb | gdbm) GNOME depends on db1. Previosly db3 depended on db1 so they can both be installed at the same time. The problem is that the db3 dependency of db1 got dropped when upgraded to 3.3.11, I'll investigate why. Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden