mån 2001-11-19 klockan 11.46 skrev Geert Bevin: > Hi, Hi! > I've installed the ebuild and tried to make it work correctly. I noticed > that qt3 has quite some font related problems. Reading the mailists on > trolltech.com, the only (temporary) solution is to disable the > anti-aliasing. During the configure phase I thus suggest adding > '-no-xft' until this matter has been resolved. I have problem with AA-fonts in Gtk+ 1.3 (what will be 2.0) after I reinstalled my system to rc6. Does anyone else have these problems? If you have this problem, which x11-base/xfree do you have? Also, did you install this version from a clean system (ie not upgrading X from an old version) if not, which version did you have installed before? > Additionally I also noticed that /etc/X11/XftConfig and > /usr/X11/lib/X11/XftConfig aren't the same file. Maybe the X > installation should be adapted to create a symlink from one to the other > instead. I've noticed this too. Let's dig into this and find the problem, I spent several hours this weekend trying to get Gtk+ 2 giving me AA-fonts but didn't succeed (probably looking in the wrong places)... Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden