On Sat, 2001-11-03 at 21:45, Tod M. Neidt wrote: > Hi! > > Here is a simple patch to glibc-2.2.4-r2.ebuild to check for a running > Xserver and if there is to exit and echo telling the user to quit X and > merge from the console. > > tod > Not going to work. As i am sitting here, if I do a 'su -' to su to root, $DISPLAY is not defined anymore after su, and it _is_ after all only root (for the moment anyhow) that can merge packages. > --- /usr/portage/sys-libs/glibc/glibc-2.2.4-r2.ebuild Fri Sep 28 05:51:17 2001 > +++ glibc-2.2.4-r2.ebuild Sat Nov 3 19:37:46 2001 > @@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ > #We need gcc-2.95.3-r2 because it includes a special fix for this glibc version (2.2.4) > DEPEND="~sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.10 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) gd? ( media-libs/libgd )" > > +#Check for running xserver > +if [ "$DISPLAY" ] > + then > + echo "You can't merge glibc with a running X server." > + echo "Please shutdown X and merge from a console." > + exit > +fi > + > + > if [ -z "`use bootstrap`" ] && [ -z "`use bootcd`" ] && [ -z "`use build`" ] > then > RDEPEND="gd? ( sys-libs/zlib media-libs/libpng ) sys-apps/baselayout" -- Martin Schlemmer Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Developer Cape Town, South Africa