tis 2001-10-23 klockan 07.01 skrev Dan Armak: > On Tuesday 23 October 2001 02:37, you wrote: > > Hmm.. a binary that are in both version should only be installed once. > > Ie. you install the libraries for kde-2 and kde-3 but only kdm for > > kde-3. > Unless you want multipe KDEs. Is there any other reason than for testing that you want multiple versions of KDE (I'm not talking about the libs here). I see that you want to have multiple version of kde-libs installed since not all apps will be ported (or that it takes some time for them to be). But is there really a reason for having multiple KDE version installed. If it's only so that people can test KDE3 and still have KDE2 installed I think that you should drop this efforts and concentrate on something important instead. It's easy enough to build KDE2 with --build-pkg and then build KDE3 to test it, if you don't like it (which I can't see why people would want KDE2 instead of KDE3 when final is out) just emerge KDE2 --use-pkg to reinstall KDE2. Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden