mån 2001-10-15 klockan 11.35 skrev Blue Lizard: > Well, if you are making a new interface to bugzilla (or whatever backend > is chosen), which seems preferable, then it is not a big deal to have > separate interfaces (like different forms on a website) for a BR, UC, or > FER. Bug report, usability correction, and feature enhancement request > respectively. That way if someone not very intigrated with development > or clueless about code thinks 'it would be cool if you could...' he need > say little more. And it would be easier for triage, version control, > that kind of thing. That is, easier from the POV of the person writing > the report/request and easier for the developer(s) it concerns. So yes, > I agree that writing a gentoo interface is a good idea. Roundup is > pretty, but I fear that it might not suit our purposes very well. > Still, learn from it. While implementing our own interfaces (kinda like > real time triage), take from it that ease of gathering together all your > active 'stuff' together. Page for users to look at bugs they've filed > and their status, activity, etc. (think MyPage on ubid). Page for > developers to see bugs assigned to them, if they are qa contact, if a > bug has patch up for review and it falls in their 'sector' > (component/area), new bugs that would be of interest (falls in area of > specialty, contact, someone cc'ed them, etc.). Note that unlike > mozilla's implementation, it is more contained in one system unit > thingy. Like instead of being based on emails and cc's and chechking > boxes or filling in...this is all totally together in my head but to put > into words or code seems impossible. Think like the way it sorta > (great, now the idea is evolving too far beyond the example) ... ya > know. Like the way MandrakeExpert sorta kinda doesn't really work. > Replace the expert select check boxes with a pulldown menu that updates > with the selection of component and other aspect triaging attributes > that minimize the required user knowledge background. This is so > incoherent I'm just gonna stop. Look at this, not a single line break. > It's how I think, must be why I'm always so confused ;P Yes, but next time, PLEASE use linebreaks and it will be easier to read the mail. Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden