tor 2001-10-11 klockan 16.03 skrev James M Long: > On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 20:06:59 -0400 > I am surprised that no one has looked at the pan website itself. It clearly shows that it needs the following libraries: > > gtk+ 1.2.10 or higher > libxml 1.8.11 or higher > gdk-pixbuf 0.10.1 or higher and unforunately... > gnome-libs 1.0.16 or higher These deps are already in the pan ebuild. The only thing that might be breaking stuff is if gdk-pixbuf is merged without gnome-support. I've been thinking of making it always build _with_ GNOME-support and therefor also depend on gnome-libs (at least until it's possible to see which USE-flags was used when merging a package, so that you can say to portage that a package depends on gdk-pixbuf with GNOME-support). > I would suggest unmerging PAN, then emerging the above libs and then emerging PAN again. It seems from a quick glance at the ebuild files... that emerging gtkhtml would be wise also, due to the fact that the ebuild is for version 0.10 of PAN which still uses gtkhtml to do inline images... > For this to go as planned, it may be wise to have at least "gtk and GNOME in your USE variable". After PAN is up and running, you can remove "GNOME" from you USE variable and avoid other gnome items being installed or compiled in the future. You can unmerge the above libs and do USE="gtk gnome gtkhtml" emerge net-news/pan/pan- I'm sorry I haven't looked into this more than I have but I've had no time todo so. Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden