Hi! As I said in my previous post there has been a large rearrange and update to the Gtk+/GNOME part of the portage tree. This means that all packages depending on imlib/Gtk+ has to be remerged. I'm sorry for this but it had to be done, the sooner the better. What should you do then? ======================== Update the portage tree: emerge --clean rsync (or if you are a developer): cvs up -Pd Unmerge: - Everything from gnome-* - x11-libs/[ gtk+ | gtk-engine | gtk-thinice-theme | gtkmm ] - media-libs/[ gdk-pixbuf | imlib ] - x11-wm/sawfish In case there aren't any newer portage than 1.6.9 you need to edit /usr/lib/portage/pym/portage.py to make it find the new category gnome-extra. Open the file in your favorit editor and locate where it says gnome-apps and change it for gnome-extra. To be sure remove /opt/gnome (rm -rf /opt/gnome). Log in and out again to get rid of GNOME_PATH and other variables set to point to /opt/gnome. After that you should be able to remerge GNOME. If you want our full GNOME installation just emerge gnome-base/gnome/gnome-1.4-r3.ebuild. Otherwise just emerge the applications you want. I'll attach a list of were stuff from gnome-* has moved if you can't find the new location of a package. Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden