# Copyright 1999-2000 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Author Dan Armak # /home/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-games/heroes/heroes-0.11.ebuild P=heroes-0.11 A1=${P}.tar.gz A2="heroes-data-1.1.tar.gz" A3="heroes-sound-tracks-1.0.tar.gz" A4="heroes-sound-effects-1.0.tar.gz" # Is this needed for digest creation? What happens if ${A} isn't defined? A="${A1} ${A2} ${A3} ${A4}" S=${WORKDIR}/${P} DESCRIPTION="heroes: an ultra-advanced multiplayer worms racing game" SRC_URI="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/heroes/heroes-0.11.tar.gz http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/heroes/${A2} http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/heroes/${A3} http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/heroes/${A4}" HOMEPAGE="http://heroes.sourceforge.net/" # heroes can either link against SDL+SDL-mixer or, libGGI+libGII+libmikmod. DEPEND="virtual/x11" confopts="--prefix=/usr --host=${CHOST} --enable-html-doc=/usr/share/doc/${P} --disable-debug --disable-heroes-debug" # The following means that SDL is used only if it's in the USE var. # This conforms to the game's default of using ggi if possible and # SDL as a fallback option. if [ "`use sdl`" ]; then DEPEND="${DEPEND} media-libs/libsdl media-libs/sdl-mixer" confopts="${confopts} --with-sdl --with-sdl-mixer" else # `use ggi` isn't checked since this is the game's default DEPEND="${DEPEND} media-libs/libggi media-libs/libgii media-libs/libmikmod" confopts="${confopts} --with-ggi --with-mikmod" fi DEPEND="media-libs/libsdl media-libs/sdl-mixer virtual/x11" src_unpack() { unpack ${A1} ${A2} ${A3} ${A4} } src_compile() { #main part cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-0.11 try ./configure ${confopts} try make #levels cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-data-1.1 try ./configure --prefix=/usr try make #sounds cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-sound-effects-1.0 try ./configure --prefix=/usr try make #music cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-sound-tracks-1.0 try ./configure --prefix=/usr try make } src_install () { #main part cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-0.11 try make DESTDIR=${D} install #levels cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-data-1.1 try make DESTDIR=${D} install #sounds cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-sound-effects-1.0 try make DESTDIR=${D} install #music cd ${WORKDIR}/heroes-sound-tracks-1.0 try make DESTDIR=${D} install }