Hey all, it is my pleasure to keep announcing new developers joining the project. We have Kenton Groombridge coming from the USA! Here's how Kenton describes himself: "I am a DevOps and systems integration engineer by day and a rookie security researcher by night. My first introduction to Gentoo is courtesy of my father, who has been a Gentoo user for almost 20 years now. Thanks to him my comfort with Gentoo has never left me even though as a youngin I only wanted to play my W*ndows games! Now that I find myself needing a more streamlined workflow and wanting to be more connected with the tools that I use, I'm proud to say that Gentoo has always been my home sweet home on the workstation." (intervention: what a great upbringing!) "For the past 2 years I've been learning SELinux and submitting policy patches upstream. In an effort to become more connected with Gentoo and its users, I am hoping to help the Gentoo Hardened and SELinux projects. If any readers out there are consumers of these profiles, you may already be using some of my patches!" Seeing how Kenton already has over 200 commits on our hardened-refpolicy repo, he's most likely right about that! Gentoo's security just got... enhanced. Please give him a warm welcome to the Gentoo family! -- juippis