Hi all, www-apps/netbox and its dependencies need love which I haven't been able to give them lately, so I've decided to put them up for grabs. I have dropped maintainership on the first two because the python team is already a co-maintainer. I am the only maintainer on the rest of these, so feel free to replace me if you take them. netbox itself has some open bugs and a version bump. I'm sure the bump can resolve the bugs. I will go through the list again in a couple of weeks and do a lastrites for the packages that do not have a maintainer. dev-python/django-cacheops dev-python/djangorestframework www-apps/netbox acct-group/netbox acct-user/netbox dev-python/django-cors-headers dev-python/django-filter dev-python/django-js-asset dev-python/django-mptt dev-python/django-pglocks dev-python/django-prometheus dev-python/django-rq dev-python/django-taggit dev-python/django-taggit-serializer dev-python/django-timezone-field dev-python/djangorestframework dev-python/drf-yasg dev-python/coreapi dev-python/coreschema dev-python/itypes dev-python/swagger-spec-validator Thanks, William