messages from 2008-01-25 10:15:34 to 2008-09-27 17:53:00 UTC [more...]
[gentoo-dev-announce] BugDay - Saturday 4th October
2008-09-27 16:36 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Ron Gemeinhardt (timebandit)
2008-09-22 12:52 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-09-21 23h59 UTC
2008-09-22 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New staff member: Nathan Zachary (kalos)
2008-09-20 23:26 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Migration downtime for
2008-09-17 6:19 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-dev-announce] bouncer and planet migration done
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-09-14 23h59 UTC
2008-09-15 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Matthew Summers (quantumsummers)
2008-09-14 15:33 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: app-editors/ted
2008-09-13 3:17 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: app-admin/powertweak
2008-09-13 2:58 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: x11-base/xdirectfb
2008-09-13 2:51 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] last rites: app-emulation/sheepshaver
2008-09-12 23:27 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-libs/aterm, dev-libs/sdf2-bundle, dev-lang/stratego
2008-09-12 23:18 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: net-misc/xf4vnc
2008-09-12 23:04 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: app-cdr/mp3burn
2008-09-12 22:59 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: x11-terms/root-tail
2008-09-12 22:57 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-09-07 23h59 UTC
2008-09-08 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Gordon Malm (gengor)
2008-09-07 23:46 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Appointees - Notice
2008-09-06 16:44 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-tex/vntex
2008-09-05 6:03 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Phase out of virtual/tetex
2008-09-04 6:09 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-tex/extsizes and dev-tex/eurosym
2008-09-03 5:13 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-08-31 23h59 UTC
2008-09-01 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: sci-libs/libscigraphica and sci-visualization/scigraphica
2008-08-31 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] last rites app-crypt/cryptplug, dev-tcltk/tclgpgme, ~app-crypt/gpgme-0.3.14
2008-08-31 7:01 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] jmbsvicetto --- {AT -> Dev}
2008-08-30 17:09 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] BugDay - Saturday 6th September
2008-08-30 14:24 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Inc Trustees - Adjourned August Meeting
2008-08-26 21:18 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-08-24 23h59 UTC
2008-08-25 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Decision on recent developer retirements
2008-08-21 0:11 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-08-17 23h59 UTC
2008-08-18 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] [GLEP 56] metadata.xml USE flag descriptions [Clarifications]
2008-08-13 17:11 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-python/twisted-{pair, xish, flow} and dev-python/twibber (Removal due 11 October 2008)
2008-08-12 3:49 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-08-10 23h59 UTC
2008-08-11 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Inc - Situations Vacant
2008-08-09 18:55 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Inc Trustees - August Meeting
2008-08-09 18:29 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] packages up for grabs
2008-08-09 15:20 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-util/elfsh
2008-08-09 4:01 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Final removal of php-4*
2008-08-08 8:56 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer : Thomas Anderson (gentoofan23)
2008-08-07 21:43 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-lang/caml-light (Removal due 7 september 2008)
2008-08-06 16:05 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] [GLEP 56] metadata.xml status
2008-08-04 18:18 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Virtualization Project Kick-Off Meeting Tomorrow, 2008-08-05 20:00 UTC (22:00 MEST)
2008-08-04 11:26 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-08-03 23h59 UTC
2008-08-04 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Jesus Rivero (neurogeek)
2008-07-29 21:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-dev-announce] Re: [gentoo-project] "
[gentoo-dev-announce] RFC: Feature wish list (catalyst/genkernel)
2008-07-29 16:03 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Packages up for grabs
2008-07-28 18:22 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] metadata.xml USE flag descriptions
2008-07-28 16:50 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council meeting summary for 24 July 2008
2008-07-28 15:01 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Virtualization Project Kick-Off Meeting
2008-07-28 6:08 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-07-27 23h59 UTC
2008-07-28 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Global jikes use flag removed
2008-07-27 16:09 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] BugDay - Saturday 2nd August
2008-07-26 11:39 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last Rites: dev-util/livecd-kconfigs and dev-util/livecd-specs
2008-07-24 0:26 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: gnustep-apps/helpviewer, gnustep-apps/mylibrary
2008-07-21 11:58 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Security project meeting - Monday, 2008-07-14, 19:00 UTC
2008-07-21 18:49 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-dev-announce] Security project meeting summary
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-07-20 23h59 UTC
2008-07-21 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites for sys-auth/pam_ssh_agent
2008-07-19 22:39 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Arun Raghavan (ford_prefect)
2008-07-17 20:44 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-07-13 23h59 UTC
2008-07-14 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council meeting summary for 10 July 2008
2008-07-13 7:11 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-07-06 23h59 UTC
2008-07-07 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Trustees Meeting 13 July 19:00 UTC #gentoo-trustees
2008-07-06 17:13 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: app-admin/systemconfigurator
2008-07-06 17:06 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Council 2008/2009 - RESULTS
2008-07-05 21:00 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Council 2008/2009 Elections - Your Last Chance to Vote
2008-07-04 16:45 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-util/tla & app-emacs/xtla
2008-07-03 12:55 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: app-i18n/kon2
2008-07-03 4:26 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-06-29 23h59 UTC
2008-06-30 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: sys-fs/trustees
2008-06-29 20:36 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] BugDay - Its closer than you think
2008-06-27 22:32 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-06-22 23h59 UTC
2008-06-23 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Bugzilla going live on CACert certificates
2008-06-21 23:00 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Council 2008/2009 Elections - You may vote now
2008-06-21 0:20 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] portage-2.2 has entered ~arch
2008-06-20 7:27 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rights: dev-util/bazaar
2008-06-20 2:49 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] last rites for app-doc/linuxfromscratch-*
2008-06-19 4:53 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Council nominations are now closed
2008-06-19 1:09 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Council 2008/2009 Nominations end TODAY 23:59 UTC
2008-06-18 5:50 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] last rights: dev-cpp/libwefts
2008-06-17 1:45 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-06-15 23h59 UTC
2008-06-16 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council nominations deadline
2008-06-15 12:16 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council meeting summary for 12 June 2008
2008-06-13 7:38 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer : Friedrich Oslage (bluebird)
2008-06-11 16:37 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: mail-mta/xmail
2008-06-10 19:18 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-06-08 23h59 UTC
2008-06-09 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Trustees Forthcoming Meeting
2008-06-08 21:43 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: cogito and gitweb
2008-06-07 15:53 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Nominations open for the Gentoo Council 2008/2009
2008-06-05 0:00 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] last rights: sys-apps/nictools
2008-06-03 0:48 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Matt Fleming (mjf)
2008-06-02 20:40 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: virtual/motif
2008-06-02 7:07 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-06-01 23h59 UTC
2008-06-02 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer : Peter Alfredsen (loki_val)
2008-06-01 9:00 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Recent changes wrt python.eclass
2008-05-29 18:56 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] BugDay - Its closer than you think- Saturday 7th June
2008-05-28 17:29 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Andrey Kislyuk (weaver)
2008-05-28 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rights: net-analyzer/sonar
2008-05-28 3:27 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-05-25 23h59 UTC
2008-05-26 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Panagiotis Christopoulos (pchrist)
2008-05-25 11:14 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer : Serkan Kaba (serkan)
2008-05-22 8:14 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-05-18 23h59 UTC
2008-05-19 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] [Last rites] dev-util/glademm and dev-cpp/bakery
2008-05-16 15:42 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Trustees Meeting- Sunday, May 18 at 1900 UTC
2008-05-12 18:37 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-05-11 23h59 UTC
2008-05-12 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites for app-xemacs/xemacs-packages-sumo
2008-05-10 11:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council meeting summary for 8 May 2008
2008-05-08 23:33 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: gnome-extra/shermans-aquarium
2008-05-08 12:26 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Use -project for non technical postings
2008-05-06 11:25 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Jeremy Olexa (darkside)
2008-05-05 20:32 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Michael Hammer (mueli)
2008-05-05 19:42 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-05-04 23h59 UTC
2008-05-05 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Bugzilla migration 20h30 - 21h30 UTC TODAY
2008-05-04 22:39 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-dev-announce] Re: [gentoo-dev] Bugzilla migration DONE
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Andrey Grozin (grozin)
2008-05-03 17:35 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] [LAST RITES] stumpwm-cvs
2008-05-01 21:19 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer : Markus Duft (mduft)
2008-04-30 11:35 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: media-fonts/sharefonts
2008-04-29 20:37 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Developer retirement
2008-04-28 1:40 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-04-27 23h59 UTC
2008-04-28 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Bug Day on Saturday 3rd May
2008-04-27 16:17 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer : Chris Henhawke (bunder)
2008-04-26 15:37 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last Rights: x11-themes/openbox-themes
2008-04-24 9:20 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last Rites: app-vim/conky-syntax
2008-04-22 7:04 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-04-20 23h59 UTC
2008-04-21 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Foundation Bylaws Discussion
2008-04-20 22:32 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Trustees Meeting 20 April 1900 UTC
2008-04-14 18:58 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-04-13 23h59 UTC
2008-04-14 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: x11-libs/motif-config
2008-04-13 23:39 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] [last rite] dev-libs/libsigcx
2008-04-12 12:00 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] masking app-admin/gnome-system-tools-2.14
2008-04-12 15:26 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council meeting summary for 10 April 2008
2008-04-10 23:50 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Return of a developer : Josh Glover (jmglov)
2008-04-07 22:55 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-04-06 23h59 UTC
2008-04-07 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: app-laptop/omnibook-svn
2008-04-06 8:58 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Trustees Meeting - Sunday, April 20 at 1900 UTC
2008-04-04 16:28 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-libs/swl
2008-04-03 0:30 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] changes to staffing-needs page and project pages
2008-04-02 17:45 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] last rites dev-libs/log4c
2008-04-01 15:19 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] [7-day last rite] app-misc/pastemecli
2008-03-31 9:51 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-03-30 23h59 UTC
2008-03-31 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] BugDay - Its closer than you think - Saturday 5th April
2008-03-29 13:08 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Ahmed Ammar (b33fc0d3)
2008-03-28 21:41 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-03-23 23h59 UTC
2008-03-24 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: sci-libs/libgdgeda
2008-03-22 19:32 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] mail-client/ciphire-mail masked for removal
2008-03-20 20:06 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Thomas Sachau (tommy)
2008-03-20 18:07 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last Rites - dev-util/jam
2008-03-17 0:40 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-03-16 23h59 UTC
2008-03-17 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: sci-electronics/lard
2008-03-15 21:11 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council summary for 13 March 2008
2008-03-14 7:08 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Tobias Klausmann (klausman)
2008-03-10 21:13 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-03-09 23h59 UTC
2008-03-10 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New keyword monkey: Kenneth Prug (ken69267)
2008-03-08 17:30 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Ricardo Mendoza (ricmm)
2008-03-06 21:33 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation - Notice of Meeting
2008-03-03 19:58 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-03-02 23h59 UTC
2008-03-03 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Fwd: Gentoo Foundation 2008 Elections - Results
2008-02-29 19:43 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Elections - voting ended
2008-02-29 11:26 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Operations lead --- armin76
2008-02-28 15:20 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Bo Ørsted Andresen (zlin)
2008-02-28 12:28 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: mail-filter/dovecot-dspam
2008-02-27 8:37 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Elections - Last Call for voting
2008-02-27 0:54 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-02-24 23h59 UTC
2008-02-25 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: media-video/konverter
2008-02-21 18:54 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-02-17 23h59 UTC
2008-02-18 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] New developer: Ben de Groot (yngwin)
2008-02-16 21:43 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Council meeting summary for 14 February 2008
2008-02-14 23:19 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Removal of "lesstif" USE flag
2008-02-14 17:59 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Gentoo Foundation Elections
2008-02-14 14:03 UTC (5+ messages)
` [gentoo-dev-announce] "
` [gentoo-core] Re: [gentoo-dev-announce] "
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-02-10 23h59 UTC
2008-02-11 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Portage-2.2_pre2 is in the tree
2008-02-10 13:30 UTC (2+ messages)
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: net-ftp/nvemftp
2008-02-09 21:53 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: net-ftp/swiftfxp
2008-02-08 15:40 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: www-servers/orion
2008-02-08 2:55 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: x11-misc/ASFiles
2008-02-07 13:10 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: app-admin/ctcs, net-libs/libhttpd-persistent, net-ftp/gtkfxp, dev-libs/tinyq
2008-02-04 21:27 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-02-03 23h59 UTC
2008-02-04 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-tex/dk-bib; Removal due: 03 Mar 2008
2008-02-03 15:01 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: www-apps/gallery-1*
2008-02-03 10:27 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-java/cryptix*
2008-02-03 10:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-java/javamake-bin
2008-02-02 17:08 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-java/minml2
2008-02-02 16:59 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-java/jasmin-sable
2008-02-02 12:18 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Howto use EAPI=1 features
2008-02-01 21:42 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Feature Requests for 2008.0 no longer accepted
2008-02-01 20:05 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: x11-plugins/gkrellm-bfm
2008-01-31 16:37 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: dev-tex/koma-script, due some day after 28 Feb 2008
2008-01-28 21:09 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2008-01-27 23h59 UTC
2008-01-28 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] linking brokenness
2008-01-27 23:53 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-dev-announce] Re: [gentoo-dev] "
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: suspend2 sources and userui
2008-01-25 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-dev-announce] Last rites: x11-themes/gtk-engines-mist
2008-01-25 9:55 UTC
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