Hi, everybody. It is my pleasure to announce that yesterday (EU) evening we've switched to a new distfile mirror layout. Users will be switching to the new layout either as they upgrade Portage to 2.3.77 or -- if they upgraded already -- as their caches expire (24hrs). The new layout is mostly a bow towards mirror admins, for some of whom having a 60000+ files in a single directory have been a problem. However, I suppose some of you also found e.g. the directory index hardly usable due to its size. Throughout a transitional period (whose exact length hasn't been decided yet), both layouts will be available. Afterwards, the old layout will be removed from mirrors. This has a few implications: 1. Users who don't upgrade their package managers in time will lose the ability of fetching from Gentoo mirrors. This shouldn't be that much of a problem given that the core software needed to upgrade Portage should all have reliable upstream SRC_URIs. 2. mirror://gentoo/file URIs will stop working. While technically you could use mirror://gentoo/XX/file, I'd rather recommend finally discarding its usage and moving distfiles to devspace. 3. Directly fetching files from distfiles.gentoo.org will become a little harder. To fetch a distfile named 'foo-1.tar.gz', you'd have to use something like: $ printf '%s' foo-1.tar.gz | b2sum | cut -c1-2 1b $ wget http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/1b/foo-1.tar.gz ... Alternatively, you can: $ wget http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/INDEX and grep for the right path there. This INDEX is also a more lightweight alternative to HTML indexes generated by the servers. If you're interested in more background details and some plots, see [1]. [1] https://dev.gentoo.org/~mgorny/articles/improving-distfile-mirror-structure.html -- Best regards, Michał Górny