Ladies and Gentlemen Here are your verified election results. For the three open seats for the term 2021-2023, two seats will be filled by robbat2 (Robin Johnson) and antarus (Alec Warner). There is a tie for the 3rd seat between alicef (Alice Ferrazzi) and _reopen_nominations. Per lack of an established rule for this event and given section 5.7 of the Foundation ByLaws[1] we defer to the Board of Trustees how to proceed regarding the 3rd seat. [1] - Final ranked list: robbat2 antarus _reopen_nominations alicef The master ballot file and full results are attached. Your confirmation IDs, so that voters can confirm their votes are included in the master ballot, was already sent. Thank you all for participating in this election by nominating, accepting to run and voting on this election. For the elections team, Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto Gentoo Developer