The next council meeting will be on Tuesday 9 April 2013 at 19:00 UTC (note change of time! [1]) in the #gentoo-council channel on Freenode. Proposed agenda: 1. Introduction and roll call (5 minutes) 2. Change to newer Bash version in ebuilds (15 minutes) Take an initial look, and possibly vote on switching to a newer Bash version (e.g. 4.2) for the next EAPI [2,3]. 3. EAPI deprecation (10 minutes) Should we have stricter rules, in order to limit the number of EAPIs that are in active usage? [4] 4. Open bugs with council involvement (15 minutes) - Bug 457000 "Missing log and summary for 20090122 and 20090625 council meetings" - Bug 464250 "Encourage developers to use the latest EAPI" 5. Open floor Regards, Ulrich [1] [2] [3] [4]