The next council meeting will be on Tuesday 11 December 2012 at 20:00 UTC in the #gentoo-council channel on Freenode. Proposed agenda: 1. Introduction and roll call (5 minutes) 2. Update on handling separate /usr support[1] (15 minutes) During the previous meeting a delay of one month due to a new fork of udev was requested. We need an update on what's happened. 3. Define meeting chairs for 2013 (5 minutes) For the council meetings taking place in 2013, chairs have to be appointed. grobian will no longer volunteer. 4. Open bugs with council involvement (5 minutes) - Bug 383467 "Council webpage lacks results for 2010 and 2011 elections" 5. Open floor (10 minutes) Fabian [1] -- Fabian Groffen Gentoo on a different level