The attached list notes all of the packages that were added or removed from the tree, for the week ending 2012-10-07 23h59 UTC. Removals: sci-geosciences/gpxviewer 2012-10-06 11:30:11 jlec app-text/yudit 2012-10-07 13:23:36 ulm Additions: app-office/geierlein 2012-10-01 21:24:40 hanno x11-misc/obtheme 2012-10-02 12:38:21 hasufell kde-base/knavalbattle 2012-10-02 18:11:59 johu kde-base/ksnakeduel 2012-10-02 18:12:05 johu media-sound/retrovol 2012-10-03 05:47:56 yngwin sys-firmware/iwl2000-ucode 2012-10-03 19:30:13 vapier net-analyzer/odhcploc 2012-10-04 03:22:54 jer dev-util/rebar 2012-10-05 11:10:34 djc net-misc/httpie 2012-10-05 13:48:54 vikraman sci-geosciences/gpx-viewer 2012-10-06 11:27:52 jlec dev-util/bluej 2012-10-06 13:10:43 hasufell net-analyzer/sqlninja 2012-10-06 13:13:46 pinkbyte dev-ml/pgocaml 2012-10-06 21:05:20 aballier dev-util/cmdtest 2012-10-07 00:35:56 mschiff app-editors/yudit 2012-10-07 12:54:22 ulm dev-perl/Import-Into 2012-10-07 14:17:58 tove dev-perl/Package-Variant 2012-10-07 14:22:18 tove dev-perl/IO-HTML 2012-10-07 15:16:10 tove -- Robin Hugh Johnson Gentoo Linux Developer E-Mail : GnuPG FP : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85