The attached list notes all of the packages that were added or removed from the tree, for the week ending 2011-10-09 23h59 UTC. Removals: app-text/libtextcat 2011-10-04 19:19:06 scarabeus app-text/ptex 2011-10-06 20:14:12 aballier Additions: net-im/qutecom 2011-10-03 08:08:29 chithanh dev-cpp/libcmis 2011-10-03 08:54:32 scarabeus media-gfx/zbar 2011-10-03 16:13:50 xmw dev-util/makeheaders 2011-10-03 16:37:14 xmw net-p2p/ncdc 2011-10-03 16:38:37 xmw app-text/libexttextcat 2011-10-04 19:16:52 scarabeus dev-ruby/bcrypt-ruby 2011-10-05 18:20:27 graaff net-libs/dslib 2011-10-05 20:18:57 scarabeus app-misc/dsgui 2011-10-05 20:22:21 scarabeus media-gfx/mcomix 2011-10-06 03:12:40 dirtyepic dev-ruby/rack-cache 2011-10-06 18:09:53 graaff dev-lang/nacl-toolchain-newlib 2011-10-06 18:52:19 phajdan.jr dev-ruby/hike 2011-10-07 06:26:37 graaff net-print/sshlpr 2011-10-08 06:26:41 radhermit app-arch/TheUnarchiver 2011-10-08 18:12:47 hanno net-print/cups-bjnp 2011-10-08 18:22:59 vadimk sci-biology/bedtools 2011-10-09 04:01:53 weaver media-gfx/png2ico 2011-10-09 09:04:00 ssuominen dev-python/pypax 2011-10-09 14:19:31 blueness net-analyzer/openvas-scanner 2011-10-09 17:18:04 hanno net-analyzer/openvas-administrator 2011-10-09 17:21:05 hanno net-analyzer/openvas-manager 2011-10-09 17:22:54 hanno net-analyzer/openvas-cli 2011-10-09 17:24:57 hanno net-analyzer/greenbone-security-assistant 2011-10-09 17:29:41 hanno net-analyzer/greenbone-security-desktop 2011-10-09 17:33:38 hanno -- Robin Hugh Johnson Gentoo Linux Developer E-Mail : GnuPG FP : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85