Hello fellow devs and users and happy new year! The council will have its next meeting the following week on Tuesday the 11th of January, at 2000 UTC [0]. Mark (halcy0n) has decided to step down from the council. The council has agreed to accept Patrick, the next in line, for the rest of this term, starting with this meeting. We'd like to thank Mark for his contributions to the council and welcome Patrick as our new member! This meeting's agenda as of this moment: * Bugs assigned/ccd to the council, including #211529 [Future EAPI] have econf run ./configure with --disable-dependency-tracking and --enable-fast-install #322049 use_with 3 arg specification differs in portage for $3='' * EAPI 4 tree usage approval If you have anything you'd like to add to the agenda, please reply to this email. [0] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/utctolocal.html?time=2000 -- Alex Alexander | wired + Gentoo Linux Developer ++ www.linuxized.com