Heya, I'm going to p.mask =dev-lang/php-4* and all packages explicitly depending on this version of php (i.e. the whole dev-php4/ category (36 packages) and one webapp, www-apps/knowledgetree, bug 194894 [1]) next weekend (around Oct 14th). This step is necessary as there is hardly any upstream activity anymore. The last official version of php-4, 4.4.7, dates back to May 3rd and is in the same state as php-5.2.2 security-wise (and we all know how many issues php-5 had in the past, just have a look at the recently published GLSA 200710-02 [2]). All those security problems, which were fixed in the 5.2 branch, possibly apply to the 4.4 branch as well, yet there are no (backported) fixes in upstream CVS and there is no sign of an upcoming release either. This means, if we were to continue php-4 support we would have to do the upstream work and compile a list of issues + patches. Upstream developers seem to see it the same way -- "if you really want to get it done - do it" was one reply when I asked what's up with php-4. Noone from our PHP team has the time and motiviation to do that work, and as such we are going to mask it (unless someone volunteers to do the work and/or upstream becomes active again). We will still keep php-4 (and all related packages) in the tree until at least the end of the year (this is the date where official upstream "support" ends) and bump it if (and not "when"...) there are any releases. We advise all users of of php-4 to upgrade to php-5 as soon as possible. [1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=194894 [2] http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200710-02.xml -- Christian Hoffmann Gentoo PHP herd