oasis.eclass: mark as @DEAD (last-rite eclass) Removal on 2021-04-05 when the rest of the Oasis packages, including Oasis (dev-ml/oasis) is removed. There's no point in keeping the eclass when Oasis itself is gone and nothing should be able to use this right now anyway due to the large number of packages which have been removed and conflicts with e.g. jbuilder and Dune. (Even if something IS using this, they *really* shouldn't be by now, and the vast majority - if not all - of their packages would have been from outside ::gentoo, as Oasis and friends have not been usable in the tree for at least a year.) Please port to newer opam or dune. Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/775785 Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/497044 Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/637826