On 5/3/07, Johannes Neugschwentner Jr <neugschwentner@comteam.at> wrote:
Hi Guys!

i'm writing a thesis on "the user-centerd desktop".
as part of the thesis i'm doing a prototype too.

this is something i really longed to do for a long time and am now about to
start. since i'm under a tight schedule and am not too good a programmer with
not too much experience it ain't gonna be something big.

but anyway. read some boox. surfed around.
found the plasma project ( plasma.kde.org). xinf.org (xinf.org). screenweaver
hx (http://haxe.org/swhx). of course there is superkaramba ...

tend to doing it in haxe (eclihaxe + screenweaver hx) ... pretty sure about
that since the only language i'm really fluent in is actionscript and haxe is
not far from it (wanted to do it in flex before ... but prefer haxe since
it's all open source)

did some research on hci (designing interactions) ... am going to do empirical
user research .... non-technical-useres ..
am doing some research on the piling metapher and lifestreams & co at the mom.

bumptop by the way with it's piling metaphor is really something very
appealing and those guys with their thesis did exactly what i'm going to do.
(www.bumptop.com )

well, i'm not exactly sure what i wanna say or question with this, but hey,
found out about this mailing list and thought - hey, sounds great, give it a

so if you got any ideas, proposals, whatever, here i am


Johannes Neugschwentner


You might want to consider looking at http://www.symphonyos.com/cms/ they have the most unique approach to a user oriented desktop that I have seen to date they are using Mozilla engine w/XUL so it shouldn't be too difficult to program.

Derek Tracy