On 23:35 Fri 19 Jun     , Doug Goldstein wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Donnie Berkholz<dberkholz@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > On 12:06 Wed 17 Jun     , Thomas Anderson wrote:
> >> The ban was later reversed by Doug Goldstein(Cardoe) because it had
> >> not been put to a council vote as all bans in #-council are.
> >
> > Since when? I've never heard of this. I've banned people in there with a
> > note to other council members (for the simple sake of good
> > communication) and no vote ever happened except by lack of objection.
> In the past you've e-mailed all of us and told us about the situation 
> and the rest of us agreed with your action. In this case, there was no 
> e-mail and more then half of the council members didn't see 
> justification for the ban based on the conversation at hand. While 
> some of the comments at hand were snide, a lot of the confusion was as 
> a result of the language barrier. I know the language barrier has 
> caused a problem for some of us one time or another. In fact, dev-zero 
> and I have had our share of disagreements as a result of the language 
> barrier. At the same time, dev-zero and I have worked together on 
> quite a few projects and had positive experiences together. We decided 
> in the meeting to let emotions cool and toss it to e-mail. If anyone 
> wanted to see igli banned, to send an e-mail to all the council 
> members (it didn't even have to be on the ML) and we'd go from there. 
> To date, no such e-mail has come. The only e-mails are just throwing 
> fuel on a fire which no longer exists.

Thanks for the clarification. My problem is just with the wording in the 
summary, then, as it implies that banning can't happen until *after* a 


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux
Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com