Hi all, I just posted the summaries from August & September meetings. The complete summaries & logs are at http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/. Here's the most important bits: - EAPI=2 is approved for use in the tree. Portage 2.2_rc10 supports it. The features are documented in multiple places, including: - http://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/portage.html#package-ebuild-eapi-2-draft - A list in a PMS appendix that refers to the relevant sections. `emerge app-doc/pms` to get it. - PROPERTIES="interactive" is approved for use in the tree. It indicates that user interaction is required during pkg_setup() or src_unpack(). See http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_e145fc04e907de72e30d88285afb134c.xml for details. This is outside of any individual EAPI because it is an optionally handled value. It is a backwards-compatible EAPI change so had to be approved by the council. - The PROPERTIES variable will be added to the metadata cache. It will be used to inform package managers of various properties of a package. This is related to EAPI so it's an issue determined by package-manager developers, not by the council. - PMS is now a draft standard for EAPI=0. This means that conflicts between portage behavior and the PMS are bugs to be resolved by changing one of the two. Unresolvable conflicts will be escalated to the council. - Devrel sets policy on whether fired developers should be banned from the places where they did the things that got them fired. - Cardoe filled the slot left empty by flameeyes's departure for health reasons. - All our docs should be updated to refer to irc.gentoo.org instead of irc.freenode.net. -- Thanks, Donnie Donnie Berkholz Developer, Gentoo Linux Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com