Requested attendees =================== GLEP 46: vanquirius, ciaranm, dev-zero PMS: ciaranm, halcy0n Roll call ========= (here, proxy [by whom] or slacker?) amne betelgeuse dberkholz flameeyes lu_zero vapier jokey Updates to last month's topics ============================== Document of being an active developer ------------------------------------- Last month: No updates Updates: Slacker arches -------------- 3 months ago: vapier will work on rich0's suggestion and repost it for discussion on -dev ML Last month: vapier said he was going to work on it this weekend. Updates: GLEP 46: Allow upstream tags in metadata.xml -------------------------------------------- 2 months ago: Caveat on approval about allowed protocols Updates: Restriction to http/https has been dropped as pointed out by council members (amne and Flameeyes if I'm right). The point for restricting the URLs to the mentioned protocols was that they shouldn't link to automatically updated ressources. This has been replaced by an explicit specification and a recommendation that http/http should be favoured over ftp/svn/gopher/etc to make the implementation for automated update discovery tools easier (they should of course ignore URLs they can't handle). Ready for confirmation, which should be mainly a formality. New topics ========== Minimal activity for ebuild devs -------------------------------- Current is 1 commit every 60 days. Should it be higher? Initial comments on PMS ----------------------- Are there any major changes needed, or just tuning details?