Hi Donnie Thanks a lot for the work you've done for the Council and Gentoo as a whole. I can fully understand your motivations, although it's a pity to see you leave so shortly before the end of terms. Good luck with the other Gentoo projects and your private life. Cheers, Tiziano Am Montag, den 25.05.2009, 22:09 -0700 schrieb Donnie Berkholz: > After thinking about it for a couple of weeks, I've decided to resign > from the council. I think the management and unification provided by the > council is critical, but I just don't have the time to commit on a > regular basis that's necessary to do a good job. I'm trying to finish my > Ph.D. and applying for postdoctoral fellowships, and along with my new > daughter, that means I can't promise any regular commitment of time. > > Instead, I expect to spend what Gentoo time I have thinking and talking > about our future direction and working to innovate rather than managing > that innovation. I have the utmost confidence that others can fill my > place on the council. Therefore, it's more important for me to focus on > innovation, which I feel is driven by individual developers, including > me. I'm very excited to restart working on projects that I've mostly > dropped because of my council commitment, such as helping with the git > conversion, spending more time on PR, and finishing the test-suite > framework for eclasses, among other things. > > I'm still available for advice about anything council-related, so feel > free to ask at any point. -- Tiziano Müller Gentoo Linux Developer, Council Member Areas of responsibility: Samba, PostgreSQL, CPP, Python, sysadmin, GLEP Editor E-Mail : dev-zero@gentoo.org GnuPG FP : F327 283A E769 2E36 18D5 4DE2 1B05 6A63 AE9C 1E30