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* [gentoo-commits] portage r15481 - in main/branches/prefix: bin pym/_emerge pym/portage pym/portage/dbapi pym/portage/package/ebuild pym/portage/util
@ 2010-02-27 19:21 99% Fabian Groffen (grobian)
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 1+ results
From: Fabian Groffen (grobian) @ 2010-02-27 19:21 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

Author: grobian
Date: 2010-02-27 19:21:09 +0000 (Sat, 27 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 15481

   Merged from trunk -r15451:15455

   | 15452    | Move env_update to portage.util.env_update.envupdate.       |
   | zmedico  |                                                             |
   | 15453    | Move ExtractKernelVersion                                   |
   | zmedico  | portage.util.ExtractKernelVersion.                          |
   | 15454    | Move digestgen to portage.util.digestgen.                   |
   | zmedico  |                                                             |
   | 15455    | Define 'long' for Python 3.                                 |
   | arfrever |                                                             |

Modified: main/branches/prefix/bin/repoman
--- main/branches/prefix/bin/repoman	2010-02-27 19:01:26 UTC (rev 15480)
+++ main/branches/prefix/bin/repoman	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
 	green, nocolor, red, turquoise, yellow
 from portage.output import ConsoleStyleFile, StyleWriter
 from portage.util import cmp_sort_key, writemsg_level
+from portage.util.digestgen import digestgen
 if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
 	basestring = str
@@ -1011,7 +1012,7 @@
 				portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend -= 1
 		repoman_settings["O"] = checkdir
-		if not portage.digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb):
+		if not digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb):
 			print("Unable to generate manifest.")
 			dofail = 1
 		if options.mode == "manifest":
@@ -2339,7 +2340,7 @@
 		if repolevel==3:   # In a package dir
 			repoman_settings["O"] = startdir
-			portage.digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb)
+			digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb)
 		elif repolevel==2: # In a category dir
 			for x in myfiles:
@@ -2353,7 +2354,7 @@
 				repoman_settings["O"] = os.path.join(startdir, xs[0])
 				if not os.path.isdir(repoman_settings["O"]):
-				portage.digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb)
+				digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb)
 		elif repolevel==1: # repo-cvsroot
 			print(green("RepoMan sez:"), "\"You're rather crazy... doing the entire repository.\"\n")
 			for x in myfiles:
@@ -2368,7 +2369,7 @@
 				repoman_settings["O"] = os.path.join(startdir, xs[0], xs[1])
 				if not os.path.isdir(repoman_settings["O"]):
-				portage.digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb)
+				digestgen(mysettings=repoman_settings, myportdb=portdb)
 			print(red("I'm confused... I don't know where I am!"))

Modified: main/branches/prefix/pym/_emerge/
--- main/branches/prefix/pym/_emerge/	2010-02-27 19:01:26 UTC (rev 15480)
+++ main/branches/prefix/pym/_emerge/	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from portage.sets import SETPREFIX
 from portage.sets.base import InternalPackageSet
 from portage.util import writemsg, writemsg_level
+from portage.util.digestgen import digestgen
 from _emerge.BinpkgPrefetcher import BinpkgPrefetcher
 from _emerge.Blocker import Blocker
@@ -591,7 +592,7 @@
 			if ebuild_path is None:
 				raise AssertionError("ebuild not found for '%s'" % x.cpv)
 			pkgsettings['O'] = os.path.dirname(ebuild_path)
-			if not portage.digestgen(mysettings=pkgsettings, myportdb=portdb):
+			if not digestgen(mysettings=pkgsettings, myportdb=portdb):
 					"!!! Unable to generate manifest for '%s'.\n" \
 					% x.cpv, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)

Modified: main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/
--- main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/	2010-02-27 19:01:26 UTC (rev 15480)
+++ main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@
 		# which is unavailable.
 		from StringIO import StringIO
-	from time import sleep
-	from itertools import chain
 	import platform
 	import warnings
@@ -121,7 +119,10 @@
 			'pickle_read,pickle_write,stack_dictlist,stack_dicts,' + \
 			'stack_lists,unique_array,varexpand,writedict,writemsg,' + \
+		'portage.util.digestgen:digestgen',
+		'portage.util.env_update:env_update',
+		'portage.util.ExtractKernelVersion:ExtractKernelVersion',
 		'portage.versions:best,catpkgsplit,catsplit,cpv_getkey,' + \
@@ -535,529 +536,6 @@
 	return os.path.normpath(mylink)
-#parse /etc/env.d and generate /etc/profile.env
-def env_update(makelinks=1, target_root=None, prev_mtimes=None, contents=None,
-	env=None, writemsg_level=None):
-	if writemsg_level is None:
-		writemsg_level = portage.util.writemsg_level
-	if target_root is None:
-		global settings
-		target_root = settings["ROOT"]
-	if prev_mtimes is None:
-		global mtimedb
-		prev_mtimes = mtimedb["ldpath"]
-	if env is None:
-		env = os.environ
-	envd_dir = os.path.join(target_root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, "etc", "env.d")
-	portage.util.ensure_dirs(envd_dir, mode=0o755)
-	fns = listdir(envd_dir, EmptyOnError=1)
-	fns.sort()
-	templist = []
-	for x in fns:
-		if len(x) < 3:
-			continue
-		if not x[0].isdigit() or not x[1].isdigit():
-			continue
-		if x.startswith(".") or x.endswith("~") or x.endswith(".bak"):
-			continue
-		templist.append(x)
-	fns = templist
-	del templist
-	space_separated = set(["CONFIG_PROTECT", "CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK"])
-	colon_separated = set(["ADA_INCLUDE_PATH", "ADA_OBJECTS_PATH",
-	config_list = []
-	for x in fns:
-		file_path = os.path.join(envd_dir, x)
-		try:
-			myconfig = getconfig(file_path, expand=False)
-		except portage.exception.ParseError as e:
-			writemsg("!!! '%s'\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
-			del e
-			continue
-		if myconfig is None:
-			# broken symlink or file removed by a concurrent process
-			writemsg("!!! File Not Found: '%s'\n" % file_path, noiselevel=-1)
-			continue
-		config_list.append(myconfig)
-		if "SPACE_SEPARATED" in myconfig:
-			space_separated.update(myconfig["SPACE_SEPARATED"].split())
-			del myconfig["SPACE_SEPARATED"]
-		if "COLON_SEPARATED" in myconfig:
-			colon_separated.update(myconfig["COLON_SEPARATED"].split())
-			del myconfig["COLON_SEPARATED"]
-	env = {}
-	specials = {}
-	for var in space_separated:
-		mylist = []
-		for myconfig in config_list:
-			if var in myconfig:
-				for item in myconfig[var].split():
-					if item and not item in mylist:
-						mylist.append(item)
-				del myconfig[var] # prepare for env.update(myconfig)
-		if mylist:
-			env[var] = " ".join(mylist)
-		specials[var] = mylist
-	for var in colon_separated:
-		mylist = []
-		for myconfig in config_list:
-			if var in myconfig:
-				for item in myconfig[var].split(":"):
-					if item and not item in mylist:
-						mylist.append(item)
-				del myconfig[var] # prepare for env.update(myconfig)
-		if mylist:
-			env[var] = ":".join(mylist)
-		specials[var] = mylist
-	for myconfig in config_list:
-		"""Cumulative variables have already been deleted from myconfig so that
-		they won't be overwritten by this dict.update call."""
-		env.update(myconfig)
-	if EPREFIX == '':
-		sleep_for_mtime_granularity = dolinkingstuff(
-				target_root, specials, prelink_capable,
-				makelinks, contents, prev_mtimes, env)
-	else:
-		sleep_for_mtime_granularity = False
-	writeshellprofile(target_root, env, sleep_for_mtime_granularity)
-def dolinkingstuff(target_root, specials, prelink_capable, makelinks,
-		contents, prev_mtimes, env):
-	# updating this stuff will never work in an offset, other than ROOT
-	# (e.g. not in Prefix), hence the EPREFIX is not taken into account
-	# here since this code should never be triggered on an offset install
-	ldsoconf_path = os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "")
-	try:
-		myld =,
-			encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
-			mode='r', encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace')
-		myldlines=myld.readlines()
-		myld.close()
-		oldld=[]
-		for x in myldlines:
-			#each line has at least one char (a newline)
-			if x[0]=="#":
-				continue
-			oldld.append(x[:-1])
-	except (IOError, OSError) as e:
-		if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-			raise
-		oldld = None
-	ld_cache_update=False
-	newld = specials["LDPATH"]
-	if (oldld!=newld):
- needs updating and ldconfig needs to be run
-		myfd = atomic_ofstream(ldsoconf_path)
-		myfd.write("# autogenerated by env-update; make all changes to\n")
-		myfd.write("# contents of /etc/env.d directory\n")
-		for x in specials["LDPATH"]:
-			myfd.write(x+"\n")
-		myfd.close()
-		ld_cache_update=True
-	# Update prelink.conf if we are prelink-enabled
-	if prelink_capable:
-		newprelink = atomic_ofstream(
-			os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "prelink.conf"))
-		newprelink.write("# prelink.conf autogenerated by env-update; make all changes to\n")
-		newprelink.write("# contents of /etc/env.d directory\n")
-		for x in ["/bin","/sbin","/usr/bin","/usr/sbin","/lib","/usr/lib"]:
-			newprelink.write("-l "+x+"\n");
-		for x in specials["LDPATH"]+specials["PATH"]+specials["PRELINK_PATH"]:
-			if not x:
-				continue
-			if x[-1]!='/':
-				x=x+"/"
-			plmasked=0
-			for y in specials["PRELINK_PATH_MASK"]:
-				if not y:
-					continue
-				if y[-1]!='/':
-					y=y+"/"
-				if y==x[0:len(y)]:
-					plmasked=1
-					break
-			if not plmasked:
-				newprelink.write("-h "+x+"\n")
-		for x in specials["PRELINK_PATH_MASK"]:
-			newprelink.write("-b "+x+"\n")
-		newprelink.close()
-	# Portage stores mtimes with 1 second granularity but in >=python-2.5 finer
-	# granularity is possible.  In order to avoid the potential ambiguity of
-	# mtimes that differ by less than 1 second, sleep here if any of the
-	# directories have been modified during the current second.
-	sleep_for_mtime_granularity = False
-	current_time = long(time.time())
-	mtime_changed = False
-	lib_dirs = set()
-	for lib_dir in portage.util.unique_array(specials["LDPATH"]+['usr/lib','usr/lib64','usr/lib32','lib','lib64','lib32']):
-		x = os.path.join(target_root, lib_dir.lstrip(os.sep))
-		try:
-			newldpathtime = os.stat(x)[stat.ST_MTIME]
-			lib_dirs.add(normalize_path(x))
-		except OSError as oe:
-			if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-				try:
-					del prev_mtimes[x]
-				except KeyError:
-					pass
-				# ignore this path because it doesn't exist
-				continue
-			raise
-		if newldpathtime == current_time:
-			sleep_for_mtime_granularity = True
-		if x in prev_mtimes:
-			if prev_mtimes[x] == newldpathtime:
-				pass
-			else:
-				prev_mtimes[x] = newldpathtime
-				mtime_changed = True
-		else:
-			prev_mtimes[x] = newldpathtime
-			mtime_changed = True
-	if mtime_changed:
-		ld_cache_update = True
-	if makelinks and \
-		not ld_cache_update and \
-		contents is not None:
-		libdir_contents_changed = False
-		for mypath, mydata in contents.items():
-			if mydata[0] not in ("obj","sym"):
-				continue
-			head, tail = os.path.split(mypath)
-			if head in lib_dirs:
-				libdir_contents_changed = True
-				break
-		if not libdir_contents_changed:
-			makelinks = False
-	ldconfig = "/sbin/ldconfig"
-	if "CHOST" in env and "CBUILD" in env and \
-		env["CHOST"] != env["CBUILD"]:
-		from portage.process import find_binary
-		ldconfig = find_binary("%s-ldconfig" % env["CHOST"])
-	# Only run ldconfig as needed
-	if (ld_cache_update or makelinks) and ldconfig:
-		# ldconfig has very different behaviour between FreeBSD and Linux
-		if ostype=="Linux" or ostype.lower().endswith("gnu"):
-			# We can't update links if we haven't cleaned other versions first, as
-			# an older package installed ON TOP of a newer version will cause ldconfig
-			# to overwrite the symlinks we just made. -X means no links. After 'clean'
-			# we can safely create links.
-			writemsg_level(_(">>> Regenerating %setc/\n") % \
-				(target_root,))
-			if makelinks:
-				os.system("cd / ; %s -r '%s'" % (ldconfig, target_root))
-			else:
-				os.system("cd / ; %s -X -r '%s'" % (ldconfig, target_root))
-		elif ostype in ("FreeBSD","DragonFly"):
-			writemsg_level(_(">>> Regenerating %svar/run/\n") % \
-				target_root)
-			os.system(("cd / ; %s -elf -i " + \
-				"-f '%svar/run/' '%setc/'") % \
-				(ldconfig, target_root, target_root))
-	del specials["LDPATH"]
-	return sleep_for_mtime_granularity
-def writeshellprofile(target_root, env, sleep_for_mtime_granularity):
-	penvnotice  = "# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY env-update.\n"
-	cenvnotice  = penvnotice[:]
-	penvnotice += "# GO INTO "+EPREFIX+"/etc/profile NOT "+EPREFIX+"/etc/profile.env\n\n"
-	cenvnotice += "# GO INTO "+EPREFIX+"/etc/csh.cshrc NOT "+EPREFIX+"/etc/csh.env\n\n"
-	#create /etc/profile.env for bash support
-	outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(target_root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, "etc", "profile.env"))
-	outfile.write(penvnotice)
-	env_keys = [ x for x in env if x != "LDPATH" ]
-	env_keys.sort()
-	for k in env_keys:
-		v = env[k]
-		if v.startswith('$') and not v.startswith('${'):
-			outfile.write("export %s=$'%s'\n" % (k, v[1:]))
-		else:
-			outfile.write("export %s='%s'\n" % (k, v))
-	outfile.close()
-	#create /etc/csh.env for (t)csh support
-	outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(target_root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, "etc", "csh.env"))
-	outfile.write(cenvnotice)
-	for x in env_keys:
-		outfile.write("setenv %s '%s'\n" % (x, env[x]))
-	outfile.close()
-	if sleep_for_mtime_granularity:
-		while current_time == long(time.time()):
-			sleep(1)
-def ExtractKernelVersion(base_dir):
-	"""
-	Try to figure out what kernel version we are running
-	@param base_dir: Path to sources (usually /usr/src/linux)
-	@type base_dir: string
-	@rtype: tuple( version[string], error[string])
-	@returns:
-	1. tuple( version[string], error[string])
-	Either version or error is populated (but never both)
-	"""
-	lines = []
-	pathname = os.path.join(base_dir, 'Makefile')
-	try:
-		f =,
-			encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r',
-			encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace')
-	except OSError as details:
-		return (None, str(details))
-	except IOError as details:
-		return (None, str(details))
-	try:
-		for i in range(4):
-			lines.append(f.readline())
-	except OSError as details:
-		return (None, str(details))
-	except IOError as details:
-		return (None, str(details))
-	lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]
-	version = ''
-	#XXX: The following code relies on the ordering of vars within the Makefile
-	for line in lines:
-		# split on the '=' then remove annoying whitespace
-		items = line.split("=")
-		items = [i.strip() for i in items]
-		if items[0] == 'VERSION' or \
-			items[0] == 'PATCHLEVEL':
-			version += items[1]
-			version += "."
-		elif items[0] == 'SUBLEVEL':
-			version += items[1]
-		elif items[0] == 'EXTRAVERSION' and \
-			items[-1] != items[0]:
-			version += items[1]
-	# Grab a list of files named localversion* and sort them
-	localversions = os.listdir(base_dir)
-	for x in range(len(localversions)-1,-1,-1):
-		if localversions[x][:12] != "localversion":
-			del localversions[x]
-	localversions.sort()
-	# Append the contents of each to the version string, stripping ALL whitespace
-	for lv in localversions:
-		version += "".join( " ".join( grabfile( base_dir+ "/" + lv ) ).split() )
-	# Check the .config for a CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and append that too, also stripping whitespace
-	kernelconfig = getconfig(base_dir+"/.config")
-	if kernelconfig and "CONFIG_LOCALVERSION" in kernelconfig:
-		version += "".join(kernelconfig["CONFIG_LOCALVERSION"].split())
-	return (version,None)
-def digestgen(myarchives=None, mysettings=None,
-	overwrite=None, manifestonly=None, myportdb=None):
-	"""
-	Generates a digest file if missing. Fetches files if necessary.
-	NOTE: myarchives and mysettings used to be positional arguments,
-		so their order must be preserved for backward compatibility.
-	@param mysettings: the ebuild config (mysettings["O"] must correspond
-		to the ebuild's parent directory)
-	@type mysettings: config
-	@param myportdb: a portdbapi instance
-	@type myportdb: portdbapi
-	@rtype: int
-	@returns: 1 on success and 0 on failure
-	"""
-	if mysettings is None:
-		raise TypeError("portage.digestgen(): missing" + \
-			" required 'mysettings' parameter")
-	if myportdb is None:
-		warnings.warn("portage.digestgen() called without 'myportdb' parameter",
-			DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-		global portdb
-		myportdb = portdb
-	if overwrite is not None:
-		warnings.warn("portage.digestgen() called with " + \
-			"deprecated 'overwrite' parameter",
-			DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-	if manifestonly is not None:
-		warnings.warn("portage.digestgen() called with " + \
-			"deprecated 'manifestonly' parameter",
-			DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-	global _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend
-	try:
-		_doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend += 1
-		distfiles_map = {}
-		fetchlist_dict = FetchlistDict(mysettings["O"], mysettings, myportdb)
-		for cpv in fetchlist_dict:
-			try:
-				for myfile in fetchlist_dict[cpv]:
-					distfiles_map.setdefault(myfile, []).append(cpv)
-			except portage.exception.InvalidDependString as e:
-				writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
-				del e
-				return 0
-		mytree = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"]))
-		manifest1_compat = False
-		mf = Manifest(mysettings["O"], mysettings["DISTDIR"],
-			fetchlist_dict=fetchlist_dict, manifest1_compat=manifest1_compat)
-		# Don't require all hashes since that can trigger excessive
-		# fetches when sufficient digests already exist.  To ease transition
-		# while Manifest 1 is being removed, only require hashes that will
-		# exist before and after the transition.
-		required_hash_types = set()
-		required_hash_types.add("size")
-		required_hash_types.add(portage.const.MANIFEST2_REQUIRED_HASH)
-		dist_hashes = mf.fhashdict.get("DIST", {})
-		# To avoid accidental regeneration of digests with the incorrect
-		# files (such as partially downloaded files), trigger the fetch
-		# code if the file exists and it's size doesn't match the current
-		# manifest entry. If there really is a legitimate reason for the
-		# digest to change, `ebuild --force digest` can be used to avoid
-		# triggering this code (or else the old digests can be manually
-		# removed from the Manifest).
-		missing_files = []
-		for myfile in distfiles_map:
-			myhashes = dist_hashes.get(myfile)
-			if not myhashes:
-				try:
-					st = os.stat(os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile))
-				except OSError:
-					st = None
-				if st is None or st.st_size == 0:
-					missing_files.append(myfile)
-				continue
-			size = myhashes.get("size")
-			try:
-				st = os.stat(os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile))
-			except OSError as e:
-				if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-					raise
-				del e
-				if size == 0:
-					missing_files.append(myfile)
-					continue
-				if required_hash_types.difference(myhashes):
-					missing_files.append(myfile)
-					continue
-			else:
-				if st.st_size == 0 or size is not None and size != st.st_size:
-					missing_files.append(myfile)
-					continue
-		if missing_files:
-				mytree = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(
-					os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"])))
-				fetch_settings = config(clone=mysettings)
-				debug = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1"
-				for myfile in missing_files:
-					uris = set()
-					for cpv in distfiles_map[myfile]:
-						myebuild = os.path.join(mysettings["O"],
-							catsplit(cpv)[1] + ".ebuild")
-						# for RESTRICT=fetch, mirror, etc...
-						doebuild_environment(myebuild, "fetch",
-							mysettings["ROOT"], fetch_settings,
-							debug, 1, myportdb)
-						uris.update(myportdb.getFetchMap(
-							cpv, mytree=mytree)[myfile])
-					fetch_settings["A"] = myfile # for use by pkg_nofetch()
-					try:
-						st = os.stat(os.path.join(
-							mysettings["DISTDIR"],myfile))
-					except OSError:
-						st = None
-					if not fetch({myfile : uris}, fetch_settings):
-						writemsg(_("!!! Fetch failed for %s, can't update "
-							"Manifest\n") % myfile, noiselevel=-1)
-						if myfile in dist_hashes and \
-							st is not None and st.st_size > 0:
-							# stat result is obtained before calling fetch(),
-							# since fetch may rename the existing file if the
-							# digest does not match.
-							writemsg(_("!!! If you would like to "
-								"forcefully replace the existing "
-								"Manifest entry\n!!! for %s, use "
-								"the following command:\n") % myfile + \
-								"!!!    " + colorize("INFORM",
-								"ebuild --force %s manifest" % \
-								os.path.basename(myebuild)) + "\n",
-								noiselevel=-1)
-						return 0
-		writemsg_stdout(_(">>> Creating Manifest for %s\n") % mysettings["O"])
-		try:
-			mf.create(assumeDistHashesSometimes=True,
-				assumeDistHashesAlways=(
-				"assume-digests" in mysettings.features))
-		except portage.exception.FileNotFound as e:
-			writemsg(_("!!! File %s doesn't exist, can't update "
-				"Manifest\n") % e, noiselevel=-1)
-			return 0
-		except portage.exception.PortagePackageException as e:
-			writemsg(("!!! %s\n") % (e,), noiselevel=-1)
-			return 0
-		try:
-			mf.write(sign=False)
-		except portage.exception.PermissionDenied as e:
-			writemsg(_("!!! Permission Denied: %s\n") % (e,), noiselevel=-1)
-			return 0
-		if "assume-digests" not in mysettings.features:
-			distlist = list(mf.fhashdict.get("DIST", {}))
-			distlist.sort()
-			auto_assumed = []
-			for filename in distlist:
-				if not os.path.exists(
-					os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], filename)):
-					auto_assumed.append(filename)
-			if auto_assumed:
-				mytree = os.path.realpath(
-					os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"])))
-				cp = os.path.sep.join(mysettings["O"].split(os.path.sep)[-2:])
-				pkgs = myportdb.cp_list(cp, mytree=mytree)
-				pkgs.sort()
-				writemsg_stdout("  digest.assumed" + portage.output.colorize("WARN",
-					str(len(auto_assumed)).rjust(18)) + "\n")
-				for pkg_key in pkgs:
-					fetchlist = myportdb.getFetchMap(pkg_key, mytree=mytree)
-					pv = pkg_key.split("/")[1]
-					for filename in auto_assumed:
-						if filename in fetchlist:
-							writemsg_stdout(
-								"   %s::%s\n" % (pv, filename))
-		return 1
-	finally:
-		_doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend -= 1
 def digestParseFile(myfilename, mysettings=None):
 	"""(filename) -- Parses a given file for entries matching:
 	<checksumkey> <checksum_hex_string> <filename> <filesize>

Modified: main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/dbapi/
--- main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/dbapi/	2010-02-27 19:01:26 UTC (rev 15480)
+++ main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/dbapi/	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 		'writemsg,writemsg_level,write_atomic,atomic_ofstream,writedict,' + \
+	'portage.util.env_update:env_update',
 	'portage.versions:best,catpkgsplit,catsplit,cpv_getkey,pkgcmp,' + \
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@
 	FileNotFound, PermissionDenied, UnsupportedAPIException
 from portage.localization import _
-from portage import dep_expand, env_update, \
+from portage import dep_expand, \
 	abssymlink, movefile, _movefile, bsd_chflags
 # This is a special version of the os module, wrapped for unicode support.

Modified: main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/package/ebuild/
--- main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/package/ebuild/	2010-02-27 19:01:26 UTC (rev 15480)
+++ main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/package/ebuild/	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -21,23 +21,35 @@
 import portage
+	'portage.util.digestgen:digestgen',
+	'portage.util.ExtractKernelVersion:ExtractKernelVersion'
-from portage import auxdbkeys, bsd_chflags, dep_check, digestcheck, digestgen, eapi_is_supported, ExtractKernelVersion, merge, os, selinux, StringIO, unmerge, _encodings, _parse_eapi_ebuild_head, _os_merge, _shell_quote, _split_ebuild_name_glep55, _unicode_decode, _unicode_encode
-from import portage_gid, portage_uid, secpass, uid, userpriv_groups
+from portage import auxdbkeys, bsd_chflags, dep_check, digestcheck, \
+	eapi_is_supported, merge, os, selinux, StringIO, \
+	unmerge, _encodings, _parse_eapi_ebuild_head, _os_merge, \
+	_shell_quote, _split_ebuild_name_glep55, _unicode_decode, _unicode_encode
+from portage.const import EBUILD_SH_ENV_FILE, EBUILD_SH_BINARY, \
+from import portage_gid, portage_uid, secpass, \
+	uid, userpriv_groups
 from portage.dbapi.virtual import fakedbapi
-from portage.dep import Atom, paren_enclose, paren_normalize, paren_reduce, use_reduce
+from portage.dep import Atom, paren_enclose, paren_normalize, \
+	paren_reduce, use_reduce
 from portage.elog import elog_process
 from portage.elog.messages import eerror, eqawarn
-from portage.exception import DigestException, FileNotFound, IncorrectParameter, InvalidAtom, InvalidDependString, PermissionDenied, UnsupportedAPIException
+from portage.exception import DigestException, FileNotFound, \
+	IncorrectParameter, InvalidAtom, InvalidDependString, PermissionDenied, \
+	UnsupportedAPIException
 from portage.localization import _
 from portage.manifest import Manifest
 from portage.output import style_to_ansi_code
 from portage.package.ebuild.fetch import fetch
 from portage.package.ebuild.prepare_build_dirs import prepare_build_dirs
 from portage.package.ebuild._pty import _create_pty_or_pipe
-from portage.util import apply_recursive_permissions, apply_secpass_permissions, noiselimit, normalize_path, writemsg, writemsg_stdout, write_atomic
+from portage.util import apply_recursive_permissions, \
+	apply_secpass_permissions, noiselimit, normalize_path, \
+	writemsg, writemsg_stdout, write_atomic
 from portage.versions import _pkgsplit
 def doebuild_environment(myebuild, mydo, myroot, mysettings,

Copied: main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/ (from rev 15455, main/trunk/pym/portage/util/
--- main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/	                        (rev 0)
+++ main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+__all__ = ['ExtractKernelVersion']
+import codecs
+from portage import os, _encodings, _unicode_encode
+from portage.util import getconfig, grabfile
+def ExtractKernelVersion(base_dir):
+	"""
+	Try to figure out what kernel version we are running
+	@param base_dir: Path to sources (usually /usr/src/linux)
+	@type base_dir: string
+	@rtype: tuple( version[string], error[string])
+	@returns:
+	1. tuple( version[string], error[string])
+	Either version or error is populated (but never both)
+	"""
+	lines = []
+	pathname = os.path.join(base_dir, 'Makefile')
+	try:
+		f =,
+			encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r',
+			encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace')
+	except OSError as details:
+		return (None, str(details))
+	except IOError as details:
+		return (None, str(details))
+	try:
+		for i in range(4):
+			lines.append(f.readline())
+	except OSError as details:
+		return (None, str(details))
+	except IOError as details:
+		return (None, str(details))
+	lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]
+	version = ''
+	#XXX: The following code relies on the ordering of vars within the Makefile
+	for line in lines:
+		# split on the '=' then remove annoying whitespace
+		items = line.split("=")
+		items = [i.strip() for i in items]
+		if items[0] == 'VERSION' or \
+			items[0] == 'PATCHLEVEL':
+			version += items[1]
+			version += "."
+		elif items[0] == 'SUBLEVEL':
+			version += items[1]
+		elif items[0] == 'EXTRAVERSION' and \
+			items[-1] != items[0]:
+			version += items[1]
+	# Grab a list of files named localversion* and sort them
+	localversions = os.listdir(base_dir)
+	for x in range(len(localversions)-1,-1,-1):
+		if localversions[x][:12] != "localversion":
+			del localversions[x]
+	localversions.sort()
+	# Append the contents of each to the version string, stripping ALL whitespace
+	for lv in localversions:
+		version += "".join( " ".join( grabfile( base_dir+ "/" + lv ) ).split() )
+	# Check the .config for a CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and append that too, also stripping whitespace
+	kernelconfig = getconfig(base_dir+"/.config")
+	if kernelconfig and "CONFIG_LOCALVERSION" in kernelconfig:
+		version += "".join(kernelconfig["CONFIG_LOCALVERSION"].split())
+	return (version,None)

Copied: main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/ (from rev 15455, main/trunk/pym/portage/util/
--- main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/	                        (rev 0)
+++ main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+__all__ = ['digestgen']
+import errno
+import warnings
+import portage
+	'portage.package.ebuild.doebuild:doebuild_environment',
+from portage import os
+from portage.const import MANIFEST2_REQUIRED_HASH
+from portage.dbapi.porttree import FetchlistDict
+from portage.exception import InvalidDependString, FileNotFound, \
+	PermissionDenied, PortagePackageException
+from portage.localization import _
+from portage.manifest import Manifest
+from portage.output import colorize
+from portage.package.ebuild.config import config
+from portage.package.ebuild.fetch import fetch
+from portage.util import writemsg, writemsg_stdout
+from portage.versions import catsplit
+def digestgen(myarchives=None, mysettings=None,
+	overwrite=None, manifestonly=None, myportdb=None):
+	"""
+	Generates a digest file if missing. Fetches files if necessary.
+	NOTE: myarchives and mysettings used to be positional arguments,
+		so their order must be preserved for backward compatibility.
+	@param mysettings: the ebuild config (mysettings["O"] must correspond
+		to the ebuild's parent directory)
+	@type mysettings: config
+	@param myportdb: a portdbapi instance
+	@type myportdb: portdbapi
+	@rtype: int
+	@returns: 1 on success and 0 on failure
+	"""
+	if mysettings is None:
+		raise TypeError("portage.digestgen(): missing" + \
+			" required 'mysettings' parameter")
+	if myportdb is None:
+		warnings.warn("portage.digestgen() called without 'myportdb' parameter",
+			DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+		myportdb = portage.portdb
+	if overwrite is not None:
+		warnings.warn("portage.digestgen() called with " + \
+			"deprecated 'overwrite' parameter",
+			DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+	if manifestonly is not None:
+		warnings.warn("portage.digestgen() called with " + \
+			"deprecated 'manifestonly' parameter",
+			DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+	try:
+		portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend += 1
+		distfiles_map = {}
+		fetchlist_dict = FetchlistDict(mysettings["O"], mysettings, myportdb)
+		for cpv in fetchlist_dict:
+			try:
+				for myfile in fetchlist_dict[cpv]:
+					distfiles_map.setdefault(myfile, []).append(cpv)
+			except InvalidDependString as e:
+				writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+				del e
+				return 0
+		mytree = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"]))
+		manifest1_compat = False
+		mf = Manifest(mysettings["O"], mysettings["DISTDIR"],
+			fetchlist_dict=fetchlist_dict, manifest1_compat=manifest1_compat)
+		# Don't require all hashes since that can trigger excessive
+		# fetches when sufficient digests already exist.  To ease transition
+		# while Manifest 1 is being removed, only require hashes that will
+		# exist before and after the transition.
+		required_hash_types = set()
+		required_hash_types.add("size")
+		required_hash_types.add(MANIFEST2_REQUIRED_HASH)
+		dist_hashes = mf.fhashdict.get("DIST", {})
+		# To avoid accidental regeneration of digests with the incorrect
+		# files (such as partially downloaded files), trigger the fetch
+		# code if the file exists and it's size doesn't match the current
+		# manifest entry. If there really is a legitimate reason for the
+		# digest to change, `ebuild --force digest` can be used to avoid
+		# triggering this code (or else the old digests can be manually
+		# removed from the Manifest).
+		missing_files = []
+		for myfile in distfiles_map:
+			myhashes = dist_hashes.get(myfile)
+			if not myhashes:
+				try:
+					st = os.stat(os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile))
+				except OSError:
+					st = None
+				if st is None or st.st_size == 0:
+					missing_files.append(myfile)
+				continue
+			size = myhashes.get("size")
+			try:
+				st = os.stat(os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile))
+			except OSError as e:
+				if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+					raise
+				del e
+				if size == 0:
+					missing_files.append(myfile)
+					continue
+				if required_hash_types.difference(myhashes):
+					missing_files.append(myfile)
+					continue
+			else:
+				if st.st_size == 0 or size is not None and size != st.st_size:
+					missing_files.append(myfile)
+					continue
+		if missing_files:
+				mytree = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(
+					os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"])))
+				fetch_settings = config(clone=mysettings)
+				debug = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1"
+				for myfile in missing_files:
+					uris = set()
+					for cpv in distfiles_map[myfile]:
+						myebuild = os.path.join(mysettings["O"],
+							catsplit(cpv)[1] + ".ebuild")
+						# for RESTRICT=fetch, mirror, etc...
+						doebuild_environment(myebuild, "fetch",
+							mysettings["ROOT"], fetch_settings,
+							debug, 1, myportdb)
+						uris.update(myportdb.getFetchMap(
+							cpv, mytree=mytree)[myfile])
+					fetch_settings["A"] = myfile # for use by pkg_nofetch()
+					try:
+						st = os.stat(os.path.join(
+							mysettings["DISTDIR"],myfile))
+					except OSError:
+						st = None
+					if not fetch({myfile : uris}, fetch_settings):
+						writemsg(_("!!! Fetch failed for %s, can't update "
+							"Manifest\n") % myfile, noiselevel=-1)
+						if myfile in dist_hashes and \
+							st is not None and st.st_size > 0:
+							# stat result is obtained before calling fetch(),
+							# since fetch may rename the existing file if the
+							# digest does not match.
+							writemsg(_("!!! If you would like to "
+								"forcefully replace the existing "
+								"Manifest entry\n!!! for %s, use "
+								"the following command:\n") % myfile + \
+								"!!!    " + colorize("INFORM",
+								"ebuild --force %s manifest" % \
+								os.path.basename(myebuild)) + "\n",
+								noiselevel=-1)
+						return 0
+		writemsg_stdout(_(">>> Creating Manifest for %s\n") % mysettings["O"])
+		try:
+			mf.create(assumeDistHashesSometimes=True,
+				assumeDistHashesAlways=(
+				"assume-digests" in mysettings.features))
+		except FileNotFound as e:
+			writemsg(_("!!! File %s doesn't exist, can't update "
+				"Manifest\n") % e, noiselevel=-1)
+			return 0
+		except PortagePackageException as e:
+			writemsg(("!!! %s\n") % (e,), noiselevel=-1)
+			return 0
+		try:
+			mf.write(sign=False)
+		except PermissionDenied as e:
+			writemsg(_("!!! Permission Denied: %s\n") % (e,), noiselevel=-1)
+			return 0
+		if "assume-digests" not in mysettings.features:
+			distlist = list(mf.fhashdict.get("DIST", {}))
+			distlist.sort()
+			auto_assumed = []
+			for filename in distlist:
+				if not os.path.exists(
+					os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], filename)):
+					auto_assumed.append(filename)
+			if auto_assumed:
+				mytree = os.path.realpath(
+					os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"])))
+				cp = os.path.sep.join(mysettings["O"].split(os.path.sep)[-2:])
+				pkgs = myportdb.cp_list(cp, mytree=mytree)
+				pkgs.sort()
+				writemsg_stdout("  digest.assumed" + colorize("WARN",
+					str(len(auto_assumed)).rjust(18)) + "\n")
+				for pkg_key in pkgs:
+					fetchlist = myportdb.getFetchMap(pkg_key, mytree=mytree)
+					pv = pkg_key.split("/")[1]
+					for filename in auto_assumed:
+						if filename in fetchlist:
+							writemsg_stdout(
+								"   %s::%s\n" % (pv, filename))
+		return 1
+	finally:
+		portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend -= 1

Copied: main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/ (from rev 15455, main/trunk/pym/portage/util/
--- main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/	                        (rev 0)
+++ main/branches/prefix/pym/portage/util/	2010-02-27 19:21:09 UTC (rev 15481)
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+__all__ = ['env_update']
+import codecs
+import errno
+import stat
+import sys
+import time
+import portage
+from portage import os, _encodings, _unicode_encode
+from portage.checksum import prelink_capable
+from import ostype
+from portage.exception import ParseError
+from portage.localization import _
+from portage.process import find_binary
+from portage.util import atomic_ofstream, ensure_dirs, getconfig, \
+	normalize_path, writemsg
+from portage.util.listdir import listdir
+if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
+	long = int
+def env_update(makelinks=1, target_root=None, prev_mtimes=None, contents=None,
+	env=None, writemsg_level=None):
+	"""
+	Parse /etc/env.d and use it to generate /etc/profile.env, csh.env,
+, and prelink.conf. Finally, run ldconfig.
+	"""
+	if writemsg_level is None:
+		writemsg_level = portage.util.writemsg_level
+	if target_root is None:
+		target_root = portage.settings["ROOT"]
+	if prev_mtimes is None:
+		prev_mtimes = portage.mtimedb["ldpath"]
+	if env is None:
+		env = os.environ
+	envd_dir = os.path.join(target_root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, "etc", "env.d")
+	ensure_dirs(envd_dir, mode=0o755)
+	fns = listdir(envd_dir, EmptyOnError=1)
+	fns.sort()
+	templist = []
+	for x in fns:
+		if len(x) < 3:
+			continue
+		if not x[0].isdigit() or not x[1].isdigit():
+			continue
+		if x.startswith(".") or x.endswith("~") or x.endswith(".bak"):
+			continue
+		templist.append(x)
+	fns = templist
+	del templist
+	space_separated = set(["CONFIG_PROTECT", "CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK"])
+	colon_separated = set(["ADA_INCLUDE_PATH", "ADA_OBJECTS_PATH",
+	config_list = []
+	for x in fns:
+		file_path = os.path.join(envd_dir, x)
+		try:
+			myconfig = getconfig(file_path, expand=False)
+		except ParseError as e:
+			writemsg("!!! '%s'\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+			del e
+			continue
+		if myconfig is None:
+			# broken symlink or file removed by a concurrent process
+			writemsg("!!! File Not Found: '%s'\n" % file_path, noiselevel=-1)
+			continue
+		config_list.append(myconfig)
+		if "SPACE_SEPARATED" in myconfig:
+			space_separated.update(myconfig["SPACE_SEPARATED"].split())
+			del myconfig["SPACE_SEPARATED"]
+		if "COLON_SEPARATED" in myconfig:
+			colon_separated.update(myconfig["COLON_SEPARATED"].split())
+			del myconfig["COLON_SEPARATED"]
+	env = {}
+	specials = {}
+	for var in space_separated:
+		mylist = []
+		for myconfig in config_list:
+			if var in myconfig:
+				for item in myconfig[var].split():
+					if item and not item in mylist:
+						mylist.append(item)
+				del myconfig[var] # prepare for env.update(myconfig)
+		if mylist:
+			env[var] = " ".join(mylist)
+		specials[var] = mylist
+	for var in colon_separated:
+		mylist = []
+		for myconfig in config_list:
+			if var in myconfig:
+				for item in myconfig[var].split(":"):
+					if item and not item in mylist:
+						mylist.append(item)
+				del myconfig[var] # prepare for env.update(myconfig)
+		if mylist:
+			env[var] = ":".join(mylist)
+		specials[var] = mylist
+	for myconfig in config_list:
+		"""Cumulative variables have already been deleted from myconfig so that
+		they won't be overwritten by this dict.update call."""
+		env.update(myconfig)
+	if EPREFIX == '':
+		sleep_for_mtime_granularity = dolinkingstuff(
+				target_root, specials, prelink_capable,
+				makelinks, contents, prev_mtimes, env)
+	else:
+		sleep_for_mtime_granularity = False
+	writeshellprofile(target_root, env, sleep_for_mtime_granularity)
+def dolinkingstuff(target_root, specials, prelink_capable, makelinks,
+		contents, prev_mtimes, env):
+	# updating this stuff will never work in an offset, other than ROOT
+	# (e.g. not in Prefix), hence the EPREFIX is not taken into account
+	# here since this code should never be triggered on an offset install
+	ldsoconf_path = os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "")
+	try:
+		myld =,
+			encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
+			mode='r', encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace')
+		myldlines=myld.readlines()
+		myld.close()
+		oldld=[]
+		for x in myldlines:
+			#each line has at least one char (a newline)
+			if x[:1] == "#":
+				continue
+			oldld.append(x[:-1])
+	except (IOError, OSError) as e:
+		if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+			raise
+		oldld = None
+	ld_cache_update=False
+	newld = specials["LDPATH"]
+	if (oldld != newld):
+ needs updating and ldconfig needs to be run
+		myfd = atomic_ofstream(ldsoconf_path)
+		myfd.write("# autogenerated by env-update; make all changes to\n")
+		myfd.write("# contents of /etc/env.d directory\n")
+		for x in specials["LDPATH"]:
+			myfd.write(x + "\n")
+		myfd.close()
+		ld_cache_update=True
+	# Update prelink.conf if we are prelink-enabled
+	if prelink_capable:
+		newprelink = atomic_ofstream(
+			os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "prelink.conf"))
+		newprelink.write("# prelink.conf autogenerated by env-update; make all changes to\n")
+		newprelink.write("# contents of /etc/env.d directory\n")
+		for x in ["/bin","/sbin","/usr/bin","/usr/sbin","/lib","/usr/lib"]:
+			newprelink.write("-l %s\n" % (x,));
+		prelink_paths = []
+		prelink_paths += specials.get("LDPATH", [])
+		prelink_paths += specials.get("PATH", [])
+		prelink_paths += specials.get("PRELINK_PATH", [])
+		prelink_path_mask = specials.get("PRELINK_PATH_MASK", [])
+		for x in prelink_paths:
+			if not x:
+				continue
+			if x[-1:] != '/':
+				x += "/"
+			plmasked = 0
+			for y in prelink_path_mask:
+				if not y:
+					continue
+				if y[-1] != '/':
+					y += "/"
+				if y == x[0:len(y)]:
+					plmasked = 1
+					break
+			if not plmasked:
+				newprelink.write("-h %s\n" % (x,))
+		for x in prelink_path_mask:
+			newprelink.write("-b %s\n" % (x,))
+		newprelink.close()
+	# Portage stores mtimes with 1 second granularity but in >=python-2.5 finer
+	# granularity is possible.  In order to avoid the potential ambiguity of
+	# mtimes that differ by less than 1 second, sleep here if any of the
+	# directories have been modified during the current second.
+	sleep_for_mtime_granularity = False
+	current_time = long(time.time())
+	mtime_changed = False
+	lib_dirs = set()
+	for lib_dir in set(specials["LDPATH"] + \
+		['usr/lib','usr/lib64','usr/lib32','lib','lib64','lib32']):
+		x = os.path.join(target_root, lib_dir.lstrip(os.sep))
+		try:
+			newldpathtime = os.stat(x)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+			lib_dirs.add(normalize_path(x))
+		except OSError as oe:
+			if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+				try:
+					del prev_mtimes[x]
+				except KeyError:
+					pass
+				# ignore this path because it doesn't exist
+				continue
+			raise
+		if newldpathtime == current_time:
+			sleep_for_mtime_granularity = True
+		if x in prev_mtimes:
+			if prev_mtimes[x] == newldpathtime:
+				pass
+			else:
+				prev_mtimes[x] = newldpathtime
+				mtime_changed = True
+		else:
+			prev_mtimes[x] = newldpathtime
+			mtime_changed = True
+	if mtime_changed:
+		ld_cache_update = True
+	if makelinks and \
+		not ld_cache_update and \
+		contents is not None:
+		libdir_contents_changed = False
+		for mypath, mydata in contents.items():
+			if mydata[0] not in ("obj", "sym"):
+				continue
+			head, tail = os.path.split(mypath)
+			if head in lib_dirs:
+				libdir_contents_changed = True
+				break
+		if not libdir_contents_changed:
+			makelinks = False
+	ldconfig = "/sbin/ldconfig"
+	if "CHOST" in env and "CBUILD" in env and \
+		env["CHOST"] != env["CBUILD"]:
+		ldconfig = find_binary("%s-ldconfig" % env["CHOST"])
+	# Only run ldconfig as needed
+	if (ld_cache_update or makelinks) and ldconfig:
+		# ldconfig has very different behaviour between FreeBSD and Linux
+		if ostype == "Linux" or ostype.lower().endswith("gnu"):
+			# We can't update links if we haven't cleaned other versions first, as
+			# an older package installed ON TOP of a newer version will cause ldconfig
+			# to overwrite the symlinks we just made. -X means no links. After 'clean'
+			# we can safely create links.
+			writemsg_level(_(">>> Regenerating %setc/\n") % \
+				(target_root,))
+			if makelinks:
+				os.system("cd / ; %s -r '%s'" % (ldconfig, target_root))
+			else:
+				os.system("cd / ; %s -X -r '%s'" % (ldconfig, target_root))
+		elif ostype in ("FreeBSD","DragonFly"):
+			writemsg_level(_(">>> Regenerating %svar/run/\n") % \
+				target_root)
+			os.system(("cd / ; %s -elf -i " + \
+				"-f '%svar/run/' '%setc/'") % \
+				(ldconfig, target_root, target_root))
+	del specials["LDPATH"]
+	return sleep_for_mtime_granularity
+def writeshellprofile(target_root, env, sleep_for_mtime_granularity):
+	penvnotice  = "# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY env-update.\n"
+	cenvnotice  = penvnotice[:]
+	penvnotice += "# GO INTO " + EPREFIX + "/etc/profile NOT /etc/profile.env\n\n"
+	cenvnotice += "# GO INTO " + EPREFIX + "/etc/csh.cshrc NOT /etc/csh.env\n\n"
+	#create /etc/profile.env for bash support
+	outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(target_root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, "etc", "profile.env"))
+	outfile.write(penvnotice)
+	env_keys = [ x for x in env if x != "LDPATH" ]
+	env_keys.sort()
+	for k in env_keys:
+		v = env[k]
+		if v.startswith('$') and not v.startswith('${'):
+			outfile.write("export %s=$'%s'\n" % (k, v[1:]))
+		else:
+			outfile.write("export %s='%s'\n" % (k, v))
+	outfile.close()
+	#create /etc/csh.env for (t)csh support
+	outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(target_root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, "etc", "csh.env"))
+	outfile.write(cenvnotice)
+	for x in env_keys:
+		outfile.write("setenv %s '%s'\n" % (x, env[x]))
+	outfile.close()
+	if sleep_for_mtime_granularity:
+		while current_time == long(time.time()):
+			time.sleep(1)

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2010-02-27 19:21 99% [gentoo-commits] portage r15481 - in main/branches/prefix: bin pym/_emerge pym/portage pym/portage/dbapi pym/portage/package/ebuild pym/portage/util Fabian Groffen (grobian)

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