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* [gentoo-commits] proj/dotnet:master commit in: dev-lang/mono/
@ 2016-07-29 20:14 99% Mikhail Pukhlikov
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 1+ results
From: Mikhail Pukhlikov @ 2016-07-29 20:14 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     bcd0024e14192d6ad129cd9628ec98234a15388a
Author:     Mikhail Pukhlikov <cynede <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Jul 29 20:13:00 2016 +0000
Commit:     Mikhail Pukhlikov <cynede <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Jul 29 20:13:00 2016 +0000

dev-lang/mono support moved to tree

for later PRs/improvements you can:
 - re-create package from tree here with improvements and PR
 - PR to gentoo repository and mention me in PR message

 dev-lang/mono/mono-3.12.1.ebuild    | 128 ------------------------------------
 dev-lang/mono/mono-  | 116 --------------------------------
 dev-lang/mono/mono- | 118 ---------------------------------
 dev-lang/mono/mono- | 120 ---------------------------------
 dev-lang/mono/mono-  | 120 ---------------------------------
 dev-lang/mono/mono-   | 120 ---------------------------------
 6 files changed, 722 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-lang/mono/mono-3.12.1.ebuild b/dev-lang/mono/mono-3.12.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 67d16dc..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/mono/mono-3.12.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils linux-info mono-env flag-o-matic pax-utils autotools-utils
-DESCRIPTION="Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter"
-LICENSE="MIT LGPL-2.1 GPL-2 BSD-4 NPL-1.1 Ms-PL GPL-2-with-linking-exception IDPL"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-IUSE="nls minimal pax_kernel xen doc debug"
-	!minimal? ( >=dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-2.10 )
-	ia64? (	sys-libs/libunwind )
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
-	|| ( www-client/links www-client/lynx )
-	sys-devel/bc
-	virtual/yacc
-	pax_kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )
-pkg_pretend() {
-	# If CONFIG_SYSVIPC is not set in your kernel .config, mono will hang while compiling.
-	# See for more info."
-	use kernel_linux && check_extra_config
-pkg_setup() {
-	linux-info_pkg_setup
-	mono-env_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
-	# we need to sed in the paxctl-ng -mr in the runtime/ so it don't
-	# get killed in the build proces when MPROTECT is enable. #286280
-	# RANDMMAP kill the build proces to #347365
-	# use to get PT/XT logic #532244
-	if use pax_kernel ; then
-		ewarn "We are disabling MPROTECT on the mono binary."
-		# issue 9 :
-		sed '/exec "/ i\ -mr "$r/@mono_runtime@"' -i "${S}"/runtime/ || die "Failed to sed"
-	fi
-	# mono build system can fail otherwise
-	strip-flags
-	# Remove this at your own peril. Mono will barf in unexpected ways.
-	append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
-	autotools-utils_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
-	# NOTE: We need the static libs for now so mono-debugger works.
-	# See for details
-	#
-	# --without-moonlight since www-plugins/moonlight is not the only one
-	# using mono:
-	#
-	# --with-profile4 needs to be always enabled since it's used by default
-	# and, otherwise, problems like bug #340641 appear.
-	#
-	# sgen fails on ppc, bug #359515
-	local myeconfargs=(
-		--enable-system-aot=yes
-		--enable-static
-		--disable-quiet-build
-		--without-moonlight
-		--with-libgdiplus=$(usex minimal no installed)
-		$(use_with xen xen_opt)
-		--without-ikvm-native
-		--with-jit
-		--disable-dtrace
-		--with-profile4
-		--with-sgen=$(usex ppc no yes)
-		$(use_with doc mcs-docs)
-		$(use_enable debug)
-		$(use_enable nls)
-	)
-	autotools-utils_src_configure
-	# FIX for uncompilable 3.4.0 sources
-	FF="${WORKDIR}/mono-3.4.0/mcs/tools/xbuild/targets/Microsoft.Portable.Common.targets"
-	rm -f $FF
-	touch $FF
-	echo '<Project xmlns="">' >> $FF
-	echo '    <Import Project="..\\Microsoft.Portable.Core.props" />' >> $FF
-	echo '    <Import Project="..\\Microsoft.Portable.Core.targets" />' >> $FF
-	echo '</Project>' >> $FF
-src_compile() {
-	nonfatal autotools-utils_src_compile || {
-		eqawarn "maintainer of this ebuild has no idea why it fails. If you happen to know how to fix it - please let me know"
-		autotools-utils_src_compile
-	 }
-src_test() {
-	cd mcs/tests || die
-	emake check
-src_install() {
-	autotools-utils_src_install
-	# Remove files not respecting LDFLAGS and that we are not supposed to provide, see Fedora
-	# mono.spec and
-	# for reference.
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die

diff --git a/dev-lang/mono/mono- b/dev-lang/mono/mono-
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db98fc..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/mono/mono-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils linux-info mono-env flag-o-matic pax-utils autotools-utils versionator
-DESCRIPTION="Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter"
-LICENSE="MIT LGPL-2.1 GPL-2 BSD-4 NPL-1.1 Ms-PL GPL-2-with-linking-exception IDPL"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-IUSE="nls minimal pax_kernel xen doc"
-	!minimal? ( >=dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-2.10 )
-	ia64? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
-	|| ( www-client/links www-client/lynx )
-	sys-devel/bc
-	virtual/yacc
-	pax_kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )
-	!dev-lang/mono-basic
-MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" #nowarn
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(get_version_component_range 1-3)"
-pkg_pretend() {
-	# If CONFIG_SYSVIPC is not set in your kernel .config, mono will hang while compiling.
-	# See for more info."
-	use kernel_linux && check_extra_config
-pkg_setup() {
-	linux-info_pkg_setup
-	mono-env_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
-	# we need to sed in the paxctl-ng -mr in the runtime/ so it don't
-	# get killed in the build proces when MPROTECT is enable. #286280
-	# RANDMMAP kill the build proces to #347365
-	# use to get PT/XT logic #532244
-	if use pax_kernel ; then
-		ewarn "We are disabling MPROTECT on the mono binary."
-		# issue 9 :
-		sed '/exec "/ i\ -mr "$r/@mono_runtime@"' -i "${S}"/runtime/ || die "Failed to sed"
-	fi
-	# mono build system can fail otherwise
-	strip-flags
-	# Fix VB targets
-	#
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/add_missing_vb_portable_targets.patch"
-	# Fix build when sgen disabled
-	#
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# Fix atomic_add_i4 support for 32-bit ppc
-	#^...8f379f0c8f98493180b508b9e68b9aa76c0c5bdf
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/systemweb3.patch"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-GitExtensions-issue-2710-another-resolution.patch"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-bug36724.patch"
-	autotools-utils_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
-	local myeconfargs=(
-		--disable-silent-rules
-		$(use_with xen xen_opt)
-		--without-ikvm-native
-		--disable-dtrace
-		$(use_with doc mcs-docs)
-		$(use_enable nls)
-	)
-	autotools-utils_src_configure
-src_compile() {
-	autotools-utils_src_compile
-src_test() {
-	cd mcs/tests || die
-	emake check
-src_install() {
-	autotools-utils_src_install
-	# Remove files not respecting LDFLAGS and that we are not supposed to provide, see Fedora
-	# mono.spec and
-	# for reference.
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die

diff --git a/dev-lang/mono/mono- b/dev-lang/mono/mono-
deleted file mode 100644
index 6664573..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/mono/mono-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils linux-info mono-env flag-o-matic pax-utils autotools-utils versionator
-DESCRIPTION="Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter"
-LICENSE="MIT LGPL-2.1 GPL-2 BSD-4 NPL-1.1 Ms-PL GPL-2-with-linking-exception IDPL"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-IUSE="nls minimal pax_kernel xen doc"
-	!minimal? ( >=dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-2.10 )
-	ia64? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
-	|| ( www-client/links www-client/lynx )
-	sys-devel/bc
-	virtual/yacc
-	pax_kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )
-	!dev-lang/mono-basic
-MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" #nowarn
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(get_version_component_range 1-3)"
-pkg_pretend() {
-	# If CONFIG_SYSVIPC is not set in your kernel .config, mono will hang while compiling.
-	# See for more info."
-	use kernel_linux && check_extra_config
-pkg_setup() {
-	linux-info_pkg_setup
-	mono-env_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
-	# we need to sed in the paxctl-ng -mr in the runtime/ so it don't
-	# get killed in the build proces when MPROTECT is enable. #286280
-	# RANDMMAP kill the build proces to #347365
-	# use to get PT/XT logic #532244
-	if use pax_kernel ; then
-		ewarn "We are disabling MPROTECT on the mono binary."
-		# issue 9 :
-		sed '/exec "/ i\ -mr "$r/@mono_runtime@"' -i "${S}"/runtime/ || die "Failed to sed"
-	fi
-	# mono build system can fail otherwise
-	strip-flags
-	# Fix VB targets
-	#
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/add_missing_vb_portable_targets.patch"
-	# Fix build when sgen disabled
-	#
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	# Fix atomic_add_i4 support for 32-bit ppc
-	#^...8f379f0c8f98493180b508b9e68b9aa76c0c5bdf
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/systemweb3.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-GitExtensions-issue-2710-another-resolution.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-bug36724.patch"
-	autotools-utils_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
-	local myeconfargs=(
-		--disable-silent-rules
-		$(use_with xen xen_opt)
-		--without-ikvm-native
-		--disable-dtrace
-		$(use_with doc mcs-docs)
-		$(use_enable nls)
-	)
-	autotools-utils_src_configure
-src_compile() {
-	autotools-utils_src_compile
-src_test() {
-	cd mcs/tests || die
-	emake check
-src_install() {
-	autotools-utils_src_install
-	# Remove files not respecting LDFLAGS and that we are not supposed to provide, see Fedora
-	# mono.spec and
-	# for reference.
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die

diff --git a/dev-lang/mono/mono- b/dev-lang/mono/mono-
deleted file mode 100644
index be546cf..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/mono/mono-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils linux-info mono-env flag-o-matic pax-utils versionator
-DESCRIPTION="Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter"
-LICENSE="MIT LGPL-2.1 GPL-2 BSD-4 NPL-1.1 Ms-PL GPL-2-with-linking-exception IDPL"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-IUSE="nls minimal pax_kernel xen doc"
-	!minimal? ( >=dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-2.10 )
-	ia64? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
-	|| ( www-client/links www-client/lynx )
-	sys-devel/bc
-	virtual/yacc
-	pax_kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )
-	!dev-lang/mono-basic
-MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" #nowarn
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(get_version_component_range 1-3)"
-pkg_pretend() {
-	#
-	# If CONFIG_SYSVIPC is not set in your kernel .config, mono will hang while compiling.
-	# See for more info."
-	use kernel_linux && check_extra_config
-pkg_setup() {
-	linux-info_pkg_setup
-	mono-env_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
-	# we need to sed in the paxctl-ng -mr in the runtime/ so it don't
-	# get killed in the build proces when MPROTECT is enable. #286280
-	# RANDMMAP kill the build proces to #347365
-	# use to get PT/XT logic #532244
-	if use pax_kernel ; then
-		ewarn "We are disabling MPROTECT on the mono binary."
-		# issue 9 :
-		sed '/exec "/ i\ -mr "$r/@mono_runtime@"' -i "${S}"/runtime/ || die "Failed to sed"
-	fi
-	# mono build system can fail otherwise
-	strip-flags
-	# Fix VB targets
-	#
-	#eapply "${FILESDIR}/add_missing_vb_portable_targets.patch"
-	# Fix build when sgen disabled
-	#
-	#eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	# Fix atomic_add_i4 support for 32-bit ppc
-	#^...8f379f0c8f98493180b508b9e68b9aa76c0c5bdf
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/systemweb3.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-GitExtensions-issue-2710-another-resolution.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-bug36724.patch"
-	default_src_prepare
-	#eapply_user
-src_configure() {
-	local myeconfargs=(
-		--disable-silent-rules
-		$(use_with xen xen_opt)
-		--without-ikvm-native
-		--disable-dtrace
-		$(use_with doc mcs-docs)
-		$(use_enable nls)
-	)
-	default_src_configure
-src_compile() {
-	default_src_compile
-src_test() {
-	cd mcs/tests || die
-	emake check
-src_install() {
-	default_src_install
-	# Remove files not respecting LDFLAGS and that we are not supposed to provide, see Fedora
-	# mono.spec and
-	# for reference.
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die

diff --git a/dev-lang/mono/mono- b/dev-lang/mono/mono-
deleted file mode 100644
index be546cf..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/mono/mono-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils linux-info mono-env flag-o-matic pax-utils versionator
-DESCRIPTION="Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter"
-LICENSE="MIT LGPL-2.1 GPL-2 BSD-4 NPL-1.1 Ms-PL GPL-2-with-linking-exception IDPL"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-IUSE="nls minimal pax_kernel xen doc"
-	!minimal? ( >=dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-2.10 )
-	ia64? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
-	|| ( www-client/links www-client/lynx )
-	sys-devel/bc
-	virtual/yacc
-	pax_kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )
-	!dev-lang/mono-basic
-MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" #nowarn
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(get_version_component_range 1-3)"
-pkg_pretend() {
-	#
-	# If CONFIG_SYSVIPC is not set in your kernel .config, mono will hang while compiling.
-	# See for more info."
-	use kernel_linux && check_extra_config
-pkg_setup() {
-	linux-info_pkg_setup
-	mono-env_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
-	# we need to sed in the paxctl-ng -mr in the runtime/ so it don't
-	# get killed in the build proces when MPROTECT is enable. #286280
-	# RANDMMAP kill the build proces to #347365
-	# use to get PT/XT logic #532244
-	if use pax_kernel ; then
-		ewarn "We are disabling MPROTECT on the mono binary."
-		# issue 9 :
-		sed '/exec "/ i\ -mr "$r/@mono_runtime@"' -i "${S}"/runtime/ || die "Failed to sed"
-	fi
-	# mono build system can fail otherwise
-	strip-flags
-	# Fix VB targets
-	#
-	#eapply "${FILESDIR}/add_missing_vb_portable_targets.patch"
-	# Fix build when sgen disabled
-	#
-	#eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	# Fix atomic_add_i4 support for 32-bit ppc
-	#^...8f379f0c8f98493180b508b9e68b9aa76c0c5bdf
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/systemweb3.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-GitExtensions-issue-2710-another-resolution.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-bug36724.patch"
-	default_src_prepare
-	#eapply_user
-src_configure() {
-	local myeconfargs=(
-		--disable-silent-rules
-		$(use_with xen xen_opt)
-		--without-ikvm-native
-		--disable-dtrace
-		$(use_with doc mcs-docs)
-		$(use_enable nls)
-	)
-	default_src_configure
-src_compile() {
-	default_src_compile
-src_test() {
-	cd mcs/tests || die
-	emake check
-src_install() {
-	default_src_install
-	# Remove files not respecting LDFLAGS and that we are not supposed to provide, see Fedora
-	# mono.spec and
-	# for reference.
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die

diff --git a/dev-lang/mono/mono- b/dev-lang/mono/mono-
deleted file mode 100644
index be546cf..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/mono/mono-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils linux-info mono-env flag-o-matic pax-utils versionator
-DESCRIPTION="Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter"
-LICENSE="MIT LGPL-2.1 GPL-2 BSD-4 NPL-1.1 Ms-PL GPL-2-with-linking-exception IDPL"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-IUSE="nls minimal pax_kernel xen doc"
-	!minimal? ( >=dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-2.10 )
-	ia64? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
-	|| ( www-client/links www-client/lynx )
-	sys-devel/bc
-	virtual/yacc
-	pax_kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )
-	!dev-lang/mono-basic
-MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" #nowarn
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(get_version_component_range 1-3)"
-pkg_pretend() {
-	#
-	# If CONFIG_SYSVIPC is not set in your kernel .config, mono will hang while compiling.
-	# See for more info."
-	use kernel_linux && check_extra_config
-pkg_setup() {
-	linux-info_pkg_setup
-	mono-env_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
-	# we need to sed in the paxctl-ng -mr in the runtime/ so it don't
-	# get killed in the build proces when MPROTECT is enable. #286280
-	# RANDMMAP kill the build proces to #347365
-	# use to get PT/XT logic #532244
-	if use pax_kernel ; then
-		ewarn "We are disabling MPROTECT on the mono binary."
-		# issue 9 :
-		sed '/exec "/ i\ -mr "$r/@mono_runtime@"' -i "${S}"/runtime/ || die "Failed to sed"
-	fi
-	# mono build system can fail otherwise
-	strip-flags
-	# Fix VB targets
-	#
-	#eapply "${FILESDIR}/add_missing_vb_portable_targets.patch"
-	# Fix build when sgen disabled
-	#
-	#eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	# Fix atomic_add_i4 support for 32-bit ppc
-	#^...8f379f0c8f98493180b508b9e68b9aa76c0c5bdf
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-	# TODO: update patch
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/systemweb3.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-GitExtensions-issue-2710-another-resolution.patch"
-	#epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix-for-bug36724.patch"
-	default_src_prepare
-	#eapply_user
-src_configure() {
-	local myeconfargs=(
-		--disable-silent-rules
-		$(use_with xen xen_opt)
-		--without-ikvm-native
-		--disable-dtrace
-		$(use_with doc mcs-docs)
-		$(use_enable nls)
-	)
-	default_src_configure
-src_compile() {
-	default_src_compile
-src_test() {
-	cd mcs/tests || die
-	emake check
-src_install() {
-	default_src_install
-	# Remove files not respecting LDFLAGS and that we are not supposed to provide, see Fedora
-	# mono.spec and
-	# for reference.
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die
-	rm -f "${ED}"/usr/lib/mono/{2.0,4.5}/ || die

^ permalink raw reply related	[relevance 99%]

Results 1-1 of 1 | reverse | options above
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2016-07-29 20:14 99% [gentoo-commits] proj/dotnet:master commit in: dev-lang/mono/ Mikhail Pukhlikov

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