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* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-misc/openssh/
@ 2018-07-28 19:17 99% Thomas Deutschmann
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 1+ results
From: Thomas Deutschmann @ 2018-07-28 19:17 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     506eaa6bdcc641668ad11d201bd156d1acd28fd2
Author:     Thomas Deutschmann <whissi <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Jul 28 19:13:21 2018 +0000
Commit:     Thomas Deutschmann <whissi <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Jul 28 19:16:57 2018 +0000

net-misc/openssh: Copy stable keywords from previous revision

The actual changes between thw two revisions were small and don't
require new stabilization.

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.43, Repoman-2.3.10
RepoMan-Options: --force

 net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r5.ebuild | 441 ------------------------------
 net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r6.ebuild |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 442 deletions(-)

diff --git a/net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r5.ebuild b/net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b05334bf7..00000000000
--- a/net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit user flag-o-matic multilib autotools pam systemd versionator
-# Make it more portable between straight releases
-# and _p? releases.
-HPN_VER="14v15-gentoo2" HPN_PATCH="${PARCH}-hpnssh${HPN_VER}.patch.xz"
-SCTP_VER="1.1" SCTP_PATCH="${PARCH}-sctp-${SCTP_VER}.patch.xz"
-X509_VER="11.3.1" X509_PATCH="${PARCH}-x509-${X509_VER}.patch.xz"
-# Disable LDAP support until someone will rewrite the patch,
-# upstream removed auth_parse_options() via commit 7c856857607112a3dfe6414696bf4c7ab7fb0cb3
-#LDAP_VER="0.3.14" LDAP_PATCH="${PN}-lpk-7.7p1-${LDAP_VER}.patch.xz"
-DESCRIPTION="Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release"
-	${SCTP_PATCH:+sctp? (${SCTP_PATCH} )}
-	${HPN_PATCH:+hpn? (${HPN_PATCH} )}
-	${LDAP_PATCH:+ldap? (${LDAP_PATCH} )}
-	${X509_PATCH:+X509? (${X509_PATCH} )}
-	"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~arm ~arm64 hppa ia64 m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-# Probably want to drop ssl defaulting to on in a future version.
-IUSE="abi_mips_n32 audit bindist debug hpn kerberos kernel_linux ldap ldns libedit libressl livecd pam +pie sctp selinux skey +ssl static test X X509"
-REQUIRED_USE="ldns? ( ssl )
-	pie? ( !static )
-	static? ( !kerberos !pam )
-	X509? ( !ldap !sctp ssl )
-	test? ( ssl )"
-	audit? ( sys-process/audit[static-libs(+)] )
-	ldns? (
-		net-libs/ldns[static-libs(+)]
-		!bindist? ( net-libs/ldns[ecdsa,ssl(+)] )
-		bindist? ( net-libs/ldns[-ecdsa,ssl(+)] )
-	)
-	libedit? ( dev-libs/libedit:=[static-libs(+)] )
-	sctp? ( net-misc/lksctp-tools[static-libs(+)] )
-	selinux? ( >=sys-libs/libselinux-1.28[static-libs(+)] )
-	skey? ( >=sys-auth/skey-1.1.5-r1[static-libs(+)] )
-	ssl? (
-		!libressl? (
-			>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1:0=[bindist=]
-			dev-libs/openssl:0=[static-libs(+)]
-		)
-		libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:0=[static-libs(+)] )
-	)
-	>=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.3:=[static-libs(+)]"
-	!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs(+)]} )
-	pam? ( virtual/pam )
-	kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
-	ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )"
-	static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
-	virtual/pkgconfig
-	virtual/os-headers
-	sys-devel/autoconf"
-	pam? ( >=sys-auth/pambase-20081028 )
-	userland_GNU? ( virtual/shadow )
-	X? ( x11-apps/xauth )"
-pkg_pretend() {
-	# this sucks, but i'd rather have people unable to `emerge -u openssh`
-	# than not be able to log in to their server any more
-	maybe_fail() { [[ -z ${!2} ]] && echo "$1" ; }
-	local fail="
-		$(use hpn && maybe_fail hpn HPN_PATCH)
-		$(use ldap && maybe_fail ldap LDAP_PATCH)
-		$(use sctp && maybe_fail sctp SCTP_PATCH)
-		$(use X509 && maybe_fail X509 X509_PATCH)
-	"
-	fail=$(echo ${fail})
-	if [[ -n ${fail} ]] ; then
-		eerror "Sorry, but this version does not yet support features"
-		eerror "that you requested:	 ${fail}"
-		eerror "Please mask ${PF} for now and check back later:"
-		eerror " # echo '=${CATEGORY}/${PF}' >> /etc/portage/package.mask"
-		die "booooo"
-	fi
-	# Make sure people who are using tcp wrappers are notified of its removal. #531156
-	if grep -qs '^ *sshd *:' "${EROOT%/}"/etc/hosts.{allow,deny} ; then
-		ewarn "Sorry, but openssh no longer supports tcp-wrappers, and it seems like"
-		ewarn "you're trying to use it.  Update your ${EROOT}etc/hosts.{allow,deny} please."
-	fi
-src_prepare() {
-	sed -i \
-		-e "/_PATH_XAUTH/s:/usr/X11R6/bin/xauth:${EPREFIX%/}/usr/bin/xauth:" \
-		pathnames.h || die
-	# don't break .ssh/authorized_keys2 for fun
-	sed -i '/^AuthorizedKeysFile/s:^:#:' sshd_config || die
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-7.7_p1-GSSAPI-dns.patch #165444 integrated into gsskex
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.7_p1-openssl-ignore-status.patch
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-7.5_p1-disable-conch-interop-tests.patch
-	if use X509 ; then
-		eapply "${WORKDIR}"/${X509_PATCH%.*}
-		# We need to patch package version or any X.509 sshd will reject our ssh client
-		# with "userauth_pubkey: could not parse key: string is too large [preauth]"
-		# error
-		einfo "Patching package version for X.509 patch set ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "s/^AC_INIT(\[OpenSSH\], \[Portable\]/AC_INIT([OpenSSH], [${X509_VER}]/" \
-			"${S}"/ || die "Failed to patch package version for X.509 patch"
-		einfo "Patching version.h to expose X.509 patch set ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/^#define SSH_PORTABLE.*/a #define SSH_X509               \"-PKIXSSH-${X509_VER}\"" \
-			"${S}"/version.h || die "Failed to sed-in X.509 patch version"
-		einfo "Disabling broken X.509 agent test ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/^ agent$/d" \
-			"${S}"/tests/CA/config || die "Failed to disable broken X.509 agent test"
-		# The following patches don't apply on top of X509 patch
-		rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/2002_all_openssh-7.7p1_upstream_bug2840.patch || die
-		rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/2009_all_openssh-7.7p1_make-shell-tests-portable.patch || die
-		rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/2016_all_openssh-7.7p1_implement-EMFILE-mitigation-for-ssh-agent.patch || die
-		rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/2025_all_openssh-7.7p1_prefer-argv0-to-ssh-when-re-executing-ssh-for-proxyjump.patch || die
-	else
-		rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/2016_all_openssh-7.7p1-X509_implement-EMFILE-mitigation-for-ssh-agent.patch || die
-		rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/2025_all_openssh-7.7p1-X509_prefer-argv0-to-ssh-when-re-executing-ssh-for-proxyjump.patch || die
-	fi
-	if use ldap ; then
-		eapply "${WORKDIR}"/${LDAP_PATCH%.*}
-		einfo "Patching version.h to expose LDAP patch set ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/^#define SSH_PORTABLE.*/a #define SSH_LDAP               \"-ldap-${LDAP_VER}\"" \
-			"${S}"/version.h || die "Failed to sed-in LDAP patch version"
-	fi
-	if use sctp ; then
-		eapply "${WORKDIR}"/${SCTP_PATCH%.*}
-		einfo "Patching version.h to expose SCTP patch set ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/^#define SSH_PORTABLE/a #define SSH_SCTP        \"-sctp-${SCTP_VER}\"" \
-			"${S}"/version.h || die "Failed to sed-in SCTP patch version"
-		einfo "Disabling know failing test (cfgparse) caused by SCTP patch ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/\t\tcfgparse \\\/d" \
-			"${S}"/regress/Makefile || die "Failed to disable known failing test (cfgparse) caused by SCTP patch"
-	fi
-	if use hpn ; then
-		eapply "${WORKDIR}"/${HPN_PATCH%.*}
-		einfo "Patching for HPN patch set ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/^LIBS=/ s/\$/ -lpthread/" \
-			"${S}"/ || die "Failed to patch"
-		einfo "Patching version.h to expose HPN patch set ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/^#define SSH_PORTABLE/a #define SSH_HPN         \"-hpn${HPN_VER}\"" \
-			"${S}"/version.h || die "Failed to sed-in HPN patch version"
-		if [[ -n "${HPN_DISABLE_MTAES}" ]] ; then
-			einfo "Disabling known non-working MT AES cipher per default ..."
-			cat > "${T}"/disable_mtaes.conf <<- EOF
-			# HPN's Multi-Threaded AES CTR cipher is currently known to be broken
-			# and therefore disabled per default.
-			DisableMTAES yes
-			EOF
-			sed -i \
-				-e "/^#HPNDisabled.*/r ${T}/disable_mtaes.conf" \
-				"${S}"/sshd_config || die "Failed to disabled MT AES ciphers in sshd_config"
-			sed -i \
-				-e "/AcceptEnv.*_XXX_TEST$/a \\\tDisableMTAES\t\tyes" \
-				"${S}"/regress/ || die "Failed to disable MT AES ciphers in test config"
-		fi
-	fi
-	if use X509 || use hpn ; then
-		einfo "Patching packet.c for X509 and/or HPN patch set ..."
-		sed -i \
-			-e "s/const struct sshcipher/struct sshcipher/" \
-			"${S}"/packet.c || die "Failed to patch ssh_packet_set_connection() (packet.c)"
-	fi
-	if use X509 || use sctp || use ldap || use hpn ; then
-		einfo "Patching sshconnect.c to use SSH_RELEASE in send_client_banner() ..."
-		sed -i \
-			"${S}"/sshconnect.c || die "Failed to patch send_client_banner() to use SSH_RELEASE (sshconnect.c)"
-		einfo "Patching sshd.c to use SSH_RELEASE in sshd_exchange_identification() ..."
-		sed -i \
-			"${S}"/sshd.c || die "Failed to patch sshd_exchange_identification() to use SSH_RELEASE (sshd.c)"
-		einfo "Patching version.h to add our patch sets to SSH_RELEASE ..."
-		sed -i \
-			"${S}"/version.h || die "Failed to patch SSH_RELEASE (version.h)"
-	fi
-	sed -i \
-		-e "/#UseLogin no/d" \
-		"${S}"/sshd_config || die "Failed to remove removed UseLogin option (sshd_config)"
-	eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patch/*.patch
-	eapply_user #473004
-	tc-export PKG_CONFIG
-	local sed_args=(
-		-e "s:-lcrypto:$(${PKG_CONFIG} --libs openssl):"
-		# Disable PATH reset, trust what portage gives us #254615
-		-e 's:^PATH=/:#PATH=/:'
-		# Disable fortify flags ... our gcc does this for us
-		-e 's:-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2::'
-	)
-	# The -ftrapv flag ICEs on hppa #505182
-	use hppa && sed_args+=(
-		-e '/CFLAGS/s:-ftrapv:-fdisable-this-test:'
-		-e '/OSSH_CHECK_CFLAG_LINK.*-ftrapv/d'
-	)
-	# _XOPEN_SOURCE causes header conflicts on Solaris
-	[[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] && sed_args+=(
-		-e 's/-D_XOPEN_SOURCE//'
-	)
-	sed -i "${sed_args[@]}" configure{.ac,} || die
-	eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
-	addwrite /dev/ptmx
-	use debug && append-cppflags -DSANDBOX_SECCOMP_FILTER_DEBUG
-	use static && append-ldflags -static
-	local myconf=(
-		--with-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}"
-		--disable-strip
-		--with-pid-dir="${EPREFIX}"$(usex kernel_linux '' '/var')/run
-		--sysconfdir="${EPREFIX%/}"/etc/ssh
-		--libexecdir="${EPREFIX%/}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/misc
-		--datadir="${EPREFIX%/}"/usr/share/openssh
-		--with-privsep-path="${EPREFIX%/}"/var/empty
-		--with-privsep-user=sshd
-		$(use_with audit audit linux)
-		$(use_with kerberos kerberos5 "${EPREFIX%/}"/usr)
-		# We apply the ldap and sctp patch conditionally, so can't pass --without-{ldap,sctp}
-		# unconditionally else we get unknown flag warnings.
-		$(use ldap && use_with ldap)
-		$(use sctp && use_with sctp)
-		$(use_with ldns)
-		$(use_with libedit)
-		$(use_with pam)
-		$(use_with pie)
-		$(use_with selinux)
-		$(use_with skey)
-		$(use_with ssl openssl)
-		$(use_with ssl md5-passwords)
-		$(use_with ssl ssl-engine)
-	)
-	# The seccomp sandbox is broken on x32, so use the older method for now. #553748
-	use amd64 && [[ ${ABI} == "x32" ]] && myconf+=( --with-sandbox=rlimit )
-	econf "${myconf[@]}"
-src_test() {
-	local t skipped=() failed=() passed=()
-	local tests=( interop-tests compat-tests )
-	local shell=$(egetshell "${UID}")
-	if [[ ${shell} == */nologin ]] || [[ ${shell} == */false ]] ; then
-		elog "Running the full OpenSSH testsuite requires a usable shell for the 'portage'"
-		elog "user, so we will run a subset only."
-		skipped+=( tests )
-	else
-		tests+=( tests )
-	fi
-	# It will also attempt to write to the homedir .ssh.
-	local sshhome=${T}/homedir
-	mkdir -p "${sshhome}"/.ssh
-	for t in "${tests[@]}" ; do
-		# Some tests read from stdin ...
-		HOMEDIR="${sshhome}" HOME="${sshhome}" \
-		emake -k -j1 ${t} </dev/null \
-			&& passed+=( "${t}" ) \
-			|| failed+=( "${t}" )
-	done
-	einfo "Passed tests: ${passed[*]}"
-	[[ ${#skipped[@]} -gt 0 ]] && ewarn "Skipped tests: ${skipped[*]}"
-	[[ ${#failed[@]}  -gt 0 ]] && die "Some tests failed: ${failed[*]}"
-# Gentoo tweaks to default config files.
-tweak_ssh_configs() {
-	# First the server config.
-	cat <<-EOF >> "${ED%/}"/etc/ssh/sshd_config
-	# Allow client to pass locale environment variables #367017
-	AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
-	# Then the client config.
-	cat <<-EOF >> "${ED%/}"/etc/ssh/ssh_config
-	# Send locale environment variables #367017
-	SendEnv LANG LC_*
-	if use pam ; then
-		sed -i \
-			-e "/^#UsePAM /s:.*:UsePAM yes:" \
-			-e "/^#PasswordAuthentication /s:.*:PasswordAuthentication no:" \
-			-e "/^#PrintMotd /s:.*:PrintMotd no:" \
-			-e "/^#PrintLastLog /s:.*:PrintLastLog no:" \
-			"${ED%/}"/etc/ssh/sshd_config || die
-	fi
-	if use livecd ; then
-		sed -i \
-			-e '/^#PermitRootLogin/c# Allow root login with password on livecds.\nPermitRootLogin Yes' \
-			"${ED%/}"/etc/ssh/sshd_config || die
-	fi
-src_install() {
-	emake install-nokeys DESTDIR="${D}"
-	fperms 600 /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-	dobin contrib/ssh-copy-id
-	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/sshd.rc6.5 sshd
-	newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/sshd-r1.confd sshd
-	newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/sshd.pam_include.2 sshd
-	tweak_ssh_configs
-	if use ldap && [[ -n ${LDAP_PATCH} ]] ; then
-		insinto /etc/openldap/schema/
-		newins openssh-lpk_openldap.schema openssh-lpk.schema
-	fi
-	doman contrib/ssh-copy-id.1
-	use hpn && dodoc HPN-README
-	use X509 || dodoc ChangeLog
-	diropts -m 0700
-	dodir /etc/skel/.ssh
-	keepdir /var/empty
-	systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/sshd.{service,socket}
-	systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/sshd_at.service 'sshd@.service'
-pkg_preinst() {
-	enewgroup sshd 22
-	enewuser sshd 22 -1 /var/empty sshd
-pkg_postinst() {
-	if has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-5.8_p1" ; then
-		elog "Starting with openssh-5.8p1, the server will default to a newer key"
-		elog "algorithm (ECDSA).  You are encouraged to manually update your stored"
-		elog "keys list as servers update theirs.  See ssh-keyscan(1) for more info."
-	fi
-	if has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-7.0_p1" ; then
-		elog "Starting with openssh-6.7, support for USE=tcpd has been dropped by upstream."
-		elog "Make sure to update any configs that you might have.  Note that xinetd might"
-		elog "be an alternative for you as it supports USE=tcpd."
-	fi
-	if has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-7.1_p1" ; then #557388 #555518
-		elog "Starting with openssh-7.0, support for ssh-dss keys were disabled due to their"
-		elog "weak sizes.  If you rely on these key types, you can re-enable the key types by"
-		elog "adding to your sshd_config or ~/.ssh/config files:"
-		elog "	PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-dss"
-		elog "You should however generate new keys using rsa or ed25519."
-		elog "Starting with openssh-7.0, the default for PermitRootLogin changed from 'yes'"
-		elog "to 'prohibit-password'.  That means password auth for root users no longer works"
-		elog "out of the box.  If you need this, please update your sshd_config explicitly."
-	fi
-	if has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-7.6_p1" ; then
-		elog "Starting with openssh-7.6p1, openssh upstream has removed ssh1 support entirely."
-		elog "Furthermore, rsa keys with less than 1024 bits will be refused."
-	fi
-	if ! use ssl && has_version "${CATEGORY}/${PN}[ssl]" ; then
-		elog "Be aware that by disabling openssl support in openssh, the server and clients"
-		elog "no longer support dss/rsa/ecdsa keys.  You will need to generate ed25519 keys"
-		elog "and update all clients/servers that utilize them."
-	fi
-	if use hpn && [[ -n "${HPN_DISABLE_MTAES}" ]] ; then
-		elog ""
-		elog "HPN's multi-threaded AES CTR cipher is currently known to be broken"
-		elog "and therefore disabled at runtime per default."
-		elog "Make sure your sshd_config is up to date and contains"
-		elog ""
-		elog "  DisableMTAES yes"
-		elog ""
-		elog "Otherwise you maybe unable to connect to this sshd using any AES CTR cipher."
-		elog ""
-	fi

diff --git a/net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r6.ebuild b/net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r6.ebuild
index 2d068fd5c8e..2c9745079e5 100644
--- a/net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r6.ebuild
+++ b/net-misc/openssh/openssh-7.7_p1-r6.ebuild
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://openbsd/OpenSSH/portable/${PARCH}.tar.gz
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~arm64 hppa ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 hppa ia64 m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
 # Probably want to drop ssl defaulting to on in a future version.
 IUSE="abi_mips_n32 audit bindist debug hpn kerberos kernel_linux ldap ldns libedit libressl livecd pam +pie sctp selinux skey +ssl static test X X509"
 REQUIRED_USE="ldns? ( ssl )

^ permalink raw reply related	[relevance 99%]

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2018-07-28 19:17 99% [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-misc/openssh/ Thomas Deutschmann

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