messages from 2011-08-12 23:20:05 to 2011-08-13 10:33:36 UTC [more...]
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:master commit in: /
2011-08-13 10:58 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:0.2.x "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm: New tag: gentoopm-0.2
2011-08-13 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:0.2.x commit in: gentoopm/
2011-08-13 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm: New tag: gentoopm-0.1.6
2011-08-13 10:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:master commit in: /
2011-08-13 10:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:master commit in: gentoopm/
2011-08-13 10:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:master commit in: gentoopm/
2011-08-13 10:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:master commit in: gentoopm/
2011-08-13 10:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/overlays: layman-global.txt
2011-08-13 10:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche-gl: ChangeLog gauche-gl-0.5.ebuild
2011-08-13 10:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche-gl: ChangeLog gauche-gl-0.5.1.ebuild
2011-08-13 10:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/overlays: repositories.xml
2011-08-13 10:22 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche-gl/files: gauche-gl-prototypes.diff
2011-08-13 10:13 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche-gl: ChangeLog gauche-gl-0.5.ebuild gauche-gl-0.4.4.ebuild
2011-08-13 10:13 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles/features/selinux: package.mask
2011-08-13 10:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: ChangeLog
2011-08-13 10:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles/selinux: package.mask
2011-08-13 10:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles/base: package.mask
2011-08-13 10:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche: gauche-0.9.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 10:05 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/qt: index.xml
2011-08-13 10:03 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zopeundo: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:59 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-viewlet: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:58 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-traversing: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:58 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-testbrowser: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-tales: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-tal: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-structuredtext: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-size: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-site: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-session: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-sequencesort: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:51 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-sendmail: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:49 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-security: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:49 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-schema: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-publisher: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-ptresource: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche: gauche-0.9.1.ebuild ChangeLog gauche-0.8.14.ebuild
2011-08-13 9:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche/files: gauche-runpath.diff
2011-08-13 9:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-proxy: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-processlifetime: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:41 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-password: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-pagetemplate: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-minmax: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-location: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-lifecycleevent: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-i18nmessageid: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:36 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-i18n: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-hookable: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-formlib: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-fixers: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-filerepresentation: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-exceptions: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-event: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-error: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-dublincore: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-dottedname: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-deferredimport: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-datetime: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-contenttype: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-contentprovider: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-container: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-configuration: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-componentvocabulary: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-component: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:22 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-cachedescriptors: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:21 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-browserresource: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:20 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-browserpage: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:19 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-browsermenu: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-browser: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:master commit in: gentoopm/basepm/
2011-08-13 9:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoopm:master commit in: gentoopm/portagepm/, gentoopm/paludispm/
2011-08-13 9:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-broken: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-authentication: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:16 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-testing: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:15 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ruby/fssm/files: - New directory
2011-08-13 9:15 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-schema: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:14 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-publisher: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:14 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-publication: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:13 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-pagetemplate: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:12 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-form: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-dependable: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:10 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-debug: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/namespace-clean: namespace-clean-0.200.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Package-Stash: ChangeLog Package-Stash-0.250.ebuild
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Moose: ChangeLog Moose-1.240.ebuild
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Class-MOP: ChangeLog Class-MOP-1.120.ebuild
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Test-Fatal: Test-Fatal-0.003.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Package-DeprecationManager: Package-DeprecationManager-0.10.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/namespace-autoclean: ChangeLog namespace-autoclean-0.120.ebuild
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Package-Stash-XS: ChangeLog Package-Stash-XS-0.210.ebuild
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Dist-CheckConflicts: Dist-CheckConflicts-0.20.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/B-Hooks-EndOfScope: B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.09.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Variable-Magic: Variable-Magic-0.460.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-basicskin: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-app-appsetup: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:07 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zope-annotation: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:06 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zlog: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:04 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zdaemon: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zconfig: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 9:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/zc-lockfile: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:59 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/transaction: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/tempstorage: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/persistence: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/pms-test-suite:master commit in: pmstestsuite/, pmstestsuite/repository/
2011-08-13 8:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/pms-test-suite:master commit in: /
2011-08-13 8:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/pms-test-suite:master commit in: pmstestsuite/pm/, pmstestsuite/library/standard/, pmstestsuite/library/,
2011-08-13 8:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/pms-test-suite:master commit in: pmstestsuite/library/standard/
2011-08-13 8:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/five-formlib: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/extensionclass: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in virtual/perl-Test-Simple: ChangeLog perl-Test-Simple-0.980.0-r1.ebuild
2011-08-13 8:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/datetime: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in perl-core/Test-Simple: ChangeLog Test-Simple-0.980.0.ebuild
2011-08-13 8:46 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-zope/acquisition: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:45 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Test-Requires: ChangeLog Test-Requires-0.05.ebuild
2011-08-13 8:45 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ruby/snmplib: snmplib-1.0.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ruby/snmplib: snmplib-1.0.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/Try-Tiny: Try-Tiny-0.90.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 8:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-power/powernowd: ChangeLog powernowd-1.00.ebuild
2011-08-13 8:19 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-db/tokyocabinet: ChangeLog tokyocabinet-1.4.47.ebuild
2011-08-13 8:10 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/hardened-dev:master commit in: sec-policy/selinux-sasl/, sec-policy/selinux-cyrus-sasl/
2011-08-13 7:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/pms-test-suite: ChangeLog pms-test-suite-0.0.5.ebuild pms-test-suite-0.0.4.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:46 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-java/groovy: groovy-1.7.5.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 7:46 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/wxsvg: wxsvg-1.0.ebuild wxsvg-1.0.5.ebuild ChangeLog wxsvg-1.0.8.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-video/dvdstyler: dvdstyler-1.7.4.ebuild ChangeLog dvdstyler-1.8.1.ebuild dvdstyler-1.8.1_beta1.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche: gauche-0.9.1.ebuild ChangeLog gauche-0.9-r2.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/pms-test-suite: New tag: pms-test-suite-0.0.5
2011-08-13 7:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/pms-test-suite:master commit in: pmstestsuite/
2011-08-13 7:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in gnustep-apps/preferences: ChangeLog preferences-1.3.0_pre20061204-r1.ebuild preferences-1.3.0_pre20100523.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-misc/endeavour: endeavour-2.7.3.ebuild ChangeLog endeavour-2.7.3-r1.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/argtable: ChangeLog argtable-2.12.ebuild argtable-2.13.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/vips: ChangeLog vips-7.22.5.ebuild vips-7.22.4.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-gfx/nip2: nip2-7.22.4.ebuild ChangeLog nip2-7.22.3.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-scheme/gauche: gauche-0.9.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 7:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-misc/cw: ChangeLog cw-1.0.16-r1.ebuild cw-1.0.16-r2.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-vcs/monotone: monotone-0.48.1.ebuild ChangeLog monotone-0.99.1.ebuild monotone-0.99-r1.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/hardened-dev:master commit in: sec-policy/selinux-apm/, sec-policy/selinux-acpi/
2011-08-13 7:21 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-mobilephone/gammu: ChangeLog gammu-1.29.0.ebuild gammu-1.28.0.ebuild gammu-1.30.0.ebuild gammu-1.25.0-r1.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:15 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-mobilephone/wammu: wammu-0.35.ebuild ChangeLog wammu-0.30.1.ebuild wammu-0.34.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:15 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-mathematics/gfan: gfan-0.4-r1.ebuild ChangeLog gfan-0.5.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:13 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-libs/cddlib: ChangeLog cddlib-094f-r2.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:12 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/libXfont: ChangeLog libXfont-1.4.4.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-java/jansi: jansi-1.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 7:07 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-office/libreoffice/files: libreoffice-append-no-avx.patch
2011-08-13 7:04 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-office/libreoffice: ChangeLog
2011-08-13 7:04 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-java/ibm-jre-bin: ChangeLog ibm-jre-bin- ibm-jre-bin-
2011-08-13 7:03 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/shed: shed-1.13.ebuild ChangeLog shed-1.12.ebuild
2011-08-13 7:01 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gnome:gnome-next commit in: dev-libs/gdl/
2011-08-13 6:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gnome:gnome-next commit in: dev-util/anjuta/
2011-08-13 6:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-tcltk/tcldom: ChangeLog tcldom-3.1.ebuild
2011-08-13 6:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-tcltk/tclxml: ChangeLog tclxml-3.1-r2.ebuild
2011-08-13 6:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/shed: ChangeLog shed-1.15.ebuild
2011-08-13 6:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-arch/bzip2: ChangeLog bzip2-1.0.6-r2.ebuild
2011-08-13 6:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/xindy: ChangeLog xindy-2.4.ebuild
2011-08-13 6:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gnome:gnome-next commit in: gnome-base/gdm/, gnome-base/gdm/files/
2011-08-13 6:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-nds/389-ds-base: 389-ds-base- ChangeLog
2011-08-13 6:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-nds/389-ds-base/files: selinux.patch
2011-08-13 6:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gnome:master commit in: gnome-base/gdm/, gnome-base/gdm/files/
2011-08-13 6:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in mail-filter/dspam: ChangeLog dspam-3.10.1.ebuild
2011-08-13 4:19 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-devel/gcc: gcc-4.4.6-r1.ebuild ChangeLog gcc-4.6.1-r1.ebuild gcc-4.3.6-r1.ebuild gcc-4.5.3-r1.ebuild gcc-4.5.3.ebuild gcc-4.6.1.ebuild gcc-4.3.6.ebuild gcc-4.4.6.ebuild
2011-08-13 3:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/kiwix/files: kiwix-0.9-find-xulrunner.patch kiwix-0.9-custom-flags.patch
2011-08-13 3:51 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/kiwix: ChangeLog kiwix-0.9_beta2.ebuild kiwix-0.9_alpha7.ebuild kiwix-0.9_beta1.ebuild
2011-08-13 3:51 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-gfx/pngtoico/files: pngtoico-1.0.1-libpng15.patch
2011-08-13 3:19 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-gfx/pngtoico: pngtoico-1.0.1-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-13 3:19 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in eclass: toolchain.eclass
2011-08-13 3:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin: ChangeLog freebsd-ubin-8.2.ebuild
2011-08-13 3:05 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/mupdf: mupdf-9999.ebuild
2011-08-13 2:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/mupdf: ChangeLog mupdf-9999.ebuild
2011-08-13 2:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-wm/evilwm: ChangeLog evilwm-1.1.0.ebuild
2011-08-13 1:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/perl: outdated-cpan-packages.xml
2011-08-13 1:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-dns/ddclient: metadata.xml ChangeLog ddclient-3.8.1-r1.ebuild
2011-08-13 0:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-dns/ddclient/files: iproute2.patch
2011-08-13 0:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] dev/blueness:master commit in: sys-kernel/hardened-sources/
2011-08-13 0:01 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-kernel/hardened-sources: hardened-sources-2.6.32-r61.ebuild ChangeLog
2011-08-12 23:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-client/chromium/files: chromium-system-libevent-r1.patch
2011-08-12 23:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-client/chromium: chromium-15.0.849.0.ebuild ChangeLog chromium-9999-r1.ebuild
2011-08-12 23:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/mercury/files: mercury-0.13.1-libgrades.patch mercury-0.13.1-docs.patch mercury-0.13.1-no-reconf.patch mercury-0.13.1-tests-string_format.patch mercury-0.13.1-mmake-params.patch mercury-0.13.1-rebuild-mslice.patch mercury-0.13.1-multilib.patch mercury-0.13.1-tests-ho_and_type_spec_bug.patch mercury-0.13.1-tests-workspace.patch mercury-0.13.1-tests-dir_test.patch
2011-08-12 23:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/mercury: ChangeLog mercury-10.04.2.ebuild mercury-10.04.1.ebuild mercury-10.04.ebuild mercury-11.01_beta1.ebuild mercury-10.04-r1.ebuild mercury-10.04.2-r1.ebuild mercury-0.13.1-r2.ebuild
2011-08-12 23:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster: Branch deleted: webui
2011-08-12 23:19 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: web/js/, /, web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /, web/, web/js/
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /, web/, ui/
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: /
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: web/js/, web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: web/, web/js/
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /, web/, web/js/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /, web/
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: configs/
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /, web/
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:18 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: web/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: /, res/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master commit in: /, res/, configs/
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:webui commit in: /
2011-08-12 23:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoaster:master "
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