messages from 2008-02-28 03:19:02 to 2008-02-29 00:58:53 UTC [more...]
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-im/amsn: ChangeLog amsn-0.97.ebuild
2008-02-29 0:58 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/elections: foundation-200802.xml
2008-02-29 0:44 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-perl r207 - genlop/trunk
2008-02-29 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-dns/libidn: ChangeLog libidn-1.5.ebuild
2008-02-29 0:06 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoolkit r477 - in trunk: . src/gentoolkit
2008-02-28 23:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-video/transcode: transcode-1.0.5-r1.ebuild transcode-1.0.6_rc1.ebuild transcode-1.0.5.ebuild
2008-02-28 23:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-analyzer/nipper: ChangeLog nipper-0.11.5.ebuild nipper-0.11.2.ebuild
2008-02-28 23:15 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde: kde4.xml
2008-02-28 23:05 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/libxslt: ChangeLog libxslt-1.1.22.ebuild
2008-02-28 22:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/it/desktop/kde: kde4.xml
2008-02-28 22:46 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/youtube-dl: youtube-dl-2008.01.24.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 22:21 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/libbeagle: libbeagle-0.3.0.ebuild
2008-02-28 22:20 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/openmotif: ChangeLog openmotif-2.3.0-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 21:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/pyds: ChangeLog pyds-0.7.3.ebuild pyds-0.7.0.ebuild pyds-0.7.2.ebuild pyds-0.7.1.ebuild
2008-02-28 21:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/libxml2: ChangeLog libxml2-2.6.31.ebuild
2008-02-28 21:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-voip/telepathy-gabble: ChangeLog telepathy-gabble-0.7.2.ebuild
2008-02-28 21:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] genkernel r606 - in trunk: . generic
2008-02-28 21:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: package.mask
2008-02-28 21:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-apps/mythweb: ChangeLog mythweb-0.21_beta16297.ebuild mythweb-0.21_pre15448.ebuild mythweb-0.21_pre15710.ebuild
2008-02-28 21:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] genkernel r605 - in trunk: . generic
2008-02-28 21:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-libs/telepathy-glib: ChangeLog telepathy-glib-0.7.3.ebuild
2008-02-28 21:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r468 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/alpha specs/amd64 specs/hppa specs/ia64 specs/ppc/ppc64 specs/sparc/sparc64 specs/x86 specs/x86/hardened specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 21:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r467 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/alpha specs/amd64 specs/hppa specs/ia64 specs/ppc/ppc64 specs/sparc/sparc64 specs/x86 specs/x86/hardened specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 21:13 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r466 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/ia64
2008-02-28 21:07 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r465 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/alpha specs/amd64 specs/ia64 specs/ppc/ppc64 specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 21:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/it/devrel/handbook: handbook.xml hb-guide-common-mistakes.xml hb-guide-ebuild-maintaining.xml hb-guide-eclass.xml hb-guide-manifest-signing.xml hb-guide-metadata.xml hb-introduction-becoming-a-dev.xml hb-introduction-hierarchy.xml hb-introduction-whatyouget.xml hb-introduction.xml hb-policy-ebuild.xml hb-policy-etiquette.xml
2008-02-28 20:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in games-simulation/kfreeflight: kfreeflight-0.2.1_rc1.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 20:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r464 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/alpha specs/amd64 specs/hppa specs/ia64 specs/ppc/ppc64 specs/sparc/sparc64 specs/x86 specs/x86/hardened specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 20:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/astng: ChangeLog astng-0.17.2.ebuild
2008-02-28 20:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r463 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/ppc/ppc64
2008-02-28 20:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/lxml: ChangeLog lxml-1.3.6.ebuild
2008-02-28 20:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r462 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . scripts
2008-02-28 20:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r461 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/alpha specs/amd64 specs/hppa specs/ia64 specs/ppc/ppc64 specs/sparc/sparc64 specs/x86 specs/x86/hardened specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 20:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-print/cups: cups-1.2.12-r4.ebuild ChangeLog cups-1.2.12-r5.ebuild cups-1.3.6-r1.ebuild cups-1.2.10-r1.ebuild cups-1.3.5.ebuild cups-1.3.6.ebuild
2008-02-28 20:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-print/cups/files: cups-1.2.12-CVE-2008-0882.patch cups-1.2.12-CVE-2007-4351.patch cups-1.2.12-CVE-2007-4045.patch cups-1.2-str2561-v2.patch cups-1.3.0-bindnow.patch cups-1.2.4-CVE-2007-4045.patch cups-1.3.4-CVE-2007-4045.patch
2008-02-28 20:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-proxy/ntlmaps: ntlmaps-0.9.9-r2.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 20:22 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in eclass: distutils.eclass python.eclass
2008-02-28 20:20 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/pdflib: ChangeLog pdflib-7.0.2_p8.ebuild
2008-02-28 20:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r460 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/alpha specs/amd64 specs/hppa specs/ia64 specs/ppc/ppc64 specs/sparc/sparc64 specs/x86 specs/x86/hardened specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 20:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-misc/xsel: ChangeLog xsel-1.1.0.ebuild
2008-02-28 20:05 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-plugins/enigmail: ChangeLog enigmail-0.95.6-r2.ebuild
2008-02-28 20:01 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird: mozilla-thunderbird- ChangeLog
2008-02-28 19:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/pyalsaaudio: ChangeLog pyalsaaudio-0.3.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/elections: foundation-200802.xml
2008-02-28 19:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-bin: mozilla-thunderbird-bin- ChangeLog
2008-02-28 19:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-sound/mp32ogg/files: mp32ogg-0.11-r5-german_umlaut.patch
2008-02-28 19:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-sound/mp32ogg: ChangeLog mp32ogg-0.11-r5.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r459 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 19:48 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: ChangeLog use.local.desc
2008-02-28 19:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/libX11: ChangeLog libX11-1.1.3-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/libX11/files: libX11-1.1.3-xcb-locking.patch
2008-02-28 19:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-sound/dir2ogg: ChangeLog dir2ogg-0.11.2.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/doc/zh_cn/handbook: handbook-alpha.xml handbook-amd64.xml handbook-arm.xml handbook-hppa.xml handbook-ia64.xml handbook-mips.xml handbook-ppc.xml handbook-ppc64.xml handbook-sparc.xml handbook-x86.xml
2008-02-28 19:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-p2p/amule/files: 2.2.0-geoip-asneeded.patch
2008-02-28 19:10 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-p2p/amule: ChangeLog amule-2.2.0_pre20080228.ebuild amule-2.2.0_pre20080218.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:10 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-php5/onphp-module: ChangeLog onphp-module-0.10.9.ebuild onphp-module-1.0.1.ebuild onphp-module-0.10.10.ebuild onphp-module-1.0.2.ebuild onphp-module-1.0.0.ebuild onphp-module-0.10.8.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:07 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-php5/onphp: ChangeLog onphp-1.0.1.ebuild onphp-0.10.9.ebuild onphp-0.10.10.ebuild onphp-1.0.2.ebuild onphp-1.0.0.ebuild onphp-0.10.8.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:06 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in games-emulation/xmame: xmame-0.106.ebuild
2008-02-28 19:05 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-video/ffmpeg: ChangeLog ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20080206.ebuild
2008-02-28 18:49 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-tex/detex: ChangeLog detex-2.8-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 18:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-tex/detex/files: detex-2.8-ldflags.patch
2008-02-28 18:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/libbeagle: metadata.xml ChangeLog libbeagle-0.3.0.ebuild Manifest
2008-02-28 18:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/linux-fusion: linux-fusion-7.0.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 18:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/libbeagle: - New directory
2008-02-28 18:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] livecd-tools r146 - trunk
2008-02-28 18:15 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-video/vlc: ChangeLog vlc-0.8.6e.ebuild
2008-02-28 18:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1343 - in trunk: . targets/support
2008-02-28 17:59 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/main/en: mirrors3.xml
2008-02-28 17:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-libs/glibc: glibc-2.6.1.ebuild
2008-02-28 17:48 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in src/patchsets/glibc/2.6.1: README.history
2008-02-28 17:45 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-emacs/moccur-edit: ChangeLog moccur-edit-2.11.ebuild
2008-02-28 17:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-emacs/color-moccur: ChangeLog color-moccur-2.44.ebuild
2008-02-28 17:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1342 - in trunk: . targets/support
2008-02-28 17:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/elogviewer: ChangeLog elogviewer-0.5.2.ebuild
2008-02-28 17:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/elogviewer/files: elogviewer.1
2008-02-28 17:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1341 - in trunk: . targets/stage1 targets/support
2008-02-28 17:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/openmotif: ChangeLog openmotif-2.3.0-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 17:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1340 - in trunk: . targets/support
2008-02-28 17:10 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/dbus-glib: ChangeLog dbus-glib-0.74.ebuild
2008-02-28 17:07 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1339 - in trunk: . targets/support
2008-02-28 17:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-misc/beagle: metadata.xml ChangeLog
2008-02-28 16:58 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r458 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86
2008-02-28 16:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/netstat-nat: netstat-nat-1.4.9.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 16:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r457 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . scripts
2008-02-28 16:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1338 - in trunk: . targets/livecd-stage2
2008-02-28 16:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-plugins/mythmusic: ChangeLog mythmusic-0.21_beta16297.ebuild mythmusic-0.21_beta16215.ebuild
2008-02-28 16:03 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/pdflib/files: pdflib-7.0.2_p8-ruby-configure.patch
2008-02-28 16:01 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r456 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/ppc/ppc64
2008-02-28 16:01 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/pdflib: ChangeLog pdflib-7.0.2_p8.ebuild
2008-02-28 16:01 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-themes/mythtv-themes: ChangeLog mythtv-themes-0.21_beta16297.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-misc/xscreensaver: ChangeLog xscreensaver-5.04-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-visualization/opendx: opendx-4.4.4.ebuild opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 15:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-visualization/opendx/files: 20-opendx-revdep
2008-02-28 15:53 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/openmotif: ChangeLog openmotif-2.3.0-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/dbus-glib: ChangeLog dbus-glib-0.74.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:49 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-apps/dbus: ChangeLog dbus-1.1.20.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:48 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-tv/mythtv: mythtv-0.21_beta16309.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/atlas-c++: ChangeLog atlas-c++-0.6.1.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:41 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers: ChangeLog nvidia-drivers-169.12.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/systemconfigurator: systemconfigurator-2.2.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 15:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-wm/fluxbox: ChangeLog fluxbox-1.0.0-r1.ebuild fluxbox-1.0.0-r2.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-wm/fluxbox/files/1.0.0: gcc-4.3.patch
2008-02-28 15:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-wm/fluxbox: ChangeLog fluxbox-1.0.0-r1.ebuild fluxbox-1.0.0-r2.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-alt r1607 - trunk/toolchain-prefix-wrapper/ld
2008-02-28 15:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoolkit r476 - trunk/src/equery
2008-02-28 15:21 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/gkrellm: gkrellm-2.3.0.ebuild ChangeLog gkrellm-2.3.1.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/gkrellm/files: gkrellmd gkrellm-2.3-Makefile.patch gkrellm-2.3-build.patch gkrellmd.conf gkrellm-2.3-gnutls.patch gkrellm-2.3.0-gnutls.patch gkrellm-2.3.0-Makefile.patch gkrellm-2.3.0-build.patch
2008-02-28 15:17 UTC
[gentoo-commits] portage r9398 - in main/trunk: bin man pym/portage pym/portage/dbapi
2008-02-28 15:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-mail/pflogsumm: ChangeLog pflogsumm-1.1.0-r2.ebuild pflogsumm-1.0.11.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/lxml: ChangeLog
2008-02-28 15:06 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/base/sparc: index.xml
2008-02-28 15:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-gfx/pstoedit: pstoedit-3.45.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 15:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/libdvdnav: libdvdnav-4.1.1.ebuild
2008-02-28 15:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] portage r9397 - main/trunk/pym
2008-02-28 14:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r455 - trunk/releases/2008.0/specs/ppc/ppc64
2008-02-28 14:45 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-fs/xfsprogs: ChangeLog xfsprogs-2.9.5.ebuild
2008-02-28 14:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r454 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/ppc/ppc64
2008-02-28 14:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-dotnet/mono-zeroconf: mono-zeroconf-0.7.5.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 14:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/dbus-glib: ChangeLog dbus-glib-0.74.ebuild
2008-02-28 14:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird: mozilla-thunderbird- ChangeLog mozilla-thunderbird- mozilla-thunderbird-
2008-02-28 14:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-plugins/enigmail: ChangeLog enigmail-0.95.6-r2.ebuild
2008-02-28 13:59 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoolkit r475 - in trunk/src: equery gentoolkit glsa-check
2008-02-28 13:57 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/libextractor: libextractor-0.5.19a.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 13:48 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/lxml: ChangeLog lxml-1.3.6.ebuild
2008-02-28 13:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/elogviewer: ChangeLog elogviewer-0.5.2-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 13:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/main/en: mirrors.xml mirrors3.xml
2008-02-28 13:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-xemacs/viper: viper-1.55.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 13:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-xemacs/scheme: ChangeLog scheme-1.15.ebuild
2008-02-28 13:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-xemacs/latin-unity: latin-unity-1.20.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 13:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-xemacs/haskell-mode: ChangeLog haskell-mode-1.11.ebuild
2008-02-28 13:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-xemacs/docbookide: docbookide-0.08.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 13:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-xemacs/auctex: auctex-1.47.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 13:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-apps/portage: ChangeLog portage-2.2_pre3.ebuild portage-2.2_pre2.ebuild
2008-02-28 13:22 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/notecase: notecase-1.8.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 13:22 UTC
[gentoo-commits] portage r9396 - main/tags
2008-02-28 13:12 UTC
[gentoo-commits] portage r9395 - main/trunk/pym/_emerge
2008-02-28 13:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/elogviewer: ChangeLog elogviewer-0.5.2-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 13:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] portage r9394 - main/trunk/pym/_emerge
2008-02-28 13:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-arch/advancecomp: advancecomp-1.10.ebuild advancecomp-1.14.ebuild advancecomp-1.13.ebuild
2008-02-28 12:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-arch/advancecomp/files: advancecomp-1.13-64bit.diff advancecomp-1.10-64bit.diff advancecomp-1.10-bzip2-compile-plz-k-thx.diff
2008-02-28 12:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-visualization/fityk: fityk-0.8.4.ebuild metadata.xml Manifest ChangeLog
2008-02-28 12:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-visualization/fityk/files: fityk-0.8.4-as-needed.patch
2008-02-28 12:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-visualization/fityk/files: - New directory
2008-02-28 12:05 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-visualization/fityk: - New directory
2008-02-28 12:04 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde: kde4.xml
2008-02-28 11:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-kernel/gentoo-sources: gentoo-sources-2.6.23-r9.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 11:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/notecase: ChangeLog notecase-1.8.1.ebuild notecase-1.7.9.ebuild notecase-1.7.6.ebuild
2008-02-28 10:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/ifc: ChangeLog ifc-10.1.008.ebuild
2008-02-28 10:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/idb: ChangeLog metadata.xml idb-10.1.012.ebuild idb-10.1.008.ebuild
2008-02-28 10:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-java/swing-layout: ChangeLog swing-layout-1.0.3.ebuild
2008-02-28 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/main/en: mirrors.xml mirrors3.xml
2008-02-28 10:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] portage r9393 - main/trunk/pym/portage
2008-02-28 10:12 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/main/en: mirrors.xml mirrors3.xml
2008-02-28 10:10 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-sound/sonic-visualiser: ChangeLog sonic-visualiser-1.2.ebuild
2008-02-28 9:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/main/en: mirrors.xml mirrors3.xml
2008-02-28 9:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: use.local.desc
2008-02-28 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/rubberband: rubberband-1.0.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 9:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/main/en: mirrors.xml
2008-02-28 9:18 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-video/vlc: ChangeLog vlc-0.9.0_alpha20080228.ebuild
2008-02-28 9:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-apps/dbus: ChangeLog dbus-1.1.20.ebuild
2008-02-28 8:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/dbus-glib: ChangeLog dbus-glib-0.74.ebuild
2008-02-28 8:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-java/ibm-jre-bin: ChangeLog ibm-jre-bin-
2008-02-28 8:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/pike: pike-7.6.86-r1.ebuild ChangeLog pike-7.6.112.ebuild
2008-02-28 8:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin: ChangeLog ibm-jdk-bin-
2008-02-28 8:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/doc/en/handbook/draft: hb-portage-configuration.xml
2008-02-28 8:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/doc/en/handbook: hb-portage-configuration.xml
2008-02-28 8:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/doc/en: faq.xml
2008-02-28 8:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-office/gnotime: ChangeLog gnotime-2.3.0.ebuild
2008-02-28 8:04 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in mail-mta/nullmailer/files: remotes.sample-1.04
2008-02-28 7:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in mail-mta/nullmailer: ChangeLog metadata.xml nullmailer-1.04.ebuild
2008-02-28 7:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-mail/dbmail: dbmail-2.3.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 7:44 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in games-emulation/zsnes: zsnes-1.51-r1.ebuild
2008-02-28 7:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-apps/dragonflycms: ChangeLog dragonflycms-9.2.1.ebuild dragonflycms-
2008-02-28 7:06 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-apps/dragonflycms/files: postinstall-en.txt
2008-02-28 7:06 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/lisp/emacs: emacs.xml
2008-02-28 6:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/lisp/emacs: emacs.xml
2008-02-28 6:21 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: use.local.desc
2008-02-28 6:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: use.local.desc
2008-02-28 5:59 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: ChangeLog use.local.desc
2008-02-28 5:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/emacs-cvs: emacs-cvs-23.0.60-r2.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 5:51 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r453 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 5:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r452 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 5:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r451 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 5:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r450 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 5:09 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1337 - in trunk: . targets/stage1
2008-02-28 4:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/news/pl/gmn: 20080218-newsletter.xml
2008-02-28 4:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1336 - in trunk: . targets/stage1 targets/support
2008-02-28 4:44 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1335 - in trunk: . targets/stage1 targets/support
2008-02-28 4:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/php: ChangeLog php-5.2.5_p20080206-r3.ebuild
2008-02-28 4:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1334 - in trunk: . targets/grp targets/stage1 targets/support
2008-02-28 4:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-apps/dbus: ChangeLog dbus-1.1.20.ebuild
2008-02-28 4:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r449 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 4:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1333 - in trunk: . targets/embedded targets/grp targets/livecd-stage1 targets/netboot targets/netboot2 targets/stage1 targets/stage2 targets/stage3 targets/stage4 targets/support targets/tinderbox
2008-02-28 3:59 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r448 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86/i686
2008-02-28 3:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] releng r447 - in trunk/releases/2008.0: . specs/x86
2008-02-28 3:45 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1332 - in trunk: . targets/grp targets/livecd-stage1 targets/stage1 targets/stage3 targets/stage4 targets/support targets/tinderbox
2008-02-28 3:41 UTC
[gentoo-commits] catalyst r1331 - in trunk: . targets/stage1
2008-02-28 3:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in games-fps/duke3d/files: duke3d-20040817-as-needed.patch
2008-02-28 3:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in games-fps/duke3d: duke3d-20040817-r2.ebuild ChangeLog
2008-02-28 3:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gli r1886 - in trunk: . src src/fe/dialog
2008-02-28 3:18 UTC
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