From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
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-This guide describes, how to install the new style PHP packages
-To choose the SAPI (Server API) you want, use these USE flags:
+PHP has a huge number of USE flags available. Luckily, the USE flags tha=
t the
+PHP ebuilds set by default are fairly sane so the only one we need to ad=
d is=20
+the cgi USE flag, which gives us the FastCGI server API. I find that ena=
+cgi as a global USE flag in
-You can mix and match any of these USE flags; except you can't have both=
-The whole point of these ebuilds is that you can have both PHP4 and PHP5=
-installed at the same time:
+dev-lang/php cgi
-(install latest version of PHP with CLI and Apache2 module) -USE=3D"cli apache2" emerge 'dev-lang/php' - - (install PHP4 only) -USE=3D"cli apache2" emerge '=3Ddev-lang/php-4*' - -(install both, PHP4 and PHP5) -USE=3D"cli apache2" emerge '=3Ddev-lang/php-4*' '=3Ddev-lang/php-5*'<= /i> ++emerge -av php=20 --USE flags shouldn't be set this way, please use=20 - - =20 -/etc/portage/package.use as described later (this way you c= an also -select different USE flags for PHP4 and PHP5). -+ +configuring Apache2 =20 -New Portage Categories for PHP4 and PHP5 - --The new PHP ebuilds have been moved from
-dev-php todev-lang/p= hp . -To make it possible to install packages independently for PHP4 and PHP5,= two=20 -new portage categories have been introduced:dev-php4 and=20 -dev-php5 . These categories are mainly used by PECL packages like -pecl-pdo ,pecl-apc ,php-java-bridge orxdebug .=20 -Packages, working with both, PHP4 and PHP5, will stay indev-php . --E.g., to install
=20 -pecl-apc : +Apache is a trusted member of the LAMP stack and probably the webserver = that +the most people are familiar with. In addition to www-servers/apache, we= need +to install another package to get fastcgi working:www-apache/mod_fas= tcgi .-(install APC for PHP4 only) -emerge dev-php4/pecl-apc ++emerge -av apache mod_fastcgi +=20 -(install APC for PHP5 only) -emerge dev-php5/pecl-apc =20 -(install APC for both, PHP4 and PHP5) -emerge dev-php4/pecl-apc dev-php5/pecl-apc +After all has been installed, simply enable it in:
++APACHE2_OPTS=3D"-D DEFAULT_VHOST -D INFO -D LANGUAGE -D USERDIR -D = FASTCGI"=20 - -Once that is done, drop the following into
=20 -/etc/apache2/vhosts.= d/00_default_vhost.conf - +NameVirtualHost *:80 =20 -PHP Directories - +=20 --
+Listen 80 =20 - -- These new ebuilds install their contents into
-/usr/lib/php4<= /path>=20 -and/or /usr/lib/php5 (the Apache modules go into the right = place=20 -for Apache).- The PEAR packages and other PHP libraries go into=20 -
-/usr/share/php .- PHP extensions (e.g. PECL packages) add a
-[PACKAGE].ini file -to the /etc/php/[SAPI]/ext directory.- - - -Installing multiple PHP versions - =20 --If you install more than one version of PHP, e.g.: -
+<VirtualHost *:80> + ServerName localhost +=20 + DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs/ +=20 + <IfModule mpm_peruser_module> + ServerEnvironment apache apache + </IfModule> + AddHandler php5-fastcgi .php + FastCgiServer /usr/lib/php5.2/bin/php-cgi +=20 + <Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/> + Order deny,allow + Allow from all +=20 + </Directory> +=20 +</VirtualHost> =20 --USE=3D"cgi cli apache2" emerge '=3Ddev-lang/php-4*' '=3Ddev-lang/php-= 5*'=20 --The ebuilds will create symlinks in
- - -/usr/bin for the last v= ersion=20 -of PHP you installed, in this case PHP5 since it was installed after PHP= 4. If=20 -you want/usr/bin/php or/usr/bin/php-cgi to p= oint=20 -to PHP4 or one to PHP4, the other to PHP5 etc., you canuse the php-select tool from -app-admin/php-toolkit .php-select makes it very easy to sy= mlink -the appropriate binaries. -- =20 +Installation Instructions -- -Set the USE flags - +That is it. Now start apache
=20 --The new PHP ebuild provides USE flags for nearly every PHP extension, so= you -can customize your PHP installation almost as good as building PHP by yo= urself, -simply by adding appropriate USE flags to -
- -/etc/portage/package.use (has to be created if it doesn't e= xists). -This way you can easily combine the flexibility with the advantages of a= =20 -mature package management (Portage). The new ebuild even allows a parall= el -installation of PHP4 and PHP5. -- - -/etc/portage/package.use will set the USE flags for your PH= P=20 -installation and remember them without mass editing through=20 -make.conf . --Please set the USE flags accordingly to what you want your PHP installat= ion to=20 -support (it is recommended to at least set the
- -cli USE flag): --dev-lang/php -* cli apache2 ctype gd jpeg mysql pcre png session truetyp= e xml xsl zlib ++/etc/init.d/apache2 start=20 -- - --* will disable all USE flags (this will disable even basic PHP -features like Session-, PCRE-, gd- and MySQL-support!), so you have to s= pecify -every USE flag for any extension/feature you would like to use. See-Managing Extensions for details. You have to set USE flags for=20 -upstream's defaults such aspcre if you want to usepreg_*=20 -Functions orsession if you want to useSession=20 -Handling Functions .=20 --If you want to install PHP4 and PHP5 in parallel, you can put in differe= nt USE=20 -flags for each version:=20 -
+Put something like the following into
=20 -/var/www/localhost/htdocs= /index.php -=3Ddev-lang/php-4* -* cgi cli ctype gd jpeg mysql pcre pear png session = truetype xml xsl zlib -=3Ddev-lang/php-5* -* cli apache2 ctype gd jpeg mysql pcre pdo-external = pear png session simplexml soap sqlite truetype xml xsl zlib ++<?php +phpinfo();=20 --For a list of recommended USE flags look at + +-Recommend USE flags . For a list of USE flags=20 -available for PHP have a look at theUSE=20 -flags table from overlay wiki. -That is it. Now you should be able to enter
=20http://localhost/index.php to test your setup.- +Emerge PHP - - --Now you have the choice to install PHP4 only, PHP5 only or both in paral= lel. To -install PHP4 only you have to emerge
- -=3Ddev-lang/php-4* , to insta= ll PHP5 -(latest) you can usedev-lang/php , and to install both in paralle= l you -have to emerge=3Ddev-lang/php-4* and=3Ddev-lang/php-5* . - --Check available USE flags and current USE flag settings: -
+Configuring lighttpd =20 --(check PHP4 package) -emerge --pretend --verbose '=3Ddev-lang/php-4*' - -(check PHP5 package) -emerge --pretend --verbose '=3Ddev-lang/php-5*' - -(check PHP extensions for PHP4) -emerge --pretend --verbose dev-php4/pecl-apc dev-php4/pecl-imagick de= v-php4/xdebug - -(check PHP extensions for PHP5) -emerge --pretend --verbose dev-php5/pecl-apc dev-php5/pecl-imagick + =20 -(check PHP libraries/applications) -emerge --pretend --verbose PEAR-PEAR PEAR-Mail PEAR-MDB smarty +First, make sure that you have the php USE flag enabled in your syste= m. Revisit your /etc/portage/package.use is what and append the following= :
++www-server/lighttpd php=20 --Emerge PHP if everything is fine: -
- --(emerge PHP4 package) -emerge '=3Ddev-lang/php-4*' - -(emerge PHP5 package) -emerge '=3Ddev-lang/php-5*' - -(emerge PHP extensions for PHP4) -emerge dev-php4/pecl-apc dev-php4/pecl-imagick dev-php4/xdebug - -(emerge PHP extensions for PHP5) -emerge dev-php5/pecl-apc dev-php5/pecl-imagick - -(emerge PHP libraries/applications) -emerge PEAR-PEAR PEAR-Mail PEAR-MDB smarty +Then emerge lighttpd ++emerge -av lighttpd=20 + +That is basically it. The configuration files that comes with lighttp= d should work out of the box, and you should be able to see your site at +
http://localhost/index.php + - -Installing PHP FPM + +This is only available for PHP 5.3.3 and newer. The PHP herds cons= ider FPM as the recommended setup for PHP +In PHP 5.3.3, PHP is shipped with support for the FPM SAPI. The FPM SAPI= is an=20 +improved fcgi SAPI that allows for more advanced configuration than the +original fcgi SAPI. One of the most useful features is process managemen= t, which=20 +makes it very useful for lightweight webservers, such aswww-servers/= nginx ,=20 +that does not handle process management of fcgi themselves.=20 +- =20PHP4 and PHP5 parallel: select which cli/cgi binary to use +Installing PHP =20 --After emerging you will have binaries for
- -cli and/orcgi i= n=20 -/usr/lib/php4/bin and/or/usr/lib/php5/bin . If= you -have installed both, PHP4 and PHP5, portage cannot decide for you which = one -should be used by default and always symlinks the last PHP version you -installed in/usr/bin . So if you installed PHP5 as last, yo= u'll -see/usr/bin/php symlinked to/usr/lib/php5/bin/php= path>. -So one cli and/orcgi binary as well asphp-devel -(responsable for building PHP extensions usingphpize and -php-config ) has to be symlinked (in/usr/bin ), which= could -easily be done usingphp-select , which is part of -app-admin/php-toolkit . --The +dev-lang/php packages depend onapp-admin/php-toolkit = so -php-select should be available automatically after emerging the n= ew -style php packages. -Make sure the fpm USE flag is enabled
=20 --Assuming you have emerged
- -=3Ddev-lang/php-4* as well as=20 -=3Ddev-lang/php-5* , enter the followingphp-select command= s to show -the currently selected PHP versions: --+(for cli) -php-select php - -(for cgi) -php-select php-cgi - -(for phpize, php-config) -php-select php-devel -+dev-lang/php fpm +=20 =20 --You should see something like that: -
- --# php-select php -/usr/bin/php is set to /usr/lib/php5/bin/php -=20 --Which means that the default path to the PHP cli binary -
=20/usr/bin/php is symlinked to the PHP5 binary -/usr/lib/php5/bin/php . So PHP scripts using -/usr/bin/php will be executed by PHP5. -- -Use php-select to change default PHP versions - +Setting up FPM with lighttpd =20 --If you are not happy with the default version settings you found out in = the -last chapter, you can use
+ +php-select again to select the desired -version: -Interestingly enough, you do NOT want the php USE flag +forwww-servers/lighttpd . It could actually break the build. =20 --(for cli) -php-select php php4 +Make sure that lighttpd is build with support for fastcgi and that th= e php USE flag is disabled
=20 -(for cgi) -php-select php-cgi php5 =20 -(for phpize, php-config) -php-select php-devel php5 ++www-servers/lighttpd fastcgi -php=20 --Please type -php-select -h to get more details on whatphp-sele= ct -can do. --Check linking: -
+Lighttpd ships with a default FastCGI config file, but unfortunately, it= is +written to work with the old PHP FCGI SAPI only, instead of a general +FCGI setup. Since we disabled the php USE flag, it won=E2=80=99t be incl= uded, and rightly so.=20 +However it does provide a good foundation for a configuration file that = can be used with FPM. =20 -+Edit
=20 - # stat /usr/bin/php /usr/bin/php-cgi /usr/bin/phpize /usr/bin/php-co= nfig | grep File - File: `/usr/bin/php' -> `/usr/lib/php4/bin/php' - File: `/usr/bin/php-cgi' -> `/usr/lib/php5/bin/php-cgi' - File: `/usr/bin/phpize' -> `/usr/lib/php5/bin/phpize' - File: `/usr/bin/php-config' -> `/usr/lib/php5/bin/php-config' +/etc/lighttpd/mod_fastcgi.conf so that it looks som= ething like this: ++server.modules +=3D ("mod_fastcgi") +fastcgi.server =3D ( ".php" =3D> + ( "localhost" =3D> + ( + "host" =3D> "", + "port" =3D> "9000" + ) + ) +)=20 --Please note that - - -php-select only changes the default versions. If= you -have installed both, PHP4 and PHP5 cgi/cli you can allways use the direc= t paths -like/usr/lib/php4/bin/php and/usr/lib/php5/bin/php<= /path> -to run a PHP script with a specific version. You can use PHP4 and PHP5 c= gi -in the same Apache instance, but you cannot use two different PHP Apache -modules in one Apache instance, see -PHP4 and PHP5 Configuration Guide for details. -- =20PHP Configuration -- + =20Note the
=20 -host andport parts.-The Gentoo PHP Package stores configuration in
+/etc/php , wh= ich -contains one subdirectory for each SAPI for each PHP version: -Since Gentoo ships with a perfectly working copy of a
=20 -php-fpm.ini<= /c> file,=20 +located in /etc/php/fpm-php5/php-fpm.ini , and init-script,=20 +all you need to do now is to start the services:-$ ls -1 /etc/php -apache2-php4 -apache2-php5 -cli-php4 -cli-php5 ++/etc/init.d/php-fpm start +/etc/init.d/lighttpd start=20 --Every subdirectory contains an own
+ =20php.ini , one php.ini for= each -SAPI. -- +Configuration of PHP Extensions +Nginx ++<snip> + server { + listen; + server_name localhost; +=20 + access_log /var/log/nginx/localhost.access_log main; + error_log /var/log/nginx/localhost.error_log info; +=20 + root /var/www/localhost/htdocs; +=20 + location ~ .php$ { + fastcgi_pass; + include fastcgi.conf; + } + } +<snip> +=20 --The new PHP package does not store configuration directives from externa= l -(shared) PHP extensions in
- -php.ini . These directives will -be stored in own extension-specific configuration files in the -/etc/php/[SAPI]/ext directories. To enable/disable shared -extensions, symlinks from/etc/php/[SAPI]/ext-active are us= ed. If -you want to enable an extension, create a symlink in -/etc/php/[SAPI]/ext-active to the corresponding=20 -[EXTENSION].ini file in/etc/php/[SAPI]/ext/ . = If you -want to disable an extension, remove the symlink. --E.g., if you emerge the
- -dev-php5/pecl-apc package, the default -configuration of APC will be written to -/etc/php/[SAPI]5/ext/apc.ini . A symlink from -/etc/php/[SAPI]5/ext-active/apc.ini to -/etc/php/[SAPI]5/ext/apc.ini will be created, so the extens= ion is -enabled by default. To disable APC, you have to remove the -/etc/php/[SAPI]5/ext-active/apc.ini symlink for every SAPI.= To -enable APC again, create new symlinks in=20 -/etc/php/[SAPI]5/ext-active/ to../ext/apc.ini = . --If you install PHP as an Apache module, make sure to restart Apache afte= r=20 -installation and configuration. - +Now just start the related services and you should have a working sit= e
=20 ++/etc/init.d/nginx start +/etc/init.d/php-fpm start ++- -Configure Apache to work with PHP4 and/or PHP5 +Nice to know + Development vs Production php.ini files - --To configure Apache to load the PHP4 or PHP5 module (mod_php), you have = to add -
- --D PHP4 respectively-D PHP5 toAPACHE2_OPTS variab= le in -/etc/conf.d/apache2 . --(settings for PHP4) -APACHE2_OPTS=3D"-D PHP4" - -(or settings for PHP5) -APACHE2_OPTS=3D"-D PHP5" +PHP distributes two versions of their
+ +php.ini ,=20 +one for production environments and one for development.=20 +In Gentoo, you can now chose which of these two files you want +installed on your system by default. This is particularly handy +when you update PHP and do not want your chosen environment settings +inphp.ini to appear when you merge your coniguration files= .To tell portage which version of
+ +php.ini you want, add o= ne=20 +of the following lines to/etc/make.conf :+=20 -# Set default php.ini version to the development version +PHP_INI_VERSION=3D"development" + # Set default php.ini version to the production version +PHP_INI_VERSION=3D"production" -There are many ways to make Apache work with two PHP versions in paralle= l. The -easiest way is to use PHP4 and PHP5 as a cgi binary, or a PHP4 cgi and P= HP5 -module (or the other way around). It's not possible to use the PHP4 modu= le and -PHP5 module in one Apache instance. -
+Note that the PHP herd also does additional patching of the i file +regardless of the version you set above. =20 --We have created a
+PHP4 and PHP= 5 -Configuration Guide which explains some of the possible solutions. -Always check and double-check your php.ini file after upgrade =20 + If you want to change your
+ +php.ini after installation, y= ou=20 +can find both versions located in/usr/share/doc/php-<version>/= php.ini-development.bz2 ++ FPMm user/group + +However, you might want to change the user and group parameters to so= mething else +than nobody. Personally, I changed it to nginx, but you might want to co= nsider +creating a new user for your web application.
- -Support / Getting Help -+ Further reading - --If you run into problems with the new Gentoo PHP packages, here's where = you can=20 -get help: -
- -- -
-Common Questions about PHP on Gentoo- -
Development-Pag= e of the=20 -PHP Overlay - #gentoo-php on; this is the chatroom where the ov= erlay's -regular authors hang out. We'd love to see you there!
-Gentoo Forums are a = popular -place to ask for help. There are plenty of other Gentoo users reading th= e -Forums round the clock, making it a great place to get help in a hurry.<= /li> +- +
PHP Up= grade guide - Offers more information about how to deal with multip= le instals of PHP and how to install extensions.Concurrently running multiple versions of PHP = - A guide describing how to set up webservers to work with parallel inst= alls of PHP-For details about implementation of the new packages have a look at
- -Stuarts= Posting=20 -on gentoo-dev and Stuarts Blog entries starting from-'Radical Changes for PHP5 Support' .=20 --On the
- -Development-Pag= e -you'll find a lot of documentation and more recent ebuilds, which will b= e -moved to the official portage tree later. -