* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/
@ 2024-07-26 13:38 Fabian Groffen
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Fabian Groffen @ 2024-07-26 13:38 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: af61f0a4cc9a5ef5ee1bf980c67f75a1cc560f3e
Author: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Jul 26 13:37:50 2024 +0000
Commit: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Jul 26 13:37:50 2024 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/prefix.git/commit/?id=af61f0a4
sys-apps/coreutils-9.5: version bump, add Solaris fix
Signed-off-by: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo.org>
sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest | 3 +
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.5.ebuild | 349 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../files/coreutils-9.5-skip-readutmp-test.patch | 13 +
3 files changed, 365 insertions(+)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index ed372cdb6a..6b82603fbe 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ DIST coreutils-9.1.tar.xz 5712104 BLAKE2B f5654e4935535275615d44a56c071d1c0746af
DIST coreutils-9.1.tar.xz.sig 833 BLAKE2B e9627a066f3c67596feaa8d43d5785076230f440bacea84d8b5736e51a22787c2d5df1f3e2cd8523d01fb7b468933d3c17fce3cb1fbefef322a0e0d820b81842 SHA512 9f0766531afd4faa3e2c337730f61db55605cf06729e9c61f644594883732c2e0b1ddb0005b492be309c53e6f45b8ff875398163a48699d52517ea49e9bdbc91
DIST coreutils-9.3.tar.xz 5808696 BLAKE2B 11502cd2dbeef150d0d4cece2546bf6b835941b94456c258f6058338f0477f22e68e88934d075b08fe51ee4d1c0c50cb23d8084ac06a457d6e8975f01643b1cd SHA512 242271f212a6860bdc6c8d7e5c4f85ce66c1b48ef781aca9daa56e0fe7c2b7809ef72b4392120219fe5b687637c83ce89ceef8bb35f6274f43f8f968a6901694
DIST coreutils-9.3.tar.xz.sig 833 BLAKE2B c45ae10ff706907ae65d31228e432f7d6f34acbdb733bf521437d9e2fc75828a59da9d432d894a1ed8b7341f7e15d0e8d4e816e209c799b75c14d0ec055bfdf2 SHA512 522a2072f8ef940228ccdd856a4041c3c16b98e309168ccf2066fe7c1013685ba6cdea8a7317dfa1f4507b37ca016ecedaf54438d4a5007927b0e1a8fd223eb5
+DIST coreutils-9.5-patches.tar.xz 5912 BLAKE2B 873fbe1a60f8f8034b3d35796146765ce388952d649c32dc81ca0e4c2823c9f2f00b69bc5cb3af686434867459b6dc378fb9a6d59563d28b87c3ee1eceeedbb3 SHA512 4b4ad356615d046b8d67ea35b789f887a787ab01ece3234f6344518aef33cd30ca364fef5d85e11acfdb24003114c16ffdab82922fb135d5425fbcd541064a76
+DIST coreutils-9.5.tar.xz 6007136 BLAKE2B 6fd3a77697c9e85f31415c6ad66559faf18acc7d346677a89d4a999c2027886551e78842a7283e7b3b44fe8ef2fde04ba2f88df32a7844d5f69d45bcb7a04b6f SHA512 2ca0deac4dc10a80fd0c6fd131252e99d457fd03b7bd626a6bc74fe5a0529c0a3d48ce1f5da1d3b3a7a150a1ce44f0fbb6b68a6ac543dfd5baa3e71f5d65401c
+DIST coreutils-9.5.tar.xz.sig 833 BLAKE2B 37c29984bceee0ff3bffde76712f71dbb118c228e328dc230d5c53c37da12f5ec2130e0123b97fda4a561f556c3be307fdbe1f0c21279db2c84030818386f626 SHA512 029997e0f4ee64e561853cff7c8a124f58cc891598595b44c4a46f9813b4b71c9d677464bc8a26d294e9971832f4b87c23777fea4fac6e8e30f06ad93b9957d5
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.5.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1152f3d2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# PREFIX LOCAL changes:
+# - Solaris memset_s fix, that depends on coreutils pulling gnulib
+# https://github.com/coreutils/gnulib/commit/4438332396e6e1f950862a32a71df511865b4069
+# coreutils 9.6 probably has it as this commit suggests they updated
+# https://github.com/coreutils/coreutils/commit/ea1fe48b91bfa9e8c4f952faf6b44fc1946e817b
+# - Darwin libstdbuf cruft to fix during bootstrap, and use a correct
+# install_name
+# Try to keep an eye on Fedora's packaging: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/coreutils
+# The upstream coreutils maintainers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
+# backport fixes which we want to pick up.
+# Also recommend subscribing to the coreutils and bug-coreutils MLs.
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
+inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/coreutils.git"
+ inherit git-r3
+elif [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+ # Note: could put this in devspace, but if it's gone, we don't want
+ # it in tree anyway. It's just for testing.
+ MY_SNAPSHOT="$(ver_cut 1-2).185-541b02"
+ SRC_URI="https://www.pixelbeat.org/cu/coreutils-${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz -> ${P}.tar.xz"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? ( https://www.pixelbeat.org/cu/coreutils-${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz.sig -> ${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
+ mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
+ verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )
+ "
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
+SRC_URI+=" !vanilla? ( https://dev.gentoo.org/~sam/distfiles/${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${MY_PATCH}.tar.xz )"
+IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls +openssl selinux +split-usr static test vanilla xattr"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
+ openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs] )
+ xattr? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] )
+ !static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )
+ static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ app-arch/xz-utils
+ dev-lang/perl
+ test? (
+ dev-debug/strace
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/Expect
+ )
+ verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-coreutils )
+ hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
+ kill? (
+ !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
+ !sys-process/procps[kill]
+ )
+ !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
+ !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
+ !sys-apps/stat
+ !net-mail/base64
+ !sys-apps/mktemp
+ !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
+ !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
+ # gnulib FPs (bug #898370)
+ unreachable MIN alignof static_assert
+ # ... and on musl
+ _exit fpurge statvfs64 re_set_syntax re_compile_pattern re_search re_match
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test ; then
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ cd "${S}" || die
+ ./bootstrap || die
+ sed -i -e "s:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes public-submodule-commit:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes:" gnulib/top/maint.mk || die
+ elif use verify-sig ; then
+ # Needed for downloaded patch (which is unsigned, which is fine)
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.tar.xz{,.sig}
+ fi
+ default
+src_prepare() {
+ # TODO: past 2025, we may need to add our own hack for bug #907474.
+ local PATCHES=(
+ # Upstream patches
+ )
+ if ! use vanilla && [[ -d "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_PATCH} ]] ; then
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-9.5-skip-readutmp-test.patch
+ )
+ fi
+ default
+ # fixup libstdbuf non-libtool stuff
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
+ # we need replacement libs from libcoreutils.a here in order
+ # to finish the linking (they try to avoid this, but it doesn't
+ # during bootstrap, a re-install is fine though)
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDADD/s:$: lib/libcoreutils.a:" \
+ Makefile.in \
+ || die
+ # and we need serial building :(
+ export MAKEOPTS+=" -j1"
+ # set a proper install_name
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDFLAGS = -shared/s:-shared:-dynamiclib -install_name ${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.dylib:" \
+ Makefile.in \
+ || die
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
+ src/stdbuf.c \
+ Makefile.in \
+ configure \
+ || die
+ fi
+ # should be gone on next release, for memset_s breakage
+ [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] && append-cppflags -D__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__=1
+ # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
+ # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
+ # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
+ #
+ # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
+ # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
+ set -- man/*.x
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default (bug #348642)
+ if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
+ touch src/dircolors.h || die
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ # TODO: in future (>9.4?), we may want to wire up USE=systemd:
+ # still experimental at the moment, but:
+ # https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/coreutils.git/commit/?id=85edb4afbd119fb69a0d53e1beb71f46c9525dd0
+ local myconf=(
+ --with-packager="Gentoo"
+ --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ --with-packager-bug-reports="https://bugs.gentoo.org/"
+ # kill/uptime - procps
+ # groups/su - shadow
+ # hostname - net-tools
+ --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
+ --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
+ $(usev !caps --disable-libcap)
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable acl)
+ $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
+ $(use_enable xattr)
+ $(use_with gmp libgmp)
+ $(use_with openssl)
+ )
+ if use gmp ; then
+ myconf+=( --with-libgmp-prefix="${ESYSROOT}"/usr )
+ fi
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
+ # bug #311569
+ export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes
+ # bug #416629
+ export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes
+ fi
+ # bug #409919
+ export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes
+ if use static ; then
+ append-ldflags -static
+ # bug #321821
+ sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure || die
+ fi
+ if ! use selinux ; then
+ # bug #301782
+ export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no
+ fi
+ econf "${myconf[@]}"
+src_test() {
+ # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
+ # accessible to non-root users
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs,
+ # so make sure:
+ # - /etc/mtab is writable (bug #265725)
+ # - /dev/loop* can be mounted (bug #269758)
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
+ mkwrap() {
+ local w ww
+ for w in "${@}" ; do
+ ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
+ cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
+ #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
+ exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
+ chmod a+rx "${ww}" || die
+ done
+ }
+ mkwrap mount umount
+ addwrite /dev/full
+ #local -x RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
+ #local -x COREUTILS_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ local -x PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}"
+ local -x gl_public_submodule_commit=
+ local xfail_tests=(
+ # bug #675802
+ tests/env/env-S
+ tests/env/env-S.pl
+ # bug #413621 and bug #548250
+ tests/du/long-from-unreadable.sh
+ tests/ls/removed-directory
+ tests/ls/removed-directory.sh
+ tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks
+ tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks.sh
+ tests/rm/deep-2
+ tests/rm/deep-2.sh
+ # We have a patch which fixes this (bug #259876)
+ #tests/touch/not-owner
+ #tests/touch/not-owner.sh
+ )
+ # This test is flaky (bug #629660, bug #935367).
+ cat > tests/dd/no-allocate.sh <<-EOF || die
+ #!/bin/sh
+ exit 77;
+ # This test is flaky (bug #910640).
+ cat > tests/tty/tty-eof.pl <<-EOF || die
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ exit 77;
+ # We set DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS because some of the tests hard error-out
+ # because of sandbox. They're skipped above but DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS is needed
+ # to downgrade them to FAIL.
+ emake -k check \
+ VERBOSE=yes \
+ XFAIL_TESTS="${xfail_tests[*]}"
+src_install() {
+ default
+ insinto /etc
+ newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
+ if use split-usr ; then
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/bin || die
+ dodir /bin
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
+ local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
+ mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
+ mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move FHS bins!"
+ if use hostname ; then
+ mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ if use kill ; then
+ mv kill ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
+ # (Why are these required for booting?)
+ local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
+ mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
+ mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move common bins!"
+ # Create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it.
+ # (Other than uname, we need to figure out why we are
+ # creating symlinks for these in /usr/bin instead of leaving
+ # the files there in the first place...)
+ local x
+ for x in ${com} uname ; do
+ dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
+ ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
+ ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.5-skip-readutmp-test.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.5-skip-readutmp-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e7c9cf420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.5-skip-readutmp-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- a/gnulib-tests/test-readutmp.c
++++ b/gnulib-tests/test-readutmp.c
+@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ STRUCT_UTMP *entries;
+ idx_t num_entries;
++ fprintf (stderr, "Skipping test: Gentoo: examines host entries, so unreliable in ebuild\n");
++ return 77;
+ if (read_utmp (UTMP_FILE, &num_entries, &entries, 0) < 0)
+ {
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/
@ 2023-05-27 11:27 Fabian Groffen
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Fabian Groffen @ 2023-05-27 11:27 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: dc6adf25ba6fd45e278b57817f1e5edf7d608b43
Author: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat May 27 11:26:58 2023 +0000
Commit: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat May 27 11:26:58 2023 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/prefix.git/commit/?id=dc6adf25
sys-apps/coreutils: sync with gx86
Signed-off-by: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo.org>
sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest | 2 +
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild | 20 ++---
...utils-9.1-r2.ebuild => coreutils-9.3-r1.ebuild} | 66 +++++++++++------
...utils-9.3-cp-parents-preserve-permissions.patch | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index 69df2fc021..ed372cdb6a 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
DIST coreutils-9.0_p20220409-patches-01.tar.xz 6244 BLAKE2B 8ca9855680719660782931467ec70095c826e66b9850890b8cf456963f8114f63940707386b97c766172d01e55e17b7db2aa1c329208a873a76e2293b29f565f SHA512 4b43c25832122d241f33e6b4eff24bc1fa045b9ca5af45a49d22ecb1fa282986c4e4a045ef24c34b3d94fd9a2247247c42c344261e3f464d881969e6f3351d3f
DIST coreutils-9.1.tar.xz 5712104 BLAKE2B f5654e4935535275615d44a56c071d1c0746af36cf4615fcc0a5a0d387af9c9023adac31f31a52e16b3d1105b9d4c0fb7ebff9b2862498849f867a866049dd6e SHA512 a6ee2c549140b189e8c1b35e119d4289ec27244ec0ed9da0ac55202f365a7e33778b1dc7c4e64d1669599ff81a8297fe4f5adbcc8a3a2f75c919a43cd4b9bdfa
DIST coreutils-9.1.tar.xz.sig 833 BLAKE2B e9627a066f3c67596feaa8d43d5785076230f440bacea84d8b5736e51a22787c2d5df1f3e2cd8523d01fb7b468933d3c17fce3cb1fbefef322a0e0d820b81842 SHA512 9f0766531afd4faa3e2c337730f61db55605cf06729e9c61f644594883732c2e0b1ddb0005b492be309c53e6f45b8ff875398163a48699d52517ea49e9bdbc91
+DIST coreutils-9.3.tar.xz 5808696 BLAKE2B 11502cd2dbeef150d0d4cece2546bf6b835941b94456c258f6058338f0477f22e68e88934d075b08fe51ee4d1c0c50cb23d8084ac06a457d6e8975f01643b1cd SHA512 242271f212a6860bdc6c8d7e5c4f85ce66c1b48ef781aca9daa56e0fe7c2b7809ef72b4392120219fe5b687637c83ce89ceef8bb35f6274f43f8f968a6901694
+DIST coreutils-9.3.tar.xz.sig 833 BLAKE2B c45ae10ff706907ae65d31228e432f7d6f34acbdb733bf521437d9e2fc75828a59da9d432d894a1ed8b7341f7e15d0e8d4e816e209c799b75c14d0ec055bfdf2 SHA512 522a2072f8ef940228ccdd856a4041c3c16b98e309168ccf2066fe7c1013685ba6cdea8a7317dfa1f4507b37ca016ecedaf54438d4a5007927b0e1a8fd223eb5
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild
index 19d468c871..0807fff2b9 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Try to keep an eye on Fedora's packaging: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/coreutils
-# The upstream coreutils maintianers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
+# The upstream coreutils maintainers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
# backport fixes which we want to pick up.
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{9..11} )
inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs verify-sig
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ if [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
KEYWORDS="~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
@@ -116,13 +117,14 @@ src_prepare() {
-e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDFLAGS = -shared/s:-shared:-dynamiclib -install_name ${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.dylib:" \
Makefile.in \
|| die
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
+ src/stdbuf.c \
+ Makefile.in \
+ configure \
+ || die
- sed -i \
- -e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
- src/stdbuf.c \
- Makefile.in \
- configure \
- || die
# Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
# re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.3-r1.ebuild
similarity index 84%
copy from sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild
copy to sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.3-r1.ebuild
index 19d468c871..1d0172656a 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.1-r2.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.3-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Try to keep an eye on Fedora's packaging: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/coreutils
-# The upstream coreutils maintianers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
+# The upstream coreutils maintainers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
# backport fixes which we want to pick up.
+# Also recommend subscribing to the coreutils and bug-coreutils MLs.
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{9..11} )
inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs verify-sig
@@ -15,16 +17,22 @@ MY_PATCH="${PN}-9.0_p20220409-patches-01"
DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
-if [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/coreutils.git"
+ inherit git-r3
+elif [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
# Note: could put this in devspace, but if it's gone, we don't want
# it in tree anyway. It's just for testing.
- MY_SNAPSHOT="$(ver_cut 1-2).193-54bec"
+ MY_SNAPSHOT="$(ver_cut 1-2).18-ffd62"
SRC_URI="https://www.pixelbeat.org/cu/coreutils-${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz -> ${P}.tar.xz"
SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? ( https://www.pixelbeat.org/cu/coreutils-${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz.sig -> ${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
- SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
- verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
+ mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
+ verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )
+ "
KEYWORDS="~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
@@ -35,14 +43,18 @@ SLOT="0"
IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls +openssl selinux +split-usr static test vanilla xattr"
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs] )
- xattr? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
+ xattr? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] )
+ !static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )
static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
@@ -80,7 +92,14 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_unpack() {
- if use verify-sig ; then
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ cd "${S}" || die
+ ./bootstrap || die
+ sed -i -e "s:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes public-submodule-commit:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes:" gnulib/top/maint.mk || die
+ elif use verify-sig ; then
# Needed for downloaded patch (which is unsigned, which is fine)
verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.tar.xz{,.sig}
@@ -91,10 +110,10 @@ src_unpack() {
src_prepare() {
local PATCHES=(
# Upstream patches
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-rename-simple-backups.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-cp-parents-preserve-permissions.patch
- if ! use vanilla ; then
+ if ! use vanilla && [[ -d "${WORKDIR}"/patch ]] ; then
PATCHES+=( "${WORKDIR}"/patch )
@@ -116,13 +135,14 @@ src_prepare() {
-e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDFLAGS = -shared/s:-shared:-dynamiclib -install_name ${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.dylib:" \
Makefile.in \
|| die
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
+ src/stdbuf.c \
+ Makefile.in \
+ configure \
+ || die
- sed -i \
- -e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
- src/stdbuf.c \
- Makefile.in \
- configure \
- || die
# Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
# re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
@@ -150,7 +170,6 @@ src_configure() {
# hostname - net-tools
--enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
--enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
- --enable-largefile
$(usex caps '' --disable-libcap)
$(use_enable nls)
$(use_enable acl)
@@ -224,7 +243,8 @@ src_test() {
addwrite /dev/full
#export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
- env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" emake -k check VERBOSE=yes
+ env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" gl_public_submodule_commit= \
+ emake -k check VERBOSE=yes
src_install() {
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.3-cp-parents-preserve-permissions.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.3-cp-parents-preserve-permissions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8f2a9bb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.3-cp-parents-preserve-permissions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+From c6b1fe43474b48a6bf5793e11cc1d0d6e895fdf4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?P=C3=A1draig=20Brady?= <P@draigBrady.com>
+Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 17:01:37 +0100
+Subject: cp: -p --parents: fix failure to preserve permissions for absolute
+ paths
+* src/cp.c (re_protect): Ensure copy_acl() is passed an absolute path.
+* tests/cp/cp-parents.sh: Add a test case.
+* NEWS: Mention the bug.
+Fixes https://bugs.gnu.org/63245
+--- a/src/cp.c
++++ b/src/cp.c
+@@ -296,15 +296,19 @@ regular file.\n\
+ when done. */
+ static bool
+-re_protect (char const *const_dst_name, int dst_dirfd, char const *dst_relname,
++re_protect (char const *const_dst_name, int dst_dirfd, char const *dst_fullname,
+ struct dir_attr *attr_list, const struct cp_options *x)
+ {
+ struct dir_attr *p;
+ char *dst_name; /* A copy of CONST_DST_NAME we can change. */
+- char *src_name; /* The source name in 'dst_name'. */
++ char *src_name; /* The relative source name in 'dst_name'. */
++ char *full_src_name; /* The full source name in 'dst_name'. */
+ ASSIGN_STRDUPA (dst_name, const_dst_name);
+- src_name = dst_name + (dst_relname - const_dst_name);
++ full_src_name = dst_name + (dst_fullname - const_dst_name);
++ src_name = full_src_name;
++ while (*src_name == '/')
++ src_name++;
+ for (p = attr_list; p; p = p->next)
+ {
+@@ -347,7 +351,7 @@ re_protect (char const *const_dst_name, int dst_dirfd, char const *dst_relname,
+ if (x->preserve_mode)
+ {
+- if (copy_acl (src_name, -1, dst_name, -1, p->st.st_mode) != 0)
++ if (copy_acl (full_src_name, -1, dst_name, -1, p->st.st_mode) != 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (p->restore_mode)
+@@ -687,6 +691,7 @@ do_copy (int n_files, char **file, char const *target_directory,
+ bool parent_exists = true; /* True if dir_name (dst_name) exists. */
+ struct dir_attr *attr_list;
+ char *arg_in_concat = NULL;
++ char *full_arg_in_concat = NULL;
+ char *arg = file[i];
+ /* Trailing slashes are meaningful (i.e., maybe worth preserving)
+@@ -719,6 +724,7 @@ do_copy (int n_files, char **file, char const *target_directory,
+ (x->verbose ? "%s -> %s\n" : NULL),
+ &attr_list, &new_dst, x));
++ full_arg_in_concat = arg_in_concat;
+ while (*arg_in_concat == '/')
+ arg_in_concat++;
+ }
+@@ -747,7 +753,7 @@ do_copy (int n_files, char **file, char const *target_directory,
+ new_dst, x, ©_into_self, NULL);
+ if (parents_option)
+- ok &= re_protect (dst_name, target_dirfd, arg_in_concat,
++ ok &= re_protect (dst_name, target_dirfd, full_arg_in_concat,
+ attr_list, x);
+ }
+--- a/tests/cp/cp-parents.sh
++++ b/tests/cp/cp-parents.sh
+@@ -66,4 +66,10 @@ p=$(ls -ld g/sym/b/c|cut -b-10); case $p in drwxr-xr-x);; *) fail=1;; esac
+ cp --parents --no-preserve=mode np/b/file np_dest/ || fail=1
+ p=$(ls -ld np_dest/np|cut -b-10); case $p in drwxr-xr-x);; *) fail=1;; esac
++# coreutils 9.1-9.3 inclusive would fail to copy acls for absolute dirs
++mkdir dest || framework_failure_
++if test -f /bin/ls; then
++ cp -t dest --parents -p /bin/ls || fail=1
+ Exit $fail
+cgit v1.1
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/
@ 2021-12-22 23:58 Sam James
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Sam James @ 2021-12-22 23:58 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 5a419fb841222582de4d8945a5b43a93f77d11e5
Author: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed Dec 22 23:57:38 2021 +0000
Commit: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Dec 22 23:57:38 2021 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/prefix.git/commit/?id=5a419fb8
sys-apps/coreutils: sync with ::gentoo for chmod patch
Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/829836
Signed-off-by: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo.org>
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.0-r1.ebuild | 4 ++-
.../coreutils-9.0-fix-chmod-symlink-exit.patch | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.0-r1.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.0-r1.ebuild
index 4bb595cdec..5d2550bf69 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_prepare() {
- local PATCHES=()
+ local PATCHES=(
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-chmod-symlink-exit.patch
+ )
if ! use vanilla ; then
PATCHES+=( "${WORKDIR}"/patch )
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.0-fix-chmod-symlink-exit.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.0-fix-chmod-symlink-exit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25b2b72bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.0-fix-chmod-symlink-exit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(and https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-coreutils/2021-09/msg00035.html)
+From: =?UTF-8?q?P=C3=A1draig=20Brady?= <P@draigBrady.com>
+Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2021 20:57:41 +0100
+Subject: chmod: fix exit status when ignoring symlinks
+* src/chmod.c: Reorder enum so CH_NOT_APPLIED
+can be treated as a non error.
+* tests/chmod/ignore-symlink.sh: A new test.
+* tests/local.mk: Reference the new test.
+* NEWS: Mention the bug fix.
+Fixes https://bugs.gnu.org/50784
+--- a/src/chmod.c
++++ b/src/chmod.c
+@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ struct change_status
+ enum
+ {
+ }
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ process_file (FTS *fts, FTSENT *ent)
+ if ( ! recurse)
+ fts_set (fts, ent, FTS_SKIP);
+- return CH_NO_CHANGE_REQUESTED <= ch.status;
++ return CH_NOT_APPLIED <= ch.status;
+ }
+ /* Recursively change the modes of the specified FILES (the last entry
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/
@ 2020-12-27 10:49 Fabian Groffen
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Fabian Groffen @ 2020-12-27 10:49 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 770560f712da16a27ee7ba36543340300bf7afb2
Author: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Dec 27 10:48:12 2020 +0000
Commit: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Dec 27 10:48:12 2020 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/prefix.git/commit/?id=770560f7
sys-apps/coreutils: drop ~m68k-mint
Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.12-prefix, Repoman-3.0.2
Signed-off-by: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo.org>
sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest | 1 +
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild | 12 +-
.../files/coreutils-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch | 1043 --------------------
sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch | 155 ---
4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 1202 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index 0f0d568b69..23cda18b29 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+DIST coreutils-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch 36792 BLAKE2B f494be97595ff9532f57ca3d5386d185d813647fb07480dc1b22434fa5eecfa22acb6940b82cc733ae4448757e5f69cf2c7c746a5752409fe4aa11dd47482e63 SHA512 53d05262118a0063a0b3992b80dcda28256516da4d077a691117384ea808e5468488443d9c4b0e38a4d5148e5e721e733dcb0562dcf23a1370d4090251458951
DIST coreutils-8.30-patches-01.tar.xz 5788 BLAKE2B a41511ce39ac570cb14b7f12d125eebef92217469a9490808719fa0665f5e5c0adb96fbd02c4bac4d280d1502295669575790a81dbc01afe2ca3a9d384cbefb0 SHA512 b1e1933637de4581d5f8c6ede4e80a012435d13f0cf5550a76ab5bbe9441e3c15ce19ef3f78a7ea3b8368d5e9a3bb17c1207c471d26171b59786f38adeba0454
DIST coreutils-8.32.tar.xz 5547836 BLAKE2B 0ad99c176c19ec214fcfd0845523e5362f0151827707c759bd46c0fe8d2501c6ad1c29c5b71266f6525857bc0d56c472db0d7fe29953b6c65e2e6c76bdf3c515 SHA512 1c8f3584efd61b4b02e7ac5db8e103b63cfb2063432caaf1e64cb2dcc56d8c657d1133bbf10bd41468d6a1f31142e6caa81d16ae68fa3e6e84075c253613a145
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild
index 6e23e61ae1..302190d759 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild
@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
+ elibc_Cygwin? (
+ https://dev.gentoo.org/~grobian/distfiles/${PN}-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch
+ )
-KEYWORDS="~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+KEYWORDS="~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls selinux +split-usr static test userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
@@ -73,9 +76,11 @@ src_prepare() {
PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch )
- default
+ if use elibc_Cygwin ; then
+ PATCHES+=( "${DISTDIR}"/${PN}-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch )
+ fi
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.32-mint.patch
+ default
# fixup libstdbuf non-libtool stuff
if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
@@ -94,7 +99,6 @@ src_prepare() {
Makefile.in \
|| die
elif use elibc_Cygwin ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch
sed -i -e 's|\(libstdbuf\.so\)$(EXEEXT)|\1|g' Makefile.in || die
sed -i \
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 20bfe76b3d..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1043 +0,0 @@
-This was a copy of coreutils-8.25-3.src.patch from the official Cygwin
-coreutils-8.25-3 source package, modified to avoid re-running autotools:
-* Hunks for ./configure.ac go to ./configure instead.
-* Hunks for ./lib/local.mk go to ./Makefile.in instead.
-It has been updated to apply to coreutils-8.28 by Egor Y. Egorov, provided
-in Gentoo Bug report https://bugs.gentoo.org/638816.
-Once there is an official Cygwin source package for 8.28 or newer, we
-probably want to import their patch again.
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/configure 2017-09-02 07:54:54.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/configure 2017-11-20 10:58:06.601585900 +0600
-@@ -65498,7 +65498,8 @@
- # Put this message here, after gl_WARN_ADD's chatter.
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether this system supports stdbuf" >&5
- $as_echo_n "checking whether this system supports stdbuf... " >&6; }
-+# -fPIC on cygwin is a warning
- LDFLAGS="-shared $LDFLAGS"
- stdbuf_supported=no
- # Note we only LINK here rather than RUN to support cross compilation
-@@ -65530,7 +65531,7 @@
- conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $stdbuf_supported" >&5
- $as_echo "$stdbuf_supported" >&6; }
--if test "$stdbuf_supported" = "yes" && test -z "$EXEEXT"; then
-+if test "$stdbuf_supported" = "yes"; then
- {
- if test -z "$optional_bin_progs"; then
- optional_bin_progs=stdbuf
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/cygwin.c 1970-01-01 06:00:00.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/cygwin.c 2017-11-20 15:52:51.569827000 +0600
-@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
-+/* cygwin.c - helper functions unique to Cygwin
-+ Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-+ any later version.
-+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-+ Written by Eric Blake. */
-+#include <config.h>
-+#include "cygwin.h"
-+#include <errno.h>
-+#include <limits.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+/* Return -1 if PATH is not found, 0 if PATH will not have .exe
-+ appended (it is possible that a PATH that does not exist still
-+ returns 0 instead of -1, or fails for a PATH that exists but cannot
-+ be stat'ed), and positive if PATH has ".exe" automatically appended
-+ by cygwin (1 if PATH is a symlink, 2 otherwise). Won't change errno. */
-+cygwin_spelling (char const *path)
-+ int saved_errno = errno;
-+ int result = 0; /* Start with assumption that PATH is okay. */
-+ size_t len;
-+ struct stat st1;
-+ struct stat st2;
-+ char *path_exe;
-+ /* If PATH will cause EINVAL or ENAMETOOLONG, treat it as missing. */
-+ if (! path || ! *path)
-+ return -1;
-+ if (PATH_MAX < (len = strlen (path)))
-+ return -1;
-+ /* Don't change spelling if there is a trailing `/' or '.exe'. */
-+ if (path[len - 1] == '/'
-+ || (len > 4 && !strcasecmp (&path[len - 4], ".exe")))
-+ return 0;
-+ if (lstat (path, &st1) < 0)
-+ {
-+ errno = saved_errno;
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (S_ISDIR(st1.st_mode))
-+ {
-+ errno = saved_errno;
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ path_exe = malloca (len + 5); /* adding ".exe" and NUL. */
-+ strcat (stpcpy (path_exe, path), ".exe");
-+ if (lstat (path_exe, &st2) == 0 && st1.st_ino == st2.st_ino)
-+ result = 1 + !S_ISLNK(st1.st_mode);
-+ freea (path_exe);
-+ errno = saved_errno;
-+ return result;
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/cygwin.h 1970-01-01 06:00:00.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/cygwin.h 2017-11-20 15:52:51.571832900 +0600
-@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
-+/* cygwin.h - helper functions unique to Cygwin
-+ Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-+ any later version.
-+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-+ Written by Eric Blake. */
-+#ifndef CYGWIN_H
-+# define CYGWIN_H 1
-+#include "malloca.h"
-+int cygwin_spelling (char const *);
-+/* Append ".exe" to char *__NAME_ORIG, where __NAME is either NULL or
-+ between __NAME_ORIG and the nul terminator. Both params will be
-+ evaluated more than once and assigned the new value. The user must
-+ later call freea(__NAME). */
-+#define CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE(__name, __name_orig) \
-+ __name_orig = __name = \
-+ strcat (strcpy (malloca (strchr (__name ? __name : __name_orig, '\0') \
-+ - (__name_orig) + 5), \
-+ __name_orig), ".exe")
-+#endif /* CYGWIN_H */
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/hash-pjw.c 2017-09-01 13:12:43.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/hash-pjw.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.617214500 +0600
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include "hash-pjw.h"
-+#include <ctype.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #define SIZE_BITS (sizeof (size_t) * CHAR_BIT)
-@@ -38,3 +39,16 @@
- return h % tablesize;
- }
-+/* Likewise, but case-insensitive. */
-+hash_pjw_case (const void *x, size_t tablesize)
-+ const unsigned char *s;
-+ size_t h = 0;
-+ for (s = x; *s; s++)
-+ h = tolower (*s) + ((h << 9) | (h >> (SIZE_BITS - 9)));
-+ return h % tablesize;
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/hash-pjw.h 2017-09-01 13:12:43.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/hash-pjw.h 2017-11-20 10:58:06.617214500 +0600
-@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@
- The result is platform dependent: it depends on the size of the 'size_t'
- type and on the signedness of the 'char' type. */
- extern size_t hash_pjw (void const *x, size_t tablesize) _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
-+extern size_t hash_pjw_case (void const *x, size_t tablesize) _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/hash-triple.c 2017-09-01 13:12:43.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/hash-triple.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.617214500 +0600
-@@ -34,7 +34,13 @@
- triple_hash (void const *x, size_t table_size)
- {
- struct F_triple const *p = x;
-+#if !__CYGWIN__
- size_t tmp = hash_pjw (p->name, table_size);
-+#else // cygwin
-+ /* Hash case-insensitively, to force collisions on names that differ by
-+ case; copy.c can then account for case-insensitive renames. */
-+ size_t tmp = hash_pjw_case (p->name, table_size);
- /* Ignoring the device number here should be fine. */
- return (tmp ^ p->st_ino) % table_size;
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/root-dev-ino.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/root-dev-ino.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.617214500 +0600
-@@ -25,13 +25,17 @@
- /* Call lstat to get the device and inode numbers for '/'.
- Upon failure, return NULL. Otherwise, set the members of
- *ROOT_D_I accordingly and return ROOT_D_I. */
--struct dev_ino *
--get_root_dev_ino (struct dev_ino *root_d_i)
-+struct root_dev_ino *
-+get_root_dev_ino (struct root_dev_ino *root_d_i)
- {
- struct stat statbuf;
- if (lstat ("/", &statbuf))
- return NULL;
-- root_d_i->st_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
-- root_d_i->st_dev = statbuf.st_dev;
-+ root_d_i->single_slash.st_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
-+ root_d_i->single_slash.st_dev = statbuf.st_dev;
-+ if (lstat ("//", &statbuf))
-+ return NULL;
-+ root_d_i->double_slash.st_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
-+ root_d_i->double_slash.st_dev = statbuf.st_dev;
- return root_d_i;
- }
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/root-dev-ino.h 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/root-dev-ino.h 2017-11-20 10:58:06.617214500 +0600
-@@ -21,19 +21,26 @@
- # include "dev-ino.h"
- # include "same-inode.h"
--struct dev_ino *
--get_root_dev_ino (struct dev_ino *root_d_i);
-+struct root_dev_ino
-+ struct dev_ino single_slash;
-+ struct dev_ino double_slash;
-+struct root_dev_ino *
-+get_root_dev_ino (struct root_dev_ino *root_d_i);
- /* These macros are common to the programs that support the
- --preserve-root and --no-preserve-root options. */
- # define ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK(Root_dev_ino, Dir_statbuf) \
-- (Root_dev_ino && SAME_INODE (*Dir_statbuf, *Root_dev_ino))
-+ (Root_dev_ino && (SAME_INODE (*Dir_statbuf, (Root_dev_ino)->single_slash) \
-+ || SAME_INODE (*Dir_statbuf, (Root_dev_ino)->double_slash)))
- # define ROOT_DEV_INO_WARN(Dirname) \
- do \
- { \
-- if (STREQ (Dirname, "/")) \
-+ if (STREQ (Dirname, "/") || STREQ (Dirname, "//")) \
- error (0, 0, _("it is dangerous to operate recursively on %s"), \
- quoteaf (Dirname)); \
- else \
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/same.c 2017-09-01 13:12:43.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/lib/same.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.617214500 +0600
-@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
- #include "error.h"
- #include "same-inode.h"
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+# include <sys/cygwin.h>
-+# include "cygwin.h"
-+# include "malloca.h"
-+# include "memcasecmp.h"
- #ifndef MIN
- # define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
-@@ -59,6 +66,45 @@
- (source_baselen == dest_baselen
- && memcmp (source_basename, dest_basename, dest_baselen) == 0);
- bool compare_dirs = identical_basenames;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ /* If two names differ case-insensitively by only an '.exe' suffix,
-+ do some sleuthing to see if .exe magic matters on the shorter
-+ name. Swapping the longer name to dest avoids duplication. */
-+ if (source_baselen == dest_baselen + 4)
-+ {
-+ char const *tmp_basename = source_basename;
-+ size_t tmp_baselen = source_baselen;
-+ source_basename = dest_basename;
-+ source_baselen = dest_baselen;
-+ dest_basename = tmp_basename;
-+ dest_baselen = tmp_baselen;
-+ }
-+ if (source_baselen + 4 == dest_baselen
-+ && !memcasecmp (dest_basename - 4, ".exe", 4)
-+ && !memcasecmp (source_basename, dest_basename, source_baselen)
-+ && 0 < cygwin_spelling(source))
-+ dest_baselen -= 4;
-+ /* Some, but not all, files are case-insensitive (depending on mount
-+ options, CYGWIN=case settings, and virtual file systems). Do
-+ some sleuthing to decide whether case-insensitivity matters. */
-+ if (! compare_dirs && source_baselen == dest_baselen)
-+ {
-+ ssize_t wsrclen = cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W,
-+ source, NULL, 0);
-+ ssize_t wdstlen = cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W,
-+ dest, NULL, 0);
-+ char *wsrc = malloca (wsrclen);
-+ char *wdst = malloca (wdstlen);
-+ if (cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W, source, wsrc, wsrclen))
-+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "unable to convert path name %s", source);
-+ if (cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W, dest, wdst, wdstlen))
-+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "unable to convert path name %s", dest);
-+ if (wsrclen == wdstlen && memcasecmp (wsrc, wdst, wsrclen) == 0)
-+ compare_dirs = true;
-+ freea (wsrc);
-+ freea (wdst);
-+ }
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- bool same = false;
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/Makefile.in 2017-11-20 10:37:56.336452400 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/Makefile.in 2017-11-20 10:58:06.632817000 +0600
-@@ -710,7 +710,8 @@
- lib/xstrndup.h lib/xstrndup.c lib/xstrtod.c lib/xstrtoimax.c \
- lib/xstrtol.c lib/xstrtoul.c lib/xstrtol-error.c \
- lib/xstrtold.c lib/xstrtoumax.c lib/xvasprintf.h \
-- lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c
-+ lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c \
-+ lib/cygwin.c lib/cygwin.h
- am__dirstamp = $(am__leading_dot)dirstamp
- @LIBUNISTRING_COMPILE_UNISTR_U8_MBTOUCR_TRUE@am__objects_1 = lib/unistr/u8-mbtoucr.$(OBJEXT)
- @LIBUNISTRING_COMPILE_UNISTR_U8_UCTOMB_TRUE@am__objects_2 = lib/unistr/u8-uctomb.$(OBJEXT) \
-@@ -819,7 +820,8 @@
- lib/xstrtol.$(OBJEXT) lib/xstrtoul.$(OBJEXT) \
- lib/xstrtol-error.$(OBJEXT) lib/xstrtold.$(OBJEXT) \
- lib/xstrtoumax.$(OBJEXT) lib/xvasprintf.$(OBJEXT) \
-- lib/xasprintf.$(OBJEXT) lib/yesno.$(OBJEXT)
-+ lib/xasprintf.$(OBJEXT) lib/yesno.$(OBJEXT) \
-+ lib/cygwin.$(OBJEXT)
- lib_libcoreutils_a_OBJECTS = $(am_lib_libcoreutils_a_OBJECTS)
- src_libsinglebin___a_AR = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS)
- src_libsinglebin___a_LIBADD =
-@@ -4289,6 +4291,8 @@
- # mv $@-t $@
- #EXTRA_DIST += script.in
- #MOSTLYCLEANFILES += script script-t
-+# Hook in cygwin helper
- lib_libcoreutils_a_SOURCES = lib/copy-acl.c lib/set-acl.c \
- lib/acl-errno-valid.c lib/acl-internal.c lib/get-permissions.c \
- lib/set-permissions.c lib/allocator.c lib/areadlink.c \
-@@ -4367,7 +4371,8 @@
- lib/xstrndup.h lib/xstrndup.c lib/xstrtod.c lib/xstrtoimax.c \
- lib/xstrtol.c lib/xstrtoul.c lib/xstrtol-error.c \
- lib/xstrtold.c lib/xstrtoumax.c lib/xvasprintf.h \
-- lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c
-+ lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c \
-+ lib/cygwin.c lib/cygwin.h
- lib_libcoreutils_a_LIBADD = $(gl_LIBOBJS) @ALLOCA@
- lib_libcoreutils_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(gl_LIBOBJS) @ALLOCA@
- EXTRA_lib_libcoreutils_a_SOURCES = lib/acl_entries.c lib/alloca.c \
-@@ -6468,6 +6473,8 @@
- lib/xasprintf.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
- lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
- lib/yesno.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
-+lib/cygwin.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
-+ lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
- lib/acl_entries.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
- lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
- lib/alloca.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
-@@ -8473,6 +8480,7 @@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/copy-acl.Po@am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/creat-safer.Po@am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/cycle-check.Po@am__quote@
-+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/cygwin.Po@am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/di-set.Po@am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/diacrit.Po@am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/dirchownmod.Po@am__quote@
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chcon.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chcon.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.648439500 +0600
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
- /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive.
- Otherwise NULL. */
--static struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
-+static struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
- /* The name of the context file is being given. */
- static char const *specified_context;
-@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
- if (recurse && preserve_root)
- {
-- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-+ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
- root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
- if (root_dev_ino == NULL)
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chgrp.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chgrp.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.648439500 +0600
-@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
- if (chopt.recurse && preserve_root)
- {
-- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-+ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
- chopt.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
- if (chopt.root_dev_ino == NULL)
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chmod.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chmod.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.648439500 +0600
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
- /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive.
- Otherwise NULL. */
--static struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
-+static struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
- /* For long options that have no equivalent short option, use a
- non-character as a pseudo short option, starting with CHAR_MAX + 1. */
-@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
- if (recurse && preserve_root)
- {
-- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-+ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
- root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
- if (root_dev_ino == NULL)
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chown.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chown.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.648439500 +0600
-@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
- if (chopt.recurse && preserve_root)
- {
-- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-+ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
- chopt.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
- if (chopt.root_dev_ino == NULL)
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chown-core.h 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chown-core.h 2017-11-20 10:58:06.648439500 +0600
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive.
- Need not be freed. Otherwise NULL. */
-- struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
-+ struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
- /* This corresponds to the --dereference (opposite of -h) option. */
- bool affect_symlink_referent;
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chroot.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/chroot.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.648439500 +0600
-@@ -171,7 +171,8 @@
- is_root (const char* dir)
- {
- char *resolved = canonicalize_file_name (dir);
-- bool is_res_root = resolved && STREQ ("/", resolved);
-+ bool is_res_root = resolved && (STREQ ("/", resolved)
-+ || STREQ ("//", resolved));
- free (resolved);
- return is_res_root;
- }
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/cksum.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/cksum.c 2017-11-20 17:26:50.616443600 +0600
-@@ -296,6 +296,9 @@
- have_read_stdin = false;
-+ if (O_BINARY)
-+ xset_binary_mode (STDIN_FILENO, O_BINARY);
- if (optind == argc)
- ok = cksum ("-", false);
- else
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/copy.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/copy.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.668078700 +0600
-@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@
- # define FICLONE _IOW (0x94, 9, int)
- #endif
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+# include "cygwin.h"
- #ifndef HAVE_FCHOWN
- # define HAVE_FCHOWN false
- # define fchown(fd, uid, gid) (-1)
-@@ -1423,7 +1427,11 @@
- static bool
- same_file_ok (char const *src_name, struct stat const *src_sb,
- char const *dst_name, struct stat const *dst_sb,
-- const struct cp_options *x, bool *return_now)
-+ const struct cp_options *x, bool *return_now
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ , bool *case_change
-+ )
- {
- const struct stat *src_sb_link;
- const struct stat *dst_sb_link;
-@@ -1567,6 +1575,18 @@
- if (S_ISLNK (dst_sb_link->st_mode))
- return true;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ /* If the files have the same name, but differ in case, then let
-+ rename() change the case. */
-+ if (same_link && x->move_mode && same_name (src_name, dst_name)
-+ && memcmp (last_component (src_name), last_component (dst_name),
-+ base_len (src_name)))
-+ {
-+ *case_change = true;
-+ return true;
-+ }
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- /* It's not ok if they're distinct hard links to the same file as
- this causes a race condition and we may lose data in this case. */
- if (same_link
-@@ -1922,10 +1942,20 @@
- && ! (x->move_mode || x->symbolic_link || x->hard_link
- || x->backup_type != no_backups
- || x->unlink_dest_before_opening));
-- if ((use_stat
-- ? stat (dst_name, &dst_sb)
-- : lstat (dst_name, &dst_sb))
-- != 0)
-+ int res = (use_stat
-+ ? stat (dst_name, &dst_sb)
-+ : lstat (dst_name, &dst_sb));
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ /* stat("a") succeeds even if it was really "a.exe". */
-+ if (! res && cygwin_spelling (dst_name) != 0)
-+ {
-+ /* Only DST_NAME.exe exists, but we want the non-existant
-+ DST_NAME. */
-+ res = -1;
-+ errno = ENOENT;
-+ }
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
-+ if (res != 0)
- {
- if (errno != ENOENT)
- {
-@@ -1941,10 +1971,17 @@
- { /* Here, we know that dst_name exists, at least to the point
- that it is stat'able or lstat'able. */
- bool return_now;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ bool case_change = false;
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- have_dst_lstat = !use_stat;
- if (! same_file_ok (src_name, &src_sb, dst_name, &dst_sb,
-- x, &return_now))
-+ x, &return_now
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ , &case_change
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
-+ ))
- {
- error (0, 0, _("%s and %s are the same file"),
- quoteaf_n (0, src_name), quoteaf_n (1, dst_name));
-@@ -2003,6 +2040,9 @@
- cp and mv treat -i and -f differently. */
- if (x->move_mode)
- {
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ if (!case_change)
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- if (abandon_move (x, dst_name, &dst_sb))
- {
- /* Pretend the rename succeeded, so the caller (mv)
-@@ -2144,7 +2184,11 @@
- /* Never unlink dst_name when in move mode. */
- && ! x->move_mode
- && (x->unlink_dest_before_opening
-- || (x->preserve_links && 1 < dst_sb.st_nlink)
-+ || (x->preserve_links && 1 < dst_sb.st_nlink
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ && !case_change
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
-+ )
- || (x->dereference == DEREF_NEVER
- && ! S_ISREG (src_sb.st_mode))
- ))
-@@ -2936,6 +2980,21 @@
- {
- assert (valid_options (options));
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ /* .exe magic - if src exists with an implicit .exe suffix and is
-+ not a symlink, but dst does not exist and was also specified
-+ without a suffix, then append .exe to dst. */
-+ int cygwin = cygwin_spelling (src_name);
-+ char *p;
-+ if (cygwin == 2
-+ && ((p = strchr (dst_name, '\0') - 4) <= dst_name
-+ || strcasecmp (p, ".exe") != 0))
-+ {
-+ cygwin = 3;
-+ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (p, dst_name);
-+ }
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- /* Record the file names: they're used in case of error, when copying
- a directory into itself. I don't like to make these tools do *any*
- extra work in the common case when that work is solely to handle
-@@ -2947,10 +3006,15 @@
- top_level_dst_name = dst_name;
- bool first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg = false;
-- return copy_internal (src_name, dst_name, nonexistent_dst, NULL, NULL,
-+ bool result = copy_internal (src_name, dst_name, nonexistent_dst, NULL, NULL,
- options, true,
- &first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
- copy_into_self, rename_succeeded);
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ if (cygwin == 3)
-+ freea ((char *) dst_name);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
-+ return result;
- }
- /* Set *X to the default options for a value of type struct cp_options. */
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/dd.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/dd.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.670586400 +0600
-@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
- #include "xstrtol.h"
- #include "xtime.h"
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+# include <io.h>
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix). */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "dd"
-@@ -1991,6 +1995,13 @@
- static void
- set_fd_flags (int fd, int add_flags, char const *name)
- {
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ /* Cygwin does not allow fcntl to set the mode. */
-+ int mode_flags = add_flags & (O_BINARY | O_TEXT);
-+ add_flags &= ~(O_BINARY | O_TEXT);
-+ if (mode_flags && setmode (fd, mode_flags) == -1)
-+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("setting flags for %s"), quote (name));
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- /* Ignore file creation flags that are no-ops on file descriptors. */
- add_flags &= ~ (O_NOCTTY | O_NOFOLLOW);
-@@ -2380,6 +2391,8 @@
- }
- else
- {
-+ if ((input_flags & (O_BINARY | O_TEXT)) == 0)
-+ input_flags |= O_BINARY;
- if (ifd_reopen (STDIN_FILENO, input_file, O_RDONLY | input_flags, 0) < 0)
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to open %s"),
- quoteaf (input_file));
-@@ -2403,6 +2416,8 @@
- | (conversions_mask & C_NOCREAT ? 0 : O_CREAT)
- | (conversions_mask & C_EXCL ? O_EXCL : 0)
- | (seek_records || (conversions_mask & C_NOTRUNC) ? 0 : O_TRUNC));
-+ if ((opts & (O_BINARY | O_TEXT)) == 0)
-+ opts |= O_BINARY;
- /* Open the output file with *read* access only if we might
- need to read to satisfy a 'seek=' request. If we can't read
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/dircolors.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/dircolors.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.670586400 +0600
-@@ -496,8 +496,12 @@
- }
- else
- {
-+ /* tcsh treats LS_COLORS as a magic shell variable for its
-+ builtin ls-F, but does not recognize all the categories
-+ that coreutils ls does. Therefore, silence stderr to
-+ avoid messages like "Unknown colorls variable `su'.". */
- prefix = "setenv LS_COLORS '";
-- suffix = "'\n";
-+ suffix = "' >&/dev/null\n";
- }
- fputs (prefix, stdout);
- fwrite (s, 1, len, stdout);
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/install.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/install.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.670586400 +0600
-@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
- #include "utimens.h"
- #include "xstrtol.h"
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+# include "cygwin.h"
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix). */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "install"
-@@ -556,6 +560,16 @@
- error (0, errno, _("fork system call failed"));
- break;
- case 0: /* Child. */
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ {
-+ /* Check for .exe here, since strip doesn't. */
-+ char *p;
-+ if (((p = strchr (name, '\0') - 4) <= name
-+ || strcasecmp (p, ".exe") != 0)
-+ && 0 < cygwin_spelling (name))
-+ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (p, name);
-+ }
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- execlp (strip_program, strip_program, name, NULL);
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("cannot run %s"), quoteaf (strip_program));
- default: /* Parent. */
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/ls.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/ls.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.670586400 +0600
-@@ -121,6 +121,10 @@
- # include <sys/capability.h>
- #endif
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+# include "cygwin.h"
- #define PROGRAM_NAME (ls_mode == LS_LS ? "ls" \
- : (ls_mode == LS_MULTI_COL \
- ? "dir" : "vdir"))
-@@ -782,6 +786,11 @@
- N_("%b %e %H:%M")
- };
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+/* Whether .exe should be appended to command-line args as needed. */
-+static bool append_exe;
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- /* The set of signals that are caught. */
- static sigset_t caught_signals;
-@@ -817,6 +826,9 @@
- enum
- {
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
-@@ -880,6 +892,9 @@
- {"block-size", required_argument, NULL, BLOCK_SIZE_OPTION},
- {"context", no_argument, 0, 'Z'},
- {"author", no_argument, NULL, AUTHOR_OPTION},
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ {"append-exe", no_argument, NULL, APPEND_EXE_OPTION},
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
-@@ -2096,6 +2111,12 @@
- print_scontext = true;
- break;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ append_exe = true;
-+ break;
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
-@@ -3107,6 +3128,12 @@
- uintmax_t blocks = 0;
- struct fileinfo *f;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ char *name_alt = NULL;
-+ if (command_line_arg && append_exe && 0 < cygwin_spelling (name))
-+ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (name_alt, name);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- /* An inode value prior to gobble_file necessarily came from readdir,
- which is not used for command line arguments. */
- assert (! command_line_arg || inode == NOT_AN_INODE_NUMBER);
-@@ -3237,11 +3264,19 @@
- file_failure (command_line_arg,
- _("cannot access %s"), full_name);
- if (command_line_arg)
-- return 0;
-+ {
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ freea (name_alt);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- f->name = xstrdup (name);
- cwd_n_used++;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ freea (name_alt);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -3430,6 +3465,9 @@
- f->name = xstrdup (name);
- cwd_n_used++;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ freea (name_alt);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- return blocks;
- }
-@@ -5277,6 +5315,11 @@
- -1 list one file per line. Avoid '\\n' with -q or -b\
- \n\
- "), stdout);
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ fputs (_("\
-+ --append-exe append .exe if cygwin magic was needed\n\
-+"), stdout);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- fputs (HELP_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
- emit_size_note ();
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/md5sum.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/md5sum.c 2017-11-20 17:27:01.925674000 +0600
-@@ -1019,6 +1019,8 @@
- char **operand_lim = argv + argc;
- if (optind == argc)
- *operand_lim++ = bad_cast ("-");
-+ if (O_BINARY)
-+ xset_binary_mode (STDIN_FILENO, O_BINARY);
- for (char **operandp = argv + optind; operandp < operand_lim; operandp++)
- {
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/mv.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/mv.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.670586400 +0600
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
- x->require_restore_cwd = true;
- {
-- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-+ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
- x->root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
- if (x->root_dev_ino == NULL)
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
-@@ -452,6 +452,16 @@
- else if (!target_directory)
- {
- assert (2 <= n_files);
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ struct stat s1, s2;
-+ if (2 == n_files
-+ && lstat (file[0], &s1) == 0 && lstat (file[1], &s2) == 0
-+ && s1.st_ino == s2.st_ino)
-+ {
-+ /* Allow 'mv foo Foo' to change case of the directory foo. */
-+ }
-+ else
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- if (target_directory_operand (file[n_files - 1]))
- target_directory = file[--n_files];
- else if (2 < n_files)
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/pwd.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/pwd.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.686330400 +0600
-@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@
- robust_getcwd (struct file_name *file_name)
- {
- size_t height = 1;
-- struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-- struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
-+ struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-+ struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
- struct stat dot_sb;
- if (root_dev_ino == NULL)
-@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
- while (1)
- {
- /* If we've reached the root, we're done. */
-- if (SAME_INODE (dot_sb, *root_dev_ino))
-+ if (ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK (root_dev_ino, &dot_sb))
- break;
- find_dir_entry (&dot_sb, file_name, height++);
-@@ -291,6 +291,9 @@
- /* See if a leading slash is needed; file_name_prepend adds one. */
- if (file_name->start[0] == '\0')
- file_name_prepend (file_name, "", 0);
-+ /* If we aren't in `/', we must be in `//'. */
-+ if (! SAME_INODE (root_dev_ino->single_slash, dot_sb))
-+ file_name_prepend (file_name, "", 0);
- }
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/remove.h 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/remove.h 2017-11-20 10:58:06.686330400 +0600
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive
- and preserving '/'. Otherwise NULL. */
-- struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
-+ struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
- /* If nonzero, stdin is a tty. */
- bool stdin_tty;
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/rm.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/rm.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.686330400 +0600
-@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
- if (x.recursive && preserve_root)
- {
-- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
-+ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
- x.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
- if (x.root_dev_ino == NULL)
- die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
---- coreutils-8.28_prep/src/stat.c 2017-09-01 13:11:03.000000000 +0600
-+++ coreutils-8.28_prep/src/stat.c 2017-11-20 10:58:06.686330400 +0600
-@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@
- #include "find-mount-point.h"
- #include "xvasprintf.h"
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+# include "cygwin.h"
-+/* Whether .exe should be appended to command-line args as needed. */
-+static bool append_exe;
-+# define APPEND_EXE_OPTION 10000
-@@ -194,6 +201,9 @@
- {"format", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
- {"printf", required_argument, NULL, PRINTF_OPTION},
- {"terse", no_argument, NULL, 't'},
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ {"append-exe", no_argument, NULL, APPEND_EXE_OPTION},
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
-@@ -1345,14 +1355,26 @@
- return false;
- }
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ char *name_alt = NULL;
-+ if (append_exe && 0 < cygwin_spelling (filename))
-+ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (name_alt, filename);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- if (STATFS (filename, &statfsbuf) != 0)
- {
- error (0, errno, _("cannot read file system information for %s"),
- quoteaf (filename));
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ freea (name_alt);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- return false;
- }
- bool fail = print_it (format, -1, filename, print_statfs, &statfsbuf);
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ freea (name_alt);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- return ! fail;
- }
-@@ -1363,6 +1385,7 @@
- {
- int fd = STREQ (filename, "-") ? 0 : -1;
- struct stat statbuf;
-+ char *name_alt = NULL;
- if (0 <= fd)
- {
-@@ -1375,18 +1398,28 @@
- /* We can't use the shorter
- (follow_links?stat:lstat) (filename, &statbug)
- since stat might be a function-like macro. */
-- else if ((follow_links
-- ? stat (filename, &statbuf)
-- : lstat (filename, &statbuf)) != 0)
-+ else
- {
-- error (0, errno, _("cannot stat %s"), quoteaf (filename));
-- return false;
-+ if ((follow_links
-+ ? stat (filename, &statbuf)
-+ : lstat (filename, &statbuf)) != 0)
-+ {
-+ error (0, errno, _("cannot stat %s"), quoteaf (filename));
-+ return false;
-+ }
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ if (append_exe && 0 < cygwin_spelling (filename))
-+ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (name_alt, filename);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- }
- if (S_ISBLK (statbuf.st_mode) || S_ISCHR (statbuf.st_mode))
- format = format2;
- bool fail = print_it (format, fd, filename, print_stat, &statbuf);
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ freea (name_alt);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- return ! fail;
- }
-@@ -1508,6 +1541,11 @@
- if you want a newline, include \\n in FORMAT\n\
- -t, --terse print the information in terse form\n\
- "), stdout);
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ fputs (_("\
-+ --append-exe append .exe if cygwin magic was needed\n\
-+"), stdout);
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
- fputs (HELP_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
-@@ -1627,6 +1665,12 @@
- terse = true;
- break;
-+#if __CYGWIN__
-+ append_exe = true;
-+ break;
-+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f02aeb2c9a..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-diff -u lib/mountlist.c lib/mountlist.c
---- a/lib/mountlist.c 2009-02-07 09:58:37.000000000 +0000
-+++ b/lib/mountlist.c 2009-04-08 04:04:19.000000000 +0000
-@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@
- If NEED_FS_TYPE is true, ensure that the file system type fields in
- the returned list are valid. Otherwise, they might not be. */
-+#ifndef __MINT__
- struct mount_entry *
- read_file_system_list (bool need_fs_type)
- {
-@@ -970,6 +971,84 @@
- return NULL;
- }
- }
-+#else /* __MINT__ */
-+#include <mintbind.h>
-+#include <osbind.h>
-+#include <sys/statfs.h>
-+#include <mint/dcntl.h>
-+/* get the list of available drives */
-+static long
-+ long drive_bits;
-+ drive_bits = Dsetdrv(Dgetdrv());
-+ drive_bits &= ~(1|2); /* exclude all floppies */
-+ return drive_bits;
-+struct mount_entry *
-+read_file_system_list (bool need_fs_type)
-+ struct mount_entry *mount_list;
-+ struct mount_entry *me;
-+ struct mount_entry *mtail;
-+ struct statfs fsp;
-+ struct fs_info info;
-+ long drive_bits;
-+ int i, j;
-+ char lw[] = "a:/", str[25];
-+ /* Start the list off with a dummy entry. */
-+ me = xmalloc (sizeof (*me));
-+ me->me_next = NULL;
-+ mount_list = mtail = me;
-+ drive_bits = get_drives();
-+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (drive_bits & (1L << i))
-+ {
-+ if (i < 26)
-+ lw[0] = 'a' + i;
-+ else
-+ lw[0] = '1' + i - 26;
-+ if(statfs(lw, &fsp) == 0)
-+ {
-+ char name[32];
-+ me = xmalloc (sizeof (*me));
-+ me->me_devname = xstrdup(lw);
-+ me->me_mountdir = xstrdup("u:/");
-+ if (lw[0] < 'a') /* 1: .. 6: */
-+ me->me_dev = lw[0] - '1' + 27;
-+ else
-+ me->me_dev = lw[0] - 'a';
-+ get_fsname(lw, NULL, name);
-+ me->me_type = xstrdup(name);
-+ /* Add to the linked list. */
-+ me->me_next = NULL;
-+ mtail->me_next = me;
-+ mtail = me;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Free the dummy head. */
-+ me = mount_list;
-+ mount_list = mount_list->me_next;
-+ free(me);
-+ return mount_list;
-+#endif /* __MINT__ */
- /* Free a mount entry as returned from read_file_system_list (). */
-diff -u src/df.c src/df.c
---- a/src/df.c 2009-02-14 10:18:27.000000000 +0000
-+++ b/src/df.c 2009-04-08 04:04:19.000000000 +0000
-@@ -337,7 +337,12 @@
- It would be better to report on the unmounted file system,
- but statfs doesn't do that on most systems. */
- if (!stat_file)
-+#ifndef __MINT__
- stat_file = mount_point ? mount_point : disk;
-+ /* MiNT: mount_point is always u:/, so use disk */
-+ stat_file = disk;
- if (force_fsu)
- fsu = *force_fsu;
-diff -u Makefile.in Makefile.in
---- a/Makefile.in 2014-01-07 10:01:01.000000000 +0000
-+++ b/Makefile.in 2014-01-07 10:36:50.000000000 +0000
-@@ -3310,7 +3310,7 @@
- # must precede $(LIBINTL) in order to ensure we use GNU getopt.
- # But libcoreutils.a must also follow $(LIBINTL), since libintl uses
- # replacement functions defined in libcoreutils.a.
--LDADD = src/libver.a lib/libcoreutils.a $(LIBINTL) lib/libcoreutils.a
-+LDADD = src/libver.a lib/libcoreutils.a $(LIBINTL) lib/libcoreutils.a $(LIB_PTHREAD)
- # First, list all programs, to make listing per-program libraries easier.
- # See [ below.
-diff --git a/src/uptime.c b/src/uptime.c
-index a42e702..638c2d6 100644
---- a/src/uptime.c
-+++ b/src/uptime.c
-@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
- /* Created by hacking who.c by Kaveh Ghazi ghazi@caip.rutgers.edu. */
- #include <config.h>
-+#ifdef __MINT__
-+#define HAVE_PROC_UPTIME 1
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-@@ -62,7 +65,11 @@ print_uptime (size_t n, const STRUCT_UTMP *this)
- FILE *fp;
-+#ifdef __MINT__
-+ fp = fopen ("/kern/uptime", "r");
- fp = fopen ("/proc/uptime", "r");
- if (fp != NULL)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/
@ 2020-12-08 3:20 Sam James
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Sam James @ 2020-12-08 3:20 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 4d88e8d35bfd9e93351094ebd2e7237f9034aa36
Author: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Dec 8 03:08:18 2020 +0000
Commit: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Dec 8 03:08:18 2020 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/prefix.git/commit/?id=4d88e8d3
sys-apps/coreutils: sync with ::gentoo (bump to 8.32)
I've rebased the MiNT patch too.
Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.12-prefix, Repoman-3.0.2
RepoMan-Options: --force
Signed-off-by: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo.org>
sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest | 1 +
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild | 247 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch | 94 ++++++++
sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch | 155 +++++++++++++
.../files/coreutils-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch | 64 ++++++
5 files changed, 561 insertions(+)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index fb0c4db2ce..44d2e827af 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ DIST coreutils-8.29-patches-1.0.tar.xz 5772 BLAKE2B 8f05185404d527ad524684231f0b
DIST coreutils-8.29.tar.xz 5286588 BLAKE2B cbb66d9054bdd2db5b9a6010876484b16d178f8f4d935836b1e42830178647fac4e0a75052a6e7e2fbc50e74e4e7ff6f8da43f1137b96d0c2d027c4ebac28a98 SHA512 546bbcd5741beae7a68e7c4ca14d6d634f7c8be87feecdeddd00e226f4865bb89d503437c3a95622ba7bb0cb70addbb5bdf3767fa18d0b7410ab90ee53b29dfd
DIST coreutils-8.30-patches-01.tar.xz 5788 BLAKE2B a41511ce39ac570cb14b7f12d125eebef92217469a9490808719fa0665f5e5c0adb96fbd02c4bac4d280d1502295669575790a81dbc01afe2ca3a9d384cbefb0 SHA512 b1e1933637de4581d5f8c6ede4e80a012435d13f0cf5550a76ab5bbe9441e3c15ce19ef3f78a7ea3b8368d5e9a3bb17c1207c471d26171b59786f38adeba0454
DIST coreutils-8.30.tar.xz 5359532 BLAKE2B b66ccd112a6c2c8b90e58ff1c3371e7f5827937035769329885e5bdae197466189f3715720b8f8cf0b5047fe16d6c86984dcee994117c2d3c7b8dbd597027255 SHA512 25bc132c0d89ce71c33e417f04649c9fcfce6c5ef8b19f093b2e9e2851bfde9b5a31e20499d9c427332228ba54b88d445ddb445551e1944bb8f5cbff5ffa4eda
+DIST coreutils-8.32.tar.xz 5547836 BLAKE2B 0ad99c176c19ec214fcfd0845523e5362f0151827707c759bd46c0fe8d2501c6ad1c29c5b71266f6525857bc0d56c472db0d7fe29953b6c65e2e6c76bdf3c515 SHA512 1c8f3584efd61b4b02e7ac5db8e103b63cfb2063432caaf1e64cb2dcc56d8c657d1133bbf10bd41468d6a1f31142e6caa81d16ae68fa3e6e84075c253613a145
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52bb58d0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{6,7,8,9} )
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
+ !vanilla? (
+ mirror://gentoo/${PATCH}.tar.xz
+ https://dev.gentoo.org/~polynomial-c/dist/${PATCH}.tar.xz
+ )
+KEYWORDS="~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls selinux +split-usr static test userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
+ xattr? ( !userland_BSD? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
+RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
+ static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ app-arch/xz-utils
+ test? (
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/Expect
+ !userland_BSD? (
+ dev-util/strace
+ )
+ $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/pyinotify[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]')
+ )"
+ hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
+ kill? (
+ !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
+ !sys-process/procps[kill]
+ )
+ !app-misc/realpath
+ !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
+ !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
+ !sys-apps/stat
+ !net-mail/base64
+ !sys-apps/mktemp
+ !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
+ !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test ; then
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ local PATCHES=(
+ "${FILESDIR}"/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch
+ )
+ if ! use vanilla ; then
+ PATCHES+=( "${WORKDIR}"/patch )
+ PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch )
+ fi
+ default
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.32-mint.patch
+ # fixup libstdbuf non-libtool stuff
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin9* ]] ; then
+ # we need replacement libs from libcoreutils.a here in order
+ # to finish the linking
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDADD/s:$: lib/libcoreutils.a:" \
+ Makefile.in \
+ || die
+ # and we need serial building :(
+ export MAKEOPTS+=" -j1"
+ fi
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDFLAGS = -shared/s:-shared:-dynamiclib -install_name ${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.dylib:" \
+ Makefile.in \
+ || die
+ elif use elibc_Cygwin ; then
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.28-cygwin-8.26-3.patch
+ sed -i -e 's|\(libstdbuf\.so\)$(EXEEXT)|\1|g' Makefile.in || die
+ fi
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
+ src/stdbuf.c \
+ Makefile.in \
+ configure \
+ || die
+ # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
+ # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
+ # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
+ # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
+ # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
+ set -- man/*.x
+ touch ${@/%x/1}
+ # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
+ if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
+ touch src/dircolors.h
+ touch ${@/%x/1}
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=(
+ --with-packager="Gentoo"
+ --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ --with-packager-bug-reports="https://bugs.gentoo.org/"
+ --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
+ --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
+ --enable-largefile
+ $(usex caps '' --disable-libcap)
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable acl)
+ $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
+ $(use_enable xattr)
+ $(use_with gmp)
+ )
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
+ export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
+ export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
+ fi
+ export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
+ use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
+ use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
+ use userland_BSD && myconf+=( -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/ )
+ # kill/uptime - procps
+ # groups/su - shadow
+ # hostname - net-tools
+ econf "${myconf[@]}"
+src_test() {
+ # Known to fail with FEATURES=usersandbox (bug #439574):
+ # - tests/du/long-from-unreadable.sh} (bug #413621)
+ # - tests/rm/deep-2.sh (bug #413621)
+ # - tests/dd/no-allocate.sh (bug #629660)
+ if has usersandbox ${FEATURES} ; then
+ ewarn "You are emerging ${P} with 'usersandbox' enabled." \
+ "Expect some test failures or emerge with 'FEATURES=-usersandbox'!"
+ fi
+ # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
+ # accessible to non-root users
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
+ # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs
+ # so make sure /etc/mtab is writable #265725
+ # make sure /dev/loop* can be mounted #269758
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
+ mkwrap() {
+ local w ww
+ for w in "${@}" ; do
+ ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
+ cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
+ #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
+ exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
+ chmod a+rx "${ww}"
+ done
+ }
+ mkwrap mount umount
+ addwrite /dev/full
+ #export RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
+ #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" \
+ emake -j1 -k check
+src_install() {
+ default
+ insinto /etc
+ newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
+ if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] ; then
+ cd "${ED%/}"/usr/bin || die
+ dodir /bin
+ # move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
+ local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
+ mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
+ mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
+ if use hostname; then
+ mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ if use kill; then
+ mv kill ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ if use split-usr ; then
+ # move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
+ local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
+ mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
+ mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
+ # create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
+ local x
+ for x in ${com} uname ; do
+ dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ # For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
+ rm -rf "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man
+ fi
+ if use elibc_Cygwin ; then
+ ! use kill || mv "${ED}"/bin/{,g}kill || die
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/libexec/${PN}/libstdbuf$(get_libname){.exe,} || die
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
+ ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
+ ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
+ # Help out users using experimental filesystems
+ if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT%/}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
+ case $(uname -r) in
+ 2.6.[12][0-9]|2.6.3[0-7]*)
+ ewarn "You are running a system with a buggy btrfs driver."
+ ewarn "Please upgrade your kernel to avoid silent corruption."
+ ewarn "See: https://bugs.gentoo.org/353907"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62a35cd85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+From 10fcb97bd728f09d4a027eddf8ad2900f0819b0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
+Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 17:25:29 -0800
+Subject: ls: restore 8.31 behavior on removed directories
+* src/ls.c: Do not include <sys/sycall.h>
+(print_dir): Don't worry about whether the directory is removed.
+* tests/ls/removed-directory.sh: Adjust to match new (i.e., old)
+diff --git a/src/ls.c b/src/ls.c
+index 24b983287..4acf5f44d 100644
+--- a/src/ls.c
++++ b/src/ls.c
+@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@
+ # include <sys/ptem.h>
+ #endif
+-#ifdef __linux__
+-# include <sys/syscall.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #include <setjmp.h>
+@@ -2896,7 +2892,6 @@ print_dir (char const *name, char const *realname, bool command_line_arg)
+ struct dirent *next;
+ uintmax_t total_blocks = 0;
+ static bool first = true;
+- bool found_any_entries = false;
+ errno = 0;
+ dirp = opendir (name);
+@@ -2972,7 +2967,6 @@ print_dir (char const *name, char const *realname, bool command_line_arg)
+ next = readdir (dirp);
+ if (next)
+ {
+- found_any_entries = true;
+ if (! file_ignored (next->d_name))
+ {
+ enum filetype type = unknown;
+@@ -3018,22 +3012,6 @@ print_dir (char const *name, char const *realname, bool command_line_arg)
+ if (errno != EOVERFLOW)
+ break;
+ }
+-#ifdef __linux__
+- else if (! found_any_entries)
+- {
+- /* If readdir finds no directory entries at all, not even "." or
+- "..", then double check that the directory exists. */
+- if (syscall (SYS_getdents, dirfd (dirp), NULL, 0) == -1
+- && errno != EINVAL)
+- {
+- /* We exclude EINVAL as that pertains to buffer handling,
+- and we've passed NULL as the buffer for simplicity.
+- ENOENT is returned if appropriate before buffer handling. */
+- file_failure (command_line_arg, _("reading directory %s"), name);
+- }
+- break;
+- }
+ else
+ break;
+diff --git a/tests/ls/removed-directory.sh b/tests/ls/removed-directory.sh
+index e8c835dab..fe8f929a1 100755
+--- a/tests/ls/removed-directory.sh
++++ b/tests/ls/removed-directory.sh
+@@ -26,20 +26,14 @@ case $host_triplet in
+ *) skip_ 'non linux kernel' ;;
+ esac
+-cat <<\EOF >exp-err || framework_failure_
+-ls: reading directory '.': No such file or directory
+ cwd=$(pwd)
+ mkdir d || framework_failure_
+ cd d || framework_failure_
+ rmdir ../d || framework_failure_
+-returns_ $LS_FAILURE ls >../out 2>../err || fail=1
++ls >../out 2>../err || fail=1
+ cd "$cwd" || framework_failure_
+ compare /dev/null out || fail=1
+-compare exp-err err || fail=1
++compare /dev/null err || fail=1
+ Exit $fail
+cgit v1.2.1
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f02aeb2c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-mint.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+diff -u lib/mountlist.c lib/mountlist.c
+--- a/lib/mountlist.c 2009-02-07 09:58:37.000000000 +0000
++++ b/lib/mountlist.c 2009-04-08 04:04:19.000000000 +0000
+@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@
+ If NEED_FS_TYPE is true, ensure that the file system type fields in
+ the returned list are valid. Otherwise, they might not be. */
++#ifndef __MINT__
+ struct mount_entry *
+ read_file_system_list (bool need_fs_type)
+ {
+@@ -970,6 +971,84 @@
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
++#else /* __MINT__ */
++#include <mintbind.h>
++#include <osbind.h>
++#include <sys/statfs.h>
++#include <mint/dcntl.h>
++/* get the list of available drives */
++static long
++ long drive_bits;
++ drive_bits = Dsetdrv(Dgetdrv());
++ drive_bits &= ~(1|2); /* exclude all floppies */
++ return drive_bits;
++struct mount_entry *
++read_file_system_list (bool need_fs_type)
++ struct mount_entry *mount_list;
++ struct mount_entry *me;
++ struct mount_entry *mtail;
++ struct statfs fsp;
++ struct fs_info info;
++ long drive_bits;
++ int i, j;
++ char lw[] = "a:/", str[25];
++ /* Start the list off with a dummy entry. */
++ me = xmalloc (sizeof (*me));
++ me->me_next = NULL;
++ mount_list = mtail = me;
++ drive_bits = get_drives();
++ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
++ {
++ if (drive_bits & (1L << i))
++ {
++ if (i < 26)
++ lw[0] = 'a' + i;
++ else
++ lw[0] = '1' + i - 26;
++ if(statfs(lw, &fsp) == 0)
++ {
++ char name[32];
++ me = xmalloc (sizeof (*me));
++ me->me_devname = xstrdup(lw);
++ me->me_mountdir = xstrdup("u:/");
++ if (lw[0] < 'a') /* 1: .. 6: */
++ me->me_dev = lw[0] - '1' + 27;
++ else
++ me->me_dev = lw[0] - 'a';
++ get_fsname(lw, NULL, name);
++ me->me_type = xstrdup(name);
++ /* Add to the linked list. */
++ me->me_next = NULL;
++ mtail->me_next = me;
++ mtail = me;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Free the dummy head. */
++ me = mount_list;
++ mount_list = mount_list->me_next;
++ free(me);
++ return mount_list;
++#endif /* __MINT__ */
+ /* Free a mount entry as returned from read_file_system_list (). */
+diff -u src/df.c src/df.c
+--- a/src/df.c 2009-02-14 10:18:27.000000000 +0000
++++ b/src/df.c 2009-04-08 04:04:19.000000000 +0000
+@@ -337,7 +337,12 @@
+ It would be better to report on the unmounted file system,
+ but statfs doesn't do that on most systems. */
+ if (!stat_file)
++#ifndef __MINT__
+ stat_file = mount_point ? mount_point : disk;
++ /* MiNT: mount_point is always u:/, so use disk */
++ stat_file = disk;
+ if (force_fsu)
+ fsu = *force_fsu;
+diff -u Makefile.in Makefile.in
+--- a/Makefile.in 2014-01-07 10:01:01.000000000 +0000
++++ b/Makefile.in 2014-01-07 10:36:50.000000000 +0000
+@@ -3310,7 +3310,7 @@
+ # must precede $(LIBINTL) in order to ensure we use GNU getopt.
+ # But libcoreutils.a must also follow $(LIBINTL), since libintl uses
+ # replacement functions defined in libcoreutils.a.
+-LDADD = src/libver.a lib/libcoreutils.a $(LIBINTL) lib/libcoreutils.a
++LDADD = src/libver.a lib/libcoreutils.a $(LIBINTL) lib/libcoreutils.a $(LIB_PTHREAD)
+ # First, list all programs, to make listing per-program libraries easier.
+ # See [ below.
+diff --git a/src/uptime.c b/src/uptime.c
+index a42e702..638c2d6 100644
+--- a/src/uptime.c
++++ b/src/uptime.c
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ /* Created by hacking who.c by Kaveh Ghazi ghazi@caip.rutgers.edu. */
+ #include <config.h>
++#ifdef __MINT__
++#define HAVE_PROC_UPTIME 1
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -62,7 +65,11 @@ print_uptime (size_t n, const STRUCT_UTMP *this)
+ FILE *fp;
++#ifdef __MINT__
++ fp = fopen ("/kern/uptime", "r");
+ fp = fopen ("/proc/uptime", "r");
+ if (fp != NULL)
+ {
+ char buf[BUFSIZ];
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40b1554d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Skip tests known to fail when running under Gentoo sandbox.
+--- a/tests/du/long-from-unreadable.sh
++++ b/tests/du/long-from-unreadable.sh
+@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
+ # unnecessarily to using FTS_NOCHDIR mode in this corner case.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/init.sh"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ du
+ require_perl_
+--- a/tests/ls/removed-directory.sh
++++ b/tests/ls/removed-directory.sh
+@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
+ # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/init.sh"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ ls
+ case $host_triplet in
+--- a/tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks.sh
++++ b/tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks.sh
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/init.sh"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ ls
+ require_strace_ stat
+--- a/tests/misc/env-S.pl
++++ b/tests/misc/env-S.pl
+@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ $env = $1;
+ # Turn off localization of executable's output.
+ @ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
++# Skip if sandbox is enabled
++ CuSkip::skip "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#675802)\n";
+ my @Tests =
+ (
+ # Test combination of -S and regular arguments
+--- a/tests/rm/deep-2.sh
++++ b/tests/rm/deep-2.sh
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/init.sh"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ rm
+ require_perl_
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/
@ 2017-11-12 13:06 Fabian Groffen
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Fabian Groffen @ 2017-11-12 13:06 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: a17cdcaf7e1ea7eabbdb0331ddee6e6c3a103850
Author: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Nov 12 13:05:58 2017 +0000
Commit: Fabian Groffen <grobian <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Nov 12 13:05:58 2017 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/prefix.git/commit/?id=a17cdcaf
sys-apps/coreutils: sync, pulls in 8.28 which fixes Darwin17
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.13-prefix, Repoman-2.3.4
sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest | 12 +-
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.20.ebuild | 190 ---------------------
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22-r1.ebuild | 181 --------------------
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22.ebuild | 189 --------------------
...-8.23-r00.1.ebuild => coreutils-8.28-r1.ebuild} | 157 +++++++++++------
sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.2-mint.patch | 152 -----------------
.../coreutils/files/coreutils-7.4-hppa-hpux.patch | 11 --
.../files/coreutils-7.5-interix-setgroups.patch | 15 --
.../coreutils/files/coreutils-8.23-non-elf.patch | 37 ----
.../files/coreutils-8.5-interix-double.patch | 69 --------
.../files/coreutils-8.5-interix-warn-mount.patch | 15 --
.../coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-hppa-hpux.patch | 11 --
.../coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-interix.patch | 18 --
13 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 951 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index de71b647e9..5d14b1a062 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
-DIST coreutils-8.20-patches-1.1.tar.xz 19504 SHA256 0a1a3cc578e8872ebc93113edd76d1f1d88fb4d6596a047cfbb6c5fd4e82c22d SHA512 258116ff52d1d28acbedd2383c8d0f488c272b297c4f146231ea45fb76902bb56c9fad2d74d50c22371e67a4178dcff7b65950fcc034f56fc02c3c2ff290224f WHIRLPOOL ae4436a6ae655affbc02ee2d3d6a87345dc7b63b67aaecf01e034d2e40237c6e76b00a909d852f6ea96e348ef43e8e3f6f4c5bdb01aaf6d30a1b51036cbfe31b
-DIST coreutils-8.20.tar.xz 5273788 SHA256 dbcb798764827a0f74be738662ecb516705cf520330cd3d7b2640fdffa499eb2 SHA512 adbeab5af780ae70d2a98a81e96ad2cdfbcbc20153372b0085f6ac75ae9fadff82bd09b460400820057692b4145d7f2d276630b76b0ed509303587972ed175cd WHIRLPOOL 3cf911cf785c6e6acab4f37bc75805687f91fe74d5727782903d242669ee6b7ad444b18395d6808b1f2569703cca1992983d3bfef41f65ea461f6d0aa25908e2
-DIST coreutils-8.22-man-r1.tar.xz 42748 SHA256 eb9882286a6355674e607506318ccc9e361b6a985d64073b797fd56a5e0d256c SHA512 b0123e3c8cd037d006a2bb64e8047636329ac3fd3d685db8e52a19e83df87da0428896af9bdcd8f1208f7aad3665ec2a871bbbfa98cbe5293c697431a23d7b4c WHIRLPOOL 7e705060f5af2d28152531ad3b5ae8e6cca2dabdec7dc1a30bcf7b74951462bb58ee610d1e080abc812e1291fae904b3e931a35d3d2566fb7b85f6a37415e04b
-DIST coreutils-8.22-patches-1.0.tar.xz 6492 SHA256 4a2a32429607e0727d6ae114ee9e543c948d6c7710ef99920901e73784cee3f4 SHA512 daf1c2b85619aa9ff7bae02926be39478f439d5555fd4eb3038b62be6cceb7cc6357b4a77a347cb2b4ee08119aa2c3f7deb63d7179407af03f08459d8de38e0b WHIRLPOOL 845dfbf57269f50486862b6236e2a461bf7bccee383365982d4359895d6c9303e467d359aa9862134a965a96a062fa2c748ceb99390bbee09f9b843dbe5bd1ed
-DIST coreutils-8.22-patches-1.1.tar.xz 7840 SHA256 4c45cca7950bbd278db23318916e503bda2df3be3e11c81cd15b55874007ed16 SHA512 7555544041cf4acf5615df76d6e9f9df157dac66059757d587af8f264597e02e8a395fbb920d42623fd40dab9a5ef1dfae2719e300efe491b0eaa2baa3a91f11 WHIRLPOOL ebc9fa35f40473646c2b826cc1bc57e9012fa37f264eb7e6084c0d2cf04f46827c943f9aa80f779a3d99bc07eeb40ffc4ac09109a6324af9882e2b0630d84253
-DIST coreutils-8.22.tar.xz 5335124 SHA256 5b3e94998152c017e6c75d56b9b994188eb71bf46d4038a642cb9141f6ff1212 SHA512 2f14c2cab7001297309b4774bf3d610ecbaaec7d98d68e3792b24d2b52d319c4e30e55f803e56c48b9b9a1b76eb1c9636be5444fe1dc1dbcdd6150cfcb34847f WHIRLPOOL 1b8e3f1cf12f7975e8d80b9ddab132937b2fffaca8c85ac1fefddb5fe277a63a7aa9c6f0f93d8f5a93d5af378b3cf3573222db8e1da918152b9fb7eff1352238
-DIST coreutils-8.23-man.tar.xz 43060 SHA256 d1b16e74b3dba4f313aeebae2c69da205f7d2e6e1c2aa8d39026c860d314ecca SHA512 db5085c783256e30b9878bdce5cf16063aaa51d800d5b40537d5cdea372d095a391e9986e8680c6d94841bc995ab43ac8bc2d23427e6e96263d24b0b5ccc7d12 WHIRLPOOL ef0cae7c1b752c0f81e6f23b0a792804518a5257740fedf7dd70577ec503a64716156a898ed50045987954a6234ba23c9483772830683bb7e4bd0c8a2ec2c142
-DIST coreutils-8.23-patches-1.1.tar.xz 6480 SHA256 daf5d61b36db61d629bf14bf8f04e878f1205c9ae2af5daf37dca3aad5a6fde4 SHA512 8da5f8e9fc47baa060030076c4a2de90013a0d1faad45fe99545e93d50bc079720281f6db5774590fe842c8c56bd8ae97e1d9bf862fae1896760b5e5b686e7a8 WHIRLPOOL 2a8082975e3627454569e57aecb3d1ac6bdef89e16f4f64a88a4ffcbf2b341fe56874b128485ae540270f7a060f9e0f4bd3eecf68e215fb6a5a1c5ac434f7403
-DIST coreutils-8.23.tar.xz 5375612 SHA256 ec43ca5bcfc62242accb46b7f121f6b684ee21ecd7d075059bf650ff9e37b82d SHA512 a5f4b82ce208cb439d5dbe6f5cf4b19fecff581da210a51c4e3fdd5ffab114d171456d041e20a6996b59185947ac6655096e4b5ca252186e282ae0ae08b7534c WHIRLPOOL 4bd4cd28d6de96218e791c5ed15766e34dfeeb3aeade10e211e3a0e9ffa695e5a716872a915d78b356b3e3635e1e22274d92560301aadaf46a58242dc235d733
DIST coreutils-8.24-man.tar.xz 42920 SHA256 cf0333b5f134a331e0b46e2ddf90666f8bdc3281c1ca2c7ccbb75b437589ce37 SHA512 9dfe614402bc35c43301ebf97d2d36ac5db1433f48171bda15f2ba76bd9944742665b30a764df0cf773ebcad1845aae57c8e36a1cd3848c1e82a7c996d6cc78a WHIRLPOOL d702a372031fe52262204c00bee641084c099c45150d82abd5915535ab3bbe1efb63c4f00173bb88725ba49126a6ecf368d14b12843b570c08165b757b78710b
DIST coreutils-8.24-patches-1.1.tar.xz 6688 SHA256 79cb0dc5b58cb97e17b11b5e821ed88fae88f728d9fd07986bbb397824e49c6f SHA512 cf340ccb918e307be8bbfd19a299bcfe5b295a26f59a8eeb8657f5dda1361100a350e996b31097948e63890987a2f83d05d2e7175c6304f4a4812b9974679c2c WHIRLPOOL 3b4d4676b119e4f22a01c8450be13d6eb40720d3c57aac5631454df24814943e6e6024fbdcd27a2b262d42c1446d9c04cbdc163371ff20a4b28d9cd9a77c5c9c
DIST coreutils-8.24.tar.xz 5649896 SHA256 a2d75286a4b9ef3a13039c2da3868a61be4ee9f17d8ae380a35a97e506972170 SHA512 b42bb233340353647bb9a1c3d9122c1a5379cf3602ba9197c3c935fc899897e7d4685148dfaf93eccc096bee0a9b03416d79dc9bb81d5d2dea6e04ed134a3d1b WHIRLPOOL 68598e0c93375522714b9bc0dd092386a9466725b2b4b5715e2926c5087e1ce887d5e5b8e0b872347a053edcb39ba1f8c6949ee659a06ed554703a0ba07064e2
DIST coreutils-8.25-man.tar.xz 43420 SHA256 2ee31c3a6d2276f49c5515375d4a0c1047580da6ac10536898e0f0de81707f29 SHA512 412afc9909d30618ab9daba51c965c0fd22420c32f6c5a7e32ba32d957a92e8a65b977bccaba4b76c55d435a57065dc6103ff11c5fa31d02f117c13a2b09f75e WHIRLPOOL f2a9458d71cfbf6227ece5b688adb34653dacda0dfbcfd5332a36e33cda58b081d9b37c4ec910c92feba485e8e182f52327f4860f1ff5e0b0b7ae2f9b82045ee
DIST coreutils-8.25-patches-1.1.tar.xz 7196 SHA256 68e116eb70a69e94458197cde81165c9902bec0c6661be31f6fffb84ba8d809c SHA512 19326ab7dd8d4515f7239133772f715aac4e722a1e28f4b0f19d8d629abe54a2309fa7c469797dc0f9e88991906883a891622c791ef940b9a5af6608d2e9110e WHIRLPOOL e7931e16e267b817a86f11b9e01d82dfac8144dbabd91d5cea036c819303895bd852809f374a76b6e4e474b559505d6fc907ddcb113ca1915b76d880e291bc76
DIST coreutils-8.25.tar.xz 5725008 SHA256 31e67c057a5b32a582f26408c789e11c2e8d676593324849dcf5779296cdce87 SHA512 571f95d44987d373081ed4c6ac82155ad3dcd95621d7b1a7163597e80ecbbafef2cd74b2ef594587a443a1a4355083879f898a286bb0230c48112d43d076ccd6 WHIRLPOOL e871e177ffaf96bfdd9e668eb9a09df9fd952ff095796cffd1ac2b8b3943c9c2ae79c31890fa02b5ed2609b6c6c84b64d2292454b043d62260a9560d2f7b9457
+DIST coreutils-8.28-man.tar.xz 43832 SHA256 d72c3fa79ae328a4fd1107102e8946755aa2e908044e1efcf1e71ef206dca042 SHA512 363cf595e0f6fc69eb6a9d1ca258a5f012404cee99887494ab6e40fe2c6de5e49e7cad953aecb394c5612043efe6b407e657811d8251b10e159c97b849dd8b3e WHIRLPOOL 7b10dbde06caf00d4b789cdb60a7d0c73aec65a90e889698daeccd04eefd8df08142261ea5fde8d3d455f35b2eddf07182bf92e2522e63e8ece412379e0cb0d1
+DIST coreutils-8.28-patches-1.1.tar.xz 7336 SHA256 bdd7ed0ef973bc1095df329225659a928ed061695651e2b54de79ac15690f517 SHA512 af47aaa614550e5cd82b2386fafd9f90beb0564b8bbedfe92238906e7c6f040fb7468c1929f0951d4f98038b6e1df7da2408204be78219e6a041658507385957 WHIRLPOOL 4a90ffa0a35b81d3d20c29128b0d39e08136d499201ac875781d9e851142d36c111031b333b6bfb81db692e75e7b3cc9673c4339d8d183d0d8df2371444dca4e
+DIST coreutils-8.28.tar.xz 5252336 SHA256 1117b1a16039ddd84d51a9923948307cfa28c2cea03d1a2438742253df0a0c65 SHA512 1e592d0dd03b9227bf92af9a82bed6dc3bcbee46e984c7fb09833dea0962e86b309aa34d5e43823b73d4522c066bfa5cdc8ec694aa190910fb246ff32ceb63a1 WHIRLPOOL 58bdd9681d07794da70dc012d03de2f791bc8e40a16de85302cbb5ea247f6d81f0a92c3b90d655b9947057c5e5eb99b9347152d41150c1a613dd1f891942a73f
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.20.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.20.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f87a08bc6..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.20.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.20.ebuild,v 1.12 2013/01/01 18:55:02 armin76 Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities (whoami, who,...)"
- mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
- mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~ryao/dist/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz"
-KEYWORDS="~ppc-aix ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="acl caps gmp nls selinux static userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
-LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp[static-libs] )
- xattr? ( !userland_BSD? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
- selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- nls? ( >=sys-devel/gettext-0.15 )
- !app-misc/realpath
- !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
- !sys-apps/stat
- !net-mail/base64
- !sys-apps/mktemp
- !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
- !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
- !<sci-chemistry/ccp4-6.1.1"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- app-arch/xz-utils"
-src_prepare() {
- if ! use vanilla ; then
- use_if_iuse unicode || rm -f "${WORKDIR}"/patch/000_all_coreutils-i18n.patch
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- PATCHDIR="${WORKDIR}/patch" \
- EPATCH_EXCLUDE="001_all_coreutils-gen-progress-bar.patch" \
- epatch
- fi
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-7.2-mint.patch
- # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
- # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
- # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
- # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
- # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
- set -- man/*.x
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
- if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
- touch src/dircolors.h
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=''
- if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
- export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
- export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
- fi
- export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
- use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
- use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
- use userland_BSD && myconf="${myconf} -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/"
- # kill/uptime - procps
- # groups/su - shadow
- # hostname - net-tools
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]]; then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch,hostname,kill,uptime"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,su"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,hostname,kill,su,uptime"
- fi
- econf \
- --with-packager="Gentoo" \
- --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})" \
- --with-packager-bug-reports="http://bugs.gentoo.org/" \
- ${myconf} \
- --enable-largefile \
- $(use caps || echo --disable-libcap) \
- $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable acl) \
- $(use_enable xattr) \
- $(use_with gmp) \
- ${myconf}
-src_test() {
- # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isnt
- # accessible to non-root users
- chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
- chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
- # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs
- # so make sure /etc/mtab is writable #265725
- # make sure /dev/loop* can be mounted #269758
- mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers
- mkwrap() {
- local w ww
- for w in "$@" ; do
- ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
- cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
- #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
- exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P $w) "\$@"
- chmod a+rx "${ww}"
- done
- }
- mkwrap mount umount
- addwrite /dev/full
- #export RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
- #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
- env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" \
- emake -j1 -k check || die "make check failed"
-src_install() {
- emake install DESTDIR="${D}" || die
- insinto /etc
- newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS || die
- if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" || ${EPREFIX%/} != "" ]] ; then
- cd "${ED}"/usr/bin
- dodir /bin
- # move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
- local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
- mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]] && fhs="${fhs} hostname"
- mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
- # move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
- local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
- mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
- mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
- # create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
- local x
- for x in ${com} uname ; do
- dosym /bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x} || die
- done
- else
- # For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
- rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/man
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
- ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
- ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
- # /bin/dircolors sometimes sticks around #224823
- if [ -e "${EROOT}/usr/bin/dircolors" ] && [ -e "${EROOT}/bin/dircolors" ] ; then
- if strings "${EROOT}/bin/dircolors" | grep -qs "GNU coreutils" ; then
- einfo "Deleting orphaned GNU /bin/dircolors for you"
- rm -f "${EROOT}/bin/dircolors"
- fi
- fi
- # Help out users using experimental filesystems
- if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
- case $(uname -r) in
- 2.6.[12][0-9]|2.6.3[0-7]*)
- ewarn "You are running a system with a buggy btrfs driver."
- ewarn "Please upgrade your kernel to avoid silent corruption."
- ewarn "See: https://bugs.gentoo.org/353907"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22-r1.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 950937359f..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2015/02/28 20:15:19 tgall Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities (whoami, who,...)"
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/dist/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-man-r1.tar.xz
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/dist/${P}-man-r1.tar.xz"
-KEYWORDS="~ppc-aix ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="acl caps gmp nls selinux static userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
-LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp[static-libs] )
- xattr? ( !userland_BSD? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
- selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )
- !app-misc/realpath
- !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
- !sys-apps/stat
- !net-mail/base64
- !sys-apps/mktemp
- !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
- !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
- !<sci-chemistry/ccp4-6.1.1"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- app-arch/xz-utils"
-src_prepare() {
- if ! use vanilla ; then
- use_if_iuse unicode || rm -f "${WORKDIR}"/patch/000_all_coreutils-i18n.patch
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- PATCHDIR="${WORKDIR}/patch" \
- EPATCH_EXCLUDE="001_all_coreutils-gen-progress-bar.patch" \
- epatch
- fi
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.22-mint.patch
- # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
- # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
- # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
- # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
- # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
- set -- man/*.x
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
- if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
- touch src/dircolors.h
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=''
- if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
- export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
- export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
- fi
- export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
- use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
- use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
- use userland_BSD && myconf="${myconf} -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/"
- # kill/uptime - procps
- # groups/su - shadow
- # hostname - net-tools
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]]; then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch,hostname,kill,uptime"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,su"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,hostname,kill,su,uptime"
- fi
- econf \
- --with-packager="Gentoo" \
- --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})" \
- --with-packager-bug-reports="http://bugs.gentoo.org/" \
- --enable-largefile \
- $(use caps || echo --disable-libcap) \
- $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable acl) \
- $(use_enable xattr) \
- $(use_with gmp) \
- ${myconf}
-src_test() {
- # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isnt
- # accessible to non-root users
- chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
- chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
- # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs
- # so make sure /etc/mtab is writable #265725
- # make sure /dev/loop* can be mounted #269758
- mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers
- mkwrap() {
- local w ww
- for w in "$@" ; do
- ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
- cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
- #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
- exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P $w) "\$@"
- chmod a+rx "${ww}"
- done
- }
- mkwrap mount umount
- addwrite /dev/full
- #export RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
- #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
- env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" \
- emake -j1 -k check || die "make check failed"
-src_install() {
- emake install DESTDIR="${D}" || die
- insinto /etc
- newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS || die
- if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] ; then
- cd "${ED}"/usr/bin
- dodir /bin
- # move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
- local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
- mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]] && fhs="${fhs} hostname"
- mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
- # move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
- local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
- mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
- mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
- # create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
- local x
- for x in ${com} uname ; do
- dosym /bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x} || die
- done
- else
- # For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
- rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/man
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
- ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
- ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
- # Help out users using experimental filesystems
- if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
- case $(uname -r) in
- 2.6.[12][0-9]|2.6.3[0-7]*)
- ewarn "You are running a system with a buggy btrfs driver."
- ewarn "Please upgrade your kernel to avoid silent corruption."
- ewarn "See: https://bugs.gentoo.org/353907"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ba4861314..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.22.ebuild,v 1.4 2014/04/27 19:08:29 vapier Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities (whoami, who,...)"
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/dist/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-man-r1.tar.xz
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/dist/${P}-man-r1.tar.xz"
-KEYWORDS="~ppc-aix ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="acl caps gmp nls selinux static userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
-LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp[static-libs] )
- xattr? ( !userland_BSD? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
- selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )
- !app-misc/realpath
- !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
- !sys-apps/stat
- !net-mail/base64
- !sys-apps/mktemp
- !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
- !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
- !<sci-chemistry/ccp4-6.1.1"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- app-arch/xz-utils"
-src_prepare() {
- if ! use vanilla ; then
- use_if_iuse unicode || rm -f "${WORKDIR}"/patch/000_all_coreutils-i18n.patch
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- PATCHDIR="${WORKDIR}/patch" \
- EPATCH_EXCLUDE="001_all_coreutils-gen-progress-bar.patch" \
- epatch
- fi
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.22-mint.patch
- # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
- # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
- # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
- # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
- # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
- set -- man/*.x
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
- if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
- touch src/dircolors.h
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=''
- if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
- export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
- export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
- fi
- export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
- use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
- use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
- use userland_BSD && myconf="${myconf} -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/"
- # kill/uptime - procps
- # groups/su - shadow
- # hostname - net-tools
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]]; then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch,hostname,kill,uptime"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,su"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,hostname,kill,su,uptime"
- fi
- econf \
- --with-packager="Gentoo" \
- --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})" \
- --with-packager-bug-reports="http://bugs.gentoo.org/" \
- --enable-largefile \
- $(use caps || echo --disable-libcap) \
- $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable acl) \
- $(use_enable xattr) \
- $(use_with gmp) \
- ${myconf}
-src_test() {
- # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isnt
- # accessible to non-root users
- chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
- chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
- # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs
- # so make sure /etc/mtab is writable #265725
- # make sure /dev/loop* can be mounted #269758
- mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers
- mkwrap() {
- local w ww
- for w in "$@" ; do
- ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
- cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
- #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
- exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P $w) "\$@"
- chmod a+rx "${ww}"
- done
- }
- mkwrap mount umount
- addwrite /dev/full
- #export RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
- #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
- env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" \
- emake -j1 -k check || die "make check failed"
-src_install() {
- emake install DESTDIR="${D}" || die
- insinto /etc
- newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS || die
- if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] ; then
- cd "${ED}"/usr/bin
- dodir /bin
- # move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
- local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
- mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]] && fhs="${fhs} hostname"
- mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
- # move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
- local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
- mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
- mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
- # create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
- local x
- for x in ${com} uname ; do
- dosym /bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x} || die
- done
- else
- # For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
- rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/man
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
- ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
- ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
- # /bin/dircolors sometimes sticks around #224823
- if [ -e "${EROOT}/usr/bin/dircolors" ] && [ -e "${EROOT}/bin/dircolors" ] ; then
- if strings "${EROOT}/bin/dircolors" | grep -qs "GNU coreutils" ; then
- einfo "Deleting orphaned GNU /bin/dircolors for you"
- rm -f "${EROOT}/bin/dircolors"
- fi
- fi
- # Help out users using experimental filesystems
- if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
- case $(uname -r) in
- 2.6.[12][0-9]|2.6.3[0-7]*)
- ewarn "You are running a system with a buggy btrfs driver."
- ewarn "Please upgrade your kernel to avoid silent corruption."
- ewarn "See: https://bugs.gentoo.org/353907"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.23-r00.1.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.28-r1.ebuild
similarity index 52%
rename from sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.23-r00.1.ebuild
rename to sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.28-r1.ebuild
index 36c9c17113..fc63a2986a 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.23-r00.1.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.28-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,61 +1,100 @@
# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.23.ebuild,v 1.11 2015/07/30 12:28:54 ago Exp $
+# $Id$
# To generate the man pages, unpack the upstream tarball and run:
-# ./configure --enable-install-program=arch,coreutils
+# ./configure --enable-install-program=arch,coreutils,hostname,kill
# make
# cd ..
# tar cf - coreutils-*/man/*.[0-9] | xz > coreutils-<ver>-man.tar.xz
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_4,3_5,3_6} )
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities (whoami, who,...)"
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/dist/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
+ https://dev.gentoo.org/~whissi/dist/${PN}/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/dist/${P}-man.tar.xz"
+ https://dev.gentoo.org/~polynomial-c/dist/${P}-man.tar.xz"
-KEYWORDS="~ppc-aix ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="acl caps gmp multicall nls selinux static userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
+KEYWORDS="~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+IUSE="acl caps elibc_glibc gmp hostname kill multicall nls selinux static +stdbuf test uptime userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp[static-libs] )
- xattr? ( !userland_BSD? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
+ gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
+ xattr? ( !elibc_glibc? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
+ static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ app-arch/xz-utils
+ test? (
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/Expect
+ !userland_BSD? (
+ dev-util/strace
+ )
+ $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/pyinotify[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]')
+ )"
+ hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
+ kill? (
+ !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
+ !sys-process/procps[kill]
+ )
+ !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
- !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
- !<sci-chemistry/ccp4-6.1.1"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- app-arch/xz-utils"
+ !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test ; then
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
src_prepare() {
if ! use vanilla ; then
use_if_iuse unicode || rm -f "${WORKDIR}"/patch/000_all_coreutils-i18n.patch
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- PATCHDIR="${WORKDIR}/patch" \
- EPATCH_EXCLUDE="001_all_coreutils-gen-progress-bar.patch" \
- epatch
+ #rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/001_all_coreutils-gen-progress-bar.patch || die
+ eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patch/*.patch
+ eapply_user
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.22-mint.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.23-non-elf.patch
+ # fixup libstdbuf non-libtool stuff
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDFLAGS = -shared/s:-shared:-dynamiclib -install_name ${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.dylib:" \
+ Makefile.in \
+ || die
+ elif use elibc_Cygwin ; then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-cygwin-3.patch
+ sed -i -e 's|\(libstdbuf\.so\)$(EXEEXT)|\1|g' Makefile.in || die
+ fi
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
+ src/stdbuf.c \
+ Makefile.in \
+ configure \
+ || die
# Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
# re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
@@ -69,13 +108,26 @@ src_prepare() {
# Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
- touch src/dircolors.h
+ touch src/{dircolors,fs-is-local,fs}.h # more?
touch ${@/%x/1}
src_configure() {
- local myconf=''
+ local myconf=(
+ --with-packager="Gentoo"
+ --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ --with-packager-bug-reports="https://bugs.gentoo.org/"
+ --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill),$(usev stdbuf),$(usev uptime)"
+ --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),$(usev !stdbuf),su,$(usev !uptime)"
+ --enable-largefile
+ $(use caps || echo --disable-libcap)
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable acl)
+ $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
+ $(use_enable xattr)
+ $(use_with gmp)
+ )
if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
@@ -84,33 +136,23 @@ src_configure() {
export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
- use userland_BSD && myconf="${myconf} -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/"
+ use userland_BSD && myconf+=( -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/ )
# kill/uptime - procps
# groups/su - shadow
# hostname - net-tools
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]]; then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch,hostname,kill,uptime"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,su,stdbuf"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-install-program=arch"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-no-install-program=groups,hostname,kill,su,uptime"
- fi
- econf \
- --with-packager="Gentoo" \
- --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})" \
- --with-packager-bug-reports="http://bugs.gentoo.org/" \
- --enable-largefile \
- $(use caps || echo --disable-libcap) \
- $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable acl) \
- $(use_enable multicall single-binary) \
- $(use_enable xattr) \
- $(use_with gmp) \
- ${myconf}
+ econf ${myconf[@]}
src_test() {
+ # Known to fail with FEATURES=usersandbox (bug #439574):
+ # - tests/du/long-from-unreadable.sh} (bug #413621)
+ # - tests/rm/deep-2.sh (bug #413621)
+ # - tests/dd/no-allocate.sh (bug #629660)
+ if has usersandbox $FEATURES ; then
+ ewarn "You are emerging ${P} with 'usersandbox' enabled." \
+ "Expect some test failures or emerge with 'FEATURES=-usersandbox'!"
+ fi
# Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
# accessible to non-root users
chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
@@ -147,29 +189,36 @@ src_install() {
newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] ; then
- cd "${ED}"/usr/bin
+ cd "${ED%/}"/usr/bin || die
dodir /bin
# move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
- mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-mint* ]] && fhs="${fhs} hostname"
+ mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname
+ $(usev hostname)"
mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
+ if use kill; then
+ mv kill ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
# move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
# create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
+ # as long as /bin resolves to a different directory than /usr/bin
local x
+ [[ ${EROOT}bin/. -ef ${EROOT}usr/bin/. ]] ||
for x in ${com} uname ; do
- dosym /bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
# For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
- rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/man
+ rm -rf "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man
+ if use elibc_Cygwin ; then
+ ! use kill || mv "${ED}"/bin/{,g}kill || die
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/libexec/${PN}/libstdbuf$(get_libname){.exe,} || die
+ fi
pkg_postinst() {
@@ -178,7 +227,7 @@ pkg_postinst() {
ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
# Help out users using experimental filesystems
- if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
+ if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT%/}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
case $(uname -r) in
ewarn "You are running a system with a buggy btrfs driver."
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.2-mint.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.2-mint.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d0defcefcd..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.2-mint.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-diff -u lib/mountlist.c lib/mountlist.c
---- lib/mountlist.c 2009-02-07 09:58:37.000000000 +0000
-+++ lib/mountlist.c 2009-04-08 04:04:19.000000000 +0000
-@@ -336,6 +336,7 @@
- If NEED_FS_TYPE is true, ensure that the file system type fields in
- the returned list are valid. Otherwise, they might not be. */
-+#ifndef __MINT__
- struct mount_entry *
- read_file_system_list (bool need_fs_type)
- {
-@@ -881,3 +882,82 @@
- return NULL;
- }
- }
-+#else /* __MINT__ */
-+#include <mintbind.h>
-+#include <osbind.h>
-+#include <sys/statfs.h>
-+#include <mint/dcntl.h>
-+/* get the list of available drives */
-+static long
-+ long drive_bits;
-+ drive_bits = Dsetdrv(Dgetdrv());
-+ drive_bits &= ~(1|2); /* exclude all floppies */
-+ return drive_bits;
-+struct mount_entry *
-+read_file_system_list (bool need_fs_type)
-+ struct mount_entry *mount_list;
-+ struct mount_entry *me;
-+ struct mount_entry *mtail;
-+ struct statfs fsp;
-+ struct fs_info info;
-+ long drive_bits;
-+ int i, j;
-+ char lw[] = "a:/", str[25];
-+ /* Start the list off with a dummy entry. */
-+ me = xmalloc (sizeof (*me));
-+ me->me_next = NULL;
-+ mount_list = mtail = me;
-+ drive_bits = get_drives();
-+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (drive_bits & (1L << i))
-+ {
-+ if (i < 26)
-+ lw[0] = 'a' + i;
-+ else
-+ lw[0] = '1' + i - 26;
-+ if(statfs(lw, &fsp) == 0)
-+ {
-+ char name[32];
-+ me = xmalloc (sizeof (*me));
-+ me->me_devname = xstrdup(lw);
-+ me->me_mountdir = xstrdup("u:/");
-+ if (lw[0] < 'a') /* 1: .. 6: */
-+ me->me_dev = lw[0] - '1' + 27;
-+ else
-+ me->me_dev = lw[0] - 'a';
-+ get_fsname(lw, NULL, name);
-+ me->me_type = xstrdup(name);
-+ /* Add to the linked list. */
-+ me->me_next = NULL;
-+ mtail->me_next = me;
-+ mtail = me;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Free the dummy head. */
-+ me = mount_list;
-+ mount_list = mount_list->me_next;
-+ free(me);
-+ return mount_list;
-+#endif /* __MINT__ */
-diff -u src/df.c src/df.c
---- src/df.c 2009-02-14 10:18:27.000000000 +0000
-+++ src/df.c 2009-04-08 04:04:19.000000000 +0000
-@@ -337,7 +337,12 @@
- It would be better to report on the unmounted file system,
- but statfs doesn't do that on most systems. */
- if (!stat_file)
-+#ifndef __MINT__
- stat_file = mount_point ? mount_point : disk;
-+ /* MiNT: mount_point is always u:/, so use disk */
-+ stat_file = disk;
- if (force_fsu)
- fsu = *force_fsu;
-diff -u src/uptime.c src/uptime.c
---- src/uptime.c 2009-01-21 13:33:41.000000000 +0000
-+++ src/uptime.c 2009-04-08 04:04:19.000000000 +0000
-@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
- /* Created by hacking who.c by Kaveh Ghazi ghazi@caip.rutgers.edu. */
- #include <config.h>
-+#ifdef __MINT__
-+#define HAVE_PROC_UPTIME 1
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
-@@ -62,7 +65,11 @@
- FILE *fp;
-+#ifdef __MINT__
-+ fp = fopen ("/kern/uptime", "r");
- fp = fopen ("/proc/uptime", "r");
- if (fp != NULL)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
---- src/timeout.c 2009-04-10 01:37:34.000000000 +0000
-+++ src/timeout.c 2009-04-10 01:38:20.000000000 +0000
-@@ -202,6 +202,10 @@
- return true;
- }
-+#ifdef __MINT__
-+#define SA_RESTART 0
- static void
- install_signal_handlers (void)
- {
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.4-hppa-hpux.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.4-hppa-hpux.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ac52058d..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.4-hppa-hpux.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- lib/striconv.c.orig 2009-06-17 16:09:08.000000000 +0200
-+++ lib/striconv.c 2009-06-17 16:09:48.000000000 +0200
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- /* Avoid glibc-2.1 bug and Solaris 2.7-2.9 bug. */
- # if defined _LIBICONV_VERSION \
-- || !((__GLIBC__ - 0 == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ - 0 <= 1) || defined __sun)
-+ || !((__GLIBC__ - 0 == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ - 0 <= 1) || defined __sun || (defined __hppa && defined __hpux))
- /* Set to the initial state. */
- iconv (cd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- # endif
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.5-interix-setgroups.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.5-interix-setgroups.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e224682b5..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-7.5-interix-setgroups.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff -ru -x '*.Po' -x '*.Plo' coreutils-7.5.orig/src/chroot.c coreutils-7.5/src/chroot.c
---- coreutils-7.5.orig/src/chroot.c 2009-08-24 16:15:21 +0200
-+++ coreutils-7.5/src/chroot.c 2009-08-24 16:17:18 +0200
-@@ -103,7 +103,11 @@
- if (ret == 0)
- {
-+ #ifndef __INTERIX
- ret = setgroups (n_gids, gids);
-+ #else
-+ ret = -1;
-+ #endif
- if (ret)
- error (0, errno, _("failed to set additional groups"));
- }
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.23-non-elf.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.23-non-elf.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fb5ee3e222..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.23-non-elf.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From 9ab1ca7f8b56d79306a6c2c2b1c3fe45253b2b31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Michael Haubenwallner <michael.haubenwallner@ssi-schaefer.com>
-Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 10:38:58 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] stdbuf: build for ELF systems only (sr#108676)
-* configure.ac: Avoid false positive when checking for ELF system.
- configure.ac | 2 ++
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
-#diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-#index 3918f43..b88e6c0 100644
-#--- a/configure.ac
-#+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -472,6 +472,8 @@ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE(
- {
- #if __ELF__
- stdbuf = 1;
-+ #else
-+ # error not an ELF system
- #endif
- }]],[[
- return !(stdbuf == 1);]])
---- a/configure
-+++ b/configure
-@@ -62600,6 +62600,8 @@
- {
- #if __ELF__
- stdbuf = 1;
-+ #else
-+ # error not ELF
- #endif
- }
- int
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.5-interix-double.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.5-interix-double.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4507ddfedc..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.5-interix-double.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-Binary files coreutils-8.5.orig/src/seq and coreutils-8.5/src/seq differ
-diff -ru coreutils-8.5.orig/src/seq.c coreutils-8.5/src/seq.c
---- coreutils-8.5.orig/src/seq.c Mon Oct 18 11:26:56 2010
-+++ coreutils-8.5/src/seq.c Mon Oct 18 13:03:01 2010
-@@ -245,12 +245,12 @@
- if (! out_of_range)
- {
-- long double x = first;
-- long double i;
-+ double x = first;
-+ double i;
- for (i = 1; ; i++)
- {
-- long double x0 = x;
-+ double x0 = x;
- printf (fmt, x);
- if (out_of_range)
- break;
-@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
- of stopping at 0.000002. */
- bool print_extra_number = false;
-- long double x_val;
-+ double x_val;
- char *x_str;
- int x_strlen;
- setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C");
-@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
- xalloc_die ();
- x_str[x_strlen - layout.suffix_len] = '\0';
-- if (xstrtold (x_str + layout.prefix_len, NULL, &x_val, c_strtold)
-+ if (xstrtod (x_str + layout.prefix_len, NULL, &x_val, c_strtod)
- && x_val == last)
- {
- char *x0_str = NULL;
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
- static char const *
- get_default_format (operand first, operand step, operand last)
- {
-- static char format_buf[sizeof "%0.Lf" + 2 * INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int)];
-+ static char format_buf[sizeof "%0.f" + 2 * INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int)];
- int prec = MAX (first.precision, step.precision);
-@@ -323,18 +323,18 @@
- if (width <= INT_MAX)
- {
- int w = width;
-- sprintf (format_buf, "%%0%d.%dLf", w, prec);
-+ sprintf (format_buf, "%%0%d.%df", w, prec);
- return format_buf;
- }
- }
- else
- {
-- sprintf (format_buf, "%%.%dLf", prec);
-+ sprintf (format_buf, "%%.%df", prec);
- return format_buf;
- }
- }
-- return "%Lg";
-+ return "%g";
- }
- int
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.5-interix-warn-mount.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.5-interix-warn-mount.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dc15fe9557..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.5-interix-warn-mount.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Make error about not reading list of mounted filesystems into a warning for interix.
-diff -pur coreutils-8.5.orig/configure coreutils-8.5/configure
---- coreutils-8.5.orig/configure
-+++ coreutils-8.5/configure
-@@ -33852,7 +33852,8 @@
- fi
- if test -z "$ac_list_mounted_fs"; then
-- as_fn_error $? "could not determine how to read list of mounted file systems" "$LINENO" 5
-+ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: could not determine how to read list of mounted file systems" >&5
-+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: could not determine how to read list of mounted file systems" >&2;}
- # FIXME -- no need to abort building the whole package
- # Can't build mountlist.c or anything that needs its functions
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-hppa-hpux.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-hppa-hpux.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e2486ca7..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-hppa-hpux.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- coreutils-8.8.orig/lib/striconv.c
-+++ coreutils-8.8/lib/striconv.c
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ mem_cd_iconv (const char *src, size_t sr
- /* Avoid glibc-2.1 bug and Solaris 2.7-2.9 bug. */
- # if defined _LIBICONV_VERSION \
- || !(((__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ <= 1) && !defined __UCLIBC__) \
-- || defined __sun)
-+ || defined __sun || (defined __hppa && defined __hpux))
- /* Set to the initial state. */
- iconv (cd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- # endif
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-interix.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-interix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 25107afc82..0000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.8-interix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-already fixed in gnulib (mountlist support added), should hit coreutils soon.
-see also: http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-gnulib@gnu.org/msg21257.html
-diff -ru -x '*.Po' -x '*.Plo' coreutils-8.8.orig/src/stat.c coreutils-8.8/src/stat.c
---- coreutils-8.8.orig/src/stat.c 2011-01-26 11:51:08 +0100
-+++ coreutils-8.8/src/stat.c 2011-01-26 11:59:21 +0100
-@@ -762,7 +762,11 @@
- static bool tried_mount_list = false;
- if (!tried_mount_list) /* attempt/warn once per process. */
- {
-+ #ifndef __INTERIX
- if (!(mount_list = read_file_system_list (false)))
-+ #else
-+ mount_list = NULL;
-+ #endif
- error (0, errno, "%s", _("cannot read table of mounted file systems"));
- tried_mount_list = true;
- }
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/
@ 2016-04-18 15:29 Michael Haubenwallner
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Michael Haubenwallner @ 2016-04-18 15:29 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: c78b8a7c6373927cbc35e0afe0a4771804e6919c
Author: Michael Haubenwallner <michael.haubenwallner <AT> ssi-schaefer <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Mon Apr 18 15:28:28 2016 +0000
Commit: Michael Haubenwallner <haubi <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Mon Apr 18 15:28:28 2016 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/prefix.git/commit/?id=c78b8a7c
coreutils-8.25: add Cygwin patch
sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest | 2 +-
sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.25.ebuild | 7 +
.../coreutils/files/coreutils-8.25-cygwin-3.patch | 1407 ++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 1415 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index 0b97bc7..98f2d6b 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ EBUILD coreutils-8.22-r1.ebuild 6015 SHA256 08c11cfbd5947d24c48ef169ebf0fe2bc87e
EBUILD coreutils-8.22.ebuild 6317 SHA256 7962673e3eeece23fa543eeec7f4ebc9d3bc14254ddc5c98d1c1778508121b9b SHA512 63203170b5378158fed7fdfdb203e3fddf4ac8be79428e7fe4eb475fc800870a9ecda12dcc63a37dfe811aa57b543b414dad847568b18a00f63bbd5a88446914 WHIRLPOOL 45f47540f7114f3e45e41fa36d4d1cace21bafbadac80d29ad6372487f63d9f36537ee03b7a0a4923e743d3294c17a7e1cb96c8ef42e386706bd152a58d2aa28
EBUILD coreutils-8.23-r00.1.ebuild 6267 SHA256 53c2a4bef763782b3dc6f9c00a3b32ca37dd9fcc1c8096fd41633e2a91e2eb4e SHA512 dc5f1f83dc592a6e0fbf37afb3494d7300f34f63a9b81f8eee08c6f5d2826487fb1c06d3c94ababd6e3ce4430737ffa917ffa00e77e2e51ed07b156d21b45e6d WHIRLPOOL 49548aad93722d42720dd3bd99fdc6eba76eb272cc320e49875a1dc784cc411eadfe2048d0399e8936c26c360861b30c92a0975186e8de008233ca48bbddd4c3
EBUILD coreutils-8.24.ebuild 6596 SHA256 1e82dda3c1a0b1b6c47af214dffac24ffee45bc19efdd2c403e05890267d078b SHA512 e78d9f8f6e99a767cbc809126284161643af220808753adff57b52e129686ee3a208e7d1742694fd0dd8f3b28d238df759169866da861b7539e9a79b490bd930 WHIRLPOOL 08e2b1ce22af8a0b3b40b62dfc0b6fb739bd22b5db349874ff2c9b70cb14fa247bbb2c896b4db9564f5e6466d62b2483a96fb3c58c2e781419eedb6373108e37
-EBUILD coreutils-8.25.ebuild 6563 SHA256 7e2d7d2b1f87e0c35c95ab595ddee1c5053a666a93d2de4826fb4c427d034cc7 SHA512 7180fe2b3a446659824226111f24516178dbb8e51ec631c346c2a9fdaab6302ee4353eb3e7c1ff1d1344480ec333438f5c04360af2507400039ea975d4b5120d WHIRLPOOL aceacf2b77b3311d96ea4fc1da77181d0b325a6e54ee4ae7232e5bd48d2505486b2a5046561baa6b4239c64af057d2960785e29624b4a0a519fca90e47bc9759
+EBUILD coreutils-8.25.ebuild 6851 SHA256 d3b1a63c2358050268bd664c688d4aa7fece44df146af9133e52bb23a493f152 SHA512 9726525fa87d75d972c6e29032f63808167f8f6dbc83c0cf658cbb29dd1c12f34e4bcad63697f9b76801d108324036d30f7642bd0a74279e697e3640a9a18b4c
MISC metadata.xml 668 SHA256 5861c2e0c2723f166f6c52bd9726f5d5020286f6e475c4746516f0cfd59ebe47 SHA512 347e830a93a0fcbaa2ab9104761ad0e0c42dbbe28d4cf29fc953bc21055051afd3c8e0ab0dbecf5c27faf1335f82b3601be78cc8980365b85db5a7a86419bb1c WHIRLPOOL 091d55503649ee267113ab47f3192b5740961b18f1f542d4ffacded2f7ccfff528ac31ac771b9da220d3486dc10812b91c26a8f6859b4cc51a55d2c2648419ea
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.25.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.25.ebuild
index ef6ae84..b34f290 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.25.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.25.ebuild
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ src_prepare() {
-e "/src_libstdbuf_so_LDFLAGS = -shared/s:-shared:-dynamiclib -install_name ${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.dylib:" \
Makefile.in \
|| die
+ elif use elibc_Cygwin ; then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-cygwin-3.patch
+ sed -i -e 's|\(libstdbuf\.so\)$(EXEEXT)|\1|g' Makefile.in || die
sed -i \
-e "s/libstdbuf\\.so/libstdbuf$(get_libname)/" \
@@ -183,6 +186,10 @@ src_install() {
rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/man
+ if use elibc_Cygwin ; then
+ ! use kill || mv "${ED}"/bin/{,g}kill || die
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/libexec/${PN}/libstdbuf$(get_libname){.exe,} || die
+ fi
pkg_postinst() {
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.25-cygwin-3.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.25-cygwin-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3319b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.25-cygwin-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1407 @@
+This is a copy of coreutils-8.25-3.src.patch from the official Cygwin
+coreutils-8.25-3 source package, modified to avoid re-running autotools:
+* Hunks for ./configure.ac go to ./configure instead.
+* Hunks for ./lib/local.mk go to ./Makefile.in instead.
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/ChangeLog 2016-01-20 03:55:17.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/ChangeLog 2016-04-12 12:50:05.042257400 -0600
+@@ -1,3 +1,235 @@
++2016-03-08 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.25-1.
++ * lib/set-permissions.c (set_acls_from_mode): Fix missing return.
++2015-08-26 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.24-3.
++ * lib/cygwin.c (cygwin_spelling): Fix uninitialized variable that
++ broke 'cp -r' depending on stack contents.
++2015-08-26 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.24-2.
++ Enable stdbuf (requires hacks to Makefile.in).
++2015-08-25 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.24-1.
++2014-09-24 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.23-3.
++ * lib/cygwin.c (cygwin_spelling): Skip .exe magic if .exe is
++ already present. Also honor .exe magic on symlinks.
++ * lib/same.c (same_name): Treat files as same if only difference
++ is .exe magic.
++ * src/copy.c (copy): Move symlink special casing here.
++ * src/install.c (strip): Update caller.
++ * src/ls.c (gobble_file): Likewise.
++ * src/stat.c (do_statfs, do_stat): Likewise.
++2014-08-12 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.23-2.
++ Drop hostname.
++2014-08-01 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.23-1.
++ * configure.ac: Disable stdbuf.
++ * lib/local.mk: Upstream switched to flat make, impacting how
++ we build local cygwin.c code.
++ * lib/canonicalize.c: Accepted upstream.
++ * lib/file-has-acl.c: Likewise.
++ * src/realpath.c: Likewise.
++ * src/su.c: Upstream dropped su.
++ * src/Makefile.am: Drop su changes.
++ * src/chroot.c: Adapt to new upstream code.
++2012-02-04 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.15-1.
++ * lib/fts.c: Early gnulib fix is now upstream.
++ * lib/canonicalize.c: Backport gnulib fix for /// -> /.
++ * src/realpath.c: Backport gnulib fix for --relative-to.
++2011-10-27 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.14-1.
++ * lib/ftc.c: Backport gnulib fix to make rm close before rmdir.
++ * lib/cygwin.c (cygwin_spelling): Fix logic when 'f' and 'f.exe'
++ exist but are different files.
++ * src/stat.c: Fix --append-exe.
++2011-02-04 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.10-1.
++2010-12-24 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.8-1.
++ * lib/mountlist.c (ME_REMOTE): Restore previous cygwin hack to
++ determine remote drives, lost since 6.11-1.
++2010-04-29 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.5-1.
++2010-03-11 Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
++ Cygwin release 8.4-1.
++ * lib/xfreopen.c (xfreopen): Consolidate workaround for broken
++ freopen usage into one place.
++ * src/copy.c (copy): Reinstate .exe magic handling when copying
++ files with implicit .exe.
++2008-12-13 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 7.0-1.
++2008-06-02 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 6.12-1.
++2008-05-12 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 6.11-1, requires cygwin 1.7.0.
++ * lib/cygwin.h (CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE): Accomodate new PATH_MAX.
++ * lib/cygwin.c (cygwin_spelling): Accomodate new trailing
++ `.' semantics.
++ * lib/same.c (same_name): Accomodate new PATH_MAX.
++2008-01-24 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 6.10-1.
++ * lib/hash-triple.c (triple_hash): Hash case-insensitively.
++ * lib/hash-pjw.h (hash_pjw_case): New interface.
++ * lib/hash-pjw.c (hash_pjw_case): New function.
++ * src/chcon.c (main): Support my root_dev_ino tweaks.
++2007-08-21 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 6.9-5.
++ * same.c (same_name): Detect same file differing only by case.
++ * src/copy.c (same_file_ok): Add parameter to detect when case
++ change is being attempted.
++ (triple_hash): Hash names case-insensitively.
++ (copy_internal): Accommodate case-change attempts.
++ * src/mv.c (do_move): Allow 'mv foo/ Foo/' as shorthand for
++ 'mv -T foo/ Foo/'.
++2007-07-23 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 6.9-4.
++ * src/dd.c (main): Fix typo in earlier cygwin patch.
++2007-05-29 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 6.9-3.
++ * src/cksum.c (main): Don't lose append mode.
++ * src/md5sum.c (main): Likewise.
++ * src/cat.c (main): Likewise.
++ * src/head.c (main): Likewise.
++ * src/tac.c (main): Likewise.
++ * src/tail.c (main): Likewise.
++ * src/tee.c (main): Likewise.
++ * src/tr.c (main): Likewise.
++2006-11-24 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 6.6-2.
++ * lib/cygwin.c (cygwin_spelling): Work even with old-style
++ symlinks, which lacked .lnk suffix.
++2006-04-14 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 5.94-5. Experimental only, depends on cygwin
++ snapshot 20060329 or later.
++ * src/dd.c (main): Default to binary mode.
++ * src/system.h (rpl_freopen): Remove this hack, now that cygwin
++ freopen(NULL) works.
++ * lib/quotearg.c (quote_eight_bit): New variable, so I can...
++ (quotearg_buffer_restyled): treat 8-bit characters as printable
++ when outputting to a terminal.
++ * lib/quote.c (quote_n): Use it.
++2006-02-28 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 5.94-4. Experimental only, depends on cygwin
++ snapshot 20060227 or later.
++ * lib/root-dev-ino.h (struct root_dev_ino): New struct.
++ * lib/root-dev-ino.c (get_root_dev_ino): Also track //.
++ * src/chmod.c (root_dev_ino): Use new type.
++ (main): Ditto.
++ * src/chown-core.h (struct Chown_option): Ditto.
++ * src/chown.c (main): Ditto.
++ * src/remove.h (struct rm_options): Ditto.
++ * src/rm.c (main): Ditto.
++ * src/pwd.c (robust_getcwd): Ditto. Also fix bug when in / or //.
++2006-01-24 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 5.93-3, depends on cygwin-1.5.19-1 or later.
++ * src/cksum.c (main): Always output binary files.
++ * src/md5sum.c (main): Likewise.
++ * src/su.c (correct_password): On NT machines, attempt
++ passwordless login first, and give better error message if
++ password check fails. I still don't know how to distinguish
++ between insufficient privileges vs. incorrect password.
++ * src/dircolors.c (main): Silence warning from tcsh 6.14.00.
++2005-10-15 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 5.90-3, depends on snapshot 20051003 or later (will
++ become cygwin 1.5.19).
++ * doc/coreutils.texi (ls invocation, stat invocation): Document
++ --append-exe.
++ * src/ls.c (usage): Ditto.
++ (gobble_file): Append .exe as needed when requested.
++ * src/stat.c (usage): Document --append-exe.
++ (do_stat, do_statfs): Append .exe as needed when requested.
++2005-10-08 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ Cygwin release 5.90-2, depends on snapshot 20051003 or later (will
++ become cygwin 1.5.19).
++ * lib/mkdir-p.c (make_dir_parents): Fix bug in last patch.
++ * lib/cygwin.h (CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE): Factor into common macro.
++ * src/copy.c (copy): Use new macro.
++ * src/install.c (strip): Ditto.
++ * src/ln.c (do_link): Ditto.
++2005-07-13 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ * doc/coreutils.texi (ln invocation): Document --disable-exe-magic.
++ * src/ln.c (usage): Likewise.
++ (do_link): Skip .exe magic when requested.
++2005-07-12 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ * lib/cygwin.c (cygwin_spelling): Don't append .exe to directories.
++ Make sure .exe exists before returning 1, because otherwise
++ virtual directories such as /cygdrive have problems.
++2005-07-07 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
++ * lib/cygwin.h: New file, defining cygwin_spelling.
++ * lib/cygwin.c: New file.
++ * lib/Makefile.am: Compile it.
++ * src/copy.c (copy_internal, copy): Use new cygwin_spelling() to
++ undo .exe magic.
++ * src/link.c (do_link): Likewise.
++ * src/install.c (strip): Likewise.
++2005-01-03 Corinna Vinschen <corinna@vinschen.de>
++ * src/install.c (strip): Check for .exe here since strip doesn't.
+ 2016-01-20 Pádraig Brady <P@draigBrady.com>
+ version 8.25
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/configure.ac 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/configure.ac 2016-04-12 12:49:47.302692100 -0600
+#@@ -468,7 +468,8 @@ gl_WARN_ADD([-Werror], [CFLAGS])
+ gl_WARN_ADD([-errwarn], [CFLAGS])
+ # Put this message here, after gl_WARN_ADD's chatter.
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether this system supports stdbuf])
++# -fPIC on cygwin is a warning
+ LDFLAGS="-shared $LDFLAGS"
+ stdbuf_supported=no
+ # Note we only LINK here rather than RUN to support cross compilation
+#@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@ AC_LINK_IFELSE(
+ ],
+ [stdbuf_supported=yes])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$stdbuf_supported])
+-if test "$stdbuf_supported" = "yes" && test -z "$EXEEXT"; then
++if test "$stdbuf_supported" = "yes"; then
+ gl_ADD_PROG([optional_bin_progs], [stdbuf])
+ fi
+ CFLAGS=$ac_save_CFLAGS
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/configure
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/configure
+@@ -63050,7 +63050,8 @@
+ # Put this message here, after gl_WARN_ADD's chatter.
+ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether this system supports stdbuf" >&5
+ $as_echo_n "checking whether this system supports stdbuf... " >&6; }
++# -fPIC on cygwin is a warning
+ LDFLAGS="-shared $LDFLAGS"
+ stdbuf_supported=no
+ # Note we only LINK here rather than RUN to support cross compilation
+@@ -63082,7 +63083,7 @@
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $stdbuf_supported" >&5
+ $as_echo "$stdbuf_supported" >&6; }
+-if test "$stdbuf_supported" = "yes" && test -z "$EXEEXT"; then
++if test "$stdbuf_supported" = "yes"; then
+ {
+ if test -z "$optional_bin_progs"; then
+ optional_bin_progs=stdbuf
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/doc/coreutils.texi 2016-01-13 04:16:39.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/doc/coreutils.texi 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -7665,6 +7665,14 @@ These options change how file names them
+ @table @samp
++@item --append-exe
++@opindex --append-exe
++@cindex appending exe on cygwin
++Cygwin only: Cygwin normally performs @samp{.exe} magic, where a
++command line argument typed without an .exe extension transparently
++refers to the existing file with an extension. Specifying this option
++will make the .exe show if cygwin magic was involved.
+ @item -b
+ @itemx --escape
+ @itemx --quoting-style=escape
+@@ -11679,6 +11687,14 @@ With this option, @command{stat} acts on
+ by each symbolic link argument.
+ Without it, @command{stat} acts on any symbolic link argument directly.
++@item --append-exe
++@opindex --append-exe
++@cindex appending exe on cygwin
++Cygwin only: Cygwin normally performs .exe magic, where a command line
++argument typed without an .exe extension transparently refers to the
++existing file with an extension. Specifying this option will make
++the .exe show if cygwin magic was involved.
+ @item -f
+ @itemx --file-system
+ @opindex -f
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/cygwin.c 1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/cygwin.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
++/* cygwin.c - helper functions unique to Cygwin
++ Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++ any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ GNU General Public License for more details.
++ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++ Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++ Written by Eric Blake. */
++#include <config.h>
++#include "cygwin.h"
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <limits.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++/* Return -1 if PATH is not found, 0 if PATH will not have .exe
++ appended (it is possible that a PATH that does not exist still
++ returns 0 instead of -1, or fails for a PATH that exists but cannot
++ be stat'ed), and positive if PATH has ".exe" automatically appended
++ by cygwin (1 if PATH is a symlink, 2 otherwise). Won't change errno. */
++cygwin_spelling (char const *path)
++ int saved_errno = errno;
++ int result = 0; /* Start with assumption that PATH is okay. */
++ size_t len;
++ struct stat st1;
++ struct stat st2;
++ char *path_exe;
++ /* If PATH will cause EINVAL or ENAMETOOLONG, treat it as missing. */
++ if (! path || ! *path)
++ return -1;
++ if (PATH_MAX < (len = strlen (path)))
++ return -1;
++ /* Don't change spelling if there is a trailing `/' or '.exe'. */
++ if (path[len - 1] == '/'
++ || (len > 4 && !strcasecmp (&path[len - 4], ".exe")))
++ return 0;
++ if (lstat (path, &st1) < 0)
++ {
++ errno = saved_errno;
++ return -1;
++ }
++ if (S_ISDIR(st1.st_mode))
++ {
++ errno = saved_errno;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ path_exe = malloca (len + 5); /* adding ".exe" and NUL. */
++ strcat (stpcpy (path_exe, path), ".exe");
++ if (lstat (path_exe, &st2) == 0 && st1.st_ino == st2.st_ino)
++ result = 1 + !S_ISLNK(st1.st_mode);
++ freea (path_exe);
++ errno = saved_errno;
++ return result;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/cygwin.h 1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/cygwin.h 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
++/* cygwin.h - helper functions unique to Cygwin
++ Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++ any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ GNU General Public License for more details.
++ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++ Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++ Written by Eric Blake. */
++#ifndef CYGWIN_H
++# define CYGWIN_H 1
++#include "malloca.h"
++int cygwin_spelling (char const *);
++/* Append ".exe" to char *__NAME_ORIG, where __NAME is either NULL or
++ between __NAME_ORIG and the nul terminator. Both params will be
++ evaluated more than once and assigned the new value. The user must
++ later call freea(__NAME). */
++#define CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE(__name, __name_orig) \
++ __name_orig = __name = \
++ strcat (strcpy (malloca (strchr (__name ? __name : __name_orig, '\0') \
++ - (__name_orig) + 5), \
++ __name_orig), ".exe")
++#endif /* CYGWIN_H */
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/hash-pjw.c 2016-01-01 06:45:55.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/hash-pjw.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include "hash-pjw.h"
++#include <ctype.h>
+ #include <limits.h>
+ #define SIZE_BITS (sizeof (size_t) * CHAR_BIT)
+@@ -38,3 +39,16 @@ hash_pjw (const void *x, size_t tablesiz
+ return h % tablesize;
+ }
++/* Likewise, but case-insensitive. */
++hash_pjw_case (const void *x, size_t tablesize)
++ const unsigned char *s;
++ size_t h = 0;
++ for (s = x; *s; s++)
++ h = tolower (*s) + ((h << 9) | (h >> (SIZE_BITS - 9)));
++ return h % tablesize;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/hash-pjw.h 2016-01-01 06:45:55.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/hash-pjw.h 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@
+ The result is platform dependent: it depends on the size of the 'size_t'
+ type and on the signedness of the 'char' type. */
+ extern size_t hash_pjw (void const *x, size_t tablesize) _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
++extern size_t hash_pjw_case (void const *x, size_t tablesize) _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/hash-triple.c 2016-01-01 06:45:55.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/hash-triple.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -34,7 +34,13 @@ size_t
+ triple_hash (void const *x, size_t table_size)
+ {
+ struct F_triple const *p = x;
++#if !__CYGWIN__
+ size_t tmp = hash_pjw (p->name, table_size);
++#else // cygwin
++ /* Hash case-insensitively, to force collisions on names that differ by
++ case; copy.c can then account for case-insensitive renames. */
++ size_t tmp = hash_pjw_case (p->name, table_size);
+ /* Ignoring the device number here should be fine. */
+ return (tmp ^ p->st_ino) % table_size;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/local.mk 2012-11-13 06:51:53.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/local.mk 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+#@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ include lib/gnulib.mk
+ # Allow "make distdir" to succeed before "make all" has run.
+ dist-hook: $(noinst_LIBRARIES)
+ .PHONY: dist-hook
++# Hook in cygwin helper
++lib_libcoreutils_a_SOURCES += lib/cygwin.c lib/cygwin.h
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/Makefile.in
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/Makefile.in
+@@ -694,7 +694,8 @@
+ lib/xstriconv.h lib/xstriconv.c lib/xstrndup.h lib/xstrndup.c \
+ lib/xstrtod.c lib/xstrtoimax.c lib/xstrtol.c lib/xstrtoul.c \
+ lib/xstrtol-error.c lib/xstrtold.c lib/xstrtoumax.c \
+- lib/xvasprintf.h lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c
++ lib/xvasprintf.h lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c \
++ lib/cygwin.c lib/cygwin.h
+ am__dirstamp = $(am__leading_dot)dirstamp
+ @LIBUNISTRING_COMPILE_UNISTR_U8_MBTOUCR_TRUE@am__objects_1 = lib/unistr/u8-mbtoucr.$(OBJEXT)
+ @LIBUNISTRING_COMPILE_UNISTR_U8_UCTOMB_TRUE@am__objects_2 = lib/unistr/u8-uctomb.$(OBJEXT) \
+@@ -799,7 +800,8 @@
+ lib/xstrtol.$(OBJEXT) lib/xstrtoul.$(OBJEXT) \
+ lib/xstrtol-error.$(OBJEXT) lib/xstrtold.$(OBJEXT) \
+ lib/xstrtoumax.$(OBJEXT) lib/xvasprintf.$(OBJEXT) \
+- lib/xasprintf.$(OBJEXT) lib/yesno.$(OBJEXT)
++ lib/xasprintf.$(OBJEXT) lib/yesno.$(OBJEXT) \
++ lib/cygwin.$(OBJEXT)
+ lib_libcoreutils_a_OBJECTS = $(am_lib_libcoreutils_a_OBJECTS)
+ src_libsinglebin___a_AR = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS)
+ src_libsinglebin___a_LIBADD =
+@@ -4215,6 +4217,8 @@
+ # mv $@-t $@
+ #EXTRA_DIST += script.in
+ #MOSTLYCLEANFILES += script script-t
++# Hook in cygwin helper
+ lib_libcoreutils_a_SOURCES = lib/copy-acl.c lib/set-acl.c \
+ lib/acl-errno-valid.c lib/acl-internal.c lib/get-permissions.c \
+ lib/set-permissions.c lib/allocator.c lib/areadlink.c \
+@@ -4288,7 +4292,8 @@
+ lib/xstriconv.h lib/xstriconv.c lib/xstrndup.h lib/xstrndup.c \
+ lib/xstrtod.c lib/xstrtoimax.c lib/xstrtol.c lib/xstrtoul.c \
+ lib/xstrtol-error.c lib/xstrtold.c lib/xstrtoumax.c \
+- lib/xvasprintf.h lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c
++ lib/xvasprintf.h lib/xvasprintf.c lib/xasprintf.c lib/yesno.c \
++ lib/cygwin.c lib/cygwin.h
+ lib_libcoreutils_a_LIBADD = $(gl_LIBOBJS) @ALLOCA@
+ lib_libcoreutils_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(gl_LIBOBJS) @ALLOCA@
+ EXTRA_lib_libcoreutils_a_SOURCES = lib/acl_entries.c lib/alloca.c \
+@@ -6321,6 +6326,8 @@
+ lib/xasprintf.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
+ lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+ lib/yesno.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
++lib/cygwin.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
++ lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+ lib/acl_entries.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
+ lib/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+ lib/alloca.$(OBJEXT): lib/$(am__dirstamp) \
+@@ -8262,6 +8269,7 @@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/copy-acl.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/creat-safer.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/cycle-check.Po@am__quote@
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/cygwin.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/di-set.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/diacrit.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@lib/$(DEPDIR)/dirchownmod.Po@am__quote@
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/root-dev-ino.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/root-dev-ino.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -25,13 +25,17 @@
+ /* Call lstat to get the device and inode numbers for '/'.
+ Upon failure, return NULL. Otherwise, set the members of
+ *ROOT_D_I accordingly and return ROOT_D_I. */
+-struct dev_ino *
+-get_root_dev_ino (struct dev_ino *root_d_i)
++struct root_dev_ino *
++get_root_dev_ino (struct root_dev_ino *root_d_i)
+ {
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ if (lstat ("/", &statbuf))
+ return NULL;
+- root_d_i->st_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
+- root_d_i->st_dev = statbuf.st_dev;
++ root_d_i->single_slash.st_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
++ root_d_i->single_slash.st_dev = statbuf.st_dev;
++ if (lstat ("//", &statbuf))
++ return NULL;
++ root_d_i->double_slash.st_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
++ root_d_i->double_slash.st_dev = statbuf.st_dev;
+ return root_d_i;
+ }
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/root-dev-ino.h 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/root-dev-ino.h 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -21,19 +21,26 @@
+ # include "dev-ino.h"
+ # include "same-inode.h"
+-struct dev_ino *
+-get_root_dev_ino (struct dev_ino *root_d_i);
++struct root_dev_ino
++ struct dev_ino single_slash;
++ struct dev_ino double_slash;
++struct root_dev_ino *
++get_root_dev_ino (struct root_dev_ino *root_d_i);
+ /* These macros are common to the programs that support the
+ --preserve-root and --no-preserve-root options. */
+ # define ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK(Root_dev_ino, Dir_statbuf) \
+- (Root_dev_ino && SAME_INODE (*Dir_statbuf, *Root_dev_ino))
++ (Root_dev_ino && (SAME_INODE (*Dir_statbuf, (Root_dev_ino)->single_slash) \
++ || SAME_INODE (*Dir_statbuf, (Root_dev_ino)->double_slash)))
+ # define ROOT_DEV_INO_WARN(Dirname) \
+ do \
+ { \
+- if (STREQ (Dirname, "/")) \
++ if (STREQ (Dirname, "/") || STREQ (Dirname, "//")) \
+ error (0, 0, _("it is dangerous to operate recursively on %s"), \
+ quoteaf (Dirname)); \
+ else \
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/same.c 2016-01-01 06:45:55.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/same.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include "same-inode.h"
++#if __CYGWIN__
++# include <sys/cygwin.h>
++# include "cygwin.h"
++# include "malloca.h"
++# include "memcasecmp.h"
+ #ifndef MIN
+ # define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+ #endif
+@@ -59,6 +66,45 @@ same_name (const char *source, const cha
+ (source_baselen == dest_baselen
+ && memcmp (source_basename, dest_basename, dest_baselen) == 0);
+ bool compare_dirs = identical_basenames;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ /* If two names differ case-insensitively by only an '.exe' suffix,
++ do some sleuthing to see if .exe magic matters on the shorter
++ name. Swapping the longer name to dest avoids duplication. */
++ if (source_baselen == dest_baselen + 4)
++ {
++ char const *tmp_basename = source_basename;
++ size_t tmp_baselen = source_baselen;
++ source_basename = dest_basename;
++ source_baselen = dest_baselen;
++ dest_basename = tmp_basename;
++ dest_baselen = tmp_baselen;
++ }
++ if (source_baselen + 4 == dest_baselen
++ && !memcasecmp (dest_basename - 4, ".exe", 4)
++ && !memcasecmp (source_basename, dest_basename, source_baselen)
++ && 0 < cygwin_spelling(source))
++ dest_baselen -= 4;
++ /* Some, but not all, files are case-insensitive (depending on mount
++ options, CYGWIN=case settings, and virtual file systems). Do
++ some sleuthing to decide whether case-insensitivity matters. */
++ if (! compare_dirs && source_baselen == dest_baselen)
++ {
++ ssize_t wsrclen = cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W,
++ source, NULL, 0);
++ ssize_t wdstlen = cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W,
++ dest, NULL, 0);
++ char *wsrc = malloca (wsrclen);
++ char *wdst = malloca (wdstlen);
++ if (cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W, source, wsrc, wsrclen))
++ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "unable to convert path name %s", source);
++ if (cygwin_conv_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W, dest, wdst, wdstlen))
++ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "unable to convert path name %s", dest);
++ if (wsrclen == wdstlen && memcasecmp (wsrc, wdst, wsrclen) == 0)
++ compare_dirs = true;
++ freea (wsrc);
++ freea (wdst);
++ }
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ bool same = false;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/set-permissions.c 2016-01-01 06:45:55.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/set-permissions.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ set_acls_from_mode (const char *name, in
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -494,7 +495,7 @@ set_acls (struct permission_context *ctx
+ # error Must have acl_from_text (see POSIX 1003.1e draft 17).
+-# endif
++ # endif
+ # error Must have acl_delete_def_file (see POSIX 1003.1e draft 17).
+ # endif
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/sys_select.in.h 2016-01-01 07:17:01.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/sys_select.in.h 2016-04-12 12:48:36.181822100 -0600
+@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
+ of 'struct timeval', and no definition of this type.
+ Also, Mac OS X, AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, Solaris, Interix declare select()
+ in <sys/time.h>.
+- But avoid namespace pollution on glibc systems. */
+-# ifndef __GLIBC__
++ But avoid namespace pollution on glibc/Cygwin systems. */
++# if !(defined __GLIBC__ || defined __CYGWIN__)
+ # include <sys/time.h>
+ # endif
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+ But avoid namespace pollution on glibc systems.
+ Do this after the include_next (for the sake of OpenBSD 5.0) but before
+ the split double-inclusion guard (for the sake of Solaris). */
+-#if !(defined __GLIBC__ && !defined __UCLIBC__)
++#if !((defined __GLIBC__ || defined __CYGWIN__) && !defined __UCLIBC__)
+ # include <signal.h>
+ #endif
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/lib/xfreopen.c 2016-01-01 06:45:55.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/lib/xfreopen.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ #include "xfreopen.h"
+ #include <errno.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include "exitfail.h"
+ #include "quote.h"
+@@ -26,9 +27,17 @@
+ #include "gettext.h"
+ #define _(msgid) gettext (msgid)
++#define STREQ(s1, s2) (strcmp (s1, s2) == 0)
+ void
+ xfreopen (char const *filename, char const *mode, FILE *fp)
+ {
++ if (!filename && STREQ (mode, "wb"))
++ {
++ int flag = fcntl (fileno (fp), F_GETFL);
++ if (0 <= flag && (flag & O_APPEND))
++ mode = "ab";
++ }
+ if (!freopen (filename, mode, fp))
+ {
+ char const *f = (filename ? filename
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/chcon.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/chcon.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ static bool verbose;
+ /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive.
+ Otherwise NULL. */
+-static struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
++static struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
+ /* The name of the context file is being given. */
+ static char const *specified_context;
+@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ if (recurse && preserve_root)
+ {
+- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
++ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
+ root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
+ if (root_dev_ino == NULL)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/chgrp.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/chgrp.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ if (chopt.recurse && preserve_root)
+ {
+- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
++ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
+ chopt.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
+ if (chopt.root_dev_ino == NULL)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/chmod.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/chmod.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.318287500 -0600
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static enum Verbosity verbosity = V_off;
+ /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive.
+ Otherwise NULL. */
+-static struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
++static struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
+ /* For long options that have no equivalent short option, use a
+ non-character as a pseudo short option, starting with CHAR_MAX + 1. */
+@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ if (recurse && preserve_root)
+ {
+- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
++ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
+ root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
+ if (root_dev_ino == NULL)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/chown-core.h 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/chown-core.h 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ struct Chown_option
+ /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive.
+ Need not be freed. Otherwise NULL. */
+- struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
++ struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
+ /* This corresponds to the --dereference (opposite of -h) option. */
+ bool affect_symlink_referent;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/chown.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/chown.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ if (chopt.recurse && preserve_root)
+ {
+- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
++ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
+ chopt.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
+ if (chopt.root_dev_ino == NULL)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/chroot.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/chroot.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ static bool
+ is_root (const char* dir)
+ {
+ char *resolved = canonicalize_file_name (dir);
+- bool is_res_root = resolved && STREQ ("/", resolved);
++ bool is_res_root = resolved && (STREQ ("/", resolved)
++ || STREQ ("//", resolved));
+ free (resolved);
+ return is_res_root;
+ }
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/cksum.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/cksum.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -301,6 +301,9 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ have_read_stdin = false;
++ if (O_BINARY)
++ xfreopen (NULL, "wb", stdout);
+ if (optind == argc)
+ ok = cksum ("-", false);
+ else
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/copy.c 2016-01-16 12:09:33.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/copy.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@
+ # include <linux/falloc.h>
+ #endif
++#if __CYGWIN__
++# include "cygwin.h"
+ #ifndef HAVE_FCHOWN
+ # define HAVE_FCHOWN false
+ # define fchown(fd, uid, gid) (-1)
+@@ -1416,7 +1420,11 @@ close_src_desc:
+ static bool
+ same_file_ok (char const *src_name, struct stat const *src_sb,
+ char const *dst_name, struct stat const *dst_sb,
+- const struct cp_options *x, bool *return_now)
++ const struct cp_options *x, bool *return_now
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ , bool *case_change
++ )
+ {
+ const struct stat *src_sb_link;
+ const struct stat *dst_sb_link;
+@@ -1560,6 +1568,18 @@ same_file_ok (char const *src_name, stru
+ if (S_ISLNK (dst_sb_link->st_mode))
+ return true;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ /* If the files have the same name, but differ in case, then let
++ rename() change the case. */
++ if (same_link && x->move_mode && same_name (src_name, dst_name)
++ && memcmp (last_component (src_name), last_component (dst_name),
++ base_len (src_name)))
++ {
++ *case_change = true;
++ return true;
++ }
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ /* It's not ok if they're distinct hard links to the same file as
+ this causes a race condition and we may lose data in this case. */
+ if (same_link
+@@ -1907,10 +1927,20 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, cha
+ && ! (x->move_mode || x->symbolic_link || x->hard_link
+ || x->backup_type != no_backups
+ || x->unlink_dest_before_opening));
+- if ((use_stat
+- ? stat (dst_name, &dst_sb)
+- : lstat (dst_name, &dst_sb))
+- != 0)
++ int res = (use_stat
++ ? stat (dst_name, &dst_sb)
++ : lstat (dst_name, &dst_sb));
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ /* stat("a") succeeds even if it was really "a.exe". */
++ if (! res && cygwin_spelling (dst_name) != 0)
++ {
++ /* Only DST_NAME.exe exists, but we want the non-existant
++ DST_NAME. */
++ res = -1;
++ errno = ENOENT;
++ }
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
++ if (res != 0)
+ {
+ if (errno != ENOENT)
+ {
+@@ -1926,10 +1956,17 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, cha
+ { /* Here, we know that dst_name exists, at least to the point
+ that it is stat'able or lstat'able. */
+ bool return_now;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ bool case_change = false;
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ have_dst_lstat = !use_stat;
+ if (! same_file_ok (src_name, &src_sb, dst_name, &dst_sb,
+- x, &return_now))
++ x, &return_now
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ , &case_change
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
++ ))
+ {
+ error (0, 0, _("%s and %s are the same file"),
+ quoteaf_n (0, src_name), quoteaf_n (1, dst_name));
+@@ -1988,6 +2025,9 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, cha
+ cp and mv treat -i and -f differently. */
+ if (x->move_mode)
+ {
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ if (!case_change)
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ if (abandon_move (x, dst_name, &dst_sb))
+ {
+ /* Pretend the rename succeeded, so the caller (mv)
+@@ -2144,7 +2184,11 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, cha
+ /* Never unlink dst_name when in move mode. */
+ && ! x->move_mode
+ && (x->unlink_dest_before_opening
+- || (x->preserve_links && 1 < dst_sb.st_nlink)
++ || (x->preserve_links && 1 < dst_sb.st_nlink
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ && !case_change
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
++ )
+ || (x->dereference == DEREF_NEVER
+ && ! S_ISREG (src_sb.st_mode))
+ ))
+@@ -2920,6 +2964,21 @@ copy (char const *src_name, char const *
+ {
+ assert (valid_options (options));
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ /* .exe magic - if src exists with an implicit .exe suffix and is
++ not a symlink, but dst does not exist and was also specified
++ without a suffix, then append .exe to dst. */
++ int cygwin = cygwin_spelling (src_name);
++ char *p;
++ if (cygwin == 2
++ && ((p = strchr (dst_name, '\0') - 4) <= dst_name
++ || strcasecmp (p, ".exe") != 0))
++ {
++ cygwin = 3;
++ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (p, dst_name);
++ }
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ /* Record the file names: they're used in case of error, when copying
+ a directory into itself. I don't like to make these tools do *any*
+ extra work in the common case when that work is solely to handle
+@@ -2931,10 +2990,15 @@ copy (char const *src_name, char const *
+ top_level_dst_name = dst_name;
+ bool first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg = false;
+- return copy_internal (src_name, dst_name, nonexistent_dst, NULL, NULL,
++ bool result = copy_internal (src_name, dst_name, nonexistent_dst, NULL, NULL,
+ options, true,
+ &first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
+ copy_into_self, rename_succeeded);
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ if (cygwin == 3)
++ freea ((char *) dst_name);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
++ return result;
+ }
+ /* Set *X to the default options for a value of type struct cp_options. */
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/dd.c 2016-01-13 04:16:39.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/dd.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
+ #include "xstrtol.h"
+ #include "xtime.h"
++#if __CYGWIN__
++# include <io.h>
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix). */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "dd"
+@@ -1984,6 +1988,13 @@ copy_with_unblock (char const *buf, size
+ static void
+ set_fd_flags (int fd, int add_flags, char const *name)
+ {
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ /* Cygwin does not allow fcntl to set the mode. */
++ int mode_flags = add_flags & (O_BINARY | O_TEXT);
++ add_flags &= ~(O_BINARY | O_TEXT);
++ if (mode_flags && setmode (fd, mode_flags) == -1)
++ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("setting flags for %s"), quote (name));
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ /* Ignore file creation flags that are no-ops on file descriptors. */
+ add_flags &= ~ (O_NOCTTY | O_NOFOLLOW);
+@@ -2374,6 +2385,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ }
+ else
+ {
++ if ((input_flags & (O_BINARY | O_TEXT)) == 0)
++ input_flags |= O_BINARY;
+ if (ifd_reopen (STDIN_FILENO, input_file, O_RDONLY | input_flags, 0) < 0)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to open %s"),
+ quoteaf (input_file));
+@@ -2397,6 +2410,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ | (conversions_mask & C_NOCREAT ? 0 : O_CREAT)
+ | (conversions_mask & C_EXCL ? O_EXCL : 0)
+ | (seek_records || (conversions_mask & C_NOTRUNC) ? 0 : O_TRUNC));
++ if ((opts & (O_BINARY | O_TEXT)) == 0)
++ opts |= O_BINARY;
+ /* Open the output file with *read* access only if we might
+ need to read to satisfy a 'seek=' request. If we can't read
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/dircolors.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/dircolors.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -495,8 +495,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ }
+ else
+ {
++ /* tcsh treats LS_COLORS as a magic shell variable for its
++ builtin ls-F, but does not recognize all the categories
++ that coreutils ls does. Therefore, silence stderr to
++ avoid messages like "Unknown colorls variable `su'.". */
+ prefix = "setenv LS_COLORS '";
+- suffix = "'\n";
++ suffix = "' >&/dev/null\n";
+ }
+ fputs (prefix, stdout);
+ fwrite (s, 1, len, stdout);
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/install.c 2016-01-03 05:59:44.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/install.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@
+ #include "utimens.h"
+ #include "xstrtol.h"
++#if __CYGWIN__
++# include "cygwin.h"
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix). */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "install"
+@@ -531,6 +535,16 @@ strip (char const *name)
+ error (0, errno, _("fork system call failed"));
+ break;
+ case 0: /* Child. */
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ {
++ /* Check for .exe here, since strip doesn't. */
++ char *p;
++ if (((p = strchr (name, '\0') - 4) <= name
++ || strcasecmp (p, ".exe") != 0)
++ && 0 < cygwin_spelling (name))
++ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (p, name);
++ }
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ execlp (strip_program, strip_program, name, NULL);
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("cannot run %s"), quoteaf (strip_program));
+ break;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/ls.c 2016-01-14 05:16:23.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/ls.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@
+ # include <sys/capability.h>
+ #endif
++#if __CYGWIN__
++# include "cygwin.h"
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME (ls_mode == LS_LS ? "ls" \
+ : (ls_mode == LS_MULTI_COL \
+ ? "dir" : "vdir"))
+@@ -753,6 +757,11 @@ static char const *long_time_format[2] =
+ N_("%b %e %H:%M")
+ };
++#if __CYGWIN__
++/* Whether .exe should be appended to command-line args as needed. */
++static bool append_exe;
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ /* The set of signals that are caught. */
+ static sigset_t caught_signals;
+@@ -788,6 +797,9 @@ enum
+ enum
+ {
++#if __CYGWIN__
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+@@ -849,6 +861,9 @@ static struct option const long_options[
+ {"block-size", required_argument, NULL, BLOCK_SIZE_OPTION},
+ {"context", no_argument, 0, 'Z'},
+ {"author", no_argument, NULL, AUTHOR_OPTION},
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ {"append-exe", no_argument, NULL, APPEND_EXE_OPTION},
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
+@@ -1953,6 +1968,12 @@ decode_switches (int argc, char **argv)
+ print_scontext = true;
+ break;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ append_exe = true;
++ break;
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+@@ -2943,6 +2964,12 @@ gobble_file (char const *name, enum file
+ uintmax_t blocks = 0;
+ struct fileinfo *f;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ char *name_alt = NULL;
++ if (command_line_arg && append_exe && 0 < cygwin_spelling (name))
++ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (name_alt, name);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ /* An inode value prior to gobble_file necessarily came from readdir,
+ which is not used for command line arguments. */
+ assert (! command_line_arg || inode == NOT_AN_INODE_NUMBER);
+@@ -3053,11 +3080,19 @@ gobble_file (char const *name, enum file
+ file_failure (command_line_arg,
+ _("cannot access %s"), absolute_name);
+ if (command_line_arg)
+- return 0;
++ {
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ freea (name_alt);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
++ return 0;
++ }
+ f->name = xstrdup (name);
+ cwd_n_used++;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ freea (name_alt);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -3241,6 +3276,9 @@ gobble_file (char const *name, enum file
+ f->name = xstrdup (name);
+ cwd_n_used++;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ freea (name_alt);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ return blocks;
+ }
+@@ -4961,6 +4999,11 @@ Sort entries alphabetically if none of -
+ -1 list one file per line. Avoid '\\n' with -q or -b\
+ \n\
+ "), stdout);
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ fputs (_("\
++ --append-exe append .exe if cygwin magic was needed\n\
++"), stdout);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ fputs (HELP_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
+ emit_size_note ();
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/md5sum.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/md5sum.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -867,6 +867,9 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ if (optind == argc)
+ argv[argc++] = bad_cast ("-");
++ if (O_BINARY)
++ xfreopen (NULL, "wb", stdout);
+ for (; optind < argc; ++optind)
+ {
+ char *file = argv[optind];
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/mv.c 2016-01-12 04:41:44.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/mv.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ rm_option_init (struct rm_options *x)
+ x->require_restore_cwd = true;
+ {
+- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
++ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
+ x->root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
+ if (x->root_dev_ino == NULL)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
+@@ -466,6 +466,16 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ else if (!target_directory)
+ {
+ assert (2 <= n_files);
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ struct stat s1, s2;
++ if (2 == n_files
++ && lstat (file[0], &s1) == 0 && lstat (file[1], &s2) == 0
++ && s1.st_ino == s2.st_ino)
++ {
++ /* Allow 'mv foo Foo' to change case of the directory foo. */
++ }
++ else
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ if (target_directory_operand (file[n_files - 1]))
+ target_directory = file[--n_files];
+ else if (2 < n_files)
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/pwd.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/pwd.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ static void
+ robust_getcwd (struct file_name *file_name)
+ {
+ size_t height = 1;
+- struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
+- struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
++ struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
++ struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
+ struct stat dot_sb;
+ if (root_dev_ino == NULL)
+@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ robust_getcwd (struct file_name *file_na
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* If we've reached the root, we're done. */
+- if (SAME_INODE (dot_sb, *root_dev_ino))
++ if (ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK (root_dev_ino, &dot_sb))
+ break;
+ find_dir_entry (&dot_sb, file_name, height++);
+@@ -291,6 +291,9 @@ robust_getcwd (struct file_name *file_na
+ /* See if a leading slash is needed; file_name_prepend adds one. */
+ if (file_name->start[0] == '\0')
+ file_name_prepend (file_name, "", 0);
++ /* If we aren't in `/', we must be in `//'. */
++ if (! SAME_INODE (root_dev_ino->single_slash, dot_sb))
++ file_name_prepend (file_name, "", 0);
+ }
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/remove.h 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/remove.h 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ struct rm_options
+ /* Pointer to the device and inode numbers of '/', when --recursive
+ and preserving '/'. Otherwise NULL. */
+- struct dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
++ struct root_dev_ino *root_dev_ino;
+ /* If nonzero, stdin is a tty. */
+ bool stdin_tty;
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/rm.c 2016-01-01 06:48:50.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/rm.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ if (x.recursive && preserve_root)
+ {
+- static struct dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
++ static struct root_dev_ino dev_ino_buf;
+ x.root_dev_ino = get_root_dev_ino (&dev_ino_buf);
+ if (x.root_dev_ino == NULL)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
+--- origsrc/coreutils-8.25/src/stat.c 2016-01-13 04:16:39.000000000 -0700
++++ src/coreutils-8.25/src/stat.c 2016-04-12 12:49:47.333906200 -0600
+@@ -72,6 +72,13 @@
+ #include "find-mount-point.h"
+ #include "xvasprintf.h"
++#if __CYGWIN__
++# include "cygwin.h"
++/* Whether .exe should be appended to command-line args as needed. */
++static bool append_exe;
++# define APPEND_EXE_OPTION 10000
+@@ -189,6 +196,9 @@ static struct option const long_options[
+ {"format", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
+ {"printf", required_argument, NULL, PRINTF_OPTION},
+ {"terse", no_argument, NULL, 't'},
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ {"append-exe", no_argument, NULL, APPEND_EXE_OPTION},
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
+@@ -1284,14 +1294,26 @@ do_statfs (char const *filename, char co
+ return false;
+ }
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ char *name_alt = NULL;
++ if (append_exe && 0 < cygwin_spelling (filename))
++ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (name_alt, filename);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ if (STATFS (filename, &statfsbuf) != 0)
+ {
+ error (0, errno, _("cannot read file system information for %s"),
+ quoteaf (filename));
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ freea (name_alt);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool fail = print_it (format, -1, filename, print_statfs, &statfsbuf);
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ freea (name_alt);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ return ! fail;
+ }
+@@ -1302,6 +1324,7 @@ do_stat (char const *filename, char cons
+ {
+ int fd = STREQ (filename, "-") ? 0 : -1;
+ struct stat statbuf;
++ char *name_alt = NULL;
+ if (0 <= fd)
+ {
+@@ -1314,18 +1337,28 @@ do_stat (char const *filename, char cons
+ /* We can't use the shorter
+ (follow_links?stat:lstat) (filename, &statbug)
+ since stat might be a function-like macro. */
+- else if ((follow_links
+- ? stat (filename, &statbuf)
+- : lstat (filename, &statbuf)) != 0)
++ else
+ {
+- error (0, errno, _("cannot stat %s"), quoteaf (filename));
+- return false;
++ if ((follow_links
++ ? stat (filename, &statbuf)
++ : lstat (filename, &statbuf)) != 0)
++ {
++ error (0, errno, _("cannot stat %s"), quoteaf (filename));
++ return false;
++ }
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ if (append_exe && 0 < cygwin_spelling (filename))
++ CYGWIN_APPEND_EXE (name_alt, filename);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ }
+ if (S_ISBLK (statbuf.st_mode) || S_ISCHR (statbuf.st_mode))
+ format = format2;
+ bool fail = print_it (format, fd, filename, print_stat, &statbuf);
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ freea (name_alt);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ return ! fail;
+ }
+@@ -1447,6 +1480,11 @@ Display file or file system status.\n\
+ if you want a newline, include \\n in FORMAT\n\
+ -t, --terse print the information in terse form\n\
+ "), stdout);
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ fputs (_("\
++ --append-exe append .exe if cygwin magic was needed\n\
++"), stdout);
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
+ fputs (HELP_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
+@@ -1567,6 +1605,12 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ terse = true;
+ break;
++#if __CYGWIN__
++ append_exe = true;
++ break;
++#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
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2024-07-26 13:38 [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/prefix:master commit in: sys-apps/coreutils/files/, sys-apps/coreutils/ Fabian Groffen
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2023-05-27 11:27 Fabian Groffen
2021-12-22 23:58 Sam James
2020-12-27 10:49 Fabian Groffen
2020-12-08 3:20 Sam James
2017-11-12 13:06 Fabian Groffen
2016-04-18 15:29 Michael Haubenwallner
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