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From: "Hanno Böck" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: mail-mta/courier/
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 09:00:51 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1718528375.fdddcb83c489084073e7338908e84e4561737603.hanno@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     fdddcb83c489084073e7338908e84e4561737603
Author:     Hanno Böck <hanno <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Jun 16 08:59:35 2024 +0000
Commit:     Hanno Böck <hanno <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Jun 16 08:59:35 2024 +0000

mail-mta/courier: Fix perl dep

dev-lang/perl needs to be in DEPEND, not RDEPEND
(courier links against libperl). Also, make it a
SLOT dependency to trigger rebuild on major perl

Signed-off-by: Hanno Böck <hanno <AT>>

 mail-mta/courier/courier-1.3.8-r1.ebuild | 313 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 313 insertions(+)

diff --git a/mail-mta/courier/courier-1.3.8-r1.ebuild b/mail-mta/courier/courier-1.3.8-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..078cce65251a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/courier/courier-1.3.8-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit flag-o-matic
+DESCRIPTION="An MTA designed specifically for maildirs"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="postgres ldap mysql pam nls ipv6 spell fax crypt norewrite \
+	fam web webmail gnutls split-usr"
+	>=net-libs/courier-authlib-0.72.1
+	>=net-libs/courier-unicode-2.3.0:=
+	net-dns/libidn2:=
+	gnutls? ( net-libs/gnutls:= )
+	!gnutls? (
+		dev-libs/openssl:0=
+	)
+	>=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0:=
+	dev-libs/libpcre2
+	app-misc/mime-types
+	dev-lang/perl:=
+	fax? ( >=media-libs/netpbm-9.12 app-text/ghostscript-gpl >=net-dialup/mgetty-1.1.28 )
+	pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
+	mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c )
+	ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-1.2.11:= )
+	postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
+	spell? ( app-text/aspell )
+	fam? ( virtual/fam )
+	!mail-filter/maildrop
+	!mail-mta/esmtp
+	!mail-mta/exim
+	!mail-mta/msmtp[mta]
+	!mail-mta/netqmail
+	!mail-mta/nullmailer
+	!mail-mta/postfix
+	!mail-mta/sendmail
+	!mail-mta/ssmtp[mta]
+	!mail-mta/opensmtpd
+	!net-mail/dot-forward
+	!sys-apps/ucspi-tcp
+	"
+	sys-process/procps"
+# get rid of old style virtual/imapd - bug 350792
+# all blockers really needed?
+	!net-mail/courier-imap
+	!net-mail/cyrus-imapd"
+PDEPEND="pam? ( net-mail/mailbase )
+	crypt? ( >=app-crypt/gnupg-1.0.4 )"
+src_prepare() {
+	use norewrite && eapply "${FILESDIR}/norewrite.patch"
+	default
+src_configure() {
+	filter-flags '-fomit-frame-pointer'
+	local myconf
+	myconf=""
+	use ldap && myconf="${myconf} --with-ldapconfig=/etc/courier/maildropldap.conf"
+	econf ${myconf} \
+		$(use_with fam) \
+		$(use_with ipv6) \
+		$(use_with spell ispell) \
+		$(use_with ldap ldapaliasd) \
+		$(use_enable ldap maildroldap) \
+		$(use_with gnutls) \
+		--with-notice=unicode \
+		--enable-mimetypes=/etc/mime.types \
+		--prefix=/usr \
+		--disable-root-check \
+		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
+		--sysconfdir=/etc/courier \
+		--datadir=/usr/share/courier \
+		--sharedstatedir=/var/lib/courier/com \
+		--localstatedir=/var/lib/courier \
+		--with-piddir=/var/run/courier \
+		--with-authdaemonvar=/var/lib/courier/authdaemon \
+		--with-mailuser=mail \
+		--with-mailgroup=mail \
+		--with-paranoid-smtpext \
+		--with-db=gdbm \
+		--disable-autorenamesent \
+		--cache-file="${S}/configuring.cache" \
+		--host="${CHOST}" debug=true || die "./configure"
+src_compile() {
+	default
+etc_courier() {
+	# Import existing /etc/courier/file if it exists.
+	# Add option only if it was not already set or even commented out
+	local file="${1}" word=$(echo "${2}" | sed -e "s|=.*$||" -e "s|^.*opt ||")
+	[ ! -e "${D}/etc/courier/${file}" ] && [ -e "/etc/courier/${file}" ] && \
+			cp "/etc/courier/${file}" "${D}/etc/courier/${file}"
+	grep -q "${word}" "${D}/etc/courier/${file}" || \
+		echo "${2}" >> "${D}/etc/courier/${file}"
+etc_courier_chg() {
+	local file="${1}" key="${2}" value="${3}" section="${4}"
+	[ -z "${section}" ] && section="${2}"
+	grep -q "${key}" "${file}" && elog "Changing ${file}: ${key} to ${value}"
+	sed -i -e"/\#\#NAME: ${section}/,+30 s|${key}=.*|${key}=\"${value}\"|g" ${file}
+src_install() {
+	local f
+	diropts -o mail -g mail
+	keepdir /var/lib/courier/tmp
+	keepdir /var/lib/courier/msgs
+	make install DESTDIR="${D}" || die "install"
+	make install-configure DESTDIR="${D}" || die "install-configure"
+	# init script takes care of this
+	rm -rf "${D}/var/run"
+	# Get rid of files we dont want
+	if ! use webmail ; then
+		rm -rf "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/courier/courier/webmail" \
+			"${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/courier/courier/sqwebmaild" \
+			"${D}/usr/share/courier/sqwebmail/" \
+			"${D}/usr/sbin/webmaild" \
+			"${D}/usr/sbin/webgpg" \
+			"${D}/etc/courier/webmail.authpam" \
+			"${D}/var/lib/courier/webmail-logincache" \
+			"${D}"/etc/courier/sqwebmaild*
+	fi
+	if ! use web ; then
+		rm -rf "${D}/usr/share/courier/courierwebadmin/" \
+			"${D}/etc/courier/webadmin"
+	fi
+	for dir2keep in $(cd "${D}" && find ./var/lib/courier -type d) ; do
+		keepdir "$dir2keep" || die "failed running keepdir: $dir2keep"
+	done
+	newinitd "${FILESDIR}/courier-init-r4" "courier"
+	use fam || sed -i -e's|^.*use famd$||g' "${D}/etc/init.d/courier"
+	cd "${D}/etc/courier"
+	if use webmail ; then
+		insinto /etc/courier
+		newins "${FILESDIR}/"
+	fi
+	for f in *.dist ; do cp "${f}" "${f%%.dist}" ; done
+	if use ldap ; then
+		[ -e ldapaliasrc ] &&  ( chown root:mail ldapaliasrc ; chmod 640 ldapaliasrc )
+	else
+		rm -f ldapaliasrc
+	fi
+	( [ -e /etc/courier/sizelimit ] && cat /etc/courier/sizelimit || echo 0 ) \
+		> "${D}/etc/courier/sizelimit"
+	etc_courier maildroprc ""
+	etc_courier esmtproutes ""
+	etc_courier backuprelay ""
+	etc_courier locallowercase ""
+	etc_courier bofh "opt BOFHBADMIME=accept"
+	etc_courier bofh "opt BOFHSPFTRUSTME=1"
+	etc_courier bofh "opt BOFHSPFHELO=pass,neutral,unknown,none,error,softfail,fail"
+	etc_courier bofh "opt BOFHSPFHELO=pass,neutral,unknown,none"
+	etc_courier bofh "opt BOFHSPFFROM=all"
+	etc_courier bofh "opt BOFHSPFMAILFROM=all"
+	etc_courier bofh "#opt BOFHSPFHARDERROR=fail"
+	etc_courier esmtpd "BOFHBADMIME=accept"
+	etc_courier esmtpd-ssl "BOFHBADMIME=accept"
+	etc_courier esmtpd-msa "BOFHBADMIME=accept"
+	# Fix for a sandbox violation on subsequential merges
+	# -, 2005-07-10
+	dosym ../share/courier/pop3d /usr/sbin/courier-pop3d
+	dosym ../share/courier/pop3d-ssl /usr/sbin/courier-pop3d-ssl
+	dosym ../share/courier/imapd /usr/sbin/courier-imapd
+	dosym ../share/courier/imapd-ssl /usr/sbin/courier-imapd-ssl
+	cd "${S}"
+	cp imap/README README.imap
+	use nls && cp unicode/README README.unicode
+	dodoc libs/tcpd/README.couriertls
+	mv "${D}/usr/share/courier/htmldoc" "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
+	if use webmail ; then
+		insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/courier/courier
+		insopts -m 755 -o mail -g mail
+		doins "${S}/courier/webmaild"
+	fi
+	if use web ; then
+		insinto /etc/courier/webadmin
+		insopts -m 400 -o mail -g mail
+		doins "${FILESDIR}/password.dist"
+	fi
+	# avoid name collisions in /usr/sbin, make webadmin match
+	cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
+	for f in imapd imapd-ssl pop3d pop3d-ssl ; do mv "${f}" "courier-${f}" ; done
+	if use web ; then
+		sed -i -e 's:\$sbindir\/imapd:\$sbindir\/courier-imapd:g' \
+			-e 's:\$sbindir\/imapd-ssl:\$sbindir\/courier-imapd-ssl:g' \
+			"${D}/usr/share/courier/courierwebadmin/" \
+			|| ewarn "failed to fix webadmin"
+		sed -i -e 's:\$sbindir\/pop3d:\$sbindir\/courier-pop3d:g' \
+			-e 's:\$sbindir\/pop3d-ssl:\$sbindir\/courier-pop3d-ssl:g' \
+			"${D}/usr/share/courier/courierwebadmin/" \
+			|| ewarn "failed to fix webadmin"
+	fi
+	# users should be able to send mail. Could be restricted with suictl.
+	chmod u+s "${D}/usr/bin/sendmail"
+	if use split-usr; then
+		dosym ../bin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
+	fi
+src_test() {
+	if [ `whoami` != 'root' ]; then
+		# Disable valgrind checks
+		echo '#!/bin/sh' > libs/imap/testsuitevalgrind
+		echo '#!/bin/sh' > libs/maildir/testsuitevalgrind
+		sed -i -e 's:VALGRIND=:exit 0 #VALGRIND=:g' libs/maildrop/Makefile*
+		emake -j1 check
+	else
+		einfo "make check skipped, can't run as root."
+		einfo "You can enable it with FEATURES=\"userpriv\""
+	fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+	use fam && elog "fam daemon is needed for courier-imapd" \
+		|| ewarn "courier was built without fam support"
+pkg_config() {
+	mailhost="$(hostname)"
+	export mailhost
+	domainname="$(domainname)"
+	if [ "x$domainname" = "x(none)" ] ; then
+		domainname="$(echo ${mailhost} | sed -e "s/[^\.]*\.\(.*\)/\1/")"
+	fi
+	export domainname
+	if [[ -z "${ROOT}" ]] ; then
+		file="${ROOT}/etc/courier/locals"
+		if [ ! -f "${file}" ] ; then
+			echo "localhost" > "${file}";
+			echo "${domainname}" >> "${file}";
+		fi
+		file="${ROOT}/etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor.dir/${domainname}"
+		if [ ! -f "${file}" ] ; then
+			echo "${domainname}" > "${file}"
+			/usr/sbin/makeacceptmailfor
+		fi
+		file="${ROOT}/etc/courier/smtpaccess/${domainname}"
+		if [ ! -f "${file}" ]
+		then
+			netstat -nr | grep "^[1-9]" | while read network gateway netmask rest
+			do
+				i=1
+				net=""
+				TIFS="${IFS}"
+				IFS="."
+				for o in "${netmask}"
+				do
+					if [ "${o}" == "255" ]
+					then
+						[ "_${net}" == "_" ] || net="${net}."
+						t="$(echo "${network}" | cut -d " " -f ${i})"
+						net="${net}${t}"
+					fi
+					i="$((${i} + 1))"
+				done
+				IFS="${TIFS}"
+				echo "doing configuration - relay control for the network ${net} !"
+				echo "${net}	allow,RELAYCLIENT" >> ${file}
+			done
+			/usr/sbin/makesmtpaccess
+		fi
+	fi
+	echo "creating cert for esmtpd-ssl:"
+	/usr/sbin/mkesmtpdcert
+	echo "creating cert for imapd-ssl:"
+	/usr/sbin/mkpop3dcert
+	echo "creating cert for pop3d-ssl:"
+	/usr/sbin/mkimapdcert

             reply	other threads:[~2024-06-16  9:00 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 85+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2024-06-16  9:00 Hanno Böck [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-03-16 17:04 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: mail-mta/courier/ Hanno Böck
2024-11-13 12:42 Sam James
2024-11-11  8:08 Arthur Zamarin
2024-11-11  0:07 Sam James
2024-11-10 20:01 Sam James
2024-11-10  9:58 Sam James
2024-09-27 11:09 Hanno Böck
2024-09-05  9:50 Hanno Böck
2024-09-02  7:29 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-31  8:52 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-26 16:44 Sam James
2024-08-26 16:44 Sam James
2024-07-21 19:01 Hanno Böck
2024-07-21 17:31 Sam James
2024-07-21 15:00 Hanno Böck
2024-07-15  7:49 Hanno Böck
2024-05-24  2:46 Ionen Wolkens
2024-05-24  2:46 Ionen Wolkens
2024-05-13 12:58 Hanno Böck
2024-05-03  8:38 Hanno Böck
2024-05-03  8:36 Hanno Böck
2024-04-28 19:11 Ionen Wolkens
2024-04-12  7:39 Hanno Böck
2024-03-22 18:25 Sam James
2024-03-22  7:12 Sam James
2024-02-18 18:44 Hanno Böck
2024-02-18 16:07 Hanno Böck
2024-01-15  3:32 Ionen Wolkens
2023-12-14  4:15 Sam James
2023-09-21 20:11 Sam James
2023-08-30  6:33 Sam James
2023-08-22 18:10 Hanno Böck
2023-08-22 17:29 Hanno Böck
2023-07-19  9:33 Sam James
2023-07-18 19:24 Sam James
2023-04-12 17:00 Hanno Böck
2023-04-05 18:16 Hanno Böck
2023-02-21 14:14 Hanno Böck
2022-04-22 17:43 Sam James
2022-01-17 11:34 Hanno Böck
2022-01-17 11:15 Hanno Böck
2021-08-16  2:24 Sam James
2021-08-07 23:41 Sam James
2021-08-06 20:44 Sam James
2021-08-06 20:44 Sam James
2021-08-06 20:44 Sam James
2021-08-06 13:35 Sam James
2021-08-06 13:35 Sam James
2021-08-02 20:04 Hanno Böck
2021-07-05 13:25 Marek Szuba
2021-05-02  8:54 Mikle Kolyada
2021-03-31 13:25 Hanno Böck
2021-03-06  9:58 Hanno Böck
2020-11-23 16:41 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-11-18  6:55 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-11-17 19:10 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-11-17 19:05 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-11-08 13:09 Sam James
2020-11-06 20:10 Sam James
2020-10-22 12:10 Sam James
2020-09-10 16:37 Hanno Böck
2020-05-06 10:52 Hanno Böck
2019-10-12 21:01 Mikle Kolyada
2019-06-01 10:39 Hanno Boeck
2019-05-06 15:25 Tobias Klausmann
2019-04-27 20:28 David Seifert
2019-03-25 22:18 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-03-13 22:36 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-03-11 11:52 Hanno Boeck
2019-03-10 14:41 Mikle Kolyada
2019-03-10 14:41 Mikle Kolyada
2019-03-02 20:02 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-03-02 16:23 Mikle Kolyada
2019-03-01  1:14 Thomas Deutschmann
2019-02-28 21:25 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-02-28 15:08 Mikle Kolyada
2019-02-23 11:49 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-01-27 15:55 Hanno Boeck
2019-01-07 19:15 Lars Wendler
2019-01-05 17:19 Mikle Kolyada
2019-01-03  9:46 Hanno Boeck
2018-04-09 11:42 Hanno Boeck
2017-01-19  9:27 Hanno Boeck
2015-09-30 11:59 Julian Ospald

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