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From: "Michał Górny" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-python/django/
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 09:10:17 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1716368995.09e50ef3b55ea1017fc4aa8f8c9b5a0312780001.mgorny@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     09e50ef3b55ea1017fc4aa8f8c9b5a0312780001
Author:     Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed May 22 09:06:04 2024 +0000
Commit:     Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed May 22 09:09:55 2024 +0000

dev-python/django: Remove old

Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <mgorny <AT>>

 dev-python/django/Manifest             |   4 --
 dev-python/django/django-4.2.11.ebuild | 101 ---------------------------------
 dev-python/django/django-5.0.4.ebuild  | 101 ---------------------------------
 3 files changed, 206 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-python/django/Manifest b/dev-python/django/Manifest
index b4d54ae454b3..b0b32ecef2aa 100644
--- a/dev-python/django/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/django/Manifest
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
 DIST Django-3.2.25.checksum.txt 2560 BLAKE2B e082c588f4e124c9d71c1914e475fd70ed9b68583d65ea59ba0822b96de36c2edc98b4d9192f3d7c75467306fe03404303f6c2a98a026bdb5308bbd1dee89f99 SHA512 49a1610dcd61cbd322f0a5d7fe3cf249c0c4288b194fc8c2bdf7ec6fb8f92b69ca68dcdb71b79998cd80b978b70f48069669d996b6503261ba726c77c8b87672
 DIST Django-3.2.25.tar.gz 9836336 BLAKE2B 586520e0689b2594dd8ce4abb173418aedfde80cc84012d2a4207cbfc67120cbf405a8dfc8d069bb946f027f0eef22b233bd3b3ce569b01ea8fdc7836a6e530f SHA512 ccba83abd1777123186d685e21b96f41abf216a692d18ffe764d2e519eb9d1f6011d08c86b3affdd891591ca4ed7fee27ffa4750d19b486ca775ee680fdb0cb1
-DIST Django-4.2.11.checksum.txt 2560 BLAKE2B 75359ca138515642b4cb4bb17f4e5f18f94d9c4b5a98fe62f4813068d3dfccfa6c3fe1a2ae9ec24758610d0c5c8fe899b54f39b9cd657a92635e8cd7c6f7dcf0 SHA512 9ab3700f2675380dd6e18b5cc1ebbf4fbbd31680079e9232f96133810956e3ab5a46eefa45103a90bbec9d0ba85cc54f5cc2dd4f3d69c64960724f2821ecf3f3
-DIST Django-4.2.11.tar.gz 10426858 BLAKE2B bce1611700383831138a467cfdc3ad2780385429be040d197cb757206c3d1b4c82075cf6766f8222d0c061ee7c0a7a48caf8cd28e8fe6271c39dc47899c4b276 SHA512 5842f0c2592b695ecfd7f00d250075cb9581efc8a7f389f155dbac74d80ac7899f600ffba0d51e3391f15c4a1444554d901b8a673a1091ab7269e24862122ef0
 DIST Django-4.2.13.checksum.txt 2578 BLAKE2B c4dee2c255a77da0655f685852bfac937e6afbfa32c6f5048916675d806c1d9218ff40117c99d7e63ee06b05dd88af4db9460672c3628c948cb17e5ca2f56817 SHA512 0994eef854b991c2db290712aff892e900ef3bab84607e385b4f78e3213b816739e42d5010afaaf30f6c68d5bc52b509b7c6e797e8e87db499a49f75b4cfd232
 DIST Django-4.2.13.tar.gz 10430886 BLAKE2B 09e8743de500f11c32c540d23d9aae1377c83177089732c78c03501dc560fd7b4316d6032534c923c354539421e519ed8439fc09d61500cea479c9eaf115f160 SHA512 2d141e2d710dbd55999db9c7005ca4a8d291dad57f0ef246eb41d4ffed76e62035b36969c5f338c3158ccd2d1677eb23de0b8f783606b4c62a3ee45e8988b712
-DIST Django-5.0.4.checksum.txt 2570 BLAKE2B dd60e743933312e8744c89a9602acf6643e778cf23d1ab303845f52a2040ff9de73b843c0facf15e8aecc61d9b29f597d76de1e015e7e5a111668fbeb1f84b99 SHA512 9a180082a1735f5d62b51acaf1bd23941d921208d6e3ea14439ceb29603f35860e0307c0b18c1b17d9a155498ef50943e10bf352090f0b6408c5921655d1f992
-DIST Django-5.0.4.tar.gz 10638006 BLAKE2B 81796ec0ba285bebe2c3a4b6d3bfce39e87ad39c01fb450bd66e4eb76c167d08a16e857156d45bce95ac30121fe5855dd7493beb4dcf7628255d729e0d1a2048 SHA512 322b0de4e9e533831937b9f50929e150d9c1ff3045e92b3530d49708df05ad0139819a1056c3def529e93826d26ef8e04f1ced655525fe8c9c2d449c2c701f28
 DIST Django-5.0.6.checksum.txt 2568 BLAKE2B c4c94e1a245248ed59707fb8aeb97a8379e679c50829d0470eefd2f870de32d5b57cb4841ac44809483993bc515514c3e2b0cdf0f1768681a4ba1930e2d278a3 SHA512 231954ae528beff69fbfa385aba192f19d56e862f1a2e5e40ccbba60ce31b59a075af31d75ab9e5767c9405a37f14fd3c5c41e74f60f6b7d6821391a43992301
 DIST Django-5.0.6.tar.gz 10639679 BLAKE2B 2198f273f28f89eb12db481e3531a963e2f5215677f0227d2ce8940cf1c2076acafe9bf1064595b481c6d65fadd7c6d6c7cda5fbbded81a87895e697338c78fd SHA512 6dab32357c423762a4fdd7372aec0ae4855861431fb9a90d4a818144e675cf891c0673a11351ddf8344f31624ce0ea8c9d9c6bc3c4514f38380aecb48a684894
 DIST django-4.2.8-pypy3.patch.xz 5900 BLAKE2B b7dc5c5fc162817a218ee6d025ed8a65559b80e4506e49ac393428c26e2621f9e7c5010b36f2412dea8194a9f1086ab21f97286eabd696c6a786285eb07393cf SHA512 f953b5adbd1364f1d84dde55087ccb493256b1327701275fd2fe99f3cd41751d18e002b6e21afc96892e1671428a6b8f3c2e4b88252c3c278f1a79e286bb73e3

diff --git a/dev-python/django/django-4.2.11.ebuild b/dev-python/django/django-4.2.11.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7379e6655f94..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/django/django-4.2.11.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( pypy3 python3_{10..12} )
-inherit bash-completion-r1 distutils-r1 multiprocessing optfeature verify-sig
-DESCRIPTION="High-level Python web framework"
-$(ver_cut 1-2)/${P^}.tar.gz
-	verify-sig? (${P^}.checksum.txt )
-# admin fonts: Roboto (media-fonts/roboto)
-LICENSE+=" Apache-2.0"
-# admin icons, jquery, xregexp.js
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc x86 ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="doc sqlite test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-	<dev-python/asgiref-4[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	>=dev-python/asgiref-3.6.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	>=dev-python/sqlparse-0.3.1[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	sys-libs/timezone-data
-	test? (
-		$(python_gen_impl_dep sqlite)
-		dev-python/docutils[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/jinja[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/numpy[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/pillow[webp,${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/pyyaml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/selenium[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/tblib[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		sys-devel/gettext
-	)
-	verify-sig? ( >=sec-keys/openpgp-keys-django-20230606 )
-	"${FILESDIR}"/django-4.0-bashcomp.patch
-	"${WORKDIR}"/django-4.2.8-pypy3.patch
-distutils_enable_sphinx docs --no-autodoc
-src_unpack() {
-	if use verify-sig; then
-		cd "${DISTDIR}" || die
-		verify-sig_verify_signed_checksums \
-			"${P^}.checksum.txt" sha256 "${P^}.tar.gz"
-		cd "${WORKDIR}" || die
-	fi
-	default
-python_test() {
-	# Tests have non-standard assumptions about PYTHONPATH,
-	# and don't work with ${BUILD_DIR}/lib.
-	PYTHONPATH=. "${EPYTHON}" tests/ --settings=test_sqlite \
-		-v2 --parallel="${EPYTEST_JOBS:-$(makeopts_jobs)}" ||
-		die "Tests fail with ${EPYTHON}"
-python_install_all() {
-	newbashcomp extras/django_bash_completion ${PN}-admin
-	bashcomp_alias ${PN}-admin
-	distutils-r1_python_install_all
-pkg_postinst() {
-	optfeature_header "Additional Backend support can be enabled via:"
-	optfeature "MySQL backend support" dev-python/mysqlclient
-	optfeature "PostgreSQL backend support" dev-python/psycopg:0
-	optfeature_header
-	optfeature "GEO Django" "sci-libs/gdal[geos]"
-	optfeature "Memcached support" dev-python/pylibmc dev-python/python-memcached
-	optfeature "ImageField Support" dev-python/pillow
-	optfeature "Password encryption" dev-python/bcrypt

diff --git a/dev-python/django/django-5.0.4.ebuild b/dev-python/django/django-5.0.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 465a7dcda6cd..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/django/django-5.0.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( pypy3 python3_{10..12} )
-inherit bash-completion-r1 distutils-r1 multiprocessing optfeature verify-sig
-DESCRIPTION="High-level Python web framework"
-$(ver_cut 1-2)/${P^}.tar.gz
-	verify-sig? (${P^}.checksum.txt )
-# admin fonts: Roboto (media-fonts/roboto)
-LICENSE+=" Apache-2.0"
-# admin icons, jquery, xregexp.js
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc x86 ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="doc sqlite test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-	<dev-python/asgiref-4[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	>=dev-python/asgiref-3.7.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	>=dev-python/sqlparse-0.3.1[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	sys-libs/timezone-data
-	test? (
-		$(python_gen_impl_dep sqlite)
-		>=dev-python/docutils-0.19[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		>=dev-python/jinja-2.11.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/numpy[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/pillow[webp,${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/pyyaml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		>=dev-python/selenium-4.8.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		>=dev-python/tblib-1.5.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		sys-devel/gettext
-	)
-	verify-sig? ( >=sec-keys/openpgp-keys-django-20230606 )
-	"${FILESDIR}"/django-4.0-bashcomp.patch
-	"${WORKDIR}"/django-5.0-pypy3.patch
-distutils_enable_sphinx docs --no-autodoc
-src_unpack() {
-	if use verify-sig; then
-		cd "${DISTDIR}" || die
-		verify-sig_verify_signed_checksums \
-			"${P^}.checksum.txt" sha256 "${P^}.tar.gz"
-		cd "${WORKDIR}" || die
-	fi
-	default
-python_test() {
-	# Tests have non-standard assumptions about PYTHONPATH,
-	# and don't work with ${BUILD_DIR}/lib.
-	PYTHONPATH=. "${EPYTHON}" tests/ --settings=test_sqlite \
-		-v2 --parallel="${EPYTEST_JOBS:-$(makeopts_jobs)}" ||
-		die "Tests fail with ${EPYTHON}"
-python_install_all() {
-	newbashcomp extras/django_bash_completion ${PN}-admin
-	bashcomp_alias ${PN}-admin
-	distutils-r1_python_install_all
-pkg_postinst() {
-	optfeature_header "Additional Backend support can be enabled via:"
-	optfeature "MySQL backend support" dev-python/mysqlclient
-	optfeature "PostgreSQL backend support" dev-python/psycopg:0
-	optfeature_header
-	optfeature "GEO Django" "sci-libs/gdal[geos]"
-	optfeature "Memcached support" dev-python/pylibmc dev-python/python-memcached
-	optfeature "ImageField Support" dev-python/pillow
-	optfeature "Password encryption" dev-python/bcrypt

             reply	other threads:[~2024-05-22  9:10 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 379+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2024-05-22  9:10 Michał Górny [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-02-06  4:10 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-python/django/ Michał Górny
2025-02-06  4:10 Michał Górny
2025-02-06  4:10 Michał Górny
2025-01-17 11:28 Michał Górny
2025-01-15 12:26 Michał Górny
2025-01-15  5:39 Michał Górny
2025-01-15  5:39 Michał Górny
2025-01-15  5:39 Michał Górny
2024-12-05 12:00 Michał Górny
2024-12-05  9:39 Sam James
2024-12-05  9:39 Sam James
2024-12-05  9:39 Sam James
2024-12-05  5:39 Michał Górny
2024-12-05  5:39 Michał Górny
2024-12-05  5:39 Michał Górny
2024-11-30 11:47 Michał Górny
2024-11-09 12:01 Michał Górny
2024-10-26 13:07 Michał Górny
2024-10-26 12:48 Arthur Zamarin
2024-10-12 15:05 Sam James
2024-09-28 13:24 Arthur Zamarin
2024-09-07 10:27 Michał Górny
2024-09-07 10:17 Arthur Zamarin
2024-09-07 10:14 Michał Górny
2024-09-04  3:13 Michał Górny
2024-09-04  3:13 Michał Górny
2024-09-04  3:13 Michał Górny
2024-08-29  6:34 Jakov Smolić
2024-08-29  6:34 Jakov Smolić
2024-08-08  3:08 Michał Górny
2024-08-08  3:08 Michał Górny
2024-08-07 12:18 Michał Górny
2024-08-07 12:09 Sam James
2024-08-07 12:09 Sam James
2024-08-07  4:56 Michał Górny
2024-08-07  4:56 Michał Górny
2024-07-25 10:01 Michał Górny
2024-07-10  6:36 Sam James
2024-07-10  6:36 Sam James
2024-07-10  5:13 Michał Górny
2024-07-10  5:13 Michał Górny
2024-05-22  9:05 Michał Górny
2024-05-07 17:45 Michał Górny
2024-05-07 17:45 Michał Górny
2024-05-04  7:43 Michał Górny
2024-05-04  7:23 Arthur Zamarin
2024-04-19  6:39 Ionen Wolkens
2024-04-18 15:45 Michał Górny
2024-04-04  3:58 Michał Górny
2024-03-04 18:21 Michał Górny
2024-03-04 18:17 Jakov Smolić
2024-03-04 18:17 Jakov Smolić
2024-03-04 18:17 Jakov Smolić
2024-03-04 14:52 Michał Górny
2024-03-04 14:52 Michał Górny
2024-03-04 14:52 Michał Górny
2024-02-07 19:18 Michał Górny
2024-02-07 19:14 Sam James
2024-02-07 19:14 Sam James
2024-02-07 19:14 Sam James
2024-02-07  8:29 Michał Górny
2024-02-07  8:29 Michał Górny
2024-02-07  8:29 Michał Górny
2024-01-19  5:10 Michał Górny
2024-01-18 19:55 Arthur Zamarin
2024-01-18 19:49 Arthur Zamarin
2024-01-18 19:49 Arthur Zamarin
2024-01-18 18:03 Arthur Zamarin
2024-01-13  9:28 Michał Górny
2024-01-13  9:28 Michał Górny
2024-01-03  8:29 Michał Górny
2024-01-03  8:29 Michał Górny
2023-12-30 14:40 Michał Górny
2023-12-10 16:12 Michał Górny
2023-12-09 16:38 Michał Górny
2023-12-09 16:38 Michał Górny
2023-12-09 16:13 Michał Górny
2023-12-09 15:47 Michał Górny
2023-12-05 14:32 Michał Górny
2023-12-04 15:59 Michał Górny
2023-10-04 18:37 Michał Górny
2023-10-04 18:24 Sam James
2023-10-04 18:24 Sam James
2023-10-04 18:24 Sam James
2023-10-04 17:43 Michał Górny
2023-10-04 17:43 Michał Górny
2023-10-04 17:43 Michał Górny
2023-09-05  4:58 Michał Górny
2023-09-04 20:16 Sam James
2023-09-04 20:16 Sam James
2023-09-04 20:16 Sam James
2023-09-04 13:14 Michał Górny
2023-09-04 13:14 Michał Górny
2023-09-04 13:14 Michał Górny
2023-08-24 12:47 Michał Górny
2023-08-02  6:05 Michał Górny
2023-07-23 21:44 Sam James
2023-07-04 12:41 Michał Górny
2023-07-04  9:35 Sam James
2023-07-04  9:35 Sam James
2023-07-04  9:35 Sam James
2023-07-04  2:59 Michał Górny
2023-07-04  2:59 Michał Górny
2023-07-04  2:59 Michał Górny
2023-06-18 17:07 Michał Górny
2023-06-13 17:00 Michał Górny
2023-06-06  5:43 Michał Górny
2023-05-04  8:48 Arthur Zamarin
2023-05-04  8:48 Arthur Zamarin
2023-05-04  8:48 Arthur Zamarin
2023-05-04  8:06 Michał Górny
2023-05-04  8:06 Michał Górny
2023-04-03 18:37 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-14 22:25 Michał Górny
2023-02-14 21:43 Sam James
2023-02-14 21:43 Sam James
2023-02-14 21:43 Sam James
2023-02-14 16:24 Michał Górny
2023-02-14 16:24 Michał Górny
2023-02-14 16:24 Michał Górny
2023-02-01 19:36 Michał Górny
2023-02-01 19:09 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-01 19:09 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-01 19:09 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-01 13:18 Michał Górny
2023-02-01 13:18 Michał Górny
2023-02-01 13:18 Michał Górny
2023-01-08  5:06 Michał Górny
2023-01-07 18:32 Arthur Zamarin
2023-01-02 14:54 Michał Górny
2022-12-10  9:09 Michał Górny
2022-12-10  9:02 Arthur Zamarin
2022-12-08  5:25 Michał Górny
2022-11-30 10:18 WANG Xuerui
2022-11-03  5:33 Michał Górny
2022-10-06  9:29 Michał Górny
2022-10-06  6:54 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-10-06  6:54 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-10-05 11:35 Sam James
2022-10-05  9:41 Michał Górny
2022-10-05  9:41 Michał Górny
2022-10-05  5:53 Arthur Zamarin
2022-09-06 21:12 Sam James
2022-09-05  7:18 Michał Górny
2022-08-03 20:39 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-03 20:37 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-03 20:37 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-03 16:30 Michał Górny
2022-08-03 16:30 Michał Górny
2022-07-05  6:01 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-07-05  0:23 Sam James
2022-07-04 18:21 Arthur Zamarin
2022-06-02  6:42 Michał Górny
2022-04-12 18:59 Michał Górny
2022-04-12 18:30 Arthur Zamarin
2022-04-12 18:30 Arthur Zamarin
2022-04-12 18:30 Arthur Zamarin
2022-04-11 16:07 Michał Górny
2022-04-11 16:07 Michał Górny
2022-04-11 16:07 Michał Górny
2022-03-16 10:06 Michał Górny
2022-02-02 15:36 Michał Górny
2022-02-02 15:23 Jakov Smolić
2022-02-02 15:23 Jakov Smolić
2022-02-02 15:23 Jakov Smolić
2022-02-01 10:06 Michał Górny
2022-02-01 10:06 Michał Górny
2022-02-01 10:06 Michał Górny
2022-01-04 22:05 Arthur Zamarin
2022-01-04 22:04 Arthur Zamarin
2022-01-04 22:04 Arthur Zamarin
2022-01-04 21:29 Arthur Zamarin
2021-12-07 20:10 Michał Górny
2021-12-07 16:53 Sam James
2021-12-07 16:53 Sam James
2021-12-07 16:53 Sam James
2021-12-07  9:32 Michał Górny
2021-12-07  9:32 Michał Górny
2021-12-07  9:32 Michał Górny
2021-12-02  9:39 Michał Górny
2021-12-02  8:54 Jakov Smolić
2021-11-01 22:16 Michał Górny
2021-10-17 19:09 Sam James
2021-10-06  7:46 Michał Górny
2021-09-05  6:02 Sam James
2021-07-02 16:05 Michał Górny
2021-07-02  6:26 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-07-01 14:42 Michał Górny
2021-07-01 14:42 Michał Górny
2021-06-22 17:02 Marek Szuba
2021-06-03  6:47 Michał Górny
2021-06-03  0:46 Sam James
2021-06-03  0:46 Sam James
2021-06-03  0:46 Sam James
2021-06-02 23:14 Michał Górny
2021-06-02 23:14 Michał Górny
2021-06-02 23:14 Michał Górny
2021-05-14  8:14 Michał Górny
2021-05-14  8:14 Michał Górny
2021-05-14  8:14 Michał Górny
2021-05-09  8:23 Michał Górny
2021-05-09  1:29 Sam James
2021-05-09  1:29 Sam James
2021-05-09  1:29 Sam James
2021-05-07  8:47 Michał Górny
2021-05-07  8:47 Michał Górny
2021-05-07  8:47 Michał Górny
2021-05-06  7:33 Michał Górny
2021-05-06  6:55 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-05-04 12:41 Michał Górny
2021-05-04 12:41 Michał Górny
2021-04-10 19:36 Michał Górny
2021-04-10  7:47 Sam James
2021-04-10  7:47 Sam James
2021-04-10  7:47 Sam James
2021-04-06 21:26 Michał Górny
2021-04-06 21:26 Michał Górny
2021-04-06 16:24 Michał Górny
2021-04-06 16:24 Michał Górny
2021-04-06 16:24 Michał Górny
2021-02-25  7:40 Michał Górny
2021-02-24 23:20 Sam James
2021-02-24 23:20 Sam James
2021-02-24 23:20 Sam James
2021-02-19 17:14 Michał Górny
2021-02-19 17:14 Michał Górny
2021-02-19 17:14 Michał Górny
2021-02-13 17:57 Sam James
2021-02-13 17:57 Sam James
2021-02-13 17:57 Sam James
2021-02-01 17:04 Michał Górny
2021-02-01 17:04 Michał Górny
2021-02-01 17:04 Michał Górny
2021-01-18 14:52 Sam James
2021-01-07  9:25 Michał Górny
2021-01-07  1:10 Sam James
2021-01-07  1:10 Sam James
2021-01-05 21:27 Michał Górny
2021-01-05 21:03 Sam James
2021-01-04  9:45 Michał Górny
2020-12-21 22:16 Sam James
2020-12-21 22:16 Sam James
2020-12-17 17:09 Michał Górny
2020-12-01 10:32 Michał Górny
2020-11-29 21:02 Sam James
2020-11-12 12:28 Sam James
2020-11-08  0:17 Michał Górny
2020-11-02  9:49 Michał Górny
2020-11-02  9:49 Michał Górny
2020-11-02  9:49 Michał Górny
2020-10-22  7:39 Michał Górny
2020-10-01  7:59 Michał Górny
2020-09-03 19:58 Michał Górny
2020-09-03 19:30 Thomas Deutschmann
2020-09-03 18:44 Thomas Deutschmann
2020-09-02  6:41 Michał Górny
2020-09-02  6:41 Michał Górny
2020-09-02  6:41 Michał Górny
2020-08-30  5:16 Sam James
2020-08-05 13:53 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-08-03 17:58 Michał Górny
2020-08-03 17:58 Michał Górny
2020-08-03 17:58 Michał Górny
2020-07-08 20:16 Michał Górny
2020-07-08 20:16 Michał Górny
2020-07-05 13:44 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-07-02  6:25 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-07-01 13:47 Michał Górny
2020-07-01 13:47 Michał Górny
2020-06-30  6:34 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-06-29  6:26 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-06-26  6:52 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-06-26  6:52 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-06-21 20:19 Michał Górny
2020-06-19 18:10 Michał Górny
2020-06-04  6:24 Michał Górny
2020-06-04  6:24 Michał Górny
2020-05-30 16:20 Michał Górny
2020-05-30  9:33 Michał Górny
2020-05-14 11:57 Michał Górny
2020-05-12 15:54 Mart Raudsepp
2020-05-12  6:57 Michał Górny
2020-05-05 20:22 Michał Górny
2020-04-28 13:12 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-04-02  9:26 Michał Górny
2020-03-06 14:38 Michał Górny
2020-03-06 14:38 Michał Górny
2020-02-11 20:10 William Hubbs
2020-01-26 13:33 David Seifert
2019-09-14  4:26 Matt Turner
2019-06-04 12:42 Virgil Dupras
2019-05-06 11:48 Virgil Dupras
2019-05-01 19:49 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-05-01 13:25 Virgil Dupras
2019-04-29  8:17 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-04-24 17:34 Virgil Dupras
2019-04-24 17:34 Virgil Dupras
2019-04-13  1:30 Aaron Bauman
2019-04-02 17:34 Virgil Dupras
2019-04-01 17:52 Virgil Dupras
2019-04-01 17:52 Virgil Dupras
2019-04-01 17:52 Virgil Dupras
2019-03-04 12:51 Virgil Dupras
2019-03-04 12:51 Virgil Dupras
2019-02-12 13:29 Virgil Dupras
2019-01-22  1:53 Virgil Dupras
2019-01-22  1:53 Virgil Dupras
2019-01-05 15:22 Virgil Dupras
2018-12-17 13:34 Virgil Dupras
2018-12-17 13:34 Virgil Dupras
2018-12-17 13:34 Virgil Dupras
2018-12-03 21:17 Virgil Dupras
2018-12-03  1:17 Virgil Dupras
2018-12-03  1:17 Virgil Dupras
2018-11-04  0:17 Virgil Dupras
2018-10-27 17:34 Virgil Dupras
2018-10-27 17:34 Virgil Dupras
2018-10-27 17:34 Virgil Dupras
2018-10-05 11:45 Virgil Dupras
2018-10-05  4:10 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-10-02 21:00 Mikle Kolyada
2018-10-01 16:13 Virgil Dupras
2018-10-01 13:07 Virgil Dupras
2018-10-01 12:30 Virgil Dupras
2018-09-19 17:35 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-09-16 19:12 Virgil Dupras
2018-09-03 19:05 Virgil Dupras
2018-08-18 17:14 Virgil Dupras
2018-08-06 11:49 Virgil Dupras
2018-08-06  4:25 Mikle Kolyada
2018-08-05  1:03 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-08-02  3:11 Virgil Dupras
2018-08-01 17:59 Virgil Dupras
2018-07-23  0:45 Virgil Dupras
2018-07-23  0:14 Mikle Kolyada
2018-07-22 18:37 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-07-21 11:11 Virgil Dupras
2018-07-20 22:40 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-07-19 10:07 Agostino Sarubbo
2018-07-17 14:47 Virgil Dupras
2018-03-16 21:19 Michał Górny
2017-07-07 17:45 Alexis Ballier
2017-06-24 19:51 Justin Lecher
2017-06-18 14:01 Agostino Sarubbo
2017-06-17 17:24 Agostino Sarubbo
2017-06-03 19:36 Justin Lecher
2017-06-03 19:36 Justin Lecher
2016-12-13  3:21 Mike Gilbert
2016-10-29 23:15 Mike Gilbert
2016-08-07  7:27 Johann Schmitz
2016-08-07  7:27 Johann Schmitz
2016-08-07  7:27 Johann Schmitz
2016-08-07  7:27 Johann Schmitz
2016-08-07  7:27 Johann Schmitz
2016-04-19 13:19 Patrick Lauer
2016-02-14 17:54 Justin Lecher
2016-02-13 15:27 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-02-02 15:05 Justin Lecher
2016-02-02 15:05 Justin Lecher
2016-01-02 16:57 Justin Lecher
2015-12-31 14:52 Michał Górny
2015-11-30  9:43 Justin Lecher
2015-11-30  9:35 Agostino Sarubbo
2015-11-30  9:35 Agostino Sarubbo
2015-11-26  9:28 Justin Lecher
2015-11-05 10:18 Justin Lecher
2015-10-25  9:24 Justin Lecher
2015-10-24 16:32 Mikle Kolyada
2015-10-23  9:05 Agostino Sarubbo
2015-10-22 11:09 Justin Lecher
2015-10-10 11:17 Justin Lecher
2015-09-05 18:47 Mikle Kolyada
2015-08-26 10:43 Agostino Sarubbo
2015-08-20  9:19 Justin Lecher
2015-08-20  8:49 Agostino Sarubbo
2015-08-20  8:48 Agostino Sarubbo
2015-08-18 19:44 Justin Lecher
2015-08-18 18:41 Justin Lecher

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