From: "Alfredo Tupone" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: sci-libs/caffe2/
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 09:23:22 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1712222571.9bf81971012ea4d397d135669e9e17e7db9aa33c.tupone@gentoo> (raw)
commit: 9bf81971012ea4d397d135669e9e17e7db9aa33c
Author: Alfredo Tupone <tupone <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Thu Apr 4 09:22:11 2024 +0000
Commit: Alfredo Tupone <tupone <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Thu Apr 4 09:22:51 2024 +0000
sci-libs/caffe2: drop 2.2.1-r1
Signed-off-by: Alfredo Tupone <tupone <AT>>
sci-libs/caffe2/Manifest | 1 -
sci-libs/caffe2/caffe2-2.2.1-r1.ebuild | 269 ---------------------------------
2 files changed, 270 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sci-libs/caffe2/Manifest b/sci-libs/caffe2/Manifest
index e51168eba07c..b72973ca6f63 100644
--- a/sci-libs/caffe2/Manifest
+++ b/sci-libs/caffe2/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
DIST pytorch-2.1.2.tar.gz 116316469 BLAKE2B c5a55ee264bc3477d3556ba6376b5591117e992e56e0dd0c9ba93d12526e2727f7840f6f1e0730a38223b6492c9556840c4ebf22ffd220e97225c2abff303747 SHA512 a8961d78ad785b13c959a0612563a60e0de17a7c8bb9822ddea9a24072796354d07e81c47b6cc8761b21a6448845b088cf80e1661d9e889b0ed5474d3dc76756
-DIST pytorch-2.2.1.tar.gz 116370903 BLAKE2B 7d08e80f91bad76fba1751c30a34bebfe7145058b7758c0d47112702263a80666f70687a8860744725c6aa995e854f766a5bfa4644c23e5635e7e08c8d63a6e9 SHA512 f19ebcf59d183c3348946ba7cfcab2bc4ca93785863b8edc39dba5772083a7b0425ccb4f92a8df4dc0d18246c75e8ff812993161467fbf9dc48d7fb28a1e26f1
DIST pytorch-2.2.2.tar.gz 116367503 BLAKE2B 0be22f2ec4b9aac6f5e976664cae01facf07929a32565cd57d7cc5b2d9888e9ae71ca301853752fe8f31d174d04c9974eb9ed2f3d452360a50ccf024f200726a SHA512 7990e0f9484038c3458c0bda2c863bf2b19e56edab81fc5938c6e0f08b17558287f853bb67350e8cca8f42bec0f1d4ba0e94e50a145db8da44bdd4bd703d91d0
diff --git a/sci-libs/caffe2/caffe2-2.2.1-r1.ebuild b/sci-libs/caffe2/caffe2-2.2.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4788dca7bf6a..000000000000
--- a/sci-libs/caffe2/caffe2-2.2.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
-inherit python-single-r1 cmake cuda flag-o-matic prefix rocm
-DESCRIPTION="A deep learning framework"
- -> ${MYP}.tar.gz"
-IUSE="cuda distributed fbgemm ffmpeg gloo mkl mpi nnpack +numpy onednn openblas opencl opencv openmp qnnpack rocm xnnpack"
- ffmpeg? ( opencv )
- mpi? ( distributed )
- gloo? ( distributed )
- ?? ( cuda rocm )
- rocm? ( || ( ${ROCM_REQUIRED_USE} ) )
-# CUDA 12 not supported yet:
- dev-cpp/gflags:=
- >=dev-cpp/glog-0.5.0
- dev-libs/cpuinfo
- dev-libs/libfmt
- dev-libs/protobuf:=
- dev-libs/pthreadpool
- dev-libs/sleef
- virtual/lapack
- >=sci-libs/onnx-1.12.0
- <sci-libs/onnx-1.15.0
- sci-libs/foxi
- cuda? (
- =dev-libs/cudnn-8*
- >=dev-libs/cudnn-frontend-0.9.2:0/8
- dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit:=[profiler]
- )
- fbgemm? ( >=dev-libs/FBGEMM-2023.12.01 )
- ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg:= )
- gloo? ( sci-libs/gloo[cuda?] )
- mpi? ( virtual/mpi )
- nnpack? ( sci-libs/NNPACK )
- numpy? ( $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-python/numpy[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- ') )
- onednn? ( dev-libs/oneDNN )
- opencl? ( virtual/opencl )
- opencv? ( media-libs/opencv:= )
- qnnpack? ( sci-libs/QNNPACK )
- rocm? (
- >=dev-util/hip-5.7
- >=dev-libs/rccl-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/rocThrust-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/rocPRIM-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/hipBLAS-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/hipFFT-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/hipSPARSE-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/hipRAND-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/hipCUB-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/hipSOLVER-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=sci-libs/miopen-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- >=dev-util/roctracer-5.7[${ROCM_USEDEP}]
- )
- distributed? ( sci-libs/tensorpipe[cuda?] )
- xnnpack? ( >=sci-libs/XNNPACK-2022.12.22 )
- mkl? ( sci-libs/mkl )
- openblas? ( sci-libs/openblas )
- cuda? ( >=dev-libs/cutlass-3.1.0 )
- onednn? ( sci-libs/ideep )
- dev-libs/psimd
- dev-libs/FP16
- dev-libs/FXdiv
- dev-libs/pocketfft
- dev-libs/flatbuffers
- >=sci-libs/kineto-0.4.0_p20231031
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-python/pyyaml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/pybind11[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- ')
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gentoo.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.13.0-install-dirs.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.12.0-glog-0.6.0.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.13.1-tensorpipe.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.0-gcc13.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.0-cudnn_include_fix.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.1.2-fix-rpath.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.1.2-fix-openmp-link.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.1.2-rocm-fix-std-cpp17.patch
-src_prepare() {
- filter-lto #bug 862672
- sed -i \
- -e "/third_party\/gloo/d" \
- cmake/Dependencies.cmake \
- || die
- cmake_src_prepare
- pushd torch/csrc/jit/serialization || die
- flatc --cpp --gen-mutable --scoped-enums mobile_bytecode.fbs || die
- popd
- # prefixify the hardcoded paths, after all patches are applied
- hprefixify \
- aten/CMakeLists.txt \
- caffe2/CMakeLists.txt \
- cmake/Metal.cmake \
- cmake/Modules/*.cmake \
- cmake/Modules_CUDA_fix/FindCUDNN.cmake \
- cmake/Modules_CUDA_fix/upstream/FindCUDA/make2cmake.cmake \
- cmake/Modules_CUDA_fix/upstream/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake \
- cmake/public/LoadHIP.cmake \
- cmake/public/cuda.cmake \
- cmake/Dependencies.cmake \
- torch/CMakeLists.txt \
- CMakeLists.txt
- if use rocm; then
- sed -e "s:/opt/rocm:/usr:" \
- -e "s:lib/cmake:$(get_libdir)/cmake:g" \
- -e "s/HIP 1.0/HIP 1.0 REQUIRED/" \
- -i cmake/public/LoadHIP.cmake || die
- ebegin "HIPifying cuda sources"
- ${EPYTHON} tools/amd_build/ || die
- eend $?
- fi
-src_configure() {
- if use cuda && [[ -z ${TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST} ]]; then
- ewarn "WARNING: caffe2 is being built with its default CUDA compute capabilities: 3.5 and 7.0."
- ewarn "These may not be optimal for your GPU."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "To configure caffe2 with the CUDA compute capability that is optimal for your GPU,"
- ewarn "set TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST in your make.conf, and re-emerge caffe2."
- ewarn "For example, to use CUDA capability 7.5 & 3.5, add: TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=7.5 3.5"
- ewarn "For a Maxwell model GPU, an example value would be: TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=Maxwell"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "You can look up your GPU's CUDA compute capability at"
- ewarn "or by running /opt/cuda/extras/demo_suite/deviceQuery | grep 'CUDA Capability'"
- fi
- local mycmakeargs=(
- -DUSE_CUDA=$(usex cuda)
- -DUSE_DISTRIBUTED=$(usex distributed)
- -DUSE_MPI=$(usex mpi)
- -DUSE_FBGEMM=$(usex fbgemm)
- -DUSE_FFMPEG=$(usex ffmpeg)
- -DUSE_GLOO=$(usex gloo)
- -DUSE_MAGMA=OFF # TODO: In GURU as sci-libs/magma
- -DUSE_MKLDNN=$(usex onednn)
- -DUSE_NNPACK=$(usex nnpack)
- -DUSE_QNNPACK=$(usex qnnpack)
- -DUSE_XNNPACK=$(usex xnnpack)
- -DUSE_SYSTEM_XNNPACK=$(usex xnnpack)
- -DUSE_TENSORPIPE=$(usex distributed)
- -DUSE_NUMPY=$(usex numpy)
- -DUSE_OPENCL=$(usex opencl)
- -DUSE_OPENCV=$(usex opencv)
- -DUSE_OPENMP=$(usex openmp)
- -DUSE_ROCM=$(usex rocm)
- -Wno-dev
- -DTORCH_INSTALL_LIB_DIR="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
- -DLIBSHM_INSTALL_LIB_SUBDIR="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
- )
- if use mkl; then
- mycmakeargs+=(-DBLAS=MKL)
- elif use openblas; then
- mycmakeargs+=(-DBLAS=OpenBLAS)
- else
- mycmakeargs+=(-DBLAS=Generic -DBLAS_LIBRARIES=)
- fi
- if use cuda; then
- addpredict "/dev/nvidiactl" # bug 867706
- addpredict "/dev/char"
- addpredict "/proc/self/task" # bug 926116
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -DUSE_NCCL=OFF # TODO: NVIDIA Collective Communication Library
- -DCMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS="$(cuda_gccdir -f | tr -d \")"
- )
- elif use rocm; then
- export PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH="$(get_amdgpu_flags)"
- mycmakeargs+=(
- )
- fi
- if use onednn; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -DMKLDNN_INCLUDE_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/include/oneapi/dnnl"
- )
- fi
- cmake_src_configure
- # do not rerun cmake and the build process in src_install
- sed '/RERUN/,+1d' -i "${BUILD_DIR}"/ || die
-src_install() {
- cmake_src_install
- insinto "/var/lib/${PN}"
- doins "${BUILD_DIR}"/CMakeCache.txt
- rm -rf python
- mkdir -p python/torch/include || die
- mv "${ED}"/usr/lib/python*/site-packages/caffe2 python/ || die
- cp torch/ python/torch/ || die
- python_domodule python/caffe2
- python_domodule python/torch
- ln -s ../../../../../include/torch \
- "${D}$(python_get_sitedir)"/torch/include/torch || die # bug 923269
next reply other threads:[~2024-04-04 9:23 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 87+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2024-04-04 9:23 Alfredo Tupone [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-03-03 20:08 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: sci-libs/caffe2/ Alfredo Tupone
2025-02-23 18:01 Alfredo Tupone
2025-01-24 18:59 Alfredo Tupone
2024-12-19 20:29 Alfredo Tupone
2024-12-14 21:53 Alfredo Tupone
2024-12-11 21:33 Alfredo Tupone
2024-12-09 8:29 Alfredo Tupone
2024-12-06 21:15 Alfredo Tupone
2024-11-28 5:43 Alfredo Tupone
2024-11-18 6:59 Alfredo Tupone
2024-11-15 7:39 Alfredo Tupone
2024-11-01 17:14 Alfredo Tupone
2024-10-27 14:13 Alfredo Tupone
2024-10-26 20:43 Alfredo Tupone
2024-10-11 6:49 Alfredo Tupone
2024-09-24 12:41 Alfredo Tupone
2024-09-16 17:42 Alfredo Tupone
2024-09-15 18:43 Alfredo Tupone
2024-09-15 17:36 Alfredo Tupone
2024-07-22 17:14 Alfredo Tupone
2024-06-07 8:32 Alfredo Tupone
2024-06-06 19:07 Alfredo Tupone
2024-05-09 18:46 Alfredo Tupone
2024-05-07 20:48 Alfredo Tupone
2024-05-07 6:06 Alfredo Tupone
2024-05-05 14:15 Alfredo Tupone
2024-04-20 19:31 Alfredo Tupone
2024-04-04 16:28 Alfredo Tupone
2024-04-04 9:20 Alfredo Tupone
2024-03-30 19:40 Alfredo Tupone
2024-03-30 19:36 Alfredo Tupone
2024-03-11 19:28 Alfredo Tupone
2024-03-08 7:26 Alfredo Tupone
2024-03-01 18:54 Alfredo Tupone
2024-02-24 21:57 Alfredo Tupone
2024-02-17 22:21 Alfredo Tupone
2024-02-03 7:22 Michał Górny
2024-01-28 22:53 Jonas Stein
2024-01-10 21:15 Alfredo Tupone
2024-01-09 7:17 Alfredo Tupone
2024-01-03 18:23 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-29 9:53 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-26 22:14 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-23 16:05 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-23 8:24 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-22 22:27 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-17 9:30 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-14 18:30 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-10 10:31 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-06 19:49 Alfredo Tupone
2023-12-01 5:54 Alfredo Tupone
2023-08-11 8:40 Alfredo Tupone
2023-08-11 7:31 Alfredo Tupone
2023-08-01 7:30 Alfredo Tupone
2023-06-17 14:02 Alfredo Tupone
2023-05-15 6:27 Alfredo Tupone
2023-05-14 7:59 Alfredo Tupone
2023-05-08 21:00 Alfredo Tupone
2023-05-05 6:00 Alfredo Tupone
2023-04-23 17:25 Alfredo Tupone
2023-04-23 13:24 Alfredo Tupone
2023-04-08 14:29 Alfredo Tupone
2023-04-06 19:46 Alfredo Tupone
2023-03-26 18:10 Alfredo Tupone
2023-03-17 18:47 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-28 7:12 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-28 7:12 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-27 14:16 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-27 7:23 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-20 21:22 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-15 19:40 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-15 7:36 Sam James
2023-02-15 7:18 Alfredo Tupone
2023-02-12 9:09 Alfredo Tupone
2023-01-03 6:22 Alfredo Tupone
2022-12-16 15:56 Alfredo Tupone
2022-11-30 18:20 Alfredo Tupone
2022-11-10 16:51 Alfredo Tupone
2022-09-14 20:52 Alfredo Tupone
2022-08-29 6:42 Alfredo Tupone
2022-08-04 8:00 Alfredo Tupone
2022-07-03 10:45 Alfredo Tupone
2022-07-02 16:20 Alfredo Tupone
2022-06-26 20:24 Alfredo Tupone
2022-06-26 18:03 Alfredo Tupone
2022-06-26 17:30 Alfredo Tupone
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