From: "Alfredo Tupone" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/, www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 07:24:56 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1708413864.064477be94885b65ab2ffdddebbbdc518f17214c.tupone@gentoo> (raw)
commit: 064477be94885b65ab2ffdddebbbdc518f17214c
Author: Alfredo Tupone <tupone <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Feb 20 07:24:03 2024 +0000
Commit: Alfredo Tupone <tupone <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Feb 20 07:24:24 2024 +0000
www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend: drop 3.2.1
Signed-off-by: Alfredo Tupone <tupone <AT>>
www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/Manifest | 1 -
.../files/liquid_feedback.initd | 16 -
.../liquid_feedback_frontend/files/myconfig-3.lua | 487 ---------------------
.../liquid_feedback_frontend-3.2.1.ebuild | 43 --
4 files changed, 547 deletions(-)
diff --git a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/Manifest b/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/Manifest
index 50d5858ea16a..6a2373126b27 100644
--- a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/Manifest
+++ b/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-DIST liquid_feedback_frontend-v3.2.1.tar.gz 499832 BLAKE2B 6d9ead85fa7e47c04c4169b85ffa119737a798d94b236dbd7d11ae4c5d38cc072a71a45b52e250effa62dac65c3ebcd723061e395b05d9f31d0bb01f8e82f9b9 SHA512 1b5e5fc390a2a705c99145ea36556f9b14de4c052c4673e2c7f12148efe485feaf1a91781c016015c41465559204e906e3cad78e37f41289abd5ca27c4257bb3
DIST liquid_feedback_frontend-v4.0.0.tar.gz 2498592 BLAKE2B 3f1ac24327cc7e09bc0bc79bd05d8f852c31d453b24deef5f615b1a524ee00980fa7c3fcf7cca10f13cb08a37fdb1115d44d04f66a3425ce4cea47046224b63c SHA512 141cc08127b20a20c4d7b524e47dd96e176d883080fb8a2350a4c217af98bc1b027783e7e6f2c9ba720947d7ece8660190510ba93b5c9266c740e5380aa50845
diff --git a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/liquid_feedback.initd b/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/liquid_feedback.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe14172b52f..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/liquid_feedback.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-name="liquid feedback daemon"
-description="Liquid Feedback Frontend"
-command_args="-l /var/log/liquid_feedback/lqfb.log /usr/lib/webmcp/bin/mcp.lua /usr/lib/webmcp /var/lib/liquid_feedback_frontend main myconfig-3"
-depend() {
- need net
- need postgresql
diff --git a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/myconfig-3.lua b/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/myconfig-3.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a1c51f2ac39..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/myconfig-3.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
--- ========================================================================
--- ========================================================================
--- Name of this instance, defaults to name of config file
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.instance_name = "Instance name"
--- Information about service provider (HTML)
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.app_service_provider = "Snake Oil<br/>10000 Berlin<br/>Germany"
--- A HTML formatted text the user has to accept while registering
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.use_terms = "<h1>Terms of Use</h1><p>Insert terms here</p>"
--- Checkbox(es) the user has to accept while registering
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.use_terms_checkboxes = {
- {
- name = "terms_of_use_v1",
- html = "I accept the terms of use.",
- not_accepted_error = "You have to accept the terms of use to be able to register."
- },
- {
- name = "extra_terms_of_use_v1",
- html = "I accept the extra terms of use.",
- not_accepted_error = "You have to accept the extra terms of use to be able to register."
- }
--- Absolute base url of application
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.absolute_base_url = ""
-config.localhost = false
--- Connection information for the LiquidFeedback database
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.database = { engine='postgresql', dbname='liquid_feedback', user='liquid_feedback', password='xxx' }
--- Location of the rocketwiki binaries
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.enforce_formatting_engine = "markdown2"
-config.formatting_engines = {
- { id = "markdown2",
- name = "python-markdown2",
- executable = "markdown2",
- args = {'-s', 'escape', '-x', 'nofollow,wiki-tables'},
- remove_images = true
- },
--- { id = "markdown_py",
--- name = "Python Markdown",
--- executable = "markdown_py",
--- args = {'-s', 'escape', '-x', 'extra', '-x', 'nl2br', '-x', 'sane_lists'},
--- remove_images = true
--- },
--- { id = "rocketwiki",
--- name = "RocketWiki",
--- executable = "/opt/rocketwiki-lqfb/rocketwiki-lqfb"
--- },
--- { id = "compat",
--- name = "Traditional WIKI syntax",
--- executable = "/opt/rocketwiki-lqfb/rocketwiki-lqfb-compat"
--- },
--- Public access level
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Available options:
--- "none"
--- -> Closed user group, no public access at all
--- (except login/registration/password reset)
--- "anonymous"
--- -> Shows only initiative/suggestions texts and aggregated
--- supporter/voter counts
--- "authors_pseudonymous"
--- -> Like anonymous, but shows screen names of authors
--- "all_pseudonymous"
--- -> Show everything a member can see, except profile pages
--- "everything"
--- -> Show everything a member can see, including profile pages
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-config.public_access = "none"
--- ========================================================================
--- Remove leading -- to use a option
--- ========================================================================
--- Disable registration
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Available options:
--- false: registration is enabled (default)
--- true: registration is disabled
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.disable_registration = true
--- List of enabled languages, defaults to available languages
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.enabled_languages = { 'en', 'de', 'eo', 'el', 'hu', 'it', 'ka', 'nl', 'zh-Hans', 'zh-TW' }
--- Default language, defaults to "en"
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.default_lang = "en"
--- after how long is a user considered inactive and the trustee will see warning,
--- notation is according to postgresql intervals, default: no warning at all
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.delegation_warning_time = '6 months'
--- after which time a user is advised (_soft) or forced (_hard) to check
--- unit and area delegations. default: no check at all
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.check_delegations_interval_hard = "6 months"
--- config.check_delegations_interval_soft = "3 months"
--- default option when checking delegations
--- available options: "confirm", "revoke" and "none", default: "confirm"
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.check_delegations_default = "confirm"
--- Prefix of all automatic mails, defaults to "[Liquid Feedback] "
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.mail_subject_prefix = "[LiquidFeedback] "
--- Sender of all automatic mails, defaults to system defaults
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.mail_envelope_from = ""
--- config.mail_from = { name = "LiquidFeedback", address = "" }
--- config.mail_reply_to = { name = "Support", address = "" }
--- Template for digest emails
--- #{name} will be replaced by member screen name
--- #{digest} will be replaced with the digest content
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.notification_digest_template = [[
--- Hello #{name},
--- this is your personal digest.
--- #{digest}
--- ]]
--- Configuration of password hashing algorithm (defaults to "crypt_sha512")
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.password_hash_algorithm = "crypt_sha512"
--- config.password_hash_algorithm = "crypt_sha256"
--- config.password_hash_algorithm = "crypt_md5"
--- Number of rounds for crypt_sha* algorithms, minimum and maximum
--- (defaults to minimum 10000 and maximum 20000)
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.password_hash_min_rounds = 10000
--- config.password_hash_max_rounds = 20000
--- Supply custom url for avatar/photo delivery
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.fastpath_url_func = nil
--- Local directory for database dumps offered for download
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.download_dir = nil
--- Special use terms for database dump download
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.download_use_terms = "=== Download use terms ===\n"
--- Use custom image conversion, defaults to ImageMagick's convert
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
---config.member_image_content_type = "image/jpeg"
---config.member_image_convert_func = {
--- avatar = function(data) return extos.pfilter(data, "convert", "jpeg:-", "-thumbnail", "48x48", "jpeg:-") end,
--- photo = function(data) return extos.pfilter(data, "convert", "jpeg:-", "-thumbnail", "240x240", "jpeg:-") end
--- Display a html formatted public message of the day
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.motd_public = "<h1>Message of the day (public)</h1><p>The MOTD is formatted with HTML</p>"
--- Display a html formatted internal message of the day
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.motd_intern = "<h1>Message of the day (intern)</h1><p>The MOTD is formatted with HTML</p>"
--- Integration of Etherpad, disabled by default
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
---config.etherpad = {
--- base_url = "",
--- api_base = "http://localhost:9001/",
--- api_key = "mysecretapikey",
--- group_id = "mygroupname",
--- cookie_path = "/"
--- Free timings
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- This example expects a date string entered in the free timing field
--- by the user creating a poll, interpreting it as target date for then
--- poll and splits the remaining time at the ratio of 4:1:2
--- Please note, polling policies never have an admission phase
--- The available_func is optional, if not set any target date is allowed
-config.free_timing = {
- calculate_func = function(policy, timing_string)
- local function interval_by_seconds(secs)
- local secs_per_day = 60 * 60 * 24
- local days
- days = math.floor(secs / secs_per_day)
- secs = secs - days * secs_per_day
- return days .. " days " .. secs .. " seconds"
- end
- local target_date =,
- if not target_date then
- return false
- end
- local target_timestamp = target_date.midday
- local now = atom.timestamp:get_current()
- trace.debug(target_timestamp, now)
- local duration = target_timestamp - now
- if duration < 0 then
- return false
- end
- return {
- discussion = interval_by_seconds(duration / 7 * 4),
- verification = interval_by_seconds(duration / 7 * 1),
- voting = interval_by_seconds(duration / 7 * 2)
- }
- end,
- available_func = function(policy)
- return {
- { name = "End of 2013", id = '2013-12-31' },
- { name = "End of 2014", id = '2014-12-31' },
- { name = "End of 2015", id = '2015-12-31' }
- }
- end
--- Configuration of lf4rcs
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.lf4rc = {}
--- Example configuration for controlling a Git repository
-config.lf4rcs.git = {
- render_draft_reference = function(url, draft)
- if not draft.external_reference then return end
- ui.tag{ content = _"Changeset:" }
- slot.put(" ")
- text = draft.external_reference,
- external = url .. ";a=commit;h=" .. draft.external_reference
- }
- end,
- get_remote_user = function()
- return os.getenv("REMOTE_USER")
- end,
- get_branches = function(path, exec)
- local branches = {}
- for line in io.lines() do
- local oldrev, newrev, branch = string.match(line, "([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) refs/heads/(.+)")
- if not branch then
- return nil, "unexpected format from git hook environment"
- end
- branches[branch] = { newrev }
- end
- return branches
- end,
- commit = function(path, exec, branch, target_node_id, close_message, merge_message)
- if merge_message then
- exec("git", "-C", path, "checkout", "-f", "master")
- exec("git", "-C", path, "merge", target_node_id, "-m", merge_message)
- exec("git", "-C", path, "push", "origin", "master")
- end
- end
--- Example configuration for controlling a Mercurial repository
-config.lf4rcs.hg = {
- working_branch_name = "work",
- render_draft_reference = function(url, draft)
- if not draft.external_reference then return end
- ui.tag{ content = _"Changeset graph:" }
- slot.put(" ")
- text = draft.external_reference,
- external = url .. "/graph/" .. draft.external_reference
- }
- end,
- get_remote_user = function()
- return os.getenv("REMOTE_USER")
- end,
- get_branches = function(path, exec)
- local first_node_id = os.getenv("HG_NODE")
- if not first_node_id then
- return nil, "internal error, no first node ID available"
- end
- local hg_log = exec(
- "hg", "log", "-R", path, "-r", first_node_id .. ":", "--template", "{branches}\n"
- )
- local branches = {}
- for branch in hg_log:gmatch("(.-)\n") do
- if branch == "" then branch = "default" end
- if not branches[branch] then
- branches[branch] = {}
- local head_lines = exec(
- "hg", "heads", "-R", path, "--template", "{node}\n", branch
- )
- for node_id in string.gmatch(head_lines, "[^\n]+") do
- table.insert(branches[branch], node_id)
- end
- end
- end
- return branches
- end,
- extra_checks = function(path, exec)
- local result = exec("hg", "heads", "-t", "-c")
- for branch in string.gmatch(result, "[^\n]+") do
- if branch == lf4rcs.config.hg.working_branch_name then
- return nil, "open head found for branch " .. lf4rcs.config.hg.working_branch_name
- end
- end
- return true
- end,
- commit = function(path, exec, branch, target_node_id, close_message, merge_message)
- exec("hg", "up", "-R", path, "-C", "-r", target_node_id)
- exec("hg", "commit", "-R", path, "--close-branch", "-m", close_message)
- if merge_message then
- exec("hg", "up", "-R", path, "-C", "-r", "default")
- exec("hg", "merge", "-R", path, "-r", "tip")
- exec("hg", "commit", "-R", path, "-m", merge_message)
- end
- end
--- Grace period after creating an initiative for pushing changes during verification phase
--- disabled by default (nil), use PostgreSQL interval notation
--- config.lf4rcs.push_grace_period = nil
--- External references
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Rendering of external references
-config.render_external_reference = {
- draft = function(draft, wrapper)
- wrapper(function()
- ui.tag{ content = draft.external_reference)
- end)
- end,
- initiative = function(initiative, wrapper)
- wrapper(function()
- ui.tag{ content = initiative.external_reference)
- end)
- end
--- Admin logger
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Logging administrative activities
--- disabled by default
-config.admin_logger = function(params)
- local adminid = app.session.member_id
- local adminname =
- local url = params._webmcp_path
- -- do something (e.g. calling 'logger' via extos.pfilter)
--- Network interface to bind to
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Available options:
--- true: bind to localhost (default)
--- false: bind to all interface
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.localhost = true
--- Network port to bind to
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.port = 8080
--- Serving content via IPV6
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Available options:
--- nil or false: do not serve via IPv6 (default)
--- true: serve via IPv6
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.ipv6 = false
--- Application server fork configuration
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.fork = {
--- pre = 2, -- desired number of spare (idle) processes
--- min = 4, -- minimum number of processes
--- max = 128, -- maximum number of processes (hard limit)
--- delay = 0.125, -- delay (seconds) between creation of spare processes
--- error_delay = 2, -- delay (seconds) before retry of failed process creation
--- exit_delay = 2, -- delay (seconds) between destruction of excessive spare processes
--- idle_timeout = 900, -- idle time (seconds) after a fork gets terminated (0 for no timeout)
--- memory_limit = 0, -- maximum memory consumption (bytes) before process gets terminated
--- min_requests = 50, -- minimum count of requests handled before fork is terminated
--- max_requests = 100 -- maximum count of requests handled before fork is terminated
--- }
--- HTTP server options
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- http_options = {
--- static_headers = {} -- string or table of static headers to be returned with every request
--- request_header_size_limit = 1024*1024, -- maximum size of request body sent by client
--- request_body_size_limit = 64*1024*1024, -- maximum size of request body sent by client
--- idle_timeout = 65, -- maximum time until receiving the first byte of the request headera
--- stall_timeout = 60, -- maximum time a client connection may be stalled
--- request_header_timeout = 120, -- maximum time until receiving the remaining bytes of the request header
--- response_timeout = 3600, -- time in which request body and response must be sent
--- maximum_input_chunk_size = 16384 -- tweaks behavior of request-body parser
--- minimum_output_chunk_size = 1024 -- chunk size for chunked-transfer-encoding
--- }
--- WebMCP accelerator
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- uncomment the following line to use C implementations of chosen
--- functions:
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- require 'webmcp_accelerator'
--- Trace debug
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- uncomment the following line to enable debug trace
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- config.enable_debug_trace = true
diff --git a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/liquid_feedback_frontend-3.2.1.ebuild b/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/liquid_feedback_frontend-3.2.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 826b035ef72d..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/liquid_feedback_frontend-3.2.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-DESCRIPTION="Internet platforms for proposition development and decision making"
- ~www-servers/moonbridge-1.0.1
- >=www-apps/webmcp-2.1.0
- acct-user/apache"
-src_install() {
- default
- insinto /var/lib/${PN}
- doins -r app db env fastpath lib locale model static tmp
- fowners apache:apache /var/lib/${PN}/tmp
- dodir /var/log/liquid_feedback
- keepdir /var/log/liquid_feedback
- fowners apache:apache /var/log/liquid_feedback
- insinto /etc/${PN}
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/myconfig-3.lua config/*
- dosym ../../../etc/${PN} /var/lib/${PN}/config
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/liquid_feedback.initd liquid_feedback
next reply other threads:[~2024-02-20 7:24 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 2+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2024-02-20 7:24 Alfredo Tupone [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2021-04-22 6:22 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/files/, www-apps/liquid_feedback_frontend/ Alfredo Tupone
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