From: "Andreas Sturmlechner" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:57:55 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1708189041.514d99778ba7f072139e9e2ef3c38536aa4652cd.asturm@gentoo> (raw)
commit: 514d99778ba7f072139e9e2ef3c38536aa4652cd
Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Feb 17 15:47:50 2024 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Feb 17 16:57:21 2024 +0000
dev-qt/qtgui: drop 5.15.12, 5.15.12-r1
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT>>
dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest | 1 -
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12-r1.ebuild | 180 -----------------------------------
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12.ebuild | 180 -----------------------------------
3 files changed, 361 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest b/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest
index a390c6270e3f..5e79c7375530 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
DIST qtbase-5.15-gentoo-patchset-5.tar.xz 9116 BLAKE2B b6318fc7c3ccdbfe85d56797ffaa3b275ce3f324731caca5efb497494837ca00c020494e9f811c0d5e9a460a4d70f16291c637409e7ad72325a36bc55e113c8c SHA512 f0343bf475a86f3f73b98b166ee48b1c5c9200aac9212ad977befe05679d0c351167618b16ae958e6403f33eecdc465b26a0df5d0b83d5d57a8c85ddb8a41c9b
-DIST qtbase-5.15.12-gentoo-kde-1.tar.xz 330700 BLAKE2B d58eb3c12e4eaec9087bdf21ead08d4574fb7ce958b8453703f0b00efd27a4624329bbdf53e2c17d548e4791f7180bb3c0f68f0f3da4bc638c03622609d4df37 SHA512 f9519252a4b0451afae454155637f795688a8c9d8d40e03677430a7b887aa52d04996d93665e7068e41c8f7db428fdef933d4b8b342ea05847fffa5ddd82d1de
DIST qtbase-5.15.12-gentoo-kde-3.tar.xz 333328 BLAKE2B f4b281098c142aeff32349a207c312de6b40057768c7732533923ddfc7db393352739a9c8b7af6a562268d2fed0397c5d5eb96a85ad376c97e7b8e51a2b962cb SHA512 6d5a826569793ae7e49f6f789d138290346be94976d3aa2c5526be9ada5dd85ffaa789422f4bedaaa6a76178e87978937be425d5f75fcce41d45726d02912c7a
DIST qtbase-everywhere-opensource-src-5.15.12.tar.xz 50840192 BLAKE2B da758bdc13a63e8856486476733d6e9ed0bd22aa29d0d575f25a7d2ac90d0bae0d789875c747f9b16ec72941101fdf54abb64036c0fc2f0f467811bd32c7f8d9 SHA512 55ed3d73c2486a5f7cc62c0669b6344d1e4566be442bdac5849609f5ecd4fec7b74405952215e4dc018bc48a9dc2305ef50e31b61f3ace20408b5b64a2d5e888
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12-r1.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bb940e5b463a..000000000000
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} != *9999* ]]; then
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc x86"
-inherit qt5-build
-DESCRIPTION="The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework"
-SLOT=5/${QT5_PV} # bug 707658
-IUSE="accessibility dbus egl eglfs evdev gles2-only ibus jpeg +libinput
- linuxfb +png tslib tuio +udev vnc vulkan wayland +X"
- || ( eglfs linuxfb vnc wayland X )
- accessibility? ( dbus X )
- eglfs? ( egl )
- ibus? ( dbus )
- libinput? ( udev )
- X? ( gles2-only? ( egl ) )
- dev-libs/glib:2
- =dev-qt/qtcore-${QT5_PV}*:5=
- dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
- media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype:2
- media-libs/harfbuzz:=
- sys-libs/zlib:=
- accessibility? ( app-accessibility/at-spi2-core:2 )
- dbus? ( =dev-qt/qtdbus-${QT5_PV}* )
- eglfs? (
- media-libs/mesa[gbm(+)]
- x11-libs/libdrm
- )
- evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
- jpeg? ( media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:= )
- gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd )
- !gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd[X] )
- libinput? (
- dev-libs/libinput:=
- x11-libs/libxkbcommon
- )
- png? ( media-libs/libpng:= )
- tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.21 )
- tuio? ( =dev-qt/qtnetwork-${QT5_PV}* )
- udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
- vnc? ( =dev-qt/qtnetwork-${QT5_PV}* )
- vulkan? ( dev-util/vulkan-headers )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libxcb:=
- x11-libs/libxkbcommon[X]
- x11-libs/xcb-util-image
- x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
- x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
- x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
- )
- evdev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- linuxfb? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- udev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
- ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
- wayland? ( =dev-qt/qtwayland-${QT5_PV}* )
- src/tools/qvkgen
- src/gui
- src/openglextensions
- src/platformheaders
- src/platformsupport
- src/plugins/generic
- src/plugins/imageformats
- src/plugins/platforms
- src/plugins/platforminputcontexts
- accessibility:accessibility-atspi-bridge
- egl:egl:
- eglfs:eglfs:
- eglfs:eglfs_egldevice:
- eglfs:eglfs_gbm:
- evdev:evdev:
- evdev:mtdev:
- :fontconfig:
- :system-freetype:FREETYPE
- !:no-freetype:
- gles2-only::OPENGL_ES
- gles2-only:opengles2:OPENGL_ES_2
- !:no-gui:
- :system-harfbuzz:
- !:no-harfbuzz:
- jpeg:system-jpeg:IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG
- !jpeg:no-jpeg:
- libinput
- libinput:xkbcommon:
- :opengl
- png:png:
- png:system-png:IMAGEFORMAT_PNG
- !png:no-png:
- tslib:tslib:
- udev:libudev:
- vulkan:vulkan:
- X:xcb:
- X:xcb-glx:
- X:xcb-plugin:
- X:xcb-render:
- X:xcb-sm:
- X:xcb-xlib:
- X:xcb-xinput:
- :gui
-src_prepare() {
- # don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS, bug 549140
- sed -i -e '/CONFIG\s*+=/s/optimize_full//' src/gui/ || die
- # egl_x11 is activated when both egl and X are enabled
- use egl && QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(X:egl_x11:) || QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(egl:egl_x11:)
- qt_use_disable_config dbus dbus \
- src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/genericunix.pri
- qt_use_disable_config tuio tuiotouch src/plugins/generic/
- qt_use_disable_mod ibus dbus \
- src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/
- use vnc || sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS += vnc/d' \
- src/plugins/platforms/ || die
- qt5-build_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=(
- $(qt_use accessibility feature-accessibility-atspi-bridge)
- $(usev dbus -dbus-linked)
- $(qt_use egl)
- $(qt_use eglfs)
- $(usev eglfs '-gbm -kms')
- $(qt_use evdev)
- $(qt_use evdev mtdev)
- -fontconfig
- -system-freetype
- -gui
- -system-harfbuzz
- $(qt_use jpeg libjpeg system)
- $(qt_use libinput)
- $(qt_use linuxfb)
- -opengl $(usex gles2-only es2 desktop)
- $(qt_use png libpng system)
- $(qt_use tslib)
- $(qt_use udev libudev)
- $(qt_use vulkan)
- $(qt_use X xcb)
- $(usev X '-xcb-xlib')
- )
- if use libinput || use X; then
- myconf+=( -xkbcommon )
- fi
- qt5-build_src_configure
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ed93471cf64..000000000000
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.12.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} != *9999* ]]; then
- KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc x86"
-inherit qt5-build
-DESCRIPTION="The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework"
-SLOT=5/${QT5_PV} # bug 707658
-IUSE="accessibility dbus egl eglfs evdev gles2-only ibus jpeg +libinput
- linuxfb +png tslib tuio +udev vnc vulkan wayland +X"
- || ( eglfs linuxfb vnc wayland X )
- accessibility? ( dbus X )
- eglfs? ( egl )
- ibus? ( dbus )
- libinput? ( udev )
- X? ( gles2-only? ( egl ) )
- dev-libs/glib:2
- =dev-qt/qtcore-${QT5_PV}*:5=
- dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
- media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype:2
- media-libs/harfbuzz:=
- sys-libs/zlib:=
- accessibility? ( app-accessibility/at-spi2-core:2 )
- dbus? ( =dev-qt/qtdbus-${QT5_PV}* )
- eglfs? (
- media-libs/mesa[gbm(+)]
- x11-libs/libdrm
- )
- evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
- jpeg? ( media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:= )
- gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd )
- !gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd[X] )
- libinput? (
- dev-libs/libinput:=
- x11-libs/libxkbcommon
- )
- png? ( media-libs/libpng:= )
- tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.21 )
- tuio? ( =dev-qt/qtnetwork-${QT5_PV}* )
- udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
- vnc? ( =dev-qt/qtnetwork-${QT5_PV}* )
- vulkan? ( dev-util/vulkan-headers )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libxcb:=
- x11-libs/libxkbcommon[X]
- x11-libs/xcb-util-image
- x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
- x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
- x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
- )
- evdev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- linuxfb? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- udev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
- ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
- wayland? ( =dev-qt/qtwayland-${QT5_PV}* )
- src/tools/qvkgen
- src/gui
- src/openglextensions
- src/platformheaders
- src/platformsupport
- src/plugins/generic
- src/plugins/imageformats
- src/plugins/platforms
- src/plugins/platforminputcontexts
- accessibility:accessibility-atspi-bridge
- egl:egl:
- eglfs:eglfs:
- eglfs:eglfs_egldevice:
- eglfs:eglfs_gbm:
- evdev:evdev:
- evdev:mtdev:
- :fontconfig:
- :system-freetype:FREETYPE
- !:no-freetype:
- gles2-only::OPENGL_ES
- gles2-only:opengles2:OPENGL_ES_2
- !:no-gui:
- :system-harfbuzz:
- !:no-harfbuzz:
- jpeg:system-jpeg:IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG
- !jpeg:no-jpeg:
- libinput
- libinput:xkbcommon:
- :opengl
- png:png:
- png:system-png:IMAGEFORMAT_PNG
- !png:no-png:
- tslib:tslib:
- udev:libudev:
- vulkan:vulkan:
- X:xcb:
- X:xcb-glx:
- X:xcb-plugin:
- X:xcb-render:
- X:xcb-sm:
- X:xcb-xlib:
- X:xcb-xinput:
- :gui
-src_prepare() {
- # don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS, bug 549140
- sed -i -e '/CONFIG\s*+=/s/optimize_full//' src/gui/ || die
- # egl_x11 is activated when both egl and X are enabled
- use egl && QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(X:egl_x11:) || QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(egl:egl_x11:)
- qt_use_disable_config dbus dbus \
- src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/genericunix.pri
- qt_use_disable_config tuio tuiotouch src/plugins/generic/
- qt_use_disable_mod ibus dbus \
- src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/
- use vnc || sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS += vnc/d' \
- src/plugins/platforms/ || die
- qt5-build_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=(
- $(qt_use accessibility feature-accessibility-atspi-bridge)
- $(usev dbus -dbus-linked)
- $(qt_use egl)
- $(qt_use eglfs)
- $(usev eglfs '-gbm -kms')
- $(qt_use evdev)
- $(qt_use evdev mtdev)
- -fontconfig
- -system-freetype
- -gui
- -system-harfbuzz
- $(qt_use jpeg libjpeg system)
- $(qt_use libinput)
- $(qt_use linuxfb)
- -opengl $(usex gles2-only es2 desktop)
- $(qt_use png libpng system)
- $(qt_use tslib)
- $(qt_use udev libudev)
- $(qt_use vulkan)
- $(qt_use X xcb)
- $(usev X '-xcb-xlib')
- )
- if use libinput || use X; then
- myconf+=( -xkbcommon )
- fi
- qt5-build_src_configure
next reply other threads:[~2024-02-17 16:58 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 191+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2024-02-17 16:57 Andreas Sturmlechner [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2024-06-01 14:53 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/ Arthur Zamarin
2024-02-16 8:29 Arthur Zamarin
2024-02-16 8:29 Arthur Zamarin
2024-02-16 8:28 Arthur Zamarin
2024-02-16 8:28 Arthur Zamarin
2024-02-16 8:28 Arthur Zamarin
2024-02-16 8:28 Arthur Zamarin
2024-02-06 22:32 Sam James
2024-02-05 20:07 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-12-19 20:58 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-12-18 8:27 Arthur Zamarin
2023-12-16 11:36 Sam James
2023-11-29 8:23 Arthur Zamarin
2023-11-28 9:46 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-11-23 19:53 Sam James
2023-11-23 16:47 Arthur Zamarin
2023-11-23 16:47 Arthur Zamarin
2023-11-21 23:52 Sam James
2023-11-16 0:47 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-11-11 8:37 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-09-30 10:00 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-09-27 19:24 Arthur Zamarin
2023-09-23 15:59 Ionen Wolkens
2023-09-21 19:34 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-09-04 4:04 Ionen Wolkens
2023-08-16 16:31 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-08-16 14:19 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-16 14:18 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-16 14:10 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-16 13:49 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-09 4:52 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-09 4:52 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-05 23:00 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-05-25 7:46 Arthur Zamarin
2023-05-23 2:52 Sam James
2023-04-09 20:17 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-04-09 19:34 Arthur Zamarin
2023-04-09 19:25 Arthur Zamarin
2023-04-09 19:25 Arthur Zamarin
2023-04-09 19:04 Arthur Zamarin
2023-04-09 18:54 Arthur Zamarin
2023-04-09 18:53 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-26 11:56 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-02-19 13:24 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-02-19 12:55 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-19 12:55 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-19 11:43 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-19 11:43 Arthur Zamarin
2023-02-07 17:47 Sam James
2023-02-07 16:54 Sam James
2023-02-05 13:54 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-02-05 13:54 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-01-26 22:40 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-01-21 19:37 Arthur Zamarin
2023-01-21 19:33 Arthur Zamarin
2023-01-10 0:04 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-01-10 0:04 Andreas Sturmlechner
2022-11-05 16:35 Andreas Sturmlechner
2022-10-28 18:59 Arthur Zamarin
2022-10-04 17:32 Sam James
2022-10-04 17:32 Sam James
2022-08-27 8:40 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-08-27 8:27 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-08-26 13:20 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-15 10:43 Andreas Sturmlechner
2022-08-12 14:31 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-08-05 7:15 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-08-05 5:47 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-05 5:47 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-04 17:55 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-04 17:55 Arthur Zamarin
2022-07-23 11:22 Andreas Sturmlechner
2022-07-04 17:58 Arthur Zamarin
2022-06-19 22:45 Sam James
2022-06-19 22:45 Sam James
2022-06-19 5:30 Sam James
2022-06-19 5:29 Sam James
2022-06-09 14:13 Andreas Sturmlechner
2022-05-25 11:20 WANG Xuerui
2022-04-17 19:32 Sam James
2022-01-20 13:26 Andreas Sturmlechner
2022-01-20 12:15 Jakov Smolić
2022-01-20 9:00 Jakov Smolić
2022-01-19 22:43 Sam James
2022-01-19 22:43 Sam James
2022-01-18 22:52 Jakov Smolić
2022-01-12 16:14 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-12-16 12:29 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-12-15 23:55 Sam James
2021-12-15 23:55 Sam James
2021-12-15 23:38 Sam James
2021-12-15 14:46 Jakov Smolić
2021-12-15 13:41 Jakov Smolić
2021-12-10 13:19 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-12-10 13:19 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-11-07 23:42 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-10-17 0:29 Sam James
2021-10-17 0:27 Sam James
2021-09-24 10:52 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-09-22 20:01 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-09-22 20:01 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-08-26 18:38 Sam James
2021-08-25 14:36 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-08-25 14:36 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-08-23 2:06 Sam James
2021-07-24 23:43 Yixun Lan
2021-01-09 21:18 Sam James
2021-01-09 21:17 Sam James
2021-01-09 13:42 Sam James
2021-01-02 1:23 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-10-13 9:58 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-10-13 9:51 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-10-12 11:55 Sam James
2020-10-10 19:29 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-08-31 19:59 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-08-30 23:46 Sam James
2020-08-29 3:28 Sam James
2020-08-29 2:07 Sam James
2020-08-29 2:06 Sam James
2020-08-25 22:16 Sam James
2020-08-25 21:41 Sam James
2020-08-22 18:52 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-08-22 18:52 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-05-30 19:33 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-05-09 7:46 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-05-09 7:43 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-04-21 11:26 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-03-19 10:14 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-03-19 10:12 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-26 22:02 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-02-26 22:02 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-02-09 18:51 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-02-05 19:49 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-27 10:48 Mikle Kolyada
2020-01-19 13:40 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-13 19:50 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-12-25 16:02 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-12-25 16:02 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-12-21 10:54 Mikle Kolyada
2019-12-21 9:33 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-12-21 9:09 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-12-18 20:33 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-12-18 14:28 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-11-02 15:23 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-10-20 16:15 Mikle Kolyada
2019-09-15 16:51 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-07-21 16:13 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-05-23 13:20 Mikle Kolyada
2019-05-23 12:26 Mikle Kolyada
2019-04-26 15:34 Anthony G. Basile
2019-04-21 18:24 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-04-21 18:24 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-03-03 19:52 Davide Pesavento
2019-02-11 23:36 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-01-09 13:30 Mikle Kolyada
2018-11-24 13:32 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-10-30 17:46 Andreas Sturmlechner
2018-09-07 23:46 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-08-19 10:46 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-07-13 13:41 Mikle Kolyada
2018-07-12 10:38 Andreas Sturmlechner
2018-05-01 20:38 Andreas Hüttel
2018-05-01 13:53 Andreas Hüttel
2018-03-26 7:04 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-03-21 7:25 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-03-13 19:51 Michał Górny
2018-03-03 20:20 Andreas Sturmlechner
2018-02-22 20:09 Andreas Sturmlechner
2017-10-10 11:50 Michael Palimaka
2017-07-08 3:21 Michael Palimaka
2017-06-06 16:12 Markus Meier
2017-06-03 20:09 Sergei Trofimovich
2017-05-22 11:40 Agostino Sarubbo
2017-05-21 16:41 Michael Weber
2017-05-20 10:37 Michael Weber
2017-05-19 7:40 Jeroen Roovers
2017-05-18 12:39 Agostino Sarubbo
2017-01-02 18:44 Markus Meier
2016-10-13 9:41 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-08-23 19:15 Markus Meier
2016-04-23 22:04 Davide Pesavento
2016-04-07 18:01 Michael Palimaka
2016-03-27 16:47 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-03-24 5:53 Markus Meier
2016-02-19 9:22 Michael Palimaka
2015-10-29 16:48 Michael Palimaka
2015-10-29 16:48 Michael Palimaka
2015-10-18 9:40 Mikle Kolyada
2015-08-26 14:56 Mikle Kolyada
2015-08-23 9:24 Jeroen Roovers
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* Reply using the --to, --cc, and --in-reply-to
switches of git-send-email(1):
git send-email \
--in-reply-to=1708189041.514d99778ba7f072139e9e2ef3c38536aa4652cd.asturm@gentoo \ \ \ \
* If your mail client supports setting the In-Reply-To header
via mailto: links, try the mailto: link
Be sure your reply has a Subject: header at the top and a blank line
before the message body.
This is a public inbox, see mirroring instructions
for how to clone and mirror all data and code used for this inbox