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From: "Michał Górny" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-util/scons/
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 06:14:51 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1702966343.628909db9b36abca403dff3902789f516009a90a.mgorny@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     628909db9b36abca403dff3902789f516009a90a
Author:     Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Dec 19 06:12:23 2023 +0000
Commit:     Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Dec 19 06:12:23 2023 +0000

dev-util/scons: Remove old

Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <mgorny <AT>>

 dev-util/scons/Manifest              |   9 ---
 dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0-r1.ebuild | 135 ---------------------------------
 dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0.ebuild    | 125 -------------------------------
 dev-util/scons/scons-4.5.1-r2.ebuild | 140 -----------------------------------
 4 files changed, 409 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-util/scons/Manifest b/dev-util/scons/Manifest
index 52331835fad3..a9cedad46767 100644
--- a/dev-util/scons/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/scons/Manifest
@@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
-DIST SCons-4.4.0.tar.gz 3096863 BLAKE2B 60f125c077dd8f50a7150db6dc1234eac988cf7ee7495036d73c46e8ae445b87c88dde23a537d6647709778a33e6f1ac529f7ac7f862648e3019bbe437bb451c SHA512 d4e630214a9221f00d668b6524803efa83b41534fa6e0acca689d926cbc8546e5cf79c1c7a4b5627afbcd5033564343b408790bf4c29067d053cfbb39408a8ed
-DIST SCons-4.5.1.tar.gz 3194371 BLAKE2B 830e3365be99e38aec0f3b99d406bb7547d3d8b7c7fb752db1199df5545879dafc52f449b001c3ef10290b1bdbcb52cd7c4befc7dee4b2f3be1234cca2d4fcec SHA512 aa676021694b1020a21a517a4d3df03f442a28e78b2d32d4316b7d7ee7271f8025f2b50d0ce8fe5d5a8be282b5ecaaebd9aa85be1e15e6a0bbad1567a394014d
 DIST SCons-4.5.2.tar.gz 3194724 BLAKE2B c27d00e4bc319e3b8d5d35d50d5f03df15e2b72256e26000299ac95c5bdaffbe850942df9e3c23a6b0dbf55ea000f768a7938cfedc451cc7bd3e2a521292d49e SHA512 a9675f4b4dbedf8c7375d4d099216cd935c38944d57b0a08de2b9c133bb53184de0d5803edf5cb9f800f205b1252ceca3aaf33a10bf5d8b48eacd58866cf776c
 DIST SCons-4.6.0.tar.gz 3230138 BLAKE2B adef2ad5394404ae48d85e8c2a91b5af29e4f9bfa7455504ac1cb8d22d9a05c9ace823e02c8e7a32b34dee281635987487ad43ca94c6adea8e287b086a0732f0 SHA512 c7dc952117c23ac30b8cf1f70ef0c4ad1c0a86c9865fd255fde1a29ea2fbf9e26573b73430f6adc8c545dab753077f380d29d77ac4eede7fce959c86576d2354
-DIST scons-4.4.0-user.html 1608381 BLAKE2B ff4eb1e0f9c5e8ea7ca44cc00dc37e3e2dd38c24cb09a857c691e6a48f11e5fc86a55740037cc295e6b23df2a1c1b600adf0462320ec87cc26d4bcf919b07342 SHA512 8c1d6578270054efba34c56ddc07b4314bf62630f6a445f5b9f865cc48d593f6c92101a8d216dece201b8d6cb5bce59ff4adb51caaa40128e96b6235087f748c
-DIST scons-4.4.0-user.pdf 2964111 BLAKE2B 45b37c99c3f3d0e9969a16506e27aeabfd562155405f5a59ba79c24404b14e5588fbd0673d86e2266adbd25eca140c9e1cf86e271228658591c0d9285474f078 SHA512 57330f685e7c775cb1c782e40f711c2b2322fad19212a22a920aff92db974610cc78f276e1606fb827660bb488ce803e2458bb9d93c452fa0600df4478f03d06
-DIST 5808265 BLAKE2B f6ce757f2edc40551b05285098626bb62def6abda2380d4885ee4443868e715e53aaa34f26c09dc689bb6ade26d1b0e276046fe3b1d2ddf8eb40400bca9ea164 SHA512 01fcd40bf818ca22a278973af1cda3024efb74cf877f15d46607fda860448fbd577fc96ba33fef2bed3d145e662a0371f55e8c927e7ac44feea7f3081791ce11
-DIST scons-4.5.1-mergeflags.patch 10518 BLAKE2B ea059c4347cfa8dcd99353c1f6b6c1d3aae1c6225b4683e421f3f3ea9181d5597862603c2491abff40dd1599094638239f34bf88458e7c44a8f28908eb91934c SHA512 11771c99d64cee413311f595faec8d2025152a7871ef53bdf0b22be45ffefc0d0c4bf49d185a10c1d3d2fb76ac94b04d992990375dc144587b101761a5d985a4
-DIST scons-4.5.1-user.html 1655168 BLAKE2B 644c808f129d2d83f40b1ef2c8c12781b697a0120dfc00f5f0425e88e23c609290ecf2c8b6daad556c876ae3a86e8b262c53915b05d69c6e3c79f58395789362 SHA512 171d9330df520a75fbc124bf646c55c5868b24343ff46755a6283fe444ad4e090f5658dafa7239e708b4ff8b910e81201c27655674bdaffd20e8cc6ffb81d633
-DIST scons-4.5.1-user.pdf 3023817 BLAKE2B caa782f77fac668eee0ccd76f3e96168ae3d61c9c3e80123c34bc45625182f77973fbab24170c5f67f133c6124412eadbf02c3497373211560c58a348d6b00ab SHA512 41fddff58032b6364ff3935259d4bf81a0d69398cd52158c42be71e4ff6efaebd2faaf1354781f7336ba1aa4f0cf99f0f37edcd72baf325f9ced7ec88b76ce88
-DIST 5844118 BLAKE2B 88a82e12a034f6d0748555d0d33716e5af6ff957a9345d5b0ba87c2a36544bae0965ea0a29e3cc80d6d2493f3f8bf0bd314bed5824dc609123972f640b19a53a SHA512 160089342b93197237b9f0c5f0ada42126f3e5c83e0026f6dc121aaae85c94774b01ea3b0b0fc56edf3effd87d91612b2167d004abe7a00bd8d107d5415f5d4a
 DIST scons-4.5.2-user.html 1655168 BLAKE2B dab0b29ae7bdadc96b9081d1d9e1d8b29cc62afb39f3161e4b7694b3e58a31e82446319f3efc560fdbe2c3a37b902c79c74d15a790c865ec3c6d27811f0443fe SHA512 6f2c74d15dca903d500bebe33f0af6b90ca1458c3796048077d411b2c269013696036c7e9ae8b1f300f37c05dd6246f8b12d35b503f9018f002b9d01fea22ba9
 DIST scons-4.5.2-user.pdf 3023818 BLAKE2B b67e2ca3326b5e9ec2cdb530b22d347072e9c906678509a21aae1622487054d4aa3446beb599dd52cd93ad769a5b325dd101356ea88baedba907c931e0acc792 SHA512 172f494fd5e73f654adf9c137bd09f74f57bd2ef17dbd0f02c66aea49798a3fb136f176ee85fc7432378af49e28cbb498e830e519df74652533ecb9f3e52ecf9
 DIST 5844800 BLAKE2B c0f42994a178bb0fb329cfa05328bdae89b374a33a7806276e7529a81b37a4ea9f52d07fb2afc55adbe3c1e00661ea3c3d53e981be4a8a095079fc35403328f1 SHA512 aa788d9365a8b5119fef404869562f61cb854be7ceadb5f5d47523e262c07f93ea7476166b577edec25339a64dc6a1f4a6f391fa5aeeab3f086a6659fc72e1ce

diff --git a/dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0-r1.ebuild b/dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 08f12df37ec8..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..11} )
-inherit distutils-r1 multiprocessing
-DESCRIPTION="Extensible Python-based build utility"
-	doc? (
-			-> ${P}-user.pdf
-			-> ${P}-user.html
-	)
-	test? (
-			-> ${P}.gh.tar.gz
-	)
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="doc test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-	test? (
-		dev-python/lxml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/psutil[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	)
-	# support env passthrough for Gentoo ebuilds
-	"${FILESDIR}"/scons-4.1.0-env-passthrough.patch
-	# respect CC, CXX, C*FLAGS, LDFLAGS by default
-	"${FILESDIR}"/scons-4.2.0-respect-cc-etc.patch
-src_unpack() {
-	# use the git directory structure, but put pregenerated release
-	# inside src/ subdirectory to make our life easier
-	if use test; then
-		unpack "${P}.gh.tar.gz"
-	else
-		mkdir -p "${P}"/src || die
-	fi
-	tar -C "${P}"/src --strip-components=1 --no-same-owner \
-		-xzf "${DISTDIR}/${MY_P}.tar.gz" || die
-src_prepare() {
-	# apply patches relatively to top directory
-	cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}" || die
-	distutils-r1_src_prepare
-	if use test; then
-		local remove_tests=(
-			# TODO: does not respect PATH?
-			test/Clang
-			# broken
-			test/DVIPDF/
-			test/Java/
-			test/Java/
-			test/TEX/
-			test/TEX/
-			# broken by commas in date, sic!
-			test/option/
-			test/Interactive/
-			# warnings from new binutils?
-			test/AS/
-			test/AS/
-			# hangs
-			test/
-		)
-		if ! use amd64 && ! use x86 ; then
-			# These tests are currently broken on arm and other non-amd64/x86 platforms
-			# Work seems to be ongoing in e.g. to
-			# better plumb up the MSVC tests for alternative arches.
-			# Try again after 4.2.0.
-			# See also:
-			# bug #757534
-			remove_tests+=(
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-			)
-		fi
-		rm -r "${remove_tests[@]}" || die
-	fi
-python_test() {
-	local -x COLUMNS=80
-	# set variable from escons() of scons-util.eclass to make env-passthrough patch work within test env
-	# unset some env variables to pass appropriate tests
-	cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}" || die
-	"${EPYTHON}" -a --passed \
-		-j "$(makeopts_jobs "${MAKEOPTS}" "$(get_nproc)")"
-	# script returns "0" if all tests are passed
-	# and returns "2" if there are any tests with "no result"
-	# (i.e. in case if some tools are not installed or it's Windows specific tests)
-	[[ ${?} == [02] ]] || die "Tests fail with ${EPYTHON}"
-python_install_all() {
-	rm "${ED}"/usr/*.1 || die
-	distutils-r1_python_install_all
-	doman *.1
-	use doc && dodoc "${DISTDIR}/${P}"-user.{pdf,html}

diff --git a/dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0.ebuild b/dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8ec6d1a72d..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/scons/scons-4.4.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..11} )
-inherit distutils-r1 multiprocessing
-DESCRIPTION="Extensible Python-based build utility"
-	doc? (
-${PV}/PDF/${PN}-user.pdf -> ${P}-user.pdf
-${PV}/HTML/${PN}-user.html -> ${P}-user.html
-	)
-	test? (${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.gh.tar.gz )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="doc test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-	test? (
-		dev-libs/libxml2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/lxml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	)
-	# support env passthrough for Gentoo ebuilds
-	"${FILESDIR}"/scons-4.1.0-env-passthrough.patch
-	# respect CC, CXX, C*FLAGS, LDFLAGS by default
-	"${FILESDIR}"/scons-4.2.0-respect-cc-etc.patch
-src_unpack() {
-	# use the git directory structure, but put pregenerated release
-	# inside src/ subdirectory to make our life easier
-	if use test; then
-		unpack "${P}.gh.tar.gz"
-	else
-		mkdir -p "${P}"/src || die
-	fi
-	tar -C "${P}"/src --strip-components=1 --no-same-owner \
-		-xzf "${DISTDIR}/${MY_P}.tar.gz" || die
-src_prepare() {
-	# apply patches relatively to top directory
-	cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}" || die
-	distutils-r1_src_prepare
-	if use test; then
-		local remove_tests=(
-			# TODO: does not respect PATH?
-			test/Clang
-			# broken
-			test/DVIPDF/
-			test/Java/
-			test/Java/
-			test/TEX/
-			test/TEX/
-			# broken by commas in date, sic!
-			test/option/
-			test/Interactive/
-			# warnings from new binutils?
-			test/AS/
-			test/AS/
-			# hangs
-			test/
-		)
-		if ! use amd64 && ! use x86 ; then
-			# These tests are currently broken on arm and other non-amd64/x86 platforms
-			# Work seems to be ongoing in e.g. to
-			# better plumb up the MSVC tests for alternative arches.
-			# Try again after 4.2.0.
-			# See also:
-			# bug #757534
-			remove_tests+=(
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-			)
-		fi
-		rm -r "${remove_tests[@]}" || die
-	fi
-python_test() {
-	local -x COLUMNS=80
-	# set variable from escons() of scons-util.eclass to make env-passthrough patch work within test env
-	# unset some env variables to pass appropriate tests
-	cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}" || die
-	"${EPYTHON}" -a --passed \
-		-j "$(makeopts_jobs "${MAKEOPTS}" "$(get_nproc)")"
-	# script returns "0" if all tests are passed
-	# and returns "2" if there are any tests with "no result"
-	# (i.e. in case if some tools are not installed or it's Windows specific tests)
-	[[ ${?} == [02] ]] || die "Tests fail with ${EPYTHON}"
-python_install_all() {
-	rm "${ED}"/usr/*.1 || die
-	distutils-r1_python_install_all
-	doman *.1
-	use doc && dodoc "${DISTDIR}/${P}"-user.{pdf,html}

diff --git a/dev-util/scons/scons-4.5.1-r2.ebuild b/dev-util/scons/scons-4.5.1-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index abf7ca5ec4a0..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/scons/scons-4.5.1-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..11} )
-inherit distutils-r1 multiprocessing
-DESCRIPTION="Extensible Python-based build utility"
-		-> ${P}-mergeflags.patch
-		-> ${P}.gh.tar.gz
-	doc? (
-			-> ${P}-user.pdf
-			-> ${P}-user.html
-	)
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="doc test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-	test? (
-		dev-python/lxml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-		dev-python/psutil[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	)
-src_unpack() {
-	# use the git directory structure, then unpack the pypi tarball
-	# on top of it to make our life easier
-	unpack "${P}.gh.tar.gz"
-	tar -C "${P}" --strip-components=1 --no-same-owner \
-		-xzf "${DISTDIR}/${MY_P}.tar.gz" || die
-src_prepare() {
-	local PATCHES=(
-		#
-		"${DISTDIR}/${P}-mergeflags.patch"
-	)
-	distutils-r1_src_prepare
-	# TODO: rebase the patches <4.5.1-r2 is gone
-	# support env passthrough for Gentoo ebuilds
-	eapply -p2 "${FILESDIR}"/scons-4.1.0-env-passthrough.patch
-	# respect CC, CXX, C*FLAGS, LDFLAGS by default
-	eapply -p2 "${FILESDIR}"/scons-4.2.0-respect-cc-etc.patch
-	if use test; then
-		local remove_tests=(
-			# TODO: does not respect PATH?
-			test/Clang
-			# broken
-			test/DVIPDF/
-			test/Java/
-			test/Java/
-			test/TEX/
-			test/TEX/
-			# broken by commas in date, sic!
-			test/option/
-			test/Interactive/
-			# warnings from new binutils?
-			test/AS/
-			test/AS/
-			# hangs
-			test/
-			# requires f77 executable
-			test/Fortran/
-			test/Fortran/
-			test/Fortran/
-			# TODO, these seem to be caused by our patches
-			test/Repository/
-			test/Repository/
-			test/Repository/
-			test/virtualenv/activated/option/
-		)
-		if ! use amd64 && ! use x86 ; then
-			# These tests are currently broken on arm and other non-amd64/x86 platforms
-			# Work seems to be ongoing in e.g. to
-			# better plumb up the MSVC tests for alternative arches.
-			# Try again after 4.2.0.
-			# See also:
-			# bug #757534
-			remove_tests+=(
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-				test/MSVS/
-			)
-		fi
-		rm -r "${remove_tests[@]}" || die
-	fi
-python_test() {
-	local -x COLUMNS=80
-	# set variable from escons() of scons-util.eclass to make env-passthrough patch work within test env
-	# unset some env variables to pass appropriate tests
-	cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}" || die
-	"${EPYTHON}" -a --passed \
-		-j "$(makeopts_jobs "${MAKEOPTS}" "$(get_nproc)")"
-	# script returns "0" if all tests are passed
-	# and returns "2" if there are any tests with "no result"
-	# (i.e. in case if some tools are not installed or it's Windows specific tests)
-	[[ ${?} == [02] ]] || die "Tests fail with ${EPYTHON}"
-python_install_all() {
-	rm "${ED}"/usr/*.1 || die
-	distutils-r1_python_install_all
-	doman *.1
-	use doc && dodoc "${DISTDIR}/${P}"-user.{pdf,html}

             reply	other threads:[~2023-12-19  6:14 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 170+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2023-12-19  6:14 Michał Górny [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2024-01-09 18:43 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-util/scons/ Michał Górny
2023-12-26 16:37 Sam James
2023-12-21  8:05 Arthur Zamarin
2023-12-21  6:52 Sam James
2023-12-21  6:52 Sam James
2023-12-21  6:52 Sam James
2023-12-19  5:19 Sam James
2023-12-10 16:12 Michał Górny
2023-12-10 15:16 Michał Górny
2023-12-10  1:38 Ionen Wolkens
2023-11-20  6:56 Michał Górny
2023-10-06 12:29 Michał Górny
2023-08-20 13:21 Sam James
2023-08-20 13:11 Sam James
2023-08-20 10:57 Sam James
2023-08-20 10:42 Sam James
2023-08-20  8:50 Michał Górny
2023-08-20  8:50 Michał Górny
2023-03-21 16:45 Michał Górny
2023-03-21 12:44 Michał Górny
2023-03-21 12:44 Michał Górny
2023-03-21  5:31 Michał Górny
2023-03-20 19:29 Michał Górny
2023-03-07  8:11 Michał Górny
2023-01-15  7:32 Michał Górny
2023-01-06 15:27 Michał Górny
2022-12-19 18:37 Michał Górny
2022-12-19 16:46 Michał Górny
2022-12-19 15:12 Michał Górny
2022-09-08 11:24 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-09-06  9:00 Jakov Smolić
2022-09-05 14:03 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-09-05 14:02 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-09-05 14:02 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-09-05 14:01 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-09-04 17:48 Sam James
2022-08-01 17:32 Michał Górny
2022-05-14  5:32 WANG Xuerui
2022-02-25 23:41 Michał Górny
2022-02-25 21:50 Sam James
2022-02-11 21:10 Arthur Zamarin
2022-02-10 13:58 Sam James
2022-02-10 11:43 Sam James
2022-02-10 11:43 Sam James
2022-02-10 11:43 Sam James
2022-02-10 10:45 Jakov Smolić
2021-12-25 21:52 Michał Górny
2021-10-13  2:38 Sam James
2021-10-04 19:16 Sam James
2021-10-03 17:50 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-10-02 23:51 Sam James
2021-10-02 23:50 Sam James
2021-09-27 18:13 Sam James
2021-09-27  6:57 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-09-27  6:55 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-08-01  8:17 Michał Górny
2021-07-27 11:00 Marek Szuba
2021-03-28 11:51 Sam James
2021-03-06 10:25 Sergei Trofimovich
2021-03-05 21:41 Sam James
2021-03-05 18:50 Sam James
2021-03-05 18:50 Sam James
2021-03-05 15:02 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-03-05 14:19 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-02-05 21:47 Sam James
2021-02-05 21:46 Sam James
2021-01-06 22:55 Fabian Groffen
2020-12-13 23:35 Sam James
2020-11-09 15:15 Michał Górny
2020-10-06 19:43 Sam James
2020-09-26 16:21 Michał Górny
2020-09-26 12:51 Michał Górny
2020-09-24  6:46 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-09-20 21:52 Thomas Deutschmann
2020-09-19  2:10 Sam James
2020-09-18 16:56 Michał Górny
2020-09-18 11:02 Michał Górny
2020-09-18  9:38 Michał Górny
2020-09-16 17:48 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-09-14 16:34 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-07-21 12:39 Michał Górny
2020-07-11 13:59 Michał Górny
2020-04-08 20:53 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-04-06 17:45 Mike Gilbert
2020-02-24 11:31 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-21 15:57 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-17 12:21 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-17 12:17 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-17 12:09 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-17 11:53 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-17 11:45 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-16 20:51 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-12-24 20:02 Mikle Kolyada
2019-12-17  7:35 Michał Górny
2019-12-17  7:35 Michał Górny
2019-11-11 19:39 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-09-13 18:51 Mikle Kolyada
2019-09-09 17:21 Aaron Bauman
2019-09-09  6:02 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-09-09  6:00 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-09-09  5:54 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-09-09  5:50 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-09-09  5:49 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-09-08 19:15 Thomas Deutschmann
2019-09-08  6:43 Michał Górny
2019-08-08 21:48 Michał Górny
2019-07-28 19:53 Mikle Kolyada
2019-07-23 23:49 Aaron Bauman
2019-07-21  6:44 Michał Górny
2019-06-15 14:19 Michał Górny
2019-06-15 14:19 Michał Górny
2019-06-15 14:19 Michał Górny
2019-06-15 14:19 Michał Górny
2019-06-15 14:19 Michał Górny
2019-06-15 14:19 Michał Górny
2019-06-06  6:46 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-05-30 20:33 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-05-30 20:30 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-05-30 20:08 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-05-30 20:05 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-05-26 22:27 Thomas Deutschmann
2019-05-26 11:35 Mikle Kolyada
2019-05-26  8:27 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-05-24 21:43 Michał Górny
2019-04-28 13:03 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-04-28  7:42 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-04-22 12:07 Michał Górny
2019-04-20 17:57 Mikle Kolyada
2019-03-27 13:12 Michał Górny
2019-03-16 14:06 Mikle Kolyada
2019-03-15  8:11 Mikle Kolyada
2019-03-14 21:53 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-03-14 19:41 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-01-24  7:50 Michał Górny
2018-09-06 21:22 Michał Górny
2018-06-13  7:31 Michał Górny
2018-05-26  9:21 Mikle Kolyada
2018-05-10 11:48 Fabian Groffen
2018-05-09 15:26 Michał Górny
2018-05-09 14:30 Michał Górny
2018-05-09 14:30 Michał Górny
2018-04-25 12:26 Mart Raudsepp
2018-04-19 22:14 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-04-18 20:56 Mikle Kolyada
2018-04-05 23:19 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-04-01 11:09 Tobias Klausmann
2018-03-30 13:32 Aaron Bauman
2018-03-27 22:32 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-03-27 19:07 Sergei Trofimovich
2017-10-29 21:51 Matt Thode
2017-04-23 20:48 Michał Górny
2017-03-01  0:35 Michael Weber
2017-01-15 19:37 Jeroen Roovers
2017-01-04 17:09 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-12-17 12:24 Aaron Bauman
2016-11-26 10:02 Markus Meier
2016-11-15 14:53 Tobias Klausmann
2016-11-06  9:38 Michał Górny
2016-11-04  8:21 Lars Wendler
2016-04-20  6:35 Lars Wendler
2016-04-20  6:35 Lars Wendler
2016-02-08  8:15 Fabian Groffen
2015-11-11 10:37 Lars Wendler
2015-09-23  0:16 Mike Gilbert
2015-09-22  8:54 Lars Wendler
2015-09-22  8:54 Lars Wendler
2015-09-17 22:36 Patrice Clement
2015-09-14 13:49 Tobias Klausmann
2015-09-14  3:24 Jeroen Roovers

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