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* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: profiles/, dev-lang/ruby/
@ 2023-09-23  0:58 Jakov Smolić
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From: Jakov Smolić @ 2023-09-23  0:58 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     a106affe69cc008785e38457af7e8befe9605521
Author:     Jakov Smolić <jsmolic <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Sep 23 00:54:22 2023 +0000
Commit:     Jakov Smolić <jsmolic <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Sep 23 00:54:22 2023 +0000

dev-lang/ruby: drop 3.0.6-r3

Signed-off-by: Jakov Smolić <jsmolic <AT>>

 dev-lang/ruby/Manifest             |   1 -
 dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.0.6-r3.ebuild | 290 -------------------------------------
 profiles/package.mask              |   6 -
 3 files changed, 297 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest b/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
index 636c05c17eb5..553f3a158bd1 100644
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-DIST ruby-3.0.6.tar.xz 15864560 BLAKE2B e1fca86cdf267fc2289ef4d605fdf0023265c3a291ca4088361c0acd64310a7c41bf0750b4ac762157c20ceaa5df8bdc0a67374bcad9654bca5c3fc8630ff89c SHA512 abbf883cd9f3ddbd171df8f8c3cd35d930623c4c01a5e01387de0aee9811cca7604b82163e18e04f809773bf1ca5a450f13f62f3db14f191f610e116ae4fa6f8
 DIST ruby-3.1.4.tar.xz 15316604 BLAKE2B 5d771c267451c05ae192991976957d43d1131e652ac5a90a8dfff9deba97cf6b139d0113f5d2ed44225a545aa79a1c732555de1efc83d1010d097ec35f7e92dd SHA512 a627bb629a10750b8b2081ad451a41faea0fc85d95aa1e267e3d2a0f56a35bb58195d4a8d13bbdbd82f4197a96dae22b1cee1dfc83861ec33a67ece07aef5633
 DIST ruby-3.2.2.tar.xz 15118856 BLAKE2B 8e09fb0f6808d4572f86ea190db4f4b950ff3a13391bf7bc3e515b6d14f356d3f7c1eb5bbbe2de460ef78edee54462fdf9be56722cd9e27a613febfe45f8c40a SHA512 a29f24cd80f563f6368952d06d6273f7241a409fa9ab2f60e03dde2ac58ca06bee1750715b6134caebf4c061d3503446dc37a6059e19860bb0010eef34951935

diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.0.6-r3.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.0.6-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index fc394df452a0..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.0.6-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm ipv6 jemalloc jit +rdoc rubytests socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
-	berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
-	gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
-	jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
-	jit? ( || ( sys-devel/gcc:* sys-devel/clang:* ) )
-	ssl? (
-		=dev-libs/openssl-1.1*:0=
-	)
-	socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
-	systemtap? ( dev-util/systemtap )
-	tk? (
-		dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
-		dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
-	)
-	dev-libs/libyaml
-	dev-libs/libffi:=
-	sys-libs/readline:0=
-	sys-libs/zlib
-	virtual/libcrypt:=
-	>=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20201225
-	valgrind? ( dev-util/valgrind )
-	>=dev-ruby/minitest-5.14.2[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/power_assert-1.2.0[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/rbs-1.0.0[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.4[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/rss-0.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.3.7[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.11.0[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/bundler-2.2.15[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.5.0[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	>=dev-ruby/json-2.5.1[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)]
-	rdoc? ( >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.0[ruby_targets_ruby30(-)] )
-	xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-src_prepare() {
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/010*.patch
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
-	if use elibc_musl ; then
-		eapply "${FILESDIR}"/3.0/900-musl-*.patch
-		eapply "${FILESDIR}"/3.0/901-musl-*.patch
-	fi
-	einfo "Unbundling gems..."
-	cd "$S"
-	# Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
-	# 539700.
-	rm -fr gems/* || die
-	touch gems/bundled_gems || die
-	# Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
-	rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
-	sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
-	einfo "Removing bundled libraries..."
-	rm -fr ext/fiddle/libffi-3.2.1 || die
-	if use prefix ; then
-		# Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
-		sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
-		if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
-			# avoid symlink loop on Darwin (?!)
-			sed -i \
- || die
-			# make ar/libtool hack for Darwin work
-			sed -i \
-				-e "s/ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR='libtool/ac_cv_prog_AR='${CHOST}-libtool/" \
- || die
-			# disable using security framework (GCC barfs on those headers)
-			sed -i \
-				random.c || die
-		fi
-	fi
-	eapply_user
-	eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
-	local modules= myconf=
-	# Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
-	# handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
-	# and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
-	# Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
-	# is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
-	local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
-	export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
-	# -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
-	filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
-	# In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
-	# as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
-	append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
-	# Socks support via dante
-	if use socks5 ; then
-		# Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
-		# set and socks library is present, so need to unset
-		# SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
-	fi
-	# Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
-	if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
-	fi
-	# ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
-	use ipv6 || myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
-	# Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
-	if ! use berkdb ; then
-		modules="${modules},dbm"
-	fi
-	if ! use gdbm ; then
-		modules="${modules},gdbm"
-	fi
-	if ! use ssl ; then
-		modules="${modules},openssl"
-	fi
-	if ! use tk ; then
-		modules="${modules},tk"
-	fi
-	# Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
-	# need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
-	# #564272
-	INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" LIBPATHENV="" econf \
-		--program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
-		--with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
-		--with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
-		--enable-shared \
-		--enable-pthread \
-		--disable-rpath \
-		--without-baseruby \
-		--with-compress-debug-sections=no \
-		--enable-mkmf-verbose \
-		--with-out-ext="${modules}" \
-		$(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
-		$(use_enable jit jit-support ) \
-		$(use_enable socks5 socks) \
-		$(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
-		$(use_enable doc install-doc) \
-		--enable-ipv6 \
-		$(use_enable static-libs static) \
-		$(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
-		$(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
-		$(use_enable debug) \
-		$(use_with valgrind) \
-		${myconf} \
-		--enable-option-checking=no
-	# Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
-	rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
-	emake -j1 V=1 test
-	elog "Ruby's make test has been run. Ruby also ships with a make check"
-	elog "that cannot be run until after ruby has been installed."
-	elog
-	if use rubytests; then
-		elog "You have enabled rubytests, so they will be installed to"
-		elog "/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/test. To run them you must be a user other"
-		elog "than root, and you must place them into a writeable directory."
-		elog "Then call: "
-		elog
-		elog "ruby${MY_SUFFIX} -C /location/of/tests runner.rb"
-	else
-		elog "Enable the rubytests USE flag to install the make check tests"
-	fi
-src_install() {
-	# Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
-	# since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
-	# documentation.
-	einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
-	rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
-	# Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
-	unset RUBYOPT
-	local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
-	if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
-	fi
-	RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
-	for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
-	done
-	# Create directory for the default gems
-	local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
-	mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
-	emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
-	# Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
-	rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
-	rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
-	rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
-	rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
-	if use doc; then
-		emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
-	fi
-	if use examples; then
-		dodoc -r sample
-	fi
-	dodoc ChangeLog doc/NEWS* README*
-	if use rubytests; then
-		pushd test
-		insinto /usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/test
-		doins -r .
-		popd
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
-		eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
-	fi
-	elog
-	elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
-	elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
-	elog
-pkg_postrm() {
-	eselect ruby cleanup

diff --git a/profiles/package.mask b/profiles/package.mask
index ae4e952eb974..19f81af59817 100644
--- a/profiles/package.mask
+++ b/profiles/package.mask
@@ -284,12 +284,6 @@ dev-python/sphinx_ansible_theme
 # Removal on 2023-09-19.  Bug #880415.
-# Hans de Graaff <> (2023-08-19)
-# Ruby 3.0 is not compatible with OpenSSL 3 and consequently will be
-# masked earlier than its upstream EOL date. Please use a newer Ruby
-# version instead. Masked for removal on 2023-09-19.
 # Sam James <> (2023-08-18)
 # Masked for testing.

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2023-09-23  0:58 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: profiles/, dev-lang/ruby/ Jakov Smolić

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