From: "Matthias Maier" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-print/cups/
Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 08:05:54 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1684915487.8233a46379548cb8d95db3d76bbad8d86dcbc5d6.tamiko@gentoo> (raw)
commit: 8233a46379548cb8d95db3d76bbad8d86dcbc5d6
Author: Matthias Maier <tamiko <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed May 24 08:03:50 2023 +0000
Commit: Matthias Maier <tamiko <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed May 24 08:04:47 2023 +0000
net-print/cups: drop 2.4.2-r4, 2.4.2-r5, 2.4.2-r6
Signed-off-by: Matthias Maier <tamiko <AT>>
net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r4.ebuild | 319 -----------------------------------
net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r5.ebuild | 320 -----------------------------------
net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r6.ebuild | 321 ------------------------------------
3 files changed, 960 deletions(-)
diff --git a/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r4.ebuild b/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ba66dc72a90a..000000000000
--- a/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools linux-info xdg multilib-minimal optfeature pam toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999 ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] && EGIT_BRANCH=branch-${PV/.9999}
- SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/cups-${MY_PV}-source.tar.gz"
- if [[ ${PV} != *_beta* ]] && [[ ${PV} != *_rc* ]] ; then
- KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86"
- fi
-DESCRIPTION="The Common Unix Printing System"
-IUSE="acl dbus debug kerberos openssl pam selinux +ssl static-libs systemd test usb X xinetd zeroconf"
-# As of 2.4.2, they don't actually seem to be interactive (they pass some flags
-# by default to input for us), but they fail on some greyscale issue w/ poppler?
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test ) test"
- acct-group/lp
- acct-group/lpadmin
- virtual/pkgconfig
- app-text/libpaper:=
- sys-libs/zlib
- acl? (
- kernel_linux? (
- sys-apps/acl
- sys-apps/attr
- )
- )
- dbus? ( >=sys-apps/dbus-1.6.18-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- kerberos? ( >=virtual/krb5-0-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- !pam? ( virtual/libcrypt:= )
- ssl? (
- !openssl? ( >=net-libs/gnutls-2.12.23-r6:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- usb? ( virtual/libusb:1 )
- X? ( x11-misc/xdg-utils )
- xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )
- zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.31-r2[dbus,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- acct-group/lp
- acct-group/lpadmin
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-cups )
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4.1-nostrip.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4.1-user-AR.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4.2-no-fortify-override.patch"
- /usr/bin/cups-config
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- if ! linux_config_exists; then
- ewarn "Can't check the linux kernel configuration."
- ewarn "You might have some incompatible options enabled."
- else
- # Recheck that we don't have usblp to collide with libusb; this should now work in most cases (bug #501122)
- if use usb; then
- if linux_chkconfig_present USB_PRINTER; then
- elog "Your USB printers will be managed via libusb. In case you run into problems, "
- elog "please try disabling USB_PRINTER support in your kernel or blacklisting the"
- elog "usblp kernel module."
- elog "Alternatively, just disable the usb useflag for cups (your printer will still work)."
- fi
- else
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present USB_PRINTER; then
- ewarn "If you plan to use USB printers you should enable the USB_PRINTER"
- ewarn "support in your kernel."
- ewarn "Please enable it:"
- ewarn "in /usr/src/linux/.config or"
- ewarn " Device Drivers --->"
- ewarn " USB support --->"
- ewarn " [*] USB Printer support"
- ewarn "Alternatively, enable the usb useflag for cups and use the libusb code."
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Remove ".SILENT" rule for verbose output (bug #524338).
- sed 's#^.SILENT:##g' -i || die
- AT_M4DIR="config-scripts" eautoreconf
- # Custom Makefiles
- multilib_copy_sources
-multilib_src_configure() {
- export DSOFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}"
- # Explicitly specify compiler wrt bug #524340
- #
- # Need to override KRB5CONFIG for proper flags
- #
- local myeconfargs=(
- CC="$(tc-getCC)"
- CXX="$(tc-getCXX)"
- KRB5CONFIG="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/${CHOST}-krb5-config
- --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
- --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
- # Follow Fedora permission setting
- --with-cupsd-file-perm=0755
- --with-exe-file-perm=755
- --with-log-file-perm=0640
- # Used by Debian, also prevents printers from getting
- # disabled and users not knowing how to re-enable them
- --with-error-policy=retry-job
- # Used in Debian and Fedora
- --enable-sync-on-close
- #
- --with-rundir="${EPREFIX}"/run/cups
- --with-pkgconfpath="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
- --with-cups-user=lp
- --with-cups-group=lp
- --with-docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/cups/html
- --with-system-groups=lpadmin
- --with-xinetd="${EPREFIX}"/etc/xinetd.d
- $(multilib_native_use_enable acl)
- $(use_enable dbus)
- $(use_enable debug)
- $(use_enable debug debug-guards)
- $(use_enable debug debug-printfs)
- $(use_enable kerberos gssapi)
- $(multilib_native_use_enable pam)
- $(use_enable static-libs static)
- $(use_enable test unit-tests)
- # USE="ssl" => gnutls
- # USE="ssl openssl" => openssl
- $(use_with ssl tls $(usex openssl openssl gnutls))
- $(use_with systemd ondemand systemd)
- $(multilib_native_use_enable usb libusb)
- $(use_with zeroconf dnssd avahi)
- $(multilib_is_native_abi && echo --enable-libpaper || echo --disable-libpaper)
- )
- # Handle empty LINGUAS properly, bug #771162
- if [[ -n "${LINGUAS+x}" ]] ; then
- myeconfargs+=(
- --with-languages="${LINGUAS}"
- )
- fi
- if tc-is-static-only; then
- myeconfargs+=(
- --disable-shared
- )
- fi
- # Install in /usr/libexec always, instead of using /usr/lib/cups, as that
- # makes more sense when facing multilib support.
- sed -i -e 's:CUPS_SERVERBIN="$exec_prefix/lib/cups":CUPS_SERVERBIN="$exec_prefix/libexec/cups":g' configure ||die
- # Don't use the libtool build
- #
- #
- unset LIBTOOL
- econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
- sed -i -e "s:SERVERBIN.*:SERVERBIN = \"\$\(BUILDROOT\)${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" Makedefs || die
- sed -i -e "s:#define CUPS_SERVERBIN.*:#define CUPS_SERVERBIN \"${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" config.h || die
- sed -i -e "s:cups_serverbin=.*:cups_serverbin=\"${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" cups-config || die
- # Additional path corrections needed for prefix, see bug #597728
- sed \
- -e "s:ICONDIR.*:ICONDIR = ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/icons:" \
- -e "s:INITDIR.*:INITDIR = ${EPREFIX}/etc:" \
- -e "s:DBUSDIR.*:DBUSDIR = ${EPREFIX}/etc/dbus-1:" \
- -e "s:MENUDIR.*:MENUDIR = ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/applications:" \
- -i Makedefs || die
-multilib_src_compile() {
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- default
- else
- emake libs
- fi
-multilib_src_test() {
- # Avoid using /tmp
- export CUPS_TESTBASE="${T}"/cups-tests
- mkdir "${T}"/cups-tests || die
- # We only build some of CUPS for multilib, so can't run the tests.
- multilib_is_native_abi && default
-multilib_src_install() {
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- emake BUILDROOT="${D}" install
- else
- emake BUILDROOT="${D}" install-libs install-headers
- dobin cups-config
- fi
-multilib_src_install_all() {
- # Move the default config file to docs
- dodoc "${ED}"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default
- rm "${ED}"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default || die
- # Clean out cups init scripts
- rm -r "${ED}"/etc/{init.d/cups,rc*} || die
- # Install our init script
- local neededservices=(
- $(usex zeroconf avahi-daemon '')
- $(usex dbus dbus '')
- )
- [[ -n ${neededservices[@]} ]] && neededservices="need ${neededservices[@]}"
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/cupsd.init.d-r4 "${T}"/cupsd || die
- sed -i -e "s/@neededservices@/${neededservices}/" "${T}"/cupsd || die
- doinitd "${T}"/cupsd
- if use pam ; then
- rm "${ED}"/etc/pam.d/${PN} || die
- pamd_mimic_system cups auth account
- fi
- if use xinetd ; then
- # Correct path
- sed -i -e "s:server = .*:server = /usr/libexec/cups/daemon/cups-lpd:" \
- "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || die
- # It is safer to disable this by default, bug #137130
- grep -w 'disable' "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || \
- { sed -i -e "s:}:\tdisable = yes\n}:" "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || die ; }
- # Write permission for file owner (root), bug #296221
- fperms u+w /etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd
- else
- # Always configure with --with-xinetd= and clean up later,
- # bug #525604
- rm -r "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d || die
- fi
- keepdir /etc/cups/{interfaces,ppd,ssl}
- if ! use X ; then
- rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/applications || die
- fi
- # Create /etc/cups/client.conf, bug #196967 and bug #266678
- echo "ServerName ${EPREFIX}/run/cups/cups.sock" >> "${ED}"/etc/cups/client.conf
- # The following file is now provided by cups-filter:
- rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/cups/banners || die
- # The following are created by the init script
- rm -r "${ED}"/var/cache || die
- rm -r "${ED}"/run || die
- keepdir /usr/libexec/cups/driver /usr/share/cups/{model,profiles} /var/log/cups /var/spool/cups/tmp
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- local v
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- if ! ver_test ${v} -ge 2.2.2-r2 ; then
- ewarn "The cupsd init script switched to using pidfiles. Shutting down"
- ewarn "cupsd will fail the next time. To fix this, please run once as root"
- ewarn " killall cupsd ; /etc/init.d/cupsd zap ; /etc/init.d/cupsd start"
- break
- fi
- done
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- elog
- elog "For information about installing a printer and general cups setup"
- elog "take a look at:"
- break
- done
- optfeature_header "CUPS may need installing the following for certain features to work:"
- use zeroconf && optfeature "local hostname resolution using a hostname.local naming scheme" sys-auth/nss-mdns
diff --git a/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r5.ebuild b/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f79804831192..000000000000
--- a/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools linux-info xdg multilib-minimal optfeature pam toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999 ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] && EGIT_BRANCH=branch-${PV/.9999}
- SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/cups-${MY_PV}-source.tar.gz"
- if [[ ${PV} != *_beta* ]] && [[ ${PV} != *_rc* ]] ; then
- KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86"
- fi
-DESCRIPTION="The Common Unix Printing System"
-IUSE="acl dbus debug kerberos openssl pam selinux +ssl static-libs systemd test usb X xinetd zeroconf"
-# As of 2.4.2, they don't actually seem to be interactive (they pass some flags
-# by default to input for us), but they fail on some greyscale issue w/ poppler?
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test ) test"
- acct-group/lp
- acct-group/lpadmin
- virtual/pkgconfig
- app-text/libpaper:=
- sys-libs/zlib
- acl? (
- kernel_linux? (
- sys-apps/acl
- sys-apps/attr
- )
- )
- dbus? ( >=sys-apps/dbus-1.6.18-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- kerberos? ( >=virtual/krb5-0-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- !pam? ( virtual/libcrypt:= )
- ssl? (
- !openssl? ( >=net-libs/gnutls-2.12.23-r6:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- usb? ( virtual/libusb:1 )
- X? ( x11-misc/xdg-utils )
- xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )
- zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.31-r2[dbus,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- acct-group/lp
- acct-group/lpadmin
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-cups )
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4.1-nostrip.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4.1-user-AR.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4.2-no-fortify-override.patch"
- /usr/bin/cups-config
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- if ! linux_config_exists; then
- ewarn "Can't check the linux kernel configuration."
- ewarn "You might have some incompatible options enabled."
- else
- # Recheck that we don't have usblp to collide with libusb; this should now work in most cases (bug #501122)
- if use usb; then
- if linux_chkconfig_present USB_PRINTER; then
- elog "Your USB printers will be managed via libusb. In case you run into problems, "
- elog "please try disabling USB_PRINTER support in your kernel or blacklisting the"
- elog "usblp kernel module."
- elog "Alternatively, just disable the usb useflag for cups (your printer will still work)."
- fi
- else
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present USB_PRINTER; then
- ewarn "If you plan to use USB printers you should enable the USB_PRINTER"
- ewarn "support in your kernel."
- ewarn "Please enable it:"
- ewarn "in /usr/src/linux/.config or"
- ewarn " Device Drivers --->"
- ewarn " USB support --->"
- ewarn " [*] USB Printer support"
- ewarn "Alternatively, enable the usb useflag for cups and use the libusb code."
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Remove ".SILENT" rule for verbose output (bug #524338).
- sed 's#^.SILENT:##g' -i || die
- AT_M4DIR="config-scripts" eautoreconf
- # Custom Makefiles
- multilib_copy_sources
-multilib_src_configure() {
- export DSOFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}"
- # Explicitly specify compiler wrt bug #524340
- #
- # Need to override KRB5CONFIG for proper flags
- #
- local myeconfargs=(
- CC="$(tc-getCC)"
- CXX="$(tc-getCXX)"
- KRB5CONFIG="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/${CHOST}-krb5-config
- --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
- --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
- # Follow Fedora permission setting
- --with-cupsd-file-perm=0755
- --with-exe-file-perm=755
- --with-log-file-perm=0640
- # Used by Debian, also prevents printers from getting
- # disabled and users not knowing how to re-enable them
- --with-error-policy=retry-job
- # Used in Debian and Fedora
- --enable-sync-on-close
- #
- --with-rundir="${EPREFIX}"/run/cups
- --with-pkgconfpath="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
- --with-cups-user=lp
- --with-cups-group=lp
- --with-docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/cups/html
- # See bug #863221 for adding root
- --with-system-groups="root lpadmin"
- --with-xinetd="${EPREFIX}"/etc/xinetd.d
- $(multilib_native_use_enable acl)
- $(use_enable dbus)
- $(use_enable debug)
- $(use_enable debug debug-guards)
- $(use_enable debug debug-printfs)
- $(use_enable kerberos gssapi)
- $(multilib_native_use_enable pam)
- $(use_enable static-libs static)
- $(use_enable test unit-tests)
- # USE="ssl" => gnutls
- # USE="ssl openssl" => openssl
- $(use_with ssl tls $(usex openssl openssl gnutls))
- $(use_with systemd ondemand systemd)
- $(multilib_native_use_enable usb libusb)
- $(use_with zeroconf dnssd avahi)
- $(multilib_is_native_abi && echo --enable-libpaper || echo --disable-libpaper)
- )
- # Handle empty LINGUAS properly, bug #771162
- if [[ -n "${LINGUAS+x}" ]] ; then
- myeconfargs+=(
- --with-languages="${LINGUAS}"
- )
- fi
- if tc-is-static-only; then
- myeconfargs+=(
- --disable-shared
- )
- fi
- # Install in /usr/libexec always, instead of using /usr/lib/cups, as that
- # makes more sense when facing multilib support.
- sed -i -e 's:CUPS_SERVERBIN="$exec_prefix/lib/cups":CUPS_SERVERBIN="$exec_prefix/libexec/cups":g' configure ||die
- # Don't use the libtool build
- #
- #
- unset LIBTOOL
- econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
- sed -i -e "s:SERVERBIN.*:SERVERBIN = \"\$\(BUILDROOT\)${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" Makedefs || die
- sed -i -e "s:#define CUPS_SERVERBIN.*:#define CUPS_SERVERBIN \"${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" config.h || die
- sed -i -e "s:cups_serverbin=.*:cups_serverbin=\"${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" cups-config || die
- # Additional path corrections needed for prefix, see bug #597728
- sed \
- -e "s:ICONDIR.*:ICONDIR = ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/icons:" \
- -e "s:INITDIR.*:INITDIR = ${EPREFIX}/etc:" \
- -e "s:DBUSDIR.*:DBUSDIR = ${EPREFIX}/etc/dbus-1:" \
- -e "s:MENUDIR.*:MENUDIR = ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/applications:" \
- -i Makedefs || die
-multilib_src_compile() {
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- default
- else
- emake libs
- fi
-multilib_src_test() {
- # Avoid using /tmp
- export CUPS_TESTBASE="${T}"/cups-tests
- mkdir "${T}"/cups-tests || die
- # We only build some of CUPS for multilib, so can't run the tests.
- multilib_is_native_abi && default
-multilib_src_install() {
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- emake BUILDROOT="${D}" install
- else
- emake BUILDROOT="${D}" install-libs install-headers
- dobin cups-config
- fi
-multilib_src_install_all() {
- # Move the default config file to docs
- dodoc "${ED}"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default
- rm "${ED}"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default || die
- # Clean out cups init scripts
- rm -r "${ED}"/etc/{init.d/cups,rc*} || die
- # Install our init script
- local neededservices=(
- $(usex zeroconf avahi-daemon '')
- $(usex dbus dbus '')
- )
- [[ -n ${neededservices[@]} ]] && neededservices="need ${neededservices[@]}"
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/cupsd.init.d-r4 "${T}"/cupsd || die
- sed -i -e "s/@neededservices@/${neededservices}/" "${T}"/cupsd || die
- doinitd "${T}"/cupsd
- if use pam ; then
- rm "${ED}"/etc/pam.d/${PN} || die
- pamd_mimic_system cups auth account
- fi
- if use xinetd ; then
- # Correct path
- sed -i -e "s:server = .*:server = /usr/libexec/cups/daemon/cups-lpd:" \
- "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || die
- # It is safer to disable this by default, bug #137130
- grep -w 'disable' "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || \
- { sed -i -e "s:}:\tdisable = yes\n}:" "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || die ; }
- # Write permission for file owner (root), bug #296221
- fperms u+w /etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd
- else
- # Always configure with --with-xinetd= and clean up later,
- # bug #525604
- rm -r "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d || die
- fi
- keepdir /etc/cups/{interfaces,ppd,ssl}
- if ! use X ; then
- rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/applications || die
- fi
- # Create /etc/cups/client.conf, bug #196967 and bug #266678
- echo "ServerName ${EPREFIX}/run/cups/cups.sock" >> "${ED}"/etc/cups/client.conf
- # The following file is now provided by cups-filter:
- rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/cups/banners || die
- # The following are created by the init script
- rm -r "${ED}"/var/cache || die
- rm -r "${ED}"/run || die
- keepdir /usr/libexec/cups/driver /usr/share/cups/{model,profiles} /var/log/cups /var/spool/cups/tmp
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- local v
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- if ! ver_test ${v} -ge 2.2.2-r2 ; then
- ewarn "The cupsd init script switched to using pidfiles. Shutting down"
- ewarn "cupsd will fail the next time. To fix this, please run once as root"
- ewarn " killall cupsd ; /etc/init.d/cupsd zap ; /etc/init.d/cupsd start"
- break
- fi
- done
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- elog
- elog "For information about installing a printer and general cups setup"
- elog "take a look at:"
- break
- done
- optfeature_header "CUPS may need installing the following for certain features to work:"
- use zeroconf && optfeature "local hostname resolution using a hostname.local naming scheme" sys-auth/nss-mdns
diff --git a/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r6.ebuild b/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index cca046d335e0..000000000000
--- a/net-print/cups/cups-2.4.2-r6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools linux-info xdg multilib-minimal optfeature pam toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999 ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] && EGIT_BRANCH=branch-${PV/.9999}
- SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/cups-${MY_PV}-source.tar.gz"
- if [[ ${PV} != *_beta* ]] && [[ ${PV} != *_rc* ]] ; then
- KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86"
- fi
-DESCRIPTION="The Common Unix Printing System"
-IUSE="acl dbus debug kerberos openssl pam selinux +ssl static-libs systemd test usb X xinetd zeroconf"
-# As of 2.4.2, they don't actually seem to be interactive (they pass some flags
-# by default to input for us), but they fail on some greyscale issue w/ poppler?
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test ) test"
- acct-group/lp
- acct-group/lpadmin
- virtual/pkgconfig
- app-text/libpaper:=
- sys-libs/zlib
- acl? (
- kernel_linux? (
- sys-apps/acl
- sys-apps/attr
- )
- )
- dbus? ( >=sys-apps/dbus-1.6.18-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- kerberos? ( >=virtual/krb5-0-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- !pam? ( virtual/libcrypt:= )
- ssl? (
- !openssl? ( >=net-libs/gnutls-2.12.23-r6:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- usb? ( virtual/libusb:1 )
- X? ( x11-misc/xdg-utils )
- xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )
- zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.31-r2[dbus,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- acct-group/lp
- acct-group/lpadmin
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-cups )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.4.1-nostrip.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.4.1-user-AR.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.4.2-no-fortify-override.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-openssl-intermediate-certs.patch
- /usr/bin/cups-config
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- if ! linux_config_exists; then
- ewarn "Can't check the linux kernel configuration."
- ewarn "You might have some incompatible options enabled."
- else
- # Recheck that we don't have usblp to collide with libusb; this should now work in most cases (bug #501122)
- if use usb; then
- if linux_chkconfig_present USB_PRINTER; then
- elog "Your USB printers will be managed via libusb. In case you run into problems, "
- elog "please try disabling USB_PRINTER support in your kernel or blacklisting the"
- elog "usblp kernel module."
- elog "Alternatively, just disable the usb useflag for cups (your printer will still work)."
- fi
- else
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present USB_PRINTER; then
- ewarn "If you plan to use USB printers you should enable the USB_PRINTER"
- ewarn "support in your kernel."
- ewarn "Please enable it:"
- ewarn "in /usr/src/linux/.config or"
- ewarn " Device Drivers --->"
- ewarn " USB support --->"
- ewarn " [*] USB Printer support"
- ewarn "Alternatively, enable the usb useflag for cups and use the libusb code."
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Remove ".SILENT" rule for verbose output (bug #524338).
- sed 's#^.SILENT:##g' -i || die
- AT_M4DIR="config-scripts" eautoreconf
- # Custom Makefiles
- multilib_copy_sources
-multilib_src_configure() {
- export DSOFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}"
- # Explicitly specify compiler wrt bug #524340
- #
- # Need to override KRB5CONFIG for proper flags
- #
- local myeconfargs=(
- CC="$(tc-getCC)"
- CXX="$(tc-getCXX)"
- KRB5CONFIG="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/${CHOST}-krb5-config
- --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
- --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
- # Follow Fedora permission setting
- --with-cupsd-file-perm=0755
- --with-exe-file-perm=755
- --with-log-file-perm=0640
- # Used by Debian, also prevents printers from getting
- # disabled and users not knowing how to re-enable them
- --with-error-policy=retry-job
- # Used in Debian and Fedora
- --enable-sync-on-close
- #
- --with-rundir="${EPREFIX}"/run/cups
- --with-pkgconfpath="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
- --with-cups-user=lp
- --with-cups-group=lp
- --with-docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/cups/html
- # See bug #863221 for adding root
- --with-system-groups="root lpadmin"
- --with-xinetd="${EPREFIX}"/etc/xinetd.d
- $(multilib_native_use_enable acl)
- $(use_enable dbus)
- $(use_enable debug)
- $(use_enable debug debug-guards)
- $(use_enable debug debug-printfs)
- $(use_enable kerberos gssapi)
- $(multilib_native_use_enable pam)
- $(use_enable static-libs static)
- $(use_enable test unit-tests)
- # USE="ssl" => gnutls
- # USE="ssl openssl" => openssl
- $(use_with ssl tls $(usex openssl openssl gnutls))
- $(use_with systemd ondemand systemd)
- $(multilib_native_use_enable usb libusb)
- $(use_with zeroconf dnssd avahi)
- $(multilib_is_native_abi && echo --enable-libpaper || echo --disable-libpaper)
- )
- # Handle empty LINGUAS properly, bug #771162
- if [[ -n "${LINGUAS+x}" ]] ; then
- myeconfargs+=(
- --with-languages="${LINGUAS}"
- )
- fi
- if tc-is-static-only; then
- myeconfargs+=(
- --disable-shared
- )
- fi
- # Install in /usr/libexec always, instead of using /usr/lib/cups, as that
- # makes more sense when facing multilib support.
- sed -i -e 's:CUPS_SERVERBIN="$exec_prefix/lib/cups":CUPS_SERVERBIN="$exec_prefix/libexec/cups":g' configure ||die
- # Don't use the libtool build
- #
- #
- unset LIBTOOL
- econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
- sed -i -e "s:SERVERBIN.*:SERVERBIN = \"\$\(BUILDROOT\)${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" Makedefs || die
- sed -i -e "s:#define CUPS_SERVERBIN.*:#define CUPS_SERVERBIN \"${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" config.h || die
- sed -i -e "s:cups_serverbin=.*:cups_serverbin=\"${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/cups\":" cups-config || die
- # Additional path corrections needed for prefix, see bug #597728
- sed \
- -e "s:ICONDIR.*:ICONDIR = ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/icons:" \
- -e "s:INITDIR.*:INITDIR = ${EPREFIX}/etc:" \
- -e "s:DBUSDIR.*:DBUSDIR = ${EPREFIX}/etc/dbus-1:" \
- -e "s:MENUDIR.*:MENUDIR = ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/applications:" \
- -i Makedefs || die
-multilib_src_compile() {
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- default
- else
- emake libs
- fi
-multilib_src_test() {
- # Avoid using /tmp
- export CUPS_TESTBASE="${T}"/cups-tests
- mkdir "${T}"/cups-tests || die
- # We only build some of CUPS for multilib, so can't run the tests.
- multilib_is_native_abi && default
-multilib_src_install() {
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- emake BUILDROOT="${D}" install
- else
- emake BUILDROOT="${D}" install-libs install-headers
- dobin cups-config
- fi
-multilib_src_install_all() {
- # Move the default config file to docs
- dodoc "${ED}"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default
- rm "${ED}"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default || die
- # Clean out cups init scripts
- rm -r "${ED}"/etc/{init.d/cups,rc*} || die
- # Install our init script
- local neededservices=(
- $(usex zeroconf avahi-daemon '')
- $(usex dbus dbus '')
- )
- [[ -n ${neededservices[@]} ]] && neededservices="need ${neededservices[@]}"
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/cupsd.init.d-r4 "${T}"/cupsd || die
- sed -i -e "s/@neededservices@/${neededservices}/" "${T}"/cupsd || die
- doinitd "${T}"/cupsd
- if use pam ; then
- rm "${ED}"/etc/pam.d/${PN} || die
- pamd_mimic_system cups auth account
- fi
- if use xinetd ; then
- # Correct path
- sed -i -e "s:server = .*:server = /usr/libexec/cups/daemon/cups-lpd:" \
- "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || die
- # It is safer to disable this by default, bug #137130
- grep -w 'disable' "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || \
- { sed -i -e "s:}:\tdisable = yes\n}:" "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd || die ; }
- # Write permission for file owner (root), bug #296221
- fperms u+w /etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd
- else
- # Always configure with --with-xinetd= and clean up later,
- # bug #525604
- rm -r "${ED}"/etc/xinetd.d || die
- fi
- keepdir /etc/cups/{interfaces,ppd,ssl}
- if ! use X ; then
- rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/applications || die
- fi
- # Create /etc/cups/client.conf, bug #196967 and bug #266678
- echo "ServerName ${EPREFIX}/run/cups/cups.sock" >> "${ED}"/etc/cups/client.conf
- # The following file is now provided by cups-filter:
- rm -r "${ED}"/usr/share/cups/banners || die
- # The following are created by the init script
- rm -r "${ED}"/var/cache || die
- rm -r "${ED}"/run || die
- keepdir /usr/libexec/cups/driver /usr/share/cups/{model,profiles} /var/log/cups /var/spool/cups/tmp
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- local v
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- if ! ver_test ${v} -ge 2.2.2-r2 ; then
- ewarn "The cupsd init script switched to using pidfiles. Shutting down"
- ewarn "cupsd will fail the next time. To fix this, please run once as root"
- ewarn " killall cupsd ; /etc/init.d/cupsd zap ; /etc/init.d/cupsd start"
- break
- fi
- done
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- elog
- elog "For information about installing a printer and general cups setup"
- elog "take a look at:"
- break
- done
- optfeature_header "CUPS may need installing the following for certain features to work:"
- use zeroconf && optfeature "local hostname resolution using a hostname.local naming scheme" sys-auth/nss-mdns
next reply other threads:[~2023-05-24 8:05 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 248+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2023-05-24 8:05 Matthias Maier [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-02-22 9:38 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-print/cups/ Ulrich Müller
2024-11-23 21:25 Sam James
2024-10-30 15:46 Arthur Zamarin
2024-10-29 3:49 Sam James
2024-10-29 2:45 Sam James
2024-10-29 2:45 Sam James
2024-10-29 2:45 Sam James
2024-10-29 2:45 Sam James
2024-10-02 23:07 Sam James
2024-09-28 13:33 Arthur Zamarin
2024-09-27 5:46 Arthur Zamarin
2024-09-27 5:30 Arthur Zamarin
2024-09-26 21:12 Sam James
2024-06-23 0:29 Sam James
2024-06-23 0:27 Sam James
2024-06-23 0:27 Sam James
2024-02-22 4:45 Ionen Wolkens
2024-02-05 16:46 Sam James
2024-02-05 16:46 Sam James
2024-02-05 15:12 Sam James
2024-02-05 15:12 Sam James
2024-02-05 15:12 Sam James
2024-02-05 15:12 Sam James
2024-01-25 1:05 Ionen Wolkens
2024-01-03 8:41 Jakov Smolić
2023-12-30 1:26 Ionen Wolkens
2023-12-30 1:26 Ionen Wolkens
2023-12-29 14:55 Arthur Zamarin
2023-12-29 14:55 Arthur Zamarin
2023-12-29 14:54 Arthur Zamarin
2023-12-29 14:36 Arthur Zamarin
2023-12-22 13:24 Mart Raudsepp
2023-12-18 3:54 Sam James
2023-12-18 3:54 Sam James
2023-12-18 3:54 Sam James
2023-12-05 19:41 Arthur Zamarin
2023-10-04 15:33 Sam James
2023-10-03 14:15 Sam James
2023-09-28 1:40 Sam James
2023-09-28 0:21 Sam James
2023-09-27 5:32 Sam James
2023-09-27 5:32 Sam James
2023-09-27 4:20 Sam James
2023-08-29 13:46 Matt Turner
2023-07-15 11:44 Arthur Zamarin
2023-07-09 9:01 Sam James
2023-07-09 9:01 Sam James
2023-07-09 8:29 Sam James
2023-07-09 8:29 Sam James
2023-07-09 8:29 Sam James
2023-07-09 8:29 Sam James
2023-06-23 2:14 Sam James
2023-06-21 21:46 Sam James
2023-06-17 16:52 Sam James
2023-06-14 23:13 Sam James
2023-06-14 23:13 Sam James
2023-06-14 19:42 Sam James
2023-06-14 19:25 Sam James
2023-06-14 18:23 Arthur Zamarin
2023-06-14 18:23 Arthur Zamarin
2023-06-14 16:53 Sam James
2023-06-10 5:19 Jakov Smolić
2023-06-09 15:27 Arthur Zamarin
2023-06-09 14:17 Sam James
2023-06-09 14:00 Arthur Zamarin
2023-06-09 14:00 Arthur Zamarin
2023-06-09 13:51 Arthur Zamarin
2023-06-09 13:48 Sam James
2023-06-07 8:14 Sam James
2023-06-07 8:14 Sam James
2023-06-02 5:16 Sam James
2023-04-02 19:40 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-16 14:04 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-04 9:58 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-04 9:58 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-04 8:18 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-04 8:17 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-04 6:05 Arthur Zamarin
2023-03-04 5:48 Arthur Zamarin
2022-12-03 18:12 Arthur Zamarin
2022-12-03 18:12 Arthur Zamarin
2022-12-03 17:37 Arthur Zamarin
2022-12-03 17:34 Arthur Zamarin
2022-12-03 12:29 Arthur Zamarin
2022-12-03 12:24 Sam James
2022-12-03 12:14 Sam James
2022-12-03 12:11 Arthur Zamarin
2022-09-15 13:20 Sam James
2022-08-31 6:32 Jakov Smolić
2022-08-31 6:22 Jakov Smolić
2022-08-31 5:16 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-08-30 16:43 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-30 16:19 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-30 16:18 Arthur Zamarin
2022-08-30 16:17 Jakov Smolić
2022-08-30 16:17 Jakov Smolić
2022-08-27 7:46 Sam James
2022-08-17 16:21 Matt Turner
2022-07-30 15:54 Arthur Zamarin
2022-07-27 20:09 Sam James
2022-07-18 23:42 Sam James
2022-07-16 8:59 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-07-16 8:56 Agostino Sarubbo
2022-07-15 11:33 Arthur Zamarin
2022-07-15 10:59 Arthur Zamarin
2022-07-15 10:13 Arthur Zamarin
2022-07-15 10:13 Arthur Zamarin
2022-05-28 4:57 Sam James
2022-05-28 4:57 Sam James
2022-05-22 12:36 Pacho Ramos
2022-05-22 12:34 Pacho Ramos
2022-05-18 8:00 WANG Xuerui
2022-03-15 15:44 Conrad Kostecki
2021-12-04 17:49 Sam James
2021-11-30 7:54 Arthur Zamarin
2021-11-30 7:54 Arthur Zamarin
2021-11-30 7:54 Arthur Zamarin
2021-11-30 7:54 Arthur Zamarin
2021-11-30 7:54 Arthur Zamarin
2021-11-30 7:54 Arthur Zamarin
2021-11-30 7:54 Arthur Zamarin
2021-07-19 14:24 Yixun Lan
2021-06-27 2:08 Sam James
2021-06-24 23:27 Sam James
2021-06-14 18:05 Sergei Trofimovich
2021-06-14 13:11 Sam James
2021-06-13 6:32 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-06-13 6:30 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-06-13 6:28 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-06-13 6:04 Sam James
2021-06-13 3:45 Sam James
2021-06-13 3:45 Sam James
2021-04-21 9:49 Lars Wendler
2021-04-20 12:59 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-04-20 12:59 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-04-20 12:59 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-01-22 14:54 Mikle Kolyada
2020-12-27 17:58 Fabian Groffen
2020-08-16 16:49 Michał Górny
2020-06-26 19:10 Matt Turner
2020-06-20 1:39 Aaron Bauman
2020-05-13 10:06 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-05-11 11:38 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-05-07 15:58 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-05-06 7:18 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-05-06 7:01 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-05-02 9:01 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-05-01 19:30 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-04-29 8:54 Mart Raudsepp
2020-04-28 14:50 Lars Wendler
2020-04-28 14:50 Lars Wendler
2020-04-28 9:59 Lars Wendler
2020-03-15 10:07 Lars Wendler
2020-01-03 13:26 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-12-31 14:21 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-12-31 14:16 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-12-26 9:49 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-12-25 20:24 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-12-24 19:25 Aaron Bauman
2019-12-24 14:00 Mikle Kolyada
2019-12-24 11:09 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-12-24 10:56 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-12-14 11:26 Lars Wendler
2019-10-12 19:32 Mikle Kolyada
2019-09-01 18:25 Mikle Kolyada
2019-09-01 18:25 Mikle Kolyada
2019-08-28 12:54 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-08-27 22:56 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-08-26 18:45 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-08-26 15:00 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-08-26 14:58 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-08-26 14:57 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-08-26 12:56 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-08-24 23:08 Aaron Bauman
2019-08-24 21:24 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-08-23 21:21 Lars Wendler
2019-08-16 18:27 Lars Wendler
2019-08-16 18:06 Lars Wendler
2019-07-31 11:54 Lars Wendler
2019-06-17 9:52 Mikle Kolyada
2019-06-13 4:28 Markus Meier
2019-06-09 19:19 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-06-09 11:33 Aaron Bauman
2019-06-05 7:28 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-06-04 20:57 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-06-04 20:54 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-06-04 11:01 Lars Wendler
2019-06-04 10:59 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-06-04 7:53 Tobias Klausmann
2019-06-02 20:22 Sergei Trofimovich
2019-05-03 12:12 Lars Wendler
2018-12-12 13:01 Mikle Kolyada
2018-11-09 11:43 Lars Wendler
2018-06-06 9:09 Lars Wendler
2018-06-06 9:09 Lars Wendler
2018-06-06 9:09 Lars Wendler
2018-05-29 9:08 Mikle Kolyada
2018-05-14 11:49 Tobias Klausmann
2018-05-13 22:06 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-05-13 11:29 Markus Meier
2018-05-13 10:08 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-05-13 9:53 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-05-11 7:10 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-05-10 16:49 Mikle Kolyada
2018-03-29 20:11 Lars Wendler
2018-03-29 8:31 Lars Wendler
2018-03-29 8:31 Lars Wendler
2018-03-28 7:42 Lars Wendler
2018-03-28 7:42 Lars Wendler
2018-01-05 22:02 Ulrich Müller
2017-11-28 18:30 Lars Wendler
2017-11-10 9:07 Lars Wendler
2017-11-10 9:07 Lars Wendler
2017-11-10 9:07 Lars Wendler
2017-09-22 14:09 Patrice Clement
2017-05-24 8:38 Pacho Ramos
2017-03-28 22:26 Lars Wendler
2017-02-18 12:52 Andreas Hüttel
2017-02-16 0:13 Andreas Hüttel
2017-02-13 21:28 Andreas Hüttel
2017-02-13 21:28 Andreas Hüttel
2017-02-11 23:04 Andreas Hüttel
2017-01-18 1:39 Lars Wendler
2017-01-15 10:02 Jeroen Roovers
2016-12-29 18:52 Lars Wendler
2016-11-15 15:34 Tobias Klausmann
2016-11-11 11:52 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-11-11 11:51 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-10-26 16:43 Markus Meier
2016-10-01 14:06 Jeroen Roovers
2016-06-15 7:37 Lars Wendler
2016-06-11 13:24 Markus Meier
2016-06-06 16:15 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-05-25 9:43 Tobias Klausmann
2016-05-16 9:03 Patrice Clement
2016-03-25 3:31 Mike Frysinger
2016-03-15 6:32 Mike Frysinger
2016-02-06 1:50 Mike Frysinger
2016-01-12 23:31 Matthias Maier
2016-01-12 21:26 Lars Wendler
2016-01-12 20:43 Sven Wegener
2016-01-12 20:40 Sven Wegener
2016-01-12 16:35 Matthias Maier
2016-01-12 15:50 Matthias Maier
2015-08-27 18:14 Manuel Rüger
2015-08-27 18:04 Manuel Rüger
2015-08-09 18:11 Mikle Kolyada
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