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* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/guru:dev commit in: gui-wm/hyprland/files/, gui-wm/hyprland/
@ 2023-05-07 22:18 Julien Roy
  0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: Julien Roy @ 2023-05-07 22:18 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     33aea1695f0377e5940099fbd8ae996b0d2ffaca
Author:     Julien Roy <julien <AT> jroy <DOT> ca>
AuthorDate: Sun May  7 22:17:36 2023 +0000
Commit:     Julien Roy <julien <AT> jroy <DOT> ca>
CommitDate: Sun May  7 22:17:44 2023 +0000

gui-wm/hyprland: treeclean

now in ::gentoo

Signed-off-by: Julien Roy <julien <AT>>

 gui-wm/hyprland/Manifest                  |  3 -
 gui-wm/hyprland/files/nvidia-0.25.0.patch | 41 --------------
 gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.24.1-r1.ebuild | 94 -------------------------------
 gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.25.0.ebuild    | 85 ----------------------------
 gui-wm/hyprland/metadata.xml              | 23 --------
 5 files changed, 246 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gui-wm/hyprland/Manifest b/gui-wm/hyprland/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c58b8e13..000000000
--- a/gui-wm/hyprland/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-DIST contrib-0.24.1.tar.gz 12262 BLAKE2B dcb971c345ada8bef50719fdd3ce081641c1eb92d19ced174f0a6a961d68785a130ff1b0c4cca1685983b02a6af3bfafa3e6a03567ce7280fa0bbc1e57802b3b SHA512 266d5e1dd258b1a0e1487794f06a8480a65c161c829ac59cc99632f0488dbc261390816a06a574a694c76be4374ac59bdcce8f473be80481c47ff52347956ba2
-DIST 1502909 BLAKE2B ddc2ed026c921061427799836a957efb35fb68f3628f0cf5cb3d4d3ec2c876f62275bf8c580cbb8fb480b0b0fc6f1bff690da3ce0459c2af170e4e0add8e898c SHA512 d6d232f597a5790818345b43c329c4fa225a0d2f5e5bbddef88fa8ca59a6ff1d867dfea208ea215dbd37049c301a45aa292ff133c6fdf5e4b73918396c57f6f2
-DIST 1510798 BLAKE2B c146c57e5142666ff76188e870ea4d2dd9613e25a1d2c3320dc222fbe62651975a40fffffe9cc936ced0e86f919534d7a6c94a8b1596f912c3ad9750a35e4f13 SHA512 84d12ef7bfb25e69c4a707a8ffc99ca23eb58e73630e3df1f134cb610c6206e42917f76b54db0cc6d10e7b929514cbac06dfc99feba8ff81aea0dc7fcb340450

diff --git a/gui-wm/hyprland/files/nvidia-0.25.0.patch b/gui-wm/hyprland/files/nvidia-0.25.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f83258b3c..000000000
--- a/gui-wm/hyprland/files/nvidia-0.25.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/render/gles2/renderer.c b/render/gles2/renderer.c
-index 6a86b183..823fc318 100644
---- a/render/gles2/renderer.c
-+++ b/render/gles2/renderer.c
-@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ static bool gles2_bind_buffer(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer,
- 		assert(wlr_egl_is_current(renderer->egl));
- 		push_gles2_debug(renderer);
--		glFlush();
-+		glFinish();
- 		glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
- 		pop_gles2_debug(renderer);
-diff --git a/types/output/render.c b/types/output/render.c
-index ed1afa4a..ddc730c7 100644
---- a/types/output/render.c
-+++ b/types/output/render.c
-@@ -225,22 +225,7 @@ struct wlr_drm_format *output_pick_format(struct wlr_output *output,
- }
- uint32_t wlr_output_preferred_read_format(struct wlr_output *output) {
--	struct wlr_renderer *renderer = output->renderer;
--	assert(renderer != NULL);
--	if (!renderer->impl->preferred_read_format || !renderer->impl->read_pixels) {
--	}
--	if (!output_attach_back_buffer(output, &output->pending, NULL)) {
--		return false;
--	}
--	uint32_t fmt = renderer->impl->preferred_read_format(renderer);
--	output_clear_back_buffer(output);
--	return fmt;
-+	return DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888;
- }
- bool output_is_direct_scanout(struct wlr_output *output,

diff --git a/gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.24.1-r1.ebuild b/gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.24.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index df6fbb61d..000000000
--- a/gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.24.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit meson toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks"
-SRC_URI="${PN^}/releases/download/v${PV}/source-v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${PF}.gh.tar.gz
-${CONTRIBCOMMIT}.tar.gz \
-	-> contrib-${PV}.tar.gz
-IUSE="X grimblast legacy-renderer scratchpad shellevents systemd"
-	app-misc/jq
-	dev-libs/libevdev
-	dev-libs/libinput
-	dev-libs/wayland
-	>=dev-libs/wayland-protocols-1.31
-	dev-util/glslang
-	dev-util/vulkan-headers
-	gui-libs/gtk-layer-shell
-	media-libs/libdisplay-info
-	media-libs/libglvnd[X?]
-	media-libs/mesa[gles2,wayland,X?]
-	media-libs/vulkan-loader
-	x11-base/xcb-proto
-	x11-libs/cairo
-	x11-libs/libdrm
-	x11-libs/libxkbcommon
-	x11-libs/pixman
-	x11-misc/xkeyboard-config
-	virtual/libudev
-	grimblast? (
-		 gui-apps/grim
-		 gui-apps/slurp
-		 gui-apps/wl-clipboard
-		 x11-libs/libnotify
-	)
-	X? (
-	   gui-libs/wlroots[x11-backend]
-	   x11-base/xwayland
-	   x11-libs/libxcb
-	   x11-libs/xcb-util-image
-	   x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
-	   x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
-	)
-	dev-libs/hyprland-protocols
-	dev-libs/libliftoff
-	dev-vcs/git
-	>=gui-libs/wlroots-0.16.0[X?]
-	grimblast? ( app-text/scdoc )
-	shellevents? ( app-text/scdoc )
-src_prepare() {
-	STDLIBVER=$(echo '#include <string>' | $(tc-getCXX) -x c++ -dM -E - | \
-					grep GLIBCXX_RELEASE | sed 's/.*\([1-9][0-9]\)/\1/')
-	if ! [[ ${STDLIBVER} -ge 12 ]]; then
-		die "Hyprland requires >=sys-devel/gcc-12.1.0 to build"
-	fi
-	default
-src_configure() {
-	local emesonargs=(
-		$(meson_feature legacy-renderer legacy_renderer)
-		$(meson_feature X xwayland)
-		$(meson_feature systemd)
-	)
-	meson_src_configure
-src_install() {
-	meson_src_install --skip-subprojects wlroots
-	use grimblast && emake PREFIX="${ED}/usr" -C "${WORKDIR}/contrib-${CONTRIBCOMMIT}/grimblast" install
-	use scratchpad && emake PREFIX="${ED}/usr" -C "${WORKDIR}/contrib-${CONTRIBCOMMIT}/scratchpad" install
-	use shellevents && emake PREFIX="${ED}/usr" -C "${WORKDIR}/contrib-${CONTRIBCOMMIT}/shellevents" install

diff --git a/gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.25.0.ebuild b/gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.25.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 923882538..000000000
--- a/gui-wm/hyprland/hyprland-0.25.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit meson toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks"
-SRC_URI="${PN^}/releases/download/v${PV}/source-v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${PF}.gh.tar.gz"
-IUSE="X legacy-renderer systemd video_cards_nvidia"
-	app-misc/jq
-	dev-libs/libevdev
-	dev-libs/libinput
-	dev-libs/wayland
-	dev-libs/wayland-protocols
-	dev-util/glslang
-	dev-util/vulkan-headers
-	gui-libs/gtk-layer-shell
-	media-libs/libdisplay-info
-	media-libs/libglvnd[X?]
-	media-libs/mesa[gles2,wayland,X?]
-	media-libs/vulkan-loader
-	x11-base/xcb-proto
-	x11-libs/cairo
-	x11-libs/libdrm
-	x11-libs/libxkbcommon
-	x11-libs/pixman
-	x11-misc/xkeyboard-config
-	virtual/libudev
-	X? (
-	   gui-libs/wlroots[x11-backend]
-	   x11-base/xwayland
-	   x11-libs/libxcb
-	   x11-libs/xcb-util-image
-	   x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
-	   x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
-	)
-	dev-libs/hyprland-protocols
-	dev-libs/libliftoff
-	>=dev-libs/wayland-1.22.0
-	dev-vcs/git
-	>=gui-libs/wlroots-0.16.0[X?]
-src_prepare() {
-	STDLIBVER=$(echo '#include <string>' | $(tc-getCXX) -x c++ -dM -E - | \
-					grep GLIBCXX_RELEASE | sed 's/.*\([1-9][0-9]\)/\1/')
-	if ! [[ ${STDLIBVER} -ge 12 ]]; then
-		die "Hyprland requires >=sys-devel/gcc-12.1.0 to build"
-	fi
-	if use video_cards_nvidia; then
-		cd "${S}/subprojects/wlroots" || die
-		eapply "${FILESDIR}/nvidia-0.25.0.patch"
-		cd "${S}" || die
-	fi
-	eapply_user
-src_configure() {
-	local emesonargs=(
-		$(meson_feature legacy-renderer legacy_renderer)
-		$(meson_feature X xwayland)
-		$(meson_feature systemd)
-	)
-	meson_src_configure
-src_install() {
-	meson_src_install --skip-subprojects wlroots

diff --git a/gui-wm/hyprland/metadata.xml b/gui-wm/hyprland/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5acac2587..000000000
--- a/gui-wm/hyprland/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
-	<maintainer type="person">
-		<email></email>
-		<name>Julien Roy</name>
-	</maintainer>
-	<upstream>
-		<changelog></changelog>
-		<doc></doc>
-		<bugs-to></bugs-to>
-		<remote-id type="github">hyprwm/Hyprland</remote-id>
-		<remote-id type="github">hyprwm/hyprland-protocols</remote-id>
-		<remote-id type="github">hyprwm/contrib</remote-id>
-		<remote-id type="freedesktop-gitlab">wlroots/wlroots</remote-id>
-	</upstream>
-	<use>
-		<flag name="grimblast">Install 'grimblast': a Hyprland version of the sway script for taking screenshots</flag>
-		<flag name="legacy-renderer">Enable legacy renderer</flag>
-		<flag name="scratchpad">Install 'scratchpad': a Bash script that sends focused window to a special workspace</flag>
-		<flag name="shellevents">Install 'shellevents': Invoke shell functions in response to Hyprland socket2 events.</flag>
-	</use>

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2023-05-07 22:18 [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/guru:dev commit in: gui-wm/hyprland/files/, gui-wm/hyprland/ Julien Roy

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