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* [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/guru:dev commit in: gui-apps/swaync/files/, gui-apps/swaync/
@ 2023-04-30  7:09 Joe Kappus
  0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: Joe Kappus @ 2023-04-30  7:09 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     0d0bb26d22717b55a787158600850b88d53b2f5a
Author:     Joe Kappus <joe <AT> wt <DOT> gd>
AuthorDate: Sun Apr 30 07:07:44 2023 +0000
Commit:     Joe Kappus <joe <AT> wt <DOT> gd>
CommitDate: Sun Apr 30 07:09:04 2023 +0000

gui-apps/swaync: add 0.8.0

Signed-off-by: Joe Kappus <joe <AT>>

 gui-apps/swaync/Manifest                           |   1 +
 gui-apps/swaync/files/swaync-0.8.0-pulsefree.patch | 942 +++++++++++++++++++++
 gui-apps/swaync/swaync-0.8.0.ebuild                |  52 ++
 3 files changed, 995 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gui-apps/swaync/Manifest b/gui-apps/swaync/Manifest
index cd310e629..1957ad3a6 100644
--- a/gui-apps/swaync/Manifest
+++ b/gui-apps/swaync/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 DIST swaync-0.7.3.tar.gz 3155355 BLAKE2B d976d908c12eef9a0fe71e269fd4dd1bca44cb7a389ea3b6fbcf7ef0a7cfd17623e4fa03fb61cb7d5a26837deafd0b3f8197774fe1ce17c47d512632d5aedc81 SHA512 fe049fae8ece0e54badd44ea6d04f7fa0a09c7cb258612897dbcb4b7b60ef28fc19113ec4b84520ac8226901b9d5a0b9cd11c3b071d9e90e840ac7e4595a51fc
+DIST swaync-0.8.0.tar.gz 3170861 BLAKE2B a43fd4d095b3bb1b39ff914cf3f09f9d97807d95365839a30c46c607c601c8e557e4365e3c23cbf650dca7b5a51523e4fbc8ecf49d7863b717b04e0c90e04f46 SHA512 c1ee542fff2b6b06cd0def99c96bede5cb3dc576ab4e0498bd110f1b6e3df2786526d5ec58dbfc7f5c488afc2c1c85541e878c76118486530b8937a5e13a0799

diff --git a/gui-apps/swaync/files/swaync-0.8.0-pulsefree.patch b/gui-apps/swaync/files/swaync-0.8.0-pulsefree.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ef56ca47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui-apps/swaync/files/swaync-0.8.0-pulsefree.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+diff --git a/.github/workflows/arch-build.yml b/.github/workflows/arch-build.yml
+index aa7ac12..395339a 100644
+--- a/.github/workflows/arch-build.yml
++++ b/.github/workflows/arch-build.yml
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jobs:
+     container: archlinux:latest
+     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+     env:
+-      PACKAGES: meson gtk3 gobject-introspection vala json-glib libhandy gtk-layer-shell scdoc libpulse libgee
++      PACKAGES: meson gtk3 gobject-introspection vala json-glib libhandy gtk-layer-shell scdoc
+     steps:
+       - name: Install packages
+         run: |
+diff --git a/.github/workflows/ubuntu-build.yml b/.github/workflows/ubuntu-build.yml
+index e29f197..61d119d 100644
+--- a/.github/workflows/ubuntu-build.yml
++++ b/.github/workflows/ubuntu-build.yml
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ jobs:
+     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+     env:
+       DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
+-      PACKAGES: meson libwayland-dev libgtk-3-dev gobject-introspection libgirepository1.0-dev valac libjson-glib-dev libhandy-1-dev libgtk-layer-shell-dev scdoc libgee-0.8-dev libpulse-dev
++      PACKAGES: meson libwayland-dev libgtk-3-dev gobject-introspection libgirepository1.0-dev valac libjson-glib-dev libhandy-1-dev libgtk-layer-shell-dev scdoc
+     steps:
+       - name: Install packages
+         run: |
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 5de6365..2bd742d 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ These widgets can be customized, added, removed and even reordered
+ - Mpris (Media player controls for Spotify, Firefox, Chrome, etc...)
+ - Menubar with dropdown and buttons
+ - Button grid
+-- Volume slider using PulseAudio
+ - Backlight slider
+ ## Planned Features
+diff --git a/build-scripts/PKGBUILD b/build-scripts/PKGBUILD
+index bdcbdaf..5df0d85 100644
+--- a/build-scripts/PKGBUILD
++++ b/build-scripts/PKGBUILD
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ arch=(
+     'armv7h'  # ARM v7 hardfloat
+ )
+ license=(GPL3)
+-depends=("gtk3" "gtk-layer-shell" "dbus" "glib2" "gobject-introspection" "libgee" "json-glib" "libhandy" "libpulse")
++depends=("gtk3" "gtk-layer-shell" "dbus" "glib2" "gobject-introspection" "libgee" "json-glib" "libhandy")
+ conflicts=("swaync" "swaync-client")
+ provides=("swaync" "swaync-client")
+ makedepends=(vala meson git scdoc)
+diff --git a/build-scripts/PKGBUILD-git b/build-scripts/PKGBUILD-git
+index 6effc15..53de290 100644
+--- a/build-scripts/PKGBUILD-git
++++ b/build-scripts/PKGBUILD-git
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ arch=(
+     'armv7h'  # ARM v7 hardfloat
+ )
+ license=('GPL3')
+-depends=("gtk3" "gtk-layer-shell" "dbus" "glib2" "gobject-introspection" "libgee" "json-glib" "libhandy" "libpulse" )
++depends=("gtk3" "gtk-layer-shell" "dbus" "glib2" "gobject-introspection" "libgee" "json-glib" "libhandy")
+ conflicts=("swaync" "swaync-client")
+ provides=("swaync" "swaync-client")
+ makedepends=(vala meson git scdoc)
+diff --git a/build-scripts/swaync.rpkg.spec b/build-scripts/swaync.rpkg.spec
+index a16b073..b2ef198 100644
+--- a/build-scripts/swaync.rpkg.spec
++++ b/build-scripts/swaync.rpkg.spec
+@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ BuildRequires: libhandy-devel >= 1.4.0
+ BuildRequires: systemd-devel
+ BuildRequires: systemd
+ BuildRequires: scdoc
+-BuildRequires: pulseaudio-libs-devel
+ %{?systemd_requires}
+ %description
+diff --git a/man/swaync.5.scd b/man/swaync.5.scd
+index ba83f55..f4c0157 100644
+--- a/man/swaync.5.scd
++++ b/man/swaync.5.scd
+@@ -375,16 +375,6 @@ config file to be able to detect config errors
+ 								description: "Command to be executed on click" ++
+ 					description: A list of actions containing a label and a command ++
+ 			description: A grid of buttons that execute shell commands ++
+-		*volume*++
+-			type: object ++
+-			css class: widget-volume ++
+-			properties: ++
+-				label: ++
+-					type: string ++
+-					optional: true ++
+-					default: "Volume" ++
+-					description: Text displayed in front of the volume slider ++
+-			description: Slider to control pulse volume ++
+ 		*backlight*++
+ 			type: object ++
+ 			css class: widget-backlight ++
+@@ -431,7 +421,6 @@ config file to be able to detect config errors
+ 					default: "Clear All" ++
+ 					description: "Clear All" button text ++
+ 			description: Displayed if notifications are inhibited.
+ 	example:
+ ```
+ {
+diff --git a/src/configSchema.json b/src/configSchema.json
+index 9bbb649..c2bd07b 100644
+--- a/src/configSchema.json
++++ b/src/configSchema.json
+@@ -293,9 +293,6 @@
+         "^menubar(#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,}){0,1}?$": {
+           "$ref": "#/widgets/menubar"
+         },
+-        "^volume(#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,}){0,1}?$": {
+-          "$ref": "#/widgets/volume"
+-        },
+         "^backlight(#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,}){0,1}?$": {
+           "$ref": "#/widgets/backlight"
+         },
+@@ -446,18 +443,6 @@
+         }
+       }
+     },
+-    "volume": {
+-      "type": "object",
+-      "description": "Slider to control pulse volume",
+-      "additionalProperties": false,
+-      "properties": {
+-        "label": {
+-          "type": "string",
+-          "description": "Text displayed in front of the volume slider",
+-          "default": "Volume"
+-        }
+-      }
+-    },
+     "backlight": {
+       "type": "object",
+       "description": "Slider to control monitor brightness",
+diff --git a/src/controlCenter/widgets/factory.vala b/src/controlCenter/widgets/factory.vala
+index aea178d..f2ed445 100644
+--- a/src/controlCenter/widgets/factory.vala
++++ b/src/controlCenter/widgets/factory.vala
+@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ namespace SwayNotificationCenter.Widgets {
+             case "buttons-grid":
+                 widget = new ButtonsGrid (suffix, swaync_daemon, noti_daemon);
+                 break;
+-            case "volume":
+-                widget = new Volume (suffix, swaync_daemon, noti_daemon);
+-                break;
+             case "backlight":
+                 widget = new Backlight (suffix, swaync_daemon, noti_daemon);
+                 break;
+diff --git a/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDaemon.vala b/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDaemon.vala
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 766bf45..0000000
+--- a/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDaemon.vala
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
+-// From SwaySettings PulseAudio page:
+-using PulseAudio;
+-using Gee;
+-namespace SwayNotificationCenter.Widgets {
+-    /**
+-     * Loosely based off of Elementary OS switchboard-plug-sound
+-     *
+-     */
+-    public class PulseDaemon : Object {
+-        private Context context;
+-        private GLibMainLoop mainloop;
+-        private bool quitting = false;
+-        public bool running { get; private set; }
+-        private string default_sink_name { get; private set; }
+-        private string default_source_name { get; private set; }
+-        private PulseDevice ? default_sink = null;
+-        public HashMap<string, PulseDevice> sinks { get; private set; }
+-        construct {
+-            mainloop = new GLibMainLoop ();
+-            sinks = new HashMap<string, PulseDevice> ();
+-        }
+-        public void start () {
+-            get_context ();
+-        }
+-        public void close () {
+-            quitting = true;
+-            context.disconnect ();
+-            context = null;
+-        }
+-        public signal void change_default_device (PulseDevice device);
+-        public signal void new_device (PulseDevice device);
+-        public signal void change_device (PulseDevice device);
+-        public signal void remove_device (PulseDevice device);
+-        private void get_context () {
+-            var ctx = new Context (mainloop.get_api (), null);
+-            ctx.set_state_callback ((ctx) => {
+-                debug ("Pulse Status: %s\n", ctx.get_state ().to_string ());
+-                switch (ctx.get_state ()) {
+-                        case Context.State.CONNECTING:
+-                        case Context.State.AUTHORIZING:
+-                        case Context.State.SETTING_NAME:
+-                            break;
+-                        case Context.State.READY:
+-                            ctx.set_subscribe_callback (subscription);
+-                            ctx.subscribe (Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK_INPUT |
+-                                           Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK |
+-                                           Context.SubscriptionMask.CARD |
+-                                           Context.SubscriptionMask.SERVER);
+-                            // Init data
+-                            ctx.get_server_info (this.get_server_info);
+-                            running = true;
+-                            break;
+-                        case Context.State.TERMINATED:
+-                        case Context.State.FAILED:
+-                            running = false;
+-                            if (quitting) {
+-                                quitting = false;
+-                                break;
+-                            }
+-                            stderr.printf (
+-                                "PulseAudio connection lost. Will retry connection.\n");
+-                            get_context ();
+-                            break;
+-                        default:
+-                            running = false;
+-                            stderr.printf ("Connection failure: %s\n",
+-                                           PulseAudio.strerror (ctx.errno ()));
+-                            break;
+-                }
+-            });
+-            if (ctx.connect (
+-                    null, Context.Flags.NOFAIL, null) < 0) {
+-                stdout.printf ("pa_context_connect() failed: %s\n",
+-                               PulseAudio.strerror (ctx.errno ()));
+-            }
+-            this.context = ctx;
+-        }
+-        private void subscription (Context ctx,
+-                                   Context.SubscriptionEventType t,
+-                                   uint32 index) {
+-            var type = t & Context.SubscriptionEventType.FACILITY_MASK;
+-            var event = t & Context.SubscriptionEventType.TYPE_MASK;
+-            switch (type) {
+-                case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SINK:
+-                    switch (event) {
+-                        default: break;
+-                        case Context.SubscriptionEventType.NEW:
+-                        case Context.SubscriptionEventType.CHANGE:
+-                            ctx.get_sink_info_by_index (index, this.get_sink_info);
+-                            break;
+-                        case Context.SubscriptionEventType.REMOVE:
+-                            foreach (var sink in sinks.values) {
+-                                if (sink.device_index != index) continue;
+-                                sink.removed = true;
+-                                sink.is_default = false;
+-                                this.remove_device (sink);
+-                                break;
+-                            }
+-                            break;
+-                    }
+-                    break;
+-                case Context.SubscriptionEventType.CARD:
+-                    switch (event) {
+-                        default: break;
+-                        case Context.SubscriptionEventType.NEW:
+-                        case Context.SubscriptionEventType.CHANGE:
+-                            ctx.get_card_info_by_index (index, this.get_card_info);
+-                            break;
+-                        case Context.SubscriptionEventType.REMOVE:
+-                            // A safe way of removing the sink_input
+-                            var iter = sinks.map_iterator ();
+-                            while ( ()) {
+-                                var device = iter.get_value ();
+-                                if (device.card_index != index) continue;
+-                                device.removed = true;
+-                                device.is_default = false;
+-                                iter.unset ();
+-                                this.remove_device (device);
+-                                break;
+-                            }
+-                            break;
+-                    }
+-                    break;
+-                case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SERVER:
+-                    ctx.get_server_info (this.get_server_info);
+-                    break;
+-                default: break;
+-            }
+-        }
+-        /*
+-         * Getters
+-         */
+-        /**
+-         * Gets called when any server value changes like default devices
+-         * Calls `get_card_info_list` and `get_sink_info_list`
+-         */
+-        private void get_server_info (Context ctx, ServerInfo ? info) {
+-            if (this.default_sink_name == null) {
+-                this.default_sink_name = info.default_sink_name;
+-            }
+-            if (this.default_sink_name != info.default_sink_name) {
+-                this.default_sink_name = info.default_sink_name;
+-            }
+-            ctx.get_card_info_list (this.get_card_info);
+-            ctx.get_sink_info_list (this.get_sink_info);
+-        }
+-        private void get_card_info (Context ctx, CardInfo ? info, int eol) {
+-            if (info == null || eol != 0) return;
+-            unowned string ? description = info.proplist
+-                                            .gets ("device.description");
+-            unowned string ? props_icon = info.proplist
+-                                           .gets ("device.icon_name");
+-            PulseDevice[] ports = {};
+-            foreach (var port in info.ports) {
+-                if (port->available == PortAvailable.NO) continue;
+-                bool is_input = port->direction == Direction.INPUT;
+-                HashMap<string, PulseDevice> devices = this.sinks;
+-                string id = PulseDevice.get_hash_map_key (
+-                    description,;
+-                bool has_device = devices.has_key (id);
+-                PulseDevice device = has_device
+-                    ? devices.get (id) : new PulseDevice ();
+-                bool device_is_removed = device.removed;
+-                device.removed = false;
+-                device.is_bluetooth = info.proplist.gets ("device.api") == "bluez5";
+-                device.card_index = info.index;
+-                device.direction = port.direction;
+-                device.card_name =;
+-                device.card_description = description;
+-                device.card_active_profile = info.active_profile2->name;
+-                device.port_name =;
+-                device.port_description = port.description;
+-                device.port_id = port->proplist.gets ("card.profile.port");
+-                // Get port profiles2 (profiles is "Superseded by profiles2")
+-                // and sort largest priority first
+-                var profiles = new ArrayList<unowned CardProfileInfo2 *>
+-                                .wrap (port->profiles2);
+-                profiles.sort ((a, b) => {
+-                    if (a->priority == b->priority) return 0;
+-                    return a.priority > b.priority ? -1 : 1;
+-                });
+-                string[] new_profiles = {};
+-                Array<PulseCardProfile> pulse_profiles = new Array<PulseCardProfile> ();
+-                foreach (var profile in profiles) {
+-                    new_profiles += profile->name;
+-                    var card_profile = new PulseCardProfile (profile);
+-                    pulse_profiles.append_val (card_profile);
+-                    if (profile->name == device.card_active_profile) {
+-                        device.active_profile = card_profile;
+-                    }
+-                }
+-                device.port_profiles = new_profiles;
+-                device.profiles = pulse_profiles;
+-                device.icon_name = port->proplist.gets ("device.icon_name")
+-                                   ?? props_icon;
+-                if (device.icon_name == null) {
+-                    device.icon_name = is_input
+-                        ? "microphone-sensitivity-high"
+-                                       : "audio-speakers";
+-                }
+-                devices.set (id, device);
+-                ports += device;
+-                if (!has_device || device_is_removed) {
+-                    this.new_device (device);
+-                }
+-            }
+-            /** Removes ports that are no longer available */
+-            var iter = sinks.map_iterator ();
+-            while ( ()) {
+-                var device = iter.get_value ();
+-                if (device.card_index != info.index) continue;
+-                bool found = false;
+-                foreach (var p in ports) {
+-                    if (device.get_current_hash_key ()
+-                        == p.get_current_hash_key ()) {
+-                        found = true;
+-                        break;
+-                    }
+-                }
+-                if (!found) {
+-                    iter.unset ();
+-                    remove_device (device);
+-                    break;
+-                }
+-            }
+-        }
+-        private void get_sink_info (Context ctx, SinkInfo ? info, int eol) {
+-            if (info == null || eol != 0) return;
+-            bool found = false;
+-            foreach (PulseDevice device in sinks.values) {
+-                if (device.card_index == info.card) {
+-                    // Sets the name and index to profiles that aren't active
+-                    // Ex: The HDMI audio port that's not active
+-                    device.device_name =;
+-                    device.device_description = info.description;
+-                    device.device_index = info.index;
+-                    // If the current selected sink profile is this
+-                    if (info.active_port != null
+-                        && info.active_port->name == device.port_name) {
+-                        found = true;
+-                        device.card_sink_port_name = info.active_port->name;
+-                        bool is_default =
+-                            device.device_name == this.default_sink_name;
+-                        device.is_default = is_default;
+-                        device.is_muted = info.mute == 1;
+-                        device.is_virtual = info.proplist.gets ("node.virtual") == "true";
+-                        device.cvolume = info.volume;
+-                        device.channel_map = info.channel_map;
+-                        device.balance = device.cvolume
+-                                          .get_balance (device.channel_map);
+-                        device.volume_operations.foreach ((op) => {
+-                            if (op.get_state () != Operation.State.RUNNING) {
+-                                device.volume_operations.remove (op);
+-                            }
+-                            return Source.CONTINUE;
+-                        });
+-                        if (device.volume_operations.is_empty) {
+-                            device.volume = volume_to_double (
+-                                device.cvolume.max ());
+-                        }
+-                        if (is_default) {
+-                            this.default_sink = device;
+-                            this.change_default_device (device);
+-                        }
+-                    }
+-                    this.change_device (device);
+-                }
+-            }
+-            // If not found, it's a cardless device
+-            if (found) return;
+-            HashMap<string, PulseDevice> devices = this.sinks;
+-            string id = PulseDevice.get_hash_map_key (
+-                info.index.to_string (), info.description);
+-            bool has_device = devices.has_key (id);
+-            PulseDevice device = has_device ? devices.get (id) : new PulseDevice ();
+-            bool device_is_removed = device.removed;
+-            device.removed = false;
+-            device.has_card = false;
+-            device.direction = PulseAudio.Direction.OUTPUT;
+-            device.device_name =;
+-            device.device_description = info.description;
+-            device.device_index = info.index;
+-            bool is_default = device.device_name == this.default_source_name;
+-            device.is_default = is_default;
+-            device.is_muted = info.mute == 1;
+-            device.is_virtual = info.proplist.gets ("node.virtual") == "true";
+-            device.icon_name = "application-x-executable-symbolic";
+-            device.cvolume = info.volume;
+-            device.channel_map = info.channel_map;
+-            device.balance = device.cvolume
+-                              .get_balance (device.channel_map);
+-            device.volume_operations.foreach ((op) => {
+-                if (op.get_state () != Operation.State.RUNNING) {
+-                    device.volume_operations.remove (op);
+-                }
+-                return Source.CONTINUE;
+-            });
+-            if (device.volume_operations.is_empty) {
+-                device.volume = volume_to_double (
+-                    device.cvolume.max ());
+-            }
+-            devices.set (id, device);
+-            if (is_default) {
+-                this.default_sink = device;
+-                this.change_default_device (device);
+-            }
+-            if (!has_device || device_is_removed) {
+-                this.new_device (device);
+-            }
+-            this.change_device (device);
+-        }
+-        /*
+-         * Setters
+-         */
+-        public void set_device_volume (PulseDevice device, double volume) {
+-            device.volume_operations.foreach ((operation) => {
+-                if (operation.get_state () == Operation.State.RUNNING) {
+-                    operation.cancel ();
+-                }
+-                device.volume_operations.remove (operation);
+-                return GLib.Source.CONTINUE;
+-            });
+-            var cvol = device.cvolume;
+-            cvol.scale (double_to_volume (volume));
+-            Operation ? operation = null;
+-            if (device.direction == Direction.OUTPUT) {
+-                operation = context.set_sink_volume_by_name (
+-                    device.device_name, cvol);
+-            }
+-            if (operation != null) {
+-                device.volume_operations.add (operation);
+-            }
+-        }
+-        public async void set_default_device (PulseDevice device) {
+-            if (device == null) return;
+-            bool is_input = device.direction == Direction.INPUT;
+-            // Only set port and card profile if the device is attached to a card
+-            if (device.has_card) {
+-                // Gets the profile that includes support for your other device
+-                string profile_name = device.port_profiles[0];
+-                PulseDevice alt_device = default_sink;
+-                if (alt_device != null) {
+-                    foreach (var profile in device.port_profiles) {
+-                        if (profile in alt_device.port_profiles) {
+-                            profile_name = profile;
+-                            break;
+-                        }
+-                    }
+-                }
+-                if (profile_name != device.card_active_profile) {
+-                    yield set_card_profile_by_index (profile_name, device);
+-                    yield wait_for_update<string> (device, "device-name");
+-                }
+-                if (!is_input) {
+-                    if (device.port_name != device.card_sink_port_name) {
+-                        debug ("Setting port to: %s", device.port_name);
+-                        yield set_sink_port_by_name (device);
+-                    }
+-                }
+-                if (device.device_name == null) {
+-                    yield wait_for_update<string> (device, "device-name");
+-                }
+-            }
+-            if (!is_input) {
+-                if (device.device_name != default_sink_name) {
+-                    debug ("Setting default sink to: %s", device.device_name);
+-                    yield set_default_sink (device);
+-                }
+-            }
+-        }
+-        private async void wait_for_update<T> (PulseDevice device,
+-                                               string prop_name) {
+-            SourceFunc callback = wait_for_update.callback;
+-            ulong handler_id = 0;
+-            handler_id = device.notify[prop_name].connect ((s, p) => {
+-                T prop_value;
+-                device.get (prop_name, out prop_value);
+-                if (prop_value != null) {
+-                    device.disconnect (handler_id);
+-                    Idle.add ((owned) callback);
+-                }
+-            });
+-            yield;
+-        }
+-        public async void set_bluetooth_card_profile (PulseCardProfile profile,
+-                                                      PulseDevice device) {
+-            context.set_card_profile_by_index (device.card_index,
+-                                     ,
+-                                               (c, success) => {
+-                if (success == 1) {
+-                    set_bluetooth_card_profile.callback ();
+-                } else {
+-                    stderr.printf ("setting the card %s profile to %s failed\n",
+-                                   device.card_name,;
+-                }
+-            });
+-            yield;
+-            // Wait until the device has been updated
+-            yield wait_for_update<string> (device, "device-name");
+-        }
+-        private async void set_card_profile_by_index (string profile_name,
+-                                                      PulseDevice device) {
+-            context.set_card_profile_by_index (device.card_index,
+-                                               profile_name,
+-                                               (c, success) => {
+-                if (success == 1) {
+-                    set_card_profile_by_index.callback ();
+-                } else {
+-                    stderr.printf ("setting the card %s profile to %s failed\n",
+-                                   device.card_name, profile_name);
+-                }
+-            });
+-            yield;
+-        }
+-        private async void set_sink_port_by_name (PulseDevice device) {
+-            context.set_sink_port_by_name (device.device_name,
+-                                           device.port_name,
+-                                           (c, success) => {
+-                if (success == 1) {
+-                    set_sink_port_by_name.callback ();
+-                } else {
+-                    stderr.printf ("setting sink port to %s failed\n",
+-                                   device.port_name);
+-                }
+-            });
+-            yield;
+-        }
+-        private async void set_default_sink (PulseDevice device) {
+-            context.set_default_sink (device.device_name, (c, success) => {
+-                if (success == 1) {
+-                    set_default_sink.callback ();
+-                } else {
+-                    stderr.printf ("setting default sink to %s failed\n",
+-                                   device.device_name);
+-                }
+-            });
+-            yield;
+-        }
+-        public void set_device_mute (bool state, PulseDevice device) {
+-            if (device.is_muted == state) return;
+-            if (device.direction == Direction.OUTPUT) {
+-                context.set_sink_mute_by_index (
+-                    device.device_index, state);
+-            }
+-        }
+-        // public void set_sink_input_mute (bool state, PulseSinkInput sink_input) {
+-        // if (sink_input.is_muted == state) return;
+-        // context.set_sink_input_mute (sink_input.index, state);
+-        // }
+-        /*
+-         * Volume utils
+-         */
+-        private static double volume_to_double (PulseAudio.Volume vol) {
+-            double tmp = (double) (vol - PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED);
+-            return 100 * tmp / (double) (PulseAudio.Volume.NORM - PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED);
+-        }
+-        private static PulseAudio.Volume double_to_volume (double vol) {
+-            double tmp = (double) (PulseAudio.Volume.NORM - PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED) * vol / 100;
+-            return (PulseAudio.Volume) tmp + PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED;
+-        }
+-    }
+diff --git a/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDevice.vala b/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDevice.vala
+deleted file mode 100644
+index accb8dc..0000000
+--- a/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDevice.vala
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
+-// From SwaySettings PulseAudio page:
+-using PulseAudio;
+-using Gee;
+-namespace SwayNotificationCenter.Widgets {
+-    public class PulseCardProfile : Object {
+-        public string name;
+-        public string description;
+-        public uint32 n_sinks;
+-        public uint32 priority;
+-        int available;
+-        public PulseCardProfile (CardProfileInfo2 * profile) {
+-   = profile->name;
+-            this.description = profile->description;
+-            this.n_sinks = profile->n_sinks;
+-            this.priority = profile->priority;
+-            this.available = profile->available;
+-        }
+-        public bool cmp (PulseCardProfile profile) {
+-            return == name
+-                   && profile.description == description
+-                   && profile.n_sinks == n_sinks
+-                   && profile.priority == priority
+-                   && profile.available == available;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    public class PulseDevice : Object {
+-        public bool removed { get; set; default = false; }
+-        public bool has_card { get; set; default = true; }
+-        /** The card index: ex. `Card #49` */
+-        public uint32 card_index { get; set; }
+-        /** Sink index: ex. `Sink #55` */
+-        public uint32 device_index { get; set; }
+-        /** Input or Output */
+-        public Direction direction { get; set; }
+-        /** Is default Sink */
+-        public bool is_default { get; set; }
+-        /** If the device is virtual */
+-        public bool is_virtual { get; set; default = false; }
+-        /** If the device is a bluetooth device */
+-        public bool is_bluetooth { get; set; default = false; }
+-        /** The icon name: `device.icon_name` */
+-        public string icon_name { get; set; }
+-        /** The card name: `Name` */
+-        public string card_name { get; set; }
+-        /** The card description: `device.description` */
+-        public string card_description { get; set; }
+-        /** The card active profile: `Active Profile` */
+-        public string card_active_profile { get; set; }
+-        /** The card sink port name: `Active Port` */
+-        public string card_sink_port_name { get; set; }
+-        /** The Sink name: `Name` */
+-        public string ? device_name { get; set; }
+-        /** The Sink description: `Description` */
+-        public string device_description { get; set; }
+-        /** If the Sink is muted: `Mute` */
+-        public bool is_muted { get; set; }
+-        public double volume { get; set; }
+-        public float balance { get; set; default = 0; }
+-        public CVolume cvolume;
+-        public ChannelMap channel_map;
+-        public LinkedList<Operation> volume_operations { get; set; }
+-        /** Gets the name to be shown to the user:
+-         * "port_description - card_description"
+-         */
+-        public string ? get_display_name () {
+-            if (card_name == null) {
+-                return device_description;
+-            }
+-            string p_desc = port_description;
+-            string c_desc = card_description;
+-            return "%s - %s".printf (p_desc, c_desc);
+-        }
+-        /** Compares PulseDevices. Returns true if they're the same */
+-        public bool cmp (PulseDevice device) {
+-            return device.card_index == card_index
+-                   && device.device_index == device_index
+-                   && device.device_name == device_name
+-                   && device.device_description == device_description
+-                   && device.is_default == is_default
+-                   && device.removed == removed
+-                   && device.card_active_profile == card_active_profile
+-                   && device.port_name == port_name;
+-        }
+-        /**
+-         * Gets the name to be shown to the user:
+-         * If has card: "card_description:port_name"
+-         * If cardless: "device_index:device_description"
+-         */
+-        public string get_current_hash_key () {
+-            if (card_name == null) {
+-                return get_hash_map_key (device_index.to_string (),
+-                                         device_description);
+-            }
+-            return get_hash_map_key (card_description, port_name);
+-        }
+-        /** Gets the name to be shown to the user:
+-         * "card_description:port_name"
+-         */
+-        public static string get_hash_map_key (string c_desc, string p_name) {
+-            return string.joinv (":", new string[] { c_desc, p_name });
+-        }
+-        /** The port name: `Name` */
+-        public string port_name { get; set; }
+-        /** The port name: `Description` */
+-        public string port_description { get; set; }
+-        /** The port name: `card.profile.port` */
+-        public string port_id { get; set; }
+-        /** All port profiles */
+-        public string[] port_profiles { get; set; }
+-        public Array<PulseCardProfile> profiles { get; set; }
+-        public PulseCardProfile ? active_profile { get; set; }
+-        construct {
+-            volume_operations = new LinkedList<Operation> ();
+-        }
+-    }
+diff --git a/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/volume.vala b/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/volume.vala
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 4575921..0000000
+--- a/src/controlCenter/widgets/volume/volume.vala
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
+-namespace SwayNotificationCenter.Widgets {
+-    public class Volume : BaseWidget {
+-        public override string widget_name {
+-            get {
+-                return "volume";
+-            }
+-        }
+-        Gtk.Label label_widget = new Gtk.Label (null);
+-        Gtk.Scale slider = new Gtk.Scale.with_range (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, 1);
+-        private PulseDevice ? default_sink = null;
+-        private PulseDaemon client = new PulseDaemon ();
+-        construct {
+-            this.client.change_default_device.connect (default_device_changed);
+-            slider.value_changed.connect (() => {
+-                if (default_sink != null) {
+-                    this.client.set_device_volume (
+-                        default_sink,
+-                        (float) slider.get_value ());
+-                    slider.tooltip_text = ((int) slider.get_value ()).to_string ();
+-                }
+-            });
+-        }
+-        public Volume (string suffix, SwayncDaemon swaync_daemon, NotiDaemon noti_daemon) {
+-            base (suffix, swaync_daemon, noti_daemon);
+-            Json.Object ? config = get_config (this);
+-            if (config != null) {
+-                string ? label = get_prop<string> (config, "label");
+-                label_widget.set_label (label ?? "Volume");
+-            }
+-            slider.draw_value = false;
+-            add (label_widget);
+-            pack_start (slider, true, true, 0);
+-            show_all ();
+-        }
+-        public override void on_cc_visibility_change (bool val) {
+-            if (val) {
+-                this.client.start ();
+-            } else {
+-                this.client.close ();
+-            }
+-        }
+-        private void default_device_changed (PulseDevice device) {
+-            if (device != null && device.direction == PulseAudio.Direction.OUTPUT) {
+-                this.default_sink = device;
+-                slider.set_value (device.volume);
+-            }
+-        }
+-    }
+diff --git a/src/ b/src/
+index 94a8e2f..2746db2 100644
+--- a/src/
++++ b/src/
+@@ -40,10 +40,6 @@ widget_sources = [
+   'controlCenter/widgets/menubar/menubar.vala',
+   # Widget: Buttons Grid
+   'controlCenter/widgets/buttonsGrid/buttonsGrid.vala',
+-  # Widget: Volume
+-  'controlCenter/widgets/volume/volume.vala',
+-  'controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDaemon.vala',
+-  'controlCenter/widgets/volume/pulseDevice.vala',
+   # Widget: Backlight Slider
+   'controlCenter/widgets/backlight/backlight.vala',
+   'controlCenter/widgets/backlight/backlightUtil.vala',
+@@ -75,9 +71,6 @@ app_deps = [
+   meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('gtk-layer-shell'),
+   meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('m', required : true),
+   meson.get_compiler('vala').find_library('posix'),
+-  dependency('gee-0.8'),
+-  dependency('libpulse'),
+-  dependency('libpulse-mainloop-glib'),
+ ]
+ # Checks if the user wants scripting enabled
+diff --git a/src/style.css b/src/style.css
+index 96b84a4..b2c7ed6 100644
+--- a/src/style.css
++++ b/src/style.css
+@@ -282,15 +282,6 @@
+   background: transparent;
+ }
+-/* Volume widget */
+-.widget-volume {
+-  background-color: @noti-bg;
+-  padding: 8px;
+-  margin: 8px;
+-  border-radius: 12px;
+ /* Backlight widget */
+ .widget-backlight {
+   background-color: @noti-bg;

diff --git a/gui-apps/swaync/swaync-0.8.0.ebuild b/gui-apps/swaync/swaync-0.8.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e76984ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui-apps/swaync/swaync-0.8.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2022-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit meson vala gnome2-utils
+DESCRIPTION="A simple notification daemon with a GTK gui for notifications and control center"
+SRC_URI="${MY_PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+	dev-libs/glib:2
+	dev-libs/gobject-introspection
+	dev-libs/json-glib
+	pulseaudio? (
+		dev-libs/libgee:=
+		media-libs/libpulse
+	)
+	dev-libs/wayland
+	>=gui-libs/gtk-layer-shell-0.7.0[introspection]
+	gui-libs/libhandy:1
+	sys-apps/dbus
+	x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf:2
+	x11-libs/gtk+:3
+	$(vala_depend)
+	app-text/scdoc
+src_prepare() {
+	! use pulseaudio && local PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-pulsefree.patch )
+	default
+	vala_setup
+pkg_postinst() {
+	gnome2_schemas_update
+pkg_postrm() {
+	gnome2_schemas_update

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2023-04-30  7:09 [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/guru:dev commit in: gui-apps/swaync/files/, gui-apps/swaync/ Joe Kappus

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