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From: "Sam James" <>
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Reply-To:, "Sam James" <>
Message-ID: <1682666614.4427768576500ef5e534cc84a111c89a49308b1f.sam@gentoo>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: sys-apps/iproute2/
X-VCS-Repository: repo/gentoo
X-VCS-Files: sys-apps/iproute2/Manifest sys-apps/iproute2/iproute2-6.3.0.ebuild
X-VCS-Directories: sys-apps/iproute2/
X-VCS-Committer: sam
X-VCS-Committer-Name: Sam James
X-VCS-Revision: 4427768576500ef5e534cc84a111c89a49308b1f
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Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 07:25:33 +0000 (UTC)
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commit:     4427768576500ef5e534cc84a111c89a49308b1f
Author:     Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Apr 28 07:23:34 2023 +0000
Commit:     Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Apr 28 07:23:34 2023 +0000

sys-apps/iproute2: add 6.3.0

Signed-off-by: Sam James <sam <AT>>

 sys-apps/iproute2/Manifest              |   1 +
 sys-apps/iproute2/iproute2-6.3.0.ebuild | 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 221 insertions(+)

diff --git a/sys-apps/iproute2/Manifest b/sys-apps/iproute2/Manifest
index 17a83581df8e..36392cb55060 100644
--- a/sys-apps/iproute2/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/iproute2/Manifest
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ DIST iproute2-5.15.0.tar.xz 858068 BLAKE2B bca20ac53e1b2b3ae06186f655ad5073a0e69
 DIST iproute2-6.0.0.tar.xz 900312 BLAKE2B 1cfb9b5a7892dec2b35e0eadbd957083e95fdc5077a1aa193329801ff25f9ed90a1fc4152756547be1fab8fe18d9a399001a4c3a61e951f64946156af6a90bae SHA512 be30362b0df6906aa786f935d5f555b8b86c747fe05314066f4180ab2f7c952ae227b7cf04c15e75d8f99ca17bafb7c8dc0fb1c18f3a9e3222d98716bb449f7a
 DIST iproute2-6.1.0.tar.xz 905512 BLAKE2B 38249703e0a9ba74405aebdb97560b286deefa959a9c3f0e0893962b6966f5da2da46199dda6a0f9584bb473f8ba529440643d97f66e9b7619df029e3091d163 SHA512 4e4d3b5e1e1a5444f42671c1e6caee072e80063e34e37386695f76f85a1ab662f4513050814006e5154426cbaadfba1d86b0be14e65978d5e670a16446047b28
 DIST iproute2-6.2.0.tar.xz 911588 BLAKE2B d3bfaecf33ffc7861e983e8db0d6a63f4767b6c01b5346e88f51c65ed6279c4be29412ed18b8f98ed54d60a84455b73fe7745142fd0fc0f3e327a29e8bcce986 SHA512 b24e0fdd0f51b8b78bc3bb681e3829af47d3011e93f3892289eb070b336709a6883728ecc7627ca37f6449720f8ed1349af321c0d04454894a7175b82f7de151
+DIST iproute2-6.3.0.tar.xz 914700 BLAKE2B a7b48c59c8a30f56ca810136f4d9f681fe38359999c260227a6229b972ce70b233d2865a6543cf3f70ed586825f9191c22d459a9fc5cc8c7dbf3ab417064c8a7 SHA512 aec1d8ceb54c8849a075ec1ce079678638e05ccaec093e8b3cbc7243b5fafea2a8c11f10930fced3df82f52d6750aa325178e44f9058e37a556ab108d4a968bf

diff --git a/sys-apps/iproute2/iproute2-6.3.0.ebuild b/sys-apps/iproute2/iproute2-6.3.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..32423402a1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/iproute2/iproute2-6.3.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit edo toolchain-funcs
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+	inherit git-r3
+	SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.xz"
+	KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="kernel routing and traffic control utilities"
+IUSE="atm berkdb bpf caps elf +iptables libbsd minimal nfs selinux split-usr"
+# Needs root
+# We could make libmnl optional, but it's tiny, so eh
+	!net-misc/arpd
+	!minimal? ( net-libs/libmnl:= )
+	atm? ( net-dialup/linux-atm )
+	berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
+	bpf? ( dev-libs/libbpf:= )
+	caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+	elf? ( virtual/libelf:= )
+	iptables? ( >=net-firewall/iptables-1.4.20:= )
+	libbsd? ( dev-libs/libbsd )
+	nfs? ( net-libs/libtirpc:= )
+	selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+# We require newer linux-headers for ipset support (bug #549948) and some defines (bug #553876)
+	>=sys-kernel/linux-headers-3.16
+	app-arch/xz-utils
+	>=sys-devel/bison-2.4
+	sys-devel/flex
+	virtual/pkgconfig
+	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.1.0-mtu.patch # bug #291907
+	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.12.0-configure-nomagic.patch # bug #643722
+	#"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.1.0-portability.patch
+	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.7.0-mix-signal.h-include.patch
+src_prepare() {
+	default
+	# Fix version if necessary
+	local versionfile="include/version.h"
+	if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] && ! grep -Fq "${PV}" ${versionfile} ; then
+		einfo "Fixing version string"
+		sed "s@\"[[:digit:]\.]\+\"@\"${PV}\"@" \
+			-i ${versionfile} || die
+	fi
+	# echo -n is not POSIX compliant
+	sed 's@echo -n@printf@' -i configure || die
+	sed -i \
+		-e '/^CC :\?=/d' \
+		-e "/^LIBDIR/s:=.*:=/$(get_libdir):" \
+		-e "s|-O2|${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS}|" \
+		-e "/^HOSTCC/s:=.*:= $(tc-getBUILD_CC):" \
+		-e "/^DBM_INCLUDE/s:=.*:=${T}:" \
+		Makefile || die
+	# Build against system headers
+	rm -r include/netinet || die #include/linux include/ip{,6}tables{,_common}.h include/libiptc
+	sed -i 's:TCPI_OPT_ECN_SEEN:16:' misc/ss.c || die
+	if use minimal ; then
+		sed -i -e '/^SUBDIRS=/s:=.*:=lib tc ip:' Makefile || die
+	fi
+src_configure() {
+	tc-export AR CC PKG_CONFIG
+	# This sure is ugly. Should probably move into toolchain-funcs at some point.
+	local setns
+	pushd "${T}" >/dev/null || die
+	printf '#include <sched.h>\nint main(){return setns(0, 0);}\n' > test.c || die
+	if ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE ${LDFLAGS} test.c >&/dev/null ; then
+		setns=y
+	else
+		setns=n
+	fi
+	echo 'int main(){return 0;}' > test.c || die
+	if ! ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} test.c -lresolv >&/dev/null ; then
+		sed -i '/^LDLIBS/s:-lresolv::' "${S}"/Makefile || die
+	fi
+	popd >/dev/null || die
+	# run "configure" script first which will create ""...
+	# Using econf breaks since 5.14.0 (a9c3d70d902a0473ee5c13336317006a52ce8242)
+	edo ./configure --libbpf_force $(usex bpf on off)
+	# Remove the definitions made by configure and allow them to be overridden
+	# by USE flags below.
+	# We have to do the cheesy only-sed-if-disabled because otherwise
+	# the *_FLAGS etc stuff found by configure will be used but result
+	# in a broken build.
+	if ! use berkdb ; then
+		sed -i -e '/HAVE_BERKELEY_DB/d' || die
+	fi
+	if ! use caps ; then
+		sed -i -e '/HAVE_CAP/d' || die
+	fi
+	if use minimal ; then
+		sed -i -e '/HAVE_MNL/d' || die
+	fi
+	if ! use elf ; then
+		sed -i -e '/HAVE_ELF/d' || die
+	fi
+	if ! use nfs ; then
+		sed -i -e '/HAVE_RPC/d' || die
+	fi
+	if ! use selinux ; then
+		sed -i -e '/HAVE_SELINUX/d' || die
+	fi
+	if ! use libbsd ; then
+		sed -i -e '/HAVE_LIBBSD/d' || die
+	fi
+	# ...Now switch on/off requested features via USE flags
+	# this is only useful if the test did not set other things, per bug #643722
+	# Keep in sync with ifs above, or refactor to be unified.
+	cat <<-EOF >>
+	TC_CONFIG_ATM := $(usex atm y n)
+	TC_CONFIG_XT  := $(usex iptables y n)
+	TC_CONFIG_NO_XT := $(usex iptables n y)
+	# We've locked in recent enough kernel headers, bug #549948
+	HAVE_BERKELEY_DB := $(usex berkdb y n)
+	HAVE_CAP      := $(usex caps y n)
+	HAVE_MNL      := $(usex minimal n y)
+	HAVE_ELF      := $(usex elf y n)
+	HAVE_RPC      := $(usex nfs y n)
+	HAVE_SELINUX  := $(usex selinux y n)
+	IP_CONFIG_SETNS := ${setns}
+	# Use correct iptables dir, bug #144265, bug #293709
+	IPT_LIB_DIR   := $(use iptables && ${PKG_CONFIG} xtables --variable=xtlibdir)
+	HAVE_LIBBSD   := $(usex libbsd y n)
+src_compile() {
+	emake V=1 NETNS_RUN_DIR=/run/netns
+src_test() {
+	emake check
+src_install() {
+	if use minimal ; then
+		into /
+		dosbin tc/tc
+		dobin ip/ip
+		return 0
+	fi
+	emake \
+		DESTDIR="${D}" \
+		PREFIX="${EPREFIX}/usr" \
+		LIBDIR="${EPREFIX}"/$(get_libdir) \
+		SBINDIR="${EPREFIX}"/sbin \
+		CONFDIR="${EPREFIX}"/etc/iproute2 \
+		DOCDIR="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
+		MANDIR="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man \
+		ARPDDIR="${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/arpd \
+		install
+	dodir /bin
+	mv "${ED}"/{s,}bin/ip || die # bug #330115
+	dolib.a lib/libnetlink.a
+	insinto /usr/include
+	doins include/libnetlink.h
+	# Collides with net-analyzer/ifstat
+	#
+	mv "${ED}"/sbin/ifstat{,-iproute2} || die
+	if use split-usr ; then
+		# Can remove compatibility symlink in a year: 2023-05-28.
+		# bug #547264
+		mv "${ED}"/sbin/ss "${ED}"/bin/ss || die
+		dosym -r /bin/ss /sbin/ss
+	fi
+	if use berkdb ; then
+		keepdir /var/lib/arpd
+		# bug #47482, arpd doesn't need to be in /sbin
+		dodir /usr/bin
+		mv "${ED}"/sbin/arpd "${ED}"/usr/bin/ || die
+	elif [[ -d "${ED}"/var/lib/arpd ]]; then
+		rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p "${ED}"/var/lib/arpd || die
+	fi