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From: "Sam James" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-misc/asterisk/
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 05:17:27 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1645247626.71734c81c35b0ef358c9984547597927c2cb61be.sam@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     71734c81c35b0ef358c9984547597927c2cb61be
Author:     Jaco Kroon <jaco <AT> uls <DOT> co <DOT> za>
AuthorDate: Tue Feb 15 06:58:06 2022 +0000
Commit:     Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Feb 19 05:13:46 2022 +0000

net-misc/asterisk: 18.10.0

Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.30, Repoman-3.0.3
Signed-off-by: Jaco Kroon <jaco <AT>>
Signed-off-by: Sam James <sam <AT>>

 net-misc/asterisk/Manifest                |   1 +
 net-misc/asterisk/asterisk-18.10.0.ebuild | 365 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 366 insertions(+)

diff --git a/net-misc/asterisk/Manifest b/net-misc/asterisk/Manifest
index f5cb87ea8742..8b31030fb707 100644
--- a/net-misc/asterisk/Manifest
+++ b/net-misc/asterisk/Manifest
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ DIST asterisk-16.20.0.tar.gz 27888074 BLAKE2B 74f7812db787e5dcb041850fc7e80229e0
 DIST asterisk-16.22.0.tar.gz 27925083 BLAKE2B ce700f8924fb2c7c8fc521879c0768595eb7462bb3aa78dd8b64c8a268b357e522ece17c6c4a02a4e17c16bad5141d5c2c15b602d335567be5a3df49f67300ca SHA512 7032da647f4063320fb2ea9c3cd7b0079fbb907e5c8f9d5cdc4197c82d07c99c75bfdcace5c74a593573cd0d9a1b9eb73b2030dc0b13604abb481a311a742173
 DIST asterisk-16.23.0.tar.gz 27960909 BLAKE2B 60aa12e41c199da7c052555f5716fd7325de66d0821c8f285635c8ad01435a182c670b12c9d3959ce8206b1bad255e61eeea199bf23b9dd49915da84487e2ce2 SHA512 d9f6cc083afb858ce48b090bea6a8479679ff840eb35dbc6af7d88ded17539c6e906547a7d936de31b3a50d692df1ccce2fe40b81bba1dc6a82a78c94e1198c4
 DIST asterisk-16.24.0.tar.gz 27987904 BLAKE2B 2a179366d3853afd6528b7b61c33b6683e924ae62bb4cbfd04b3e6717b4d73345b893632164396a5587d633d60338615f69a02d1f8b7f7ac3903131e209825ea SHA512 0c770264fad5a5f4c8cc6572b524349337635f0a8def26391897776d7ba4ec8f0cf595f588abc75f9f37ba941a56b7d3704b3ef3ddb4b67d3e4e341992e8f815
+DIST asterisk-18.10.0.tar.gz 28071071 BLAKE2B 750cebfdb8ae0485e29b9b92c652e7e1aaea6701e2dd14679b271e22360aac5a6aa5f7570c7a8255999c60cebcf9fae118a6e949ee2413adc250fd47ad214ef1 SHA512 d0746431d87d7c5ce0b76b935cf144ea6a8f759f0dbc012f9a4d7a838ac8f811c3ffde539de5f44d4298c752e3a3242e00c9cf02824207c09c72f90f58898d2e
 DIST asterisk-18.6.0.tar.gz 27970531 BLAKE2B a2eaecc962b236e6e455b8d305c05f33fab8e4d6c63eae1506b8354710d6e3e0e3c6da59600555d880520bb58a13950f830057ac03bc82628ab27b2627de52c9 SHA512 17ad7e4dc86f75d4e70f779b6fe6958ee544233b20a36847a6624a7f07b135ddb415f5dca245843ea359e9a6a7c75bfc40ce36fca1df5a7a12549ae522fa2590
 DIST asterisk-18.8.0.tar.gz 28007752 BLAKE2B d5feb2a03003869ee304cd38bc3abcd77a13614c4f1f0a871d517c972f661c17de3da7f452345aaa11e23526a612c1805325ac5a3e902fea1070f63c993ef3fa SHA512 aa06077c6e33e35c35bbaf7dcee13782197f2d9f61e159741ade20050a7bd0dd9a7f6a69d539ee3789af950e8c03518d6186abc99d93ace38dd7e9a1e5dcd337
 DIST asterisk-18.9.0.tar.gz 28045278 BLAKE2B 776be9ee6481dbaf38ff617dc5cc2525b226d57fd93a7ec180c20795af3a7905c5239b1e452628cca463f9d8e077ead794afde6425d39043eb4c3dda3ceba7a6 SHA512 514f806ac93c2975101133e897c20e4483ad97141b125de5b6fcb96b8acd3248bd0d4fc638381fe9e9be7b504a35ddae24d8437c33ed10c88a37565577af52b6

diff --git a/net-misc/asterisk/asterisk-18.10.0.ebuild b/net-misc/asterisk/asterisk-18.10.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b806b3fb026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/asterisk/asterisk-18.10.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-{1..4} )
+inherit autotools linux-info lua-single systemd toolchain-funcs tmpfiles
+DESCRIPTION="Asterisk: A Modular Open Source PBX System"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+	voicemail_storage_odbc
+	voicemail_storage_imap
+IUSE="${IUSE_VOICEMAIL_STORAGE[*]} alsa blocks bluetooth calendar +caps cluster codec2 curl dahdi debug deprecated doc freetds gtalk http iconv ilbc ldap lua mysql newt odbc oss pjproject portaudio postgres radius selinux snmp span speex srtp +ssl static statsd syslog systemd unbound vorbis xmpp"
+REQUIRED_USE="gtalk? ( xmpp )
+	lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )
+	voicemail_storage_odbc? ( odbc )
+	"${FILESDIR}/${PN}-16.16.2-no-var-run-install.patch"
+	acct-group/asterisk
+	dev-db/sqlite:3
+	dev-libs/popt
+	>=dev-libs/jansson-2.11:=
+	dev-libs/libedit
+	dev-libs/libxml2:2
+	dev-libs/libxslt
+	sys-apps/util-linux
+	sys-libs/zlib
+	virtual/libcrypt:=
+	alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
+	bluetooth? ( net-wireless/bluez:= )
+	calendar? (
+		net-libs/neon:=
+		dev-libs/libical:=
+		dev-libs/iksemel
+	)
+	caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+	blocks? ( sys-libs/blocksruntime )
+	cluster? ( sys-cluster/corosync )
+	codec2? ( media-libs/codec2:= )
+	curl? ( net-misc/curl )
+	dahdi? (
+		net-libs/libpri
+		net-misc/dahdi-tools
+	)
+	freetds? ( dev-db/freetds )
+	gtalk? ( dev-libs/iksemel )
+	http? ( dev-libs/gmime:2.6 )
+	iconv? ( virtual/libiconv )
+	ilbc? ( media-libs/libilbc )
+	ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+	lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} )
+	mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:= )
+	newt? ( dev-libs/newt )
+	odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
+	pjproject? ( >=net-libs/pjproject-2.9:= )
+	portaudio? ( media-libs/portaudio )
+	postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:* )
+	radius? ( net-dialup/freeradius-client )
+	snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp:= )
+	span? ( media-libs/spandsp )
+	speex? (
+		media-libs/libogg
+		media-libs/speex
+		media-libs/speexdsp
+	)
+	srtp? ( net-libs/libsrtp:0 )
+	ssl? (
+		dev-libs/openssl:0=
+	)
+	systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
+	!systemd? ( !sys-apps/systemd )
+	unbound? ( net-dns/unbound )
+	vorbis? (
+		media-libs/libogg
+		media-libs/libvorbis
+	)
+	voicemail_storage_imap? ( virtual/imap-c-client )
+	xmpp? ( dev-libs/iksemel )
+	net-misc/asterisk-core-sounds
+	net-misc/asterisk-extra-sounds
+	net-misc/asterisk-moh-opsound
+	selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-asterisk )
+	syslog? ( virtual/logger )"
+	virtual/pkgconfig"
+	"ASTVARRUNDIR=/run/asterisk"
+	"ASTCACHEDIR=/var/cache/asterisk"
+	"DEBUG="
+	"DESTDIR=${D}"
+	"CONFIG_SRC=configs/samples"
+	"CONFIG_EXTEN=.sample"
+pkg_pretend() {
+	local WARNING_NF_CONNTRACK_SIP="SIP (NAT) connection tracking is enabled. Some users
+	have reported that this module dropped critical SIP packets in their deployments. You
+	may want to disable it if you see such problems."
+	check_extra_config
+	[[ "${MERGE_TYPE}" == binary ]] && return
+	if tc-is-clang; then
+		use blocks || die "CC=clang requires USE=blocks"
+	else
+		use blocks && die "USE=blocks can only be used with CC=clang"
+	fi
+pkg_setup() {
+	use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+	default
+	AT_M4DIR="autoconf third-party third-party/pjproject third-party/jansson" eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+	local vmst
+	local copt cstate
+	econf \
+		LUA_VERSION="${ELUA#lua}" \
+		--libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
+		--localstatedir="/var" \
+		--with-crypto \
+		--with-gsm=internal \
+		--with-popt \
+		--with-z \
+		--with-libedit \
+		--without-jansson-bundled \
+		--without-pjproject-bundled \
+		$(use_with caps cap) \
+		$(use_with codec2) \
+		$(use_with lua lua) \
+		$(use_with http gmime) \
+		$(use_with newt) \
+		$(use_with pjproject) \
+		$(use_with portaudio) \
+		$(use_with ssl) \
+		$(use_with unbound)
+	_menuselect() {
+		menuselect/menuselect "$@" || die "menuselect $* failed."
+	}
+	_use_select() {
+		local state=$(use "$1" && echo enable || echo disable)
+		shift # remove use from parameters
+		while [[ -n $1 ]]; do
+			_menuselect --${state} "$1" menuselect.makeopts
+			shift
+		done
+	}
+	# Blank out sounds/sounds.xml file to prevent
+	# asterisk from installing sounds files (we pull them in via
+	# asterisk-{core,extra}-sounds and asterisk-moh-opsound.
+	>"${S}"/sounds/sounds.xml
+	# That NATIVE_ARCH chatter really is quite bothersome
+	sed -i 's/NATIVE_ARCH=/NATIVE_ARCH=0/' build_tools/menuselect-deps || die "Unable to squelch noisy build system"
+	# Compile menuselect binary for optional components
+	emake "${_make_args[@]}" menuselect.makeopts
+	# Disable BUILD_NATIVE (bug #667498)
+	_menuselect --disable build_native menuselect.makeopts
+	# Broken functionality is forcibly disabled (bug #360143)
+	_menuselect --disable chan_misdn menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --disable chan_ooh323 menuselect.makeopts
+	# Utility set is forcibly enabled (bug #358001)
+	_menuselect --enable smsq menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --enable streamplayer menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --enable aelparse menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --enable astman menuselect.makeopts
+	# this is connected, otherwise it would not find
+	# ast_pktccops_gate_alloc symbol
+	_menuselect --enable chan_mgcp menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --enable res_pktccops menuselect.makeopts
+	# SSL is forcibly enabled, IAX2 & DUNDI are expected to be available
+	_menuselect --enable pbx_dundi menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --enable func_aes menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --enable chan_iax2 menuselect.makeopts
+	# SQlite3 is now the main database backend, enable related features
+	_menuselect --enable cdr_sqlite3_custom menuselect.makeopts
+	_menuselect --enable cel_sqlite3_custom menuselect.makeopts
+	# The others are based on USE-flag settings
+	_use_select alsa         chan_alsa
+	_use_select bluetooth    chan_mobile
+	_use_select calendar     res_calendar res_calendar_{caldav,ews,exchange,icalendar}
+	_use_select cluster      res_corosync
+	_use_select codec2       codec_codec2
+	_use_select curl         func_curl res_config_curl res_curl
+	_use_select dahdi        app_dahdiras app_meetme chan_dahdi codec_dahdi res_timing_dahdi
+	_use_select deprecated   app_macro
+	_use_select freetds      {cdr,cel}_tds
+	_use_select gtalk        chan_motif
+	_use_select http         res_http_post
+	_use_select iconv        func_iconv
+	_use_select ilbc         codec_ilbc format_ilbc
+	_use_select ldap         res_config_ldap
+	_use_select lua          pbx_lua
+	_use_select mysql        app_mysql cdr_mysql res_config_mysql
+	_use_select odbc         cdr_adaptive_odbc res_config_odbc {cdr,cel,res,func}_odbc
+	_use_select oss          chan_oss
+	_use_select postgres     {cdr,cel}_pgsql res_config_pgsql
+	_use_select radius       {cdr,cel}_radius
+	_use_select snmp         res_snmp
+	_use_select span         res_fax_spandsp
+	_use_select speex        {codec,func}_speex
+	_use_select speex        format_ogg_speex
+	_use_select srtp         res_srtp
+	_use_select statsd       res_statsd res_{endpoint,chan}_stats
+	_use_select syslog       cdr_syslog
+	_use_select vorbis       format_ogg_vorbis
+	_use_select xmpp         res_xmpp
+	# Voicemail storage ...
+	_menuselect --enable app_voicemail menuselect.makeopts
+	for vmst in "${IUSE_VOICEMAIL_STORAGE[@]}"; do
+		if use "${vmst#+}"; then
+			_menuselect --enable "app_voicemail_${vmst##*_}" menuselect.makeopts
+		fi
+	done
+	if use debug; then
+			_menuselect --enable "${o}" menuselect.makeopts
+		done
+	fi
+	if [[ -n "${GENTOO_ASTERISK_CUSTOM_MENUSELECT:+yes}" ]]; then
+			cstate=--enable
+			[[ "${copt}" == -* ]] && cstate=--disable
+			ebegin "Custom option ${copt#[-+]} ${cstate:2}d"
+			_menuselect ${cstate} "${copt#[-+]}"
+			eend $?
+		done
+	fi
+src_compile() {
+	emake "${_make_args[@]}"
+src_install() {
+	local d
+	dodir "/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig"
+	diropts -m 0750 -o root -g asterisk
+	dodir /etc/asterisk
+	emake "${_make_args[@]}" install install-headers install-configs
+	fowners asterisk: /var/lib/asterisk/astdb
+	if use radius; then
+		insinto /etc/radiusclient/
+		doins contrib/dictionary.digium
+	fi
+	# keep directories
+	diropts -m 0750 -o asterisk -g root
+	keepdir /var/spool/asterisk/{system,tmp,meetme,monitor,dictate,voicemail,recording,outgoing}
+	diropts -m 0750 -o asterisk -g asterisk
+	keepdir /var/log/asterisk/{cdr-csv,cdr-custom}
+	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/initd-16.22.0-18.8.0 asterisk
+	newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/confd-16.16.2-r1 asterisk
+	systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/asterisk.service
+	newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/asterisk.tmpfiles-16.22.0-18.8.0.conf asterisk.conf
+	systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}"/asterisk.service.conf
+	# Reset diropts else dodoc uses it for doc installations.
+	diropts -m0755
+	# install the upgrade documentation
+	# install extra documentation
+	use doc && dodoc doc/*.{txt,pdf}
+	# install logrotate snippet; bug #329281
+	#
+	insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+	newins "${FILESDIR}/1.6.2/asterisk.logrotate4" asterisk
+	# Asterisk installs a few folders that's empty by design,
+	# but still required.  This finds them, and marks them for
+	# portage.
+	while read d <&3; do
+		keepdir "${d#${ED}}"
+	done 3< <(find "${ED}"/var -type d -empty || die "Find failed.")
+pkg_postinst() {
+	tmpfiles_process asterisk.conf
+	if [ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]; then
+		elog "Asterisk Wiki:"
+		elog "Gentoo VoIP IRC Channel: #gentoo-voip @"
+	elif [ "$(ver_cut 1 "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}")" != "$(ver_cut 1)" ]; then
+		elog "You are updating from Asterisk $(ver_cut 1 "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}") upgrade document:"
+		elog "$(ver_cut 1)"
+		elog "Gentoo VoIP IRC Channel: #gentoo-voip @"
+	fi
+	if use deprecated; then
+		ewarn "You really aught to port whatever code you have that depends on this since these are going to go away."
+		ewarn "Refer:"
+	fi
+	if [[ -n "${GENTOO_ASTERISK_CUSTOM_MENUSELECT:+yes}" ]]; then
+		ewarn "You are using GENTOO_ASTERISK_CUSTOM_MENUSELECT, this should only be used"
+		ewarn "for debugging, for anything else, please file a bug on"
+	fi
+	if [[ -f /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3 ]]; then
+		ewarn "Default astdb location has changed from /var/lib/asterisk to /var/lib/asterisk/astdb"
+		ewarn "You still have a /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite file.  You need to either set"
+		ewarn "astdbdir in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf to /var/lib/asterisk or follow these"
+		ewarn "steps to migrate:"
+		ewarn "1.  /etc/init.d/asterisk stop"
+		ewarn "2.  mv /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite /var/lib/asterisk/astdb/"
+		ewarn "3.  /etc/init.d/asterisk start"
+		ewarn "This update was done partly for security reasons so that /var/lib/asterisk can be root owned."
+	fi

             reply	other threads:[~2022-02-19  5:17 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 234+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2022-02-19  5:17 Sam James [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2024-10-25 22:55 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-misc/asterisk/ Matt Jolly
2024-10-25 22:55 Matt Jolly
2024-10-25 22:55 Matt Jolly
2024-10-25 22:55 Matt Jolly
2024-10-25 22:55 Matt Jolly
2024-10-24 11:23 Arthur Zamarin
2024-10-24  4:14 Sam James
2024-10-18 14:37 Sam James
2024-10-18 14:37 Sam James
2024-10-18 14:37 Sam James
2024-10-18 14:37 Sam James
2024-10-18 14:37 Sam James
2024-09-27 23:23 Jakov Smolić
2024-09-27 12:41 Arthur Zamarin
2024-09-27  5:57 Eli Schwartz
2024-09-27  5:57 Eli Schwartz
2024-09-27  5:57 Eli Schwartz
2024-08-18 17:33 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-18 17:33 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-16  8:02 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-16  8:02 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-16  7:28 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-16  7:28 Arthur Zamarin
2024-08-13  7:36 Joonas Niilola
2024-08-13  7:36 Joonas Niilola
2024-08-13  7:36 Joonas Niilola
2024-08-13  7:36 Joonas Niilola
2024-08-05 15:04 Michał Górny
2024-08-05 15:04 Michał Górny
2024-08-05 15:04 Michał Górny
2024-08-05 15:04 Michał Górny
2024-08-05 15:04 Michał Górny
2024-02-06 14:55 Joonas Niilola
2024-02-06 14:55 Joonas Niilola
2024-02-06 14:55 Joonas Niilola
2024-01-12  8:30 Arthur Zamarin
2024-01-05  5:14 Sam James
2024-01-05  5:14 Sam James
2024-01-05  5:14 Sam James
2023-09-14 12:57 Joonas Niilola
2023-08-24 18:09 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-24 18:09 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-24 18:06 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-24 18:06 Arthur Zamarin
2023-08-11  8:13 Joonas Niilola
2023-08-11  8:13 Joonas Niilola
2023-08-11  8:13 Joonas Niilola
2023-08-11  8:13 Joonas Niilola
2023-05-27  8:24 Joonas Niilola
2023-05-27  8:24 Joonas Niilola
2023-05-16  6:16 Joonas Niilola
2023-05-16  6:16 Joonas Niilola
2023-05-16  6:16 Joonas Niilola
2023-05-16  6:16 Joonas Niilola
2023-05-11  1:29 Sam James
2023-05-11  1:29 Sam James
2023-05-11  1:29 Sam James
2023-05-11  1:29 Sam James
2023-04-20 21:52 Sam James
2023-04-20 21:52 Sam James
2023-04-20 21:52 Sam James
2023-04-20 21:52 Sam James
2023-04-05 12:00 Joonas Niilola
2023-04-05 12:00 Joonas Niilola
2023-02-28 16:13 Joonas Niilola
2023-02-28 16:13 Joonas Niilola
2023-02-28 16:13 Joonas Niilola
2022-12-13  5:27 Sam James
2022-12-13  5:27 Sam James
2022-11-05 13:41 Joonas Niilola
2022-11-05 13:41 Joonas Niilola
2022-11-05 13:41 Joonas Niilola
2022-08-23  8:59 Matthew Smith
2022-08-23  8:59 Matthew Smith
2022-08-19  3:46 Sam James
2022-08-18 21:32 Sam James
2022-08-18 21:32 Sam James
2022-08-18 21:32 Sam James
2022-08-18 21:32 Sam James
2022-08-18 21:01 Sam James
2022-07-13  8:01 Sam James
2022-07-13  8:01 Sam James
2022-07-13  8:01 Sam James
2022-02-19  5:17 Sam James
2021-12-20 11:10 Joonas Niilola
2021-12-20 11:10 Joonas Niilola
2021-12-20 11:10 Joonas Niilola
2021-12-20 11:10 Joonas Niilola
2021-12-20 11:10 Joonas Niilola
2021-12-20 11:10 Joonas Niilola
2021-12-10 22:17 Jakov Smolić
2021-12-10 22:17 Jakov Smolić
2021-12-10 12:40 Jakov Smolić
2021-12-10 12:40 Jakov Smolić
2021-11-12  1:36 Sam James
2021-11-11 11:36 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-11-10 16:54 Jakov Smolić
2021-11-10 16:54 Jakov Smolić
2021-10-14  8:01 Sam James
2021-10-14  8:01 Sam James
2021-09-25 19:08 Sam James
2021-09-04  6:26 Joonas Niilola
2021-09-04  6:26 Joonas Niilola
2021-07-30 23:31 Sam James
2021-07-24  7:58 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-07-24  7:57 Agostino Sarubbo
2021-07-23  7:25 Joonas Niilola
2021-07-13  7:29 Joonas Niilola
2021-07-13  7:29 Joonas Niilola
2021-07-12 10:40 Joonas Niilola
2021-07-12 10:40 Joonas Niilola
2021-07-12 10:40 Joonas Niilola
2021-07-12 10:40 Joonas Niilola
2021-06-30 20:49 Sam James
2021-06-30 20:49 Sam James
2021-06-30 20:49 Sam James
2021-06-30 20:49 Sam James
2021-06-25 19:19 Ulrich Müller
2021-06-24 23:27 Sam James
2021-06-03 19:15 Sam James
2021-05-23 18:48 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-05-22 15:26 Sam James
2021-05-13  4:32 Sam James
2021-05-13  4:31 Sam James
2021-05-11  8:47 Joonas Niilola
2021-05-11  8:47 Joonas Niilola
2021-05-02 12:09 Mikle Kolyada
2021-04-09 10:04 Joonas Niilola
2021-04-09 10:04 Joonas Niilola
2021-03-29 15:29 Sam James
2021-03-26  0:08 Sam James
2021-03-25 23:17 Sam James
2021-03-19  8:52 Joonas Niilola
2021-03-19  8:52 Joonas Niilola
2021-03-09  9:44 Sam James
2021-03-07 11:58 David Seifert
2021-02-10 19:05 Sam James
2021-01-23  4:20 Sam James
2021-01-23  4:09 Sam James
2021-01-22  5:40 Sam James
2021-01-07 10:06 Sam James
2021-01-01 23:00 Sam James
2020-12-23 21:31 Marek Szuba
2020-12-23 21:31 Marek Szuba
2020-11-02 14:21 Sam James
2020-10-26 13:16 Joonas Niilola
2020-10-26 13:16 Joonas Niilola
2020-10-25 19:46 Thomas Deutschmann
2020-09-12  1:49 Sam James
2020-09-12  1:49 Sam James
2020-09-12  1:49 Sam James
2020-09-12  1:49 Sam James
2020-07-20 21:02 Sam James
2020-07-20 21:02 Sam James
2020-07-20 21:02 Sam James
2020-07-20 20:40 Sam James
2020-07-20 20:40 Sam James
2020-07-20 12:24 Sam James
2020-07-19 12:22 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-07-19 12:18 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-07-16 17:45 Sam James
2020-07-01  6:39 Joonas Niilola
2020-07-01  6:39 Joonas Niilola
2020-07-01  6:39 Joonas Niilola
2020-06-17 17:15 Thomas Deutschmann
2020-06-17 17:15 Thomas Deutschmann
2020-05-08 10:46 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-05-07 15:58 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-05-06  6:48 Sergei Trofimovich
2020-05-04 17:26 Joonas Niilola
2020-04-21  8:18 Joonas Niilola
2020-04-17  7:36 Joonas Niilola
2020-04-15  6:58 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-04-14 16:43 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-04-14 12:32 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-04-13  7:42 Joonas Niilola
2020-03-31  8:25 Mikle Kolyada
2020-02-24  5:55 Joonas Niilola
2019-11-30  7:50 Joonas Niilola
2019-11-30  7:50 Joonas Niilola
2019-09-10 13:37 Lars Wendler
2018-10-18  8:08 Tony Vroon
2018-10-17 16:10 Agostino Sarubbo
2018-10-17 12:07 Thomas Deutschmann
2018-10-17  8:33 Tony Vroon
2018-10-17  8:29 Tony Vroon
2018-10-06 18:40 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-10-06 18:40 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-10-06 18:40 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-10-06 18:40 Sergei Trofimovich
2018-08-13 12:46 Tony Vroon
2018-08-01 13:39 Tony Vroon
2018-03-26 12:50 Tony Vroon
2018-03-24  0:41 Aaron Bauman
2018-03-23 23:37 Aaron Bauman
2018-03-17  7:11 Matt Turner
2018-03-12 10:51 Agostino Sarubbo
2018-03-09 16:04 Tony Vroon
2018-01-25 10:20 Tony Vroon
2018-01-24 10:55 Tony Vroon
2017-10-25  9:31 Agostino Sarubbo
2017-10-03 16:05 Tony Vroon
2017-10-03  0:42 Thomas Deutschmann
2017-09-19 22:08 Tony Vroon
2017-09-19  9:22 Tony Vroon
2017-09-19  0:17 Tony Vroon
2017-06-04 21:40 Thomas Deutschmann
2017-03-10  9:58 Tony Vroon
2017-02-23 13:02 Michael Weber
2017-02-23  9:08 Michael Weber
2016-12-14 10:24 Aaron Bauman
2016-12-13 11:30 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-12-13 11:05 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-12-09 14:38 Tony Vroon
2016-12-01 16:04 Tony Vroon
2016-11-09 10:25 Tony Vroon
2016-09-12 10:52 Tony Vroon
2016-06-30 18:32 Michał Górny
2016-06-30 12:29 Tony Vroon
2016-05-04 10:35 Tony Vroon
2016-03-09 14:14 Tony Vroon
2016-02-08 11:46 Tony Vroon
2016-02-05 15:37 Tony Vroon
2016-02-05 15:09 Tony Vroon
2016-02-05 15:04 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-02-05 15:03 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-02-05 13:23 Tony Vroon
2016-01-19 10:05 Tony Vroon
2015-12-07 13:45 Tony Vroon
2015-12-07 13:45 Tony Vroon
2015-10-18 18:23 Michał Górny
2015-10-05 13:52 Julian Ospald
2015-08-11 10:40 Tony Vroon

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