From: "William Hubbs" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-lang/lua/, dev-lang/lua/files/
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2020 19:22:49 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1609096964.9066063fba78022d58562a7ee2295d8eb53a840b.williamh@gentoo> (raw)
commit: 9066063fba78022d58562a7ee2295d8eb53a840b
Author: William Hubbs <williamh <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Dec 27 19:22:23 2020 +0000
Commit: William Hubbs <williamh <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Dec 27 19:22:44 2020 +0000
dev-lang/lua: 5.3.6-r2 revbump
- remove liblua.{a,la}
- remove static use flag and link liblua.a statically to the interpretor
Signed-off-by: William Hubbs <williamh <AT>>
dev-lang/lua/files/lua-5.3.6-make.patch | 91 +++++++++++++++
dev-lang/lua/lua-5.3.6-r2.ebuild | 200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 291 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dev-lang/lua/files/lua-5.3.6-make.patch b/dev-lang/lua/files/lua-5.3.6-make.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6e842caf4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/lua/files/lua-5.3.6-make.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+diff -uNr lua-5.3.3.orig/Makefile lua-5.3.3/Makefile
+--- lua-5.3.3.orig/Makefile 2016-12-04 22:29:54.839135901 +0100
++++ lua-5.3.3/Makefile 2016-12-04 22:31:14.235851109 +0100
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ # LUA_ROOT, LUA_LDIR, and LUA_CDIR in luaconf.h.
+ INSTALL_TOP= /usr/local
++INSTALL_INC= $(INSTALL_TOP)/include/lua$V
+@@ -112,3 +112,18 @@
+ .PHONY: all $(PLATS) clean test install local none dummy echo pecho lecho
+ # (end of Makefile)
++# Use libtool for binary installs, etc.
++export V
++export LIBTOOL = libtool --quiet --tag=CC
++# See libtool manual about how to set this
++ cd src; $(MAKE) $@
++ cd src; $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL_EXEC) lua$V luac$V $(INSTALL_BIN)
++ cd src; $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL_DATA) liblua$ $(INSTALL_LIB)
+diff -uNr lua-5.3.3.orig/src/Makefile lua-5.3.3/src/Makefile
+--- lua-5.3.3.orig/src/Makefile 2016-12-04 22:29:54.840135910 +0100
++++ lua-5.3.3/src/Makefile 2016-12-04 22:34:55.980848068 +0100
+@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
+ lmathlib.o loslib.o lstrlib.o ltablib.o lutf8lib.o loadlib.o linit.o
+-LUA_T= lua
++LUA_T= lua$V
+ LUA_O= lua.o
+-LUAC_T= luac
++LUAC_T= luac$V
+ LUAC_O= luac.o
+ ALL_O= $(BASE_O) $(LUA_O) $(LUAC_O)
+@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
+ $(AR) $@ $(BASE_O)
+ $(RANLIB) $@
+-$(LUA_T): $(LUA_O) $(LUA_A)
++origin$(LUA_T): $(LUA_O) $(LUA_A)
+ $(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LUA_O) $(LUA_A) $(LIBS)
+-$(LUAC_T): $(LUAC_O) $(LUA_A)
++origin$(LUAC_T): $(LUAC_O) $(LUA_A)
+ $(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LUAC_O) $(LUA_A) $(LIBS)
+ clean:
+@@ -195,3 +195,30 @@
+ lobject.h ltm.h lzio.h
+ # (end of Makefile)
++export LIBTOOL = libtool --quiet --tag=CC
++export LIB_VERSION = 6:1:1
++# The following rules use libtool for compiling and linking in order to
++# provide shared library support.
++LIB_NAME = liblua$
++LIB_OBJS = $(CORE_O:.o=.lo) $(LIB_O:.o=.lo)
++%.lo %.o: %.c
++ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
++ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) -version-info $(LIB_VERSION) \
++ -rpath $(RPATH) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(LIB_NAME) $(LIB_OBJS) $(LIB_LIBS)
++$(LUA_T): $(LUA_O:.o=.lo) $(LIB_NAME)
++ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) -static -export-dynamic $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(LUA_O:.o=.lo) $(LIB_NAME) $(LUA_LIBS)
++$(LUAC_T): $(LUAC_O:.o=.lo) $(LIB_NAME)
++ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) -static $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(LUAC_O:.o=.lo) $(LIB_NAME)
++ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=clean $(RM) $(ALL_O:.o=.lo) $(LIB_NAME) lua$V luac$V
++gentoo_all: $(LIB_NAME) $(LUA_T) $(LUAC_T)
diff --git a/dev-lang/lua/lua-5.3.6-r2.ebuild b/dev-lang/lua/lua-5.3.6-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc6403a3a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/lua/lua-5.3.6-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools multilib multilib-minimal portability toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="A powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications"
+ test? (${TEST_P}.tar.gz )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~ppc-aix ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+IUSE="+deprecated readline test test-complete"
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-lua-3
+ readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+ !dev-lang/lua:0"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ /usr/include/lua${SLOT}/luaconf.h
+ "${FILESDIR}/lua-5.3.6-make.patch"
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # use glibtool on Darwin (versus Apple libtool)
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
+ sed -i -e '/LIBTOOL = /s:/libtool:/glibtool:' \
+ Makefile src/Makefile || die
+ fi
+ # correct lua versioning
+ sed -i -e 's/\(LIB_VERSION = \)6:1:1/\10:0:0/' src/Makefile || die
+ sed -i -e 's:\(/README\)\("\):\1.gz\2:g' doc/readme.html || die
+ if ! use readline ; then
+ sed -i -e '/#define LUA_USE_READLINE/d' src/luaconf.h || die
+ fi
+ # Using dynamic linked lua is not recommended for performance
+ # reasons.
+ # Mainly, this is of concern if your arch is poor with GPRs, like x86
+ # Note that this only affects the interpreter binary (named lua), not the lua
+ # compiler (built statically) nor the lua libraries.
+ # upstream does not use libtool, but we do (see bug #336167)
+ cp "${FILESDIR}/" "${S}/" || die
+ eautoreconf
+ # custom Makefiles
+ multilib_copy_sources
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:\(define LUA_ROOT\s*\).*:\1"'${EPREFIX}'/usr/":' \
+ -e "s:\(define LUA_CDIR\s*LUA_ROOT \"\)lib:\1$(get_libdir):" \
+ src/luaconf.h \
+ || die "failed patching luaconf.h"
+ econf
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ tc-export CC
+ # what to link to liblua
+ liblibs="-lm"
+ liblibs="${liblibs} $(dlopen_lib)"
+ # what to link to the executables
+ mylibs=
+ use readline && mylibs="-lreadline"
+ cd src
+ local myCFLAGS=""
+ use deprecated && myCFLAGS="-DLUA_COMPAT_5_1 -DLUA_COMPAT_5_2"
+ case "${CHOST}" in
+ *-mingw*) : ;;
+ *) myCFLAGS+=" -DLUA_USE_LINUX" ;;
+ esac
+ emake CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${myCFLAGS} ${CFLAGS}" \
+ RPATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/" \
+ LUA_LIBS="${mylibs}" \
+ LIB_LIBS="${liblibs}" \
+ V=$(ver_cut 1-2) \
+ gentoo_all
+multilib_src_install() {
+ emake INSTALL_TOP="${ED}/usr" INSTALL_LIB="${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
+ V=${SLOT} gentoo_install
+ case $SLOT in
+ 0)
+ LIBNAME="lua"
+ ;;
+ *) LIBNAME="lua${SLOT}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # We want packages to find our things...
+ # A slotted Lua uses different directories for headers & names for
+ # libraries, and pkgconfig should reflect that.
+ local PATCH_PV=$(ver_cut 1-2)
+ cp "${FILESDIR}/lua.pc" "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ sed -r -i \
+ -e "/^INSTALL_INC=/s,(/include)$,\1/lua${SLOT}," \
+ -e "s:^prefix= :prefix= ${EPREFIX}:" \
+ -e "s:^V=.*:V= ${PATCH_PV}:" \
+ -e "s:^R=.*:R= ${PV}:" \
+ -e "s:/,lib,:/$(get_libdir):g" \
+ -e "/^Libs:/s:( )(-llua)($| ):\1-l${LIBNAME}\3:" \
+ -e "/^includedir=/s:include$:include${INCLUDEDIR_SUFFIX}:" \
+ "${WORKDIR}/lua.pc" || die
+ insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig"
+ newins "${WORKDIR}/lua.pc" "lua${SLOT}.pc"
+ # Copy Debian's symlink support:
+ #
+ # FreeBSD calls the pkgconfig 'lua-5.3.pc'
+ # Older systems called it 'lua53.pc'
+ dosym "lua${SLOT}.pc" "/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/lua-${SLOT}.pc"
+ dosym "lua${SLOT}.pc" "/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/lua${SLOT/.}.pc"
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ HTML_DOCS="doc/*.html doc/*.png doc/*.css doc/*.gif"
+ einstalldocs
+ newman doc/lua.1 lua${SLOT}.1
+ newman doc/luac.1 luac${SLOT}.1
+ find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -delete || die
+ find "${ED}" -name 'liblua*.a' -delete || die
+# Makefile contains a dummy target that doesn't do tests
+# but causes issues with slotted lua (bug #510360)
+src_test() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/lua-${TEST_PV}-tests" || die
+ #
+ # There are two sets:
+ # basic
+ # complete.
+ #
+ # The basic subset is selected by passing -e'_U=true'
+ # The complete set is noted to contain tests that may consume too much memory or have non-portable tests.
+ # attrib.lua for example needs some multilib customization (have to compile the stuff in libs/ for each ABI)
+ TEST_OPTS="$(usex test-complete '' '-e_U=true')"
+ TEST_MARKER="${T}/test.failed"
+ rm -f "${TEST_MARKER}"
+ # If we are failing, set the marker file, and only check it after done all ABIs
+ abi_src_test() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ TEST_LOG="${T}/test.${MULTIBUILD_ID}.log"
+ eval "${BUILD_DIR}"/src/lua${SLOT} ${TEST_OPTS} all.lua 2>&1 | tee "${TEST_LOG}" || die
+ grep -sq -e "final OK" "${TEST_LOG}" || echo "FAIL ${MULTIBUILD_ID}" >>"${TEST_MARKER}"
+ return 0
+ }
+ multilib_foreach_abi abi_src_test
+ if [ -e "${TEST_MARKER}" ]; then
+ cat "${TEST_MARKER}"
+ die "Tests failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ eselect lua set --if-unset "${PN}${SLOT}"
+ if has_version "app-editor/emacs"; then
+ if ! has_version "app-emacs/lua-mode"; then
+ einfo "Install app-emacs/lua-mode for lua support for emacs"
+ fi
+ fi
next reply other threads:[~2020-12-27 19:22 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 8+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2020-12-27 19:22 William Hubbs [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2022-10-13 13:20 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-lang/lua/, dev-lang/lua/files/ David Seifert
2022-03-03 15:42 William Hubbs
2020-12-29 19:56 William Hubbs
2020-12-27 19:22 William Hubbs
2020-12-25 23:30 William Hubbs
2016-12-04 21:45 Rafael Martins
2016-11-28 19:13 Rafael Martins
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