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From: "Miroslav Šulc" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: www-servers/tomcat/files/, www-servers/tomcat/
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 10:30:45 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1606213841.d3f46166892c50436b1de7e5b695daf27aac44fa.fordfrog@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     d3f46166892c50436b1de7e5b695daf27aac44fa
Author:     Miroslav Šulc <fordfrog <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Nov 24 10:30:30 2020 +0000
Commit:     Miroslav Šulc <fordfrog <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Nov 24 10:30:41 2020 +0000

www-servers/tomcat: bump to 9.0.40

Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.10, Repoman-3.0.2
Signed-off-by: Miroslav Šulc <fordfrog <AT>>

 www-servers/tomcat/Manifest                        |   1 +
 .../tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.40-build.xml.patch     | 284 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../files/tomcat-9.0.40-insufficient-ecj.patch     |  24 ++
 www-servers/tomcat/tomcat-9.0.40.ebuild            | 191 ++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 500 insertions(+)

diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest b/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest
index 881b47c69e4..848ccb8b94d 100644
--- a/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest
+++ b/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest
@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ DIST apache-tomcat-7.0.106-src.tar.gz 5302091 BLAKE2B f60975ef5570501b03e7164596
 DIST apache-tomcat-8.5.59-src.tar.gz 5787634 BLAKE2B 8ca1aa8b4d12d0e73c0d7937e906530037168ac349b196e172935332e632b1e9ab15379f532cb8fb1b2f853d01567332af9c031393882c833dcea65f9e626b09 SHA512 bed80e86c4dc972fd6ad414a804ed2bffc797e22b0a5e0e6e93c8540fb87cffb2fd2f1f8d97873a3ee24397f7961a8fdeb6756c542a532e4b73468bccec6e626
 DIST apache-tomcat-8.5.60-src.tar.gz 5837412 BLAKE2B 0c2200412900f7f6d318051333b15b8c6236e00f6194c21fc45bb95b565c4146e2682b879f3a293de3ab65524013f786a7f69dd7e91f1c4cc903179075253cc4 SHA512 43222e5d04b3de400429d6f1792d418172b6ff15dcc17e392cd66a5444d740a323b9c426a9f39678b3460452545fda4d784f56961d5ea56b9c0e1ca466d49040
 DIST apache-tomcat-9.0.38-src.tar.gz 5948083 BLAKE2B ac076684f10a51bf0e0b5b0dbf18ee476ec900bead0089010de7b4a7d380a1e18035eaa0d0f661c863aa53491e51f719c2a5985e4791bcc9dada4c421db39fe7 SHA512 13c79abed71ead564b108ec8a046e78374611acd906f4b6e775ac0427446117192be6b25f29894e625e2dc13f79abbc97bc52b32120ce5701cbe0f5ae05bc57b
+DIST apache-tomcat-9.0.40-src.tar.gz 6017562 BLAKE2B 1c90511911363bb3b154124382f6401851c3a0e7925e06cc8f2b4f02a7b4c1c59bc75007a8b387f06742cbeca7f840b6860d84dc7c6fdb1e7774b22dbca6082f SHA512 61b8e191315cee2bc0437013dbe7d1fb3451182e0b316fb377581c7d47a59cefb7f2ff30d96a2d6326a99c86f4151b26d1ef76bda5029b30d81c8297a0b362fb
 DIST biz.aQute.bnd-5.1.1.jar 16088761 BLAKE2B 59906cc39ea27ef20cbf82de1ba78096f34dc417da6dc5c28e21f6e92c0625efecf14cec6c5faf0ab17551c31a6c87a24614c2ac75ac902cfea30199ecc0d39f SHA512 8092b083e7b86e75bf27233964763b88bee74d8ae141c85e387c1cc8bd0cbf3a54be27afea29931fb3ae950700a515fd4a28cfe8e7f26cbaaec506aa06357a37
 DIST biz.aQute.bndlib-5.1.1.jar 3652944 BLAKE2B dad9f9835fb407a36e0eae4b65fa2fda147e06ab3f3211a2ed2f1631aeccd6d14d198c325793cb1ce9a57b719a836db230d0452715744ba5a4a6c2983c17916b SHA512 d7da056ba541ae0862159bf5e38e1a5351b2ab5388c88733b46601c2d7dab8970f16af00df186a6cb67fbe81ef53f2c8402db9d28a8c6819dadf60a1df40879b

diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.40-build.xml.patch b/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.40-build.xml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b9999e283b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.40-build.xml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
+index 56a9701..ee86df9 100644
+--- a/build.xml
++++ b/build.xml
+@@ -1014,6 +1014,7 @@
+       addOSGi="true" />
+     <!-- Servlet 4.0 Implementation JAR File -->
+     <jarIt jarfile="${servlet-api.jar}"
+       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+       filesId="files.servlet-api"
+@@ -1021,21 +1022,23 @@
+       notice="${tomcat.manifests}/servlet-api.jar.notice"
+       license="${tomcat.manifests}/servlet-api.jar.license"
+       addOSGi="true" />
+     <!-- EL Implementation JAR File -->
+     <jarIt jarfile="${el-api.jar}"
+       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+       filesId="files.el-api"
+       manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/el-api.jar.manifest"
+       addOSGi="true" />
+     <!-- JSP Implementation JAR File -->
+     <jarIt jarfile="${jsp-api.jar}"
+       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+       filesId="files.jsp-api"
+       manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/jsp-api.jar.manifest"
+       addOSGi="true" />
+     <!-- WebSocket API JAR File -->
+     <jarIt jarfile="${websocket-api.jar}"
+       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+@@ -1148,10 +1151,10 @@
+       addOSGi="true" />
+     <!-- Re-packaged Apache Commons DBCP 2-->
+-    <jarIt jarfile="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}"
++<!--    <jarIt jarfile="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}"
+       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+       filesId="files.tomcat-dbcp"
+-      addOSGi="true" />
++      addOSGi="true" /> -->
+     <!-- i18n JARs -->
+     <jar jarfile="${}/lib/tomcat-i18n-cs.jar"
+@@ -1374,9 +1377,9 @@
+   <target name="deploy" depends="package,build-docs,build-tomcat-jdbc,compile-webapp-examples"
+           description="Default. Builds a working Tomcat instance">
+     <copy tofile="${}/bin/commons-daemon.jar" file="${commons-daemon.jar}" />
+     <!-- Copy scripts -->
+     <copy todir="${}/bin">
+       <fileset dir="bin">
+@@ -1436,7 +1439,7 @@
+         <exclude name="${jdt.jar.filename}"/>
+       </fileset>
+     </delete>
+-    <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/>
++<!--    <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/> -->
+     <!-- Add sources for examples -->
+     <antcall target="examples-sources" />
+@@ -1479,7 +1482,7 @@
+   </target>
+-  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc" depends="package">
++  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc" depends="package" unless="noget">
+     <!-- build the jdbc-pool jar and source jar-->
+     <echo message="Building Tomcat JDBC pool libraries"/>
+     <ant antfile="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}/build.xml" dir="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}"
+@@ -1494,7 +1497,7 @@
+     <copy file="${tomcat-jdbc.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc-src">
++  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc-src" unless="noget">
+     <!-- build the jdbc-pool source jar-->
+     <echo message="Building Tomcat JDBC pool src JAR"/>
+     <ant antfile="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}/build.xml" dir="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}"
+@@ -1597,9 +1600,11 @@
+     <copy file="${basedir}/LICENSE" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
+     <copy file="${basedir}/NOTICE" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
+     <copy file="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}"
+       failonerror="false"/>
+     <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
+     <copy file="${annotations-api.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
+     <!-- Note the meta-inf below will work as long as there is only one JAR
+@@ -2171,11 +2176,12 @@
+     </copy>
+     <!-- Source bundles for native components -->
+     <copy tofile="${tomcat.dist}/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz"
+             file="${tomcat-native.tar.gz}" />
+     <copy tofile="${tomcat.dist}/bin/commons-daemon-native.tar.gz"
+             file="${commons-daemon.native.src.tgz}" />
+     <!-- platform README files -->
+     <echo append="false" file="${tomcat.dist}/bin/x64/README">
+ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
+@@ -2206,6 +2212,7 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
+         <path location="${ant.core.lib}"/>
+       </classpath>
+     </javadoc>
+     <javadoc packagenames="javax.servlet.*"
+       excludepackagenames="javax.servlet.jsp.*"
+       sourcepath="${tomcat.dist}/src/java"
+@@ -2270,6 +2277,7 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
+         <path location="${ant.core.lib}"/>
+       </classpath>
+     </javadoc>
+     <javadoc packagenames="javax.websocket.*"
+       sourcepath="${tomcat.dist}/src/java"
+       destdir="${tomcat.dist}/webapps/docs/websocketapi"
+@@ -2332,13 +2340,17 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
+         <path location="${osgi-annotations.jar}"/>
+       </classpath>
+       <link href="../annotationapi"/>
+       <link href="../servletapi"/>
+       <link href="../jspapi"/>
+       <link href="../elapi"/>
+       <link href="../websocketapi"/>
+       <link href="../jaspicapi"/>
+       <link href=""/>
+       <link href=""/>
+       <packageset dir="${tomcat.dist}/src/java/">
+         <include name="org/**"/>
+         <exclude name="org/apache/el/parser/**"/>
+@@ -3066,7 +3078,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+   <target name="download-compile"
+           description="Download components necessary to compile"
+-          depends="setup-bnd">
++          depends="setup-bnd" unless="noget">
+     <!-- Download Commons Daemon -->
+     <antcall target="downloadgz-2">
+@@ -3121,7 +3133,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+   </target>
+   <target name="download-test-compile"
+-          description="Download additional components for the tests" >
++          description="Download additional components for the tests" unless="noget">
+     <antcall target="downloadfile">
+       <param name="sourcefile" value="${junit.loc}"/>
+@@ -3199,7 +3211,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+   </target>
+   <target name="download-dist"
+-          description="Download additional components for a distribution" >
++          description="Download additional components for a distribution" unless="noget">
+     <antcall target="downloadfile-2">
+       <param name="sourcefile.1" value="${tomcat-native.loc.1}"/>
+@@ -3254,13 +3266,13 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+   <!-- =============== Utility Targets to support downloads ================ -->
+-  <target name="setproxy" if="${proxy.use}">
++  <target name="setproxy" if="${proxy.use}" unless="noget">
+     <setproxy proxyhost="${}" proxyport="${proxy.port}"
+               proxyuser="${proxy.user}" proxypassword="${proxy.password}" />
+     <echo message="Using ${}:${proxy.port} to download ${sourcefile}"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="testexist">
++  <target name="testexist" unless="noget">
+     <echo message="Testing  for ${destfile}"/>
+     <available file="${destfile}" property="exist"/>
+   </target>
+@@ -3382,7 +3394,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     </sequential>
+   </macrodef>
+-  <target name="downloadgz" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
++  <target name="downloadgz" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
+     <!-- Download and extract the package -->
+     <local name="temp.file"/>
+     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -3399,7 +3411,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     <delete file="${temp.file}.tar.gz"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="downloadgz-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
++  <target name="downloadgz-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
+     <!-- Download and extract the package from the two alternative locations -->
+     <local name="temp.file"/>
+     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -3424,7 +3436,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     <delete file="${temp.file}.tar.gz"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="downloadzip" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
++  <target name="downloadzip" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
+     <!-- Download and extract the package -->
+     <local name="temp.file"/>
+     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -3440,7 +3452,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     <delete file="${temp.file}"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="downloadzip-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
++  <target name="downloadzip-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
+     <!-- Download and extract the package from the two alternative locations -->
+     <local name="temp.file"/>
+     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -3464,7 +3476,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     <delete file="${temp.file}"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="downloadfile" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
++  <target name="downloadfile" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
+     <!-- Download the file -->
+     <local name="temp.file"/>
+     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -3479,7 +3491,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     <move file="${temp.file}" tofile="${destfile}"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="downloadfile-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
++  <target name="downloadfile-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
+     <!-- Download the file from the two alternative locations -->
+     <local name="temp.file"/>
+     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -3507,7 +3519,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     <move file="${temp.file}" tofile="${destfile}"/>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="trydownload.check" depends="setproxy">
++  <target name="trydownload.check" depends="setproxy" unless="noget">
+     <condition property="">
+       <and>
+         <not>
+@@ -3518,7 +3530,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+     </condition>
+   </target>
+-  <target name="trydownload" if="" depends="trydownload.check">
++  <target name="trydownload" if="" depends="trydownload.check" unless="noget">
+     <!-- Downloads a file if not yet downloaded and the source URL is available -->
+     <get src="${sourcefile}" httpusecaches="${trydownload.httpusecaches}" dest="${destfile}" />
+   </target>
+@@ -3529,7 +3541,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
+   <target name="ide-eclipse"
+           depends="download-compile, download-test-compile"
+-          description="Prepares the source tree to be built in Eclipse">
++          description="Prepares the source tree to be built in Eclipse" unless="noget">
+     <!-- Copy the sample project files into the root directory -->
+     <copy file="${tomcat.home}/res/ide-support/eclipse/eclipse.project" tofile="${tomcat.home}/.project"/>
+@@ -3547,7 +3559,7 @@ Read the Building page on the Apache Tomcat documentation site for details on ho
+   <target name="ide-intellij"
+           depends="download-compile, download-test-compile"
+-          description="Creates project directory .idea for IntelliJ IDEA">
++          description="Creates project directory .idea for IntelliJ IDEA" unless="noget">
+     <copy todir="${tomcat.home}/.idea">
+       <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/res/ide-support/idea"/>

diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.40-insufficient-ecj.patch b/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.40-insufficient-ecj.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd002e2ca21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.40-insufficient-ecj.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+diff --git a/java/org/apache/jasper/compiler/ b/java/org/apache/jasper/compiler/
+index 4722a4a..27ce287 100644
+--- a/java/org/apache/jasper/compiler/
++++ b/java/org/apache/jasper/compiler/
+@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public class JDTCompiler extends org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler {
+             } else if(opt.equals("13")) {
+                 settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_13);
+             } else if(opt.equals("14")) {
+-                settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_14);
++                settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, "14");
+             } else if(opt.equals("15")) {
+                 // Constant not available in latest ECJ version shipped with
+                 // Tomcat. May be supported in a snapshot build.
+@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ public class JDTCompiler extends org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler {
+                 settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_13);
+                 settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_13);
+             } else if(opt.equals("14")) {
+-                settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_14);
+-                settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_14);
++                settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, "14");
++                settings.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, "14");
+             } else if(opt.equals("15")) {
+                 // Constant not available in latest ECJ version shipped with
+                 // Tomcat. May be supported in a snapshot build.

diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/tomcat-9.0.40.ebuild b/www-servers/tomcat/tomcat-9.0.40.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..41d3c02f774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/tomcat/tomcat-9.0.40.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source test"
+inherit eutils java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 prefix user
+# Currently we bundle binary versions of bnd.jar and bndlib.jar
+# See bugs #203080 and #676116
+DESCRIPTION="Tomcat Servlet-4.0/JSP-2.3/EL-3.0/WebSocket-1.1/JASPIC-1.1 Container"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-solaris"
+RESTRICT="test" # can we run them on a production system?
+	dev-java/glassfish-xmlrpc-api:0
+	~dev-java/tomcat-servlet-api-${PV}:${SAPI_SLOT}
+	dev-java/wsdl4j:0"
+	virtual/jre"
+	app-admin/pwgen
+	>=dev-java/ant-core-1.9.13
+	virtual/jdk:1.8
+	test? (
+		>=dev-java/ant-junit-1.9:0
+		dev-java/easymock:3.2
+	)"
+	"${FILESDIR}/${P}-insufficient-ecj.patch"
+src_unpack() {
+	unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
+	mkdir -p "${BND_HOME}" "${BNDLIB_HOME}" || die "Failed to create dir"
+	ln -s "${DISTDIR}/${BND}" "${BND_HOME}/" || die "Failed to symlink bnd-*.jar"
+	ln -s "${DISTDIR}/${BND}" "${BNDLIB_HOME}/" || die "Failed to symlink bndlib-*.jar"
+pkg_setup() {
+	java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
+	enewgroup tomcat 265
+	enewuser tomcat 265 -1 /dev/null tomcat
+src_prepare() {
+	default
+	find -name '*.jar' -type f -delete -print || die
+	# Remove bundled servlet-api
+	rm -rv java/javax/{el,servlet} || die
+	eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}-build.xml.patch"
+	# For use of in netbeans
+	sed -i -e "/^# ----- Execute The Requested Command/ a\
+		CLASSPATH=\`java-config --with-dependencies --classpath ${PN}-${SLOT}\`" \
+		bin/ || die
+	java-pkg-2_src_prepare
+EANT_EXTRA_ARGS="-Dversion=${PV}-gentoo -Dversion.number=${PV} -Dcompile.debug=false -Dbnd.jar=${BND_JAR} -Dbndlib.jar=${BNDLIB_JAR}"
+# revisions of the scripts
+src_configure() {
+	java-ant-2_src_configure
+	eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-9.0.37-fix-build-rewrite.patch"
+src_compile() {
+	EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH_EXTRA+=":$(java-pkg_getjar --build-only ant-core ant.jar):$(java-pkg_getjars --build-only glassfish-xmlrpc-api)"
+	java-pkg-2_src_compile
+src_test() {
+	java-pkg-2_src_test
+src_install() {
+	local dest="/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}"
+	java-pkg_jarinto "${dest}"/bin
+	java-pkg_dojar output/build/bin/*.jar
+	exeinto "${dest}"/bin
+	doexe output/build/bin/*.sh
+	java-pkg_jarinto "${dest}"/lib
+	java-pkg_dojar output/build/lib/*.jar
+	use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc output/dist/webapps/docs/api
+	use source && java-pkg_dosrc java/*
+	### Webapps ###
+	# add missing docBase
+	local apps="host-manager manager"
+	for app in ${apps}; do
+		sed -i -e "s|=\"true\" >|=\"true\" docBase=\"\$\{catalina.home\}/webapps/${app}\" >|" \
+			output/build/webapps/${app}/META-INF/context.xml || die
+	done
+	insinto "${dest}"/webapps
+	doins -r output/build/webapps/{host-manager,manager,ROOT}
+	use extra-webapps && doins -r output/build/webapps/{docs,examples}
+	### Config ###
+	# create "logs" directory in $CATALINA_BASE
+	# and set correct perms, see #458890
+	dodir "${dest}"/logs
+	fperms 0750 "${dest}"/logs
+	# replace the default pw with a random one, see #92281
+	local randpw="$(pwgen -s -B 15 1)"
+	sed -i -e "s|SHUTDOWN|${randpw}|" output/build/conf/server.xml || die
+	# prepend gentoo.classpath to common.loader, see #453212
+	sed -i -e 's/^common\.loader=/\0${gentoo.classpath},/' output/build/conf/ || die
+	insinto "${dest}"
+	doins -r output/build/conf
+	### rc ###
+	cp "${FILESDIR}"/tomcat{.conf,${INIT_REV}.init,-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash} "${T}" || die
+	eprefixify "${T}"/tomcat{.conf,${INIT_REV}.init,-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash}
+	sed -i -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" "${T}"/tomcat{.conf,${INIT_REV}.init,-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash} || die
+	insinto "${dest}"/gentoo
+	doins "${T}"/tomcat.conf
+	exeinto "${dest}"/gentoo
+	newexe "${T}"/tomcat${INIT_REV}.init tomcat.init
+	newexe "${T}"/tomcat-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash tomcat-instance-manager.bash
+pkg_postinst() {
+	elog "New ebuilds of Tomcat support running multiple instances. If you used prior version"
+	elog "of Tomcat (<7.0.32), you have to migrate your existing instance to work with new Tomcat."
+	elog "You can find more information at"
+	elog "To manage Tomcat instances, run:"
+	elog "  ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/gentoo/tomcat-instance-manager.bash --help"
+	ewarn "tomcat-dbcp.jar is not built at this time. Please fetch jar"
+	ewarn "from upstream binary if you need it. Gentoo Bug # 144276"
+	einfo "Please read and"
+	einfo " for more information."

             reply	other threads:[~2020-11-24 10:30 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 74+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2020-11-24 10:30 Miroslav Šulc [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2024-10-15  7:36 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: www-servers/tomcat/files/, www-servers/tomcat/ Miroslav Šulc
2024-04-04  7:51 Miroslav Šulc
2023-11-08  9:02 Miroslav Šulc
2023-01-04  8:05 Miroslav Šulc
2022-09-27  5:17 Miroslav Šulc
2022-09-18 11:20 Miroslav Šulc
2022-04-01 10:04 Miroslav Šulc
2022-04-01  9:50 Miroslav Šulc
2022-02-22  9:13 Miroslav Šulc
2022-01-21 10:02 Miroslav Šulc
2022-01-21 10:02 Miroslav Šulc
2021-08-07 14:56 Miroslav Šulc
2021-07-05 14:15 Miroslav Šulc
2021-05-13 11:09 Miroslav Šulc
2021-04-07 15:03 Miroslav Šulc
2021-04-07 14:33 Miroslav Šulc
2021-03-13 12:03 Miroslav Šulc
2021-02-04 10:50 Miroslav Šulc
2020-07-20  8:40 Miroslav Šulc
2020-07-07  8:10 Miroslav Šulc
2020-02-09 23:34 Miroslav Šulc
2019-11-25 12:26 Miroslav Šulc
2019-04-19 14:51 Miroslav Šulc
2019-01-23 14:54 Miroslav Šulc
2019-01-23 12:49 Miroslav Šulc
2018-06-01  8:34 Miroslav Šulc
2018-04-13 14:08 Miroslav Šulc
2018-04-08 20:15 James Le Cuirot
2018-02-15 17:00 Miroslav Šulc
2018-01-23 15:30 Miroslav Šulc
2017-12-15 18:03 Miroslav Šulc
2017-12-04 15:07 Miroslav Šulc
2017-11-16  8:54 Miroslav Šulc
2017-10-19  7:41 Miroslav Šulc
2017-10-11 14:27 Miroslav Šulc
2017-08-10 10:35 Miroslav Šulc
2017-08-10 10:35 Miroslav Šulc
2017-07-15  7:50 Miroslav Šulc
2017-07-15  7:50 Miroslav Šulc
2017-07-15  7:50 Miroslav Šulc
2017-05-15 17:36 Miroslav Šulc
2017-05-09 13:27 Miroslav Šulc
2017-04-25 10:12 Miroslav Šulc
2017-04-09 14:56 Miroslav Šulc
2017-04-09 14:28 Miroslav Šulc
2017-03-31 17:40 Miroslav Šulc
2017-03-31 17:40 Miroslav Šulc
2017-03-31 17:40 Miroslav Šulc
2017-03-14 15:15 Miroslav Šulc
2017-02-10 10:11 Miroslav Šulc
2017-01-25 15:56 Miroslav Šulc
2016-12-13 12:22 Miroslav Šulc
2016-12-13  8:34 Miroslav Šulc
2016-11-10 16:03 Miroslav Šulc
2016-10-13 17:10 Miroslav Šulc
2016-09-06 17:23 Miroslav Šulc
2016-07-13 21:39 Miroslav Šulc
2016-07-13 21:39 Miroslav Šulc
2016-06-14 12:34 Miroslav Šulc
2016-06-14 12:18 Miroslav Šulc
2016-05-25 20:10 Miroslav Šulc
2016-02-18  9:13 Miroslav Šulc
2016-02-12 18:28 Miroslav Šulc
2016-02-10 14:40 Miroslav Šulc
2016-01-18 15:18 Miroslav Šulc
2015-12-11  9:50 Miroslav Šulc
2015-12-04 18:11 Miroslav Šulc
2015-11-25 19:49 Miroslav Šulc
2015-10-15 11:07 Miroslav Šulc
2015-10-02  9:08 Miroslav Šulc
2015-09-03 16:50 Miroslav Šulc
2015-08-25 23:22 James Le Cuirot
2015-08-16 14:22 James Le Cuirot

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