From: "Patrice Clement" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: app-admin/rex/
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2020 21:44:30 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1605130855.b846ef49133e34dd973a04c1d00eaf097ac9c804.monsieurp@gentoo> (raw)
commit: b846ef49133e34dd973a04c1d00eaf097ac9c804
Author: Ferenc Erki <erkiferenc <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Sat Nov 7 11:50:29 2020 +0000
Commit: Patrice Clement <monsieurp <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Nov 11 21:40:55 2020 +0000
app-admin/rex: drop old.
Signed-off-by: Ferenc Erki <erkiferenc <AT>>
Signed-off-by: Patrice Clement <monsieurp <AT>>
app-admin/rex/Manifest | 2 -
app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.1.ebuild | 196 --------------------------------------
app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.2.ebuild | 203 ----------------------------------------
3 files changed, 401 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app-admin/rex/Manifest b/app-admin/rex/Manifest
index 095f59173fe..70748a374eb 100644
--- a/app-admin/rex/Manifest
+++ b/app-admin/rex/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-DIST Rex-1.12.1.tar.gz 339065 BLAKE2B fd026e66a4e1cf6d4c8b15f7fcba0525a3e98346464170f27d5ef7bb54f1decd7450d87d9f23bee8378df4647eacf512c06a8d051bb76021cbcae472e2c2012d SHA512 774452511d97106bb6586324ff4e8642b05be628c80f3adbba7fd82558c82236878e969512bab398e26a1a7a271a7614108761bd0fb888a2122167806796bad1
-DIST Rex-1.12.2.tar.gz 343716 BLAKE2B bb546298305e2e210ea67a21c948f364d3c0ee5947c8d716606fc81cfd07c4b1eea9e6ce8fd3fd49a0cffd33a964e0d328f60d570fa18fa3452b334a7882b279 SHA512 867942eec63ba71b591b93d6c0af794605f86571ef6d1be473989314cb7fc7d4e8d906ef25e30ea56beeaefe953c884661d9b769452587a3d4892de10163b6c7
DIST Rex-1.13.0.tar.gz 344412 BLAKE2B 220e3dff378bdf5c607f2be94952a68f4c3e72ab362518566e16be55a837cef64f12af8f487e1f26bec04e3b5b4781d1d8eecc6aa347a666c2eb616595371919 SHA512 9e717decbe27a630e83c8194418783cb38c63fedb7f8c4a437395ebc3db21a45cc2057bcb6b2bc689255ab8f579908ad7158031e3a019886634fae3f6e6fb511
DIST Rex-1.13.1.tar.gz 347483 BLAKE2B bab66dffa3e0c0ae6b54bb8a76adfff0858797370389d5329169e5a7a2e6091a5d866feae14c5764b9d87bf920ff9ee5951cc69be4311c9c362e49f58f24659f SHA512 d68bf98e83a04a28d904db683e3cc0984f019ffc6be589f261b4bc44300b753c03e751b87936d9d831bf6456bdcff916cc2a84c0a1a6c11e20c47bf2533575fc
diff --git a/app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.1.ebuild b/app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e8649d2bd..00000000000
--- a/app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- EGIT_BRANCH="master"
- VCS_ECLASS="git-r3"
- # This is intentional to stop perl-module.eclass doing magic things when it
- # shouldn't. Like making ${S} contain "Rex" when the git clone has "rex"
- # Also prevents perl-module.eclass provisioning SRC_URI
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-inherit bash-completion-r1 perl-module ${VCS_ECLASS}
-DESCRIPTION="(R)?ex, the friendly automation framework"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckExtraTests
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFile
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Contributors
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Awesome
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Meta-Contributors
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NextVersion-Semantic
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OSPrereqs
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurPkgVersion
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Run
- dev-perl/Software-License
- virtual/perl-Carp
- virtual/perl-Data-Dumper
- dev-perl/Data-Validate-IP
- dev-perl/DBI
- dev-perl/Devel-Caller
- dev-perl/Digest-HMAC
- virtual/perl-Digest-MD5
- dev-perl/Expect
- virtual/perl-Exporter
- virtual/perl-File-Spec
- dev-perl/HTTP-Message
- dev-perl/Hash-Merge
- virtual/perl-IO
- dev-perl/IO-String
- dev-perl/IO-Tty
- dev-perl/IPC-Shareable
- dev-perl/JSON-MaybeXS
- dev-perl/List-MoreUtils
- virtual/perl-MIME-Base64
- dev-perl/Net-OpenSSH
- dev-perl/Net-SFTP-Foreign
- virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils
- dev-perl/Parallel-ForkManager
- dev-perl/Sort-Naturally
- dev-perl/String-Escape
- virtual/perl-Storable
- dev-perl/TermReadKey
- virtual/perl-Test-Simple
- dev-perl/Text-Glob
- virtual/perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap
- virtual/perl-Time-HiRes
- dev-perl/URI
- dev-perl/XML-LibXML
- dev-perl/XML-Simple
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- dev-perl/YAML
- virtual/perl-version
- >=virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.110.100
- >=dev-perl/File-ShareDir-Install-0.60.0
- test? (
- virtual/perl-File-Temp
- dev-perl/Test-Deep
- >=dev-perl/Test-UseAllModules-0.150.0
- virtual/perl-autodie
- )
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] && BDEPEND+=" ${DZIL_DEPENDS}"
-src_unpack() {
- if [[ $PV == 9999 ]]; then
- "${VCS_ECLASS}"_src_unpack
- mkdir -p "${S}" || die "Can't make ${S}"
- else
- default
- fi
-dzil_src_prep() {
- einfo "Patching dist.ini"
- # This block of sed invocations removes all plugins that aren't
- # useful for users to have on Gentoo, because all of them are
- # conditional and subjective style checks, which don't indicate
- # a real issue for users, and paying the price of their dependencies is undesired.
- # The {N;d} trick adds the [n]ext line after the match to the pattern-space
- # so that the final [d]elete deletes the next line too. Can be expanded for each
- # line, ie: {N;N;N;d} deletes 3 lines after the match as well as the match.
- sed -e '/^\[Test::Kwalitee\]/d' \
- -e '/^\[Test::Perl::Critic\]/d' \
- -e '/^\[PodSyntaxTests\]/d' \
- -e '/^Test::Kwalitee =/d' \
- -e '/^Test::PerlTidy =/d' \
- -e '/^Test::Pod =/d' \
- -e '/^\[Test::CPAN::Changes\]/{N;d}' \
- -e '/^\[Test::MinimumVersion\]/{N;d}' \
- -i dist.ini || die "Can't patch dist.ini"
-dzil_env_setup() {
- # NextRelease noise :(
- mkdir -p ~/.dzil/
- local user="$(whoami)"
- local host="$(hostname)"
- printf '[%%User]\nname = %s\nemail = %s' "${user}" "${user}@${host}" >> ~/.dzil/config.ini
-dzil_to_distdir() {
- local dzil_root dest has_missing modname dzil_version
- dzil_root="$1"
- dest="$2"
- cd "${dzil_root}" || die "Can't enter git workdir '${dzil_root}'";
- dzil_src_prep
- dzil_env_setup
- dzil_version="$(dzil version)" || die "Error invoking 'dzil version'"
- einfo "Generating CPAN dist with ${dzil_version}"
- has_missing=""
- einfo "Checking dzil authordeps"
- while IFS= read -d $'\n' -r modname; do
- if [[ -z "${has_missing}" ]]; then
- has_missing=1
- eerror "'dzil authordeps' indicates missing build dependencies"
- eerror "These will prevent building, please report a bug"
- eerror "Missing:"
- fi
- eerror " ${modname}"
- done < <( dzil authordeps --missing --versions )
- [[ -z "${has_missing}" ]] || die "Satisfy all missing authordeps first"
- einfo "Checking dzil build deps"
- while IFS= read -d $'\n' -r modname; do
- if [[ -z "${has_missing}" ]]; then
- has_missing=1
- ewarn "'dzil listdeps' indicates missing build dependencies"
- ewarn "These may prevent building, please report a bug if they do"
- ewarn "Missing:"
- fi
- ewarn " ${modname}"
- done < <( dzil listdeps --missing --versions --author )
- einfo "Generating release"
- dzil build --notgz --in "${dest}" || die "Unable to build CPAN dist in '${dest}'"
-src_prepare() {
- if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- # Uses git sources in WORKDIR/rex-git
- # to generate a CPAN-style tree in ${S}
- # before letting perl-module.eclass do the rest
- dzil_to_distdir "${EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}" "${S}"
- fi
- cd "${S}" || die "Can't enter build dir"
- perl-module_src_prepare
-src_install() {
- newbashcomp "share/${PN}-tab-completion.bash" "${PN}"
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- newins "share/${PN}-tab-completion.zsh" "_${PN}"
- perl-module_src_install
diff --git a/app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.2.ebuild b/app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d832e4f2b87..00000000000
--- a/app-admin/rex/rex-1.12.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- EGIT_BRANCH="master"
- VCS_ECLASS="git-r3"
- # This is intentional to stop perl-module.eclass doing magic things when it
- # shouldn't. Like making ${S} contain "Rex" when the git clone has "rex"
- # Also prevents perl-module.eclass provisioning SRC_URI
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-inherit bash-completion-r1 perl-module ${VCS_ECLASS}
-DESCRIPTION="(R)?ex, the friendly automation framework"
-IUSE="minimal test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckExtraTests
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFile
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Contributors
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Awesome
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Meta-Contributors
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NextVersion-Semantic
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OSPrereqs
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurPkgVersion
- dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Run
- dev-perl/Software-License
- !minimal? (
- dev-perl/DBI
- dev-perl/Expect
- dev-perl/IPC-Shareable
- dev-perl/XML-LibXML
- )
- virtual/perl-Carp
- virtual/perl-Data-Dumper
- dev-perl/Data-Validate-IP
- dev-perl/Devel-Caller
- dev-perl/Digest-HMAC
- virtual/perl-Digest-MD5
- virtual/perl-Exporter
- virtual/perl-File-Spec
- dev-perl/HTTP-Message
- dev-perl/Hash-Merge
- virtual/perl-IO
- dev-perl/IO-String
- dev-perl/IO-Tty
- dev-perl/JSON-MaybeXS
- dev-perl/List-MoreUtils
- virtual/perl-MIME-Base64
- dev-perl/Net-OpenSSH
- dev-perl/Net-SFTP-Foreign
- virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils
- dev-perl/Parallel-ForkManager
- dev-perl/Sort-Naturally
- dev-perl/String-Escape
- virtual/perl-Storable
- dev-perl/TermReadKey
- virtual/perl-Test-Simple
- dev-perl/Text-Glob
- virtual/perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap
- virtual/perl-Time-HiRes
- dev-perl/URI
- dev-perl/XML-Simple
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- dev-perl/YAML
- virtual/perl-version
- >=virtual/perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.120.620
- >=virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.110.100
- >=dev-perl/File-ShareDir-Install-0.60.0
- virtual/perl-Module-Metadata
- test? (
- virtual/perl-File-Temp
- dev-perl/Test-Deep
- dev-perl/Test-Output
- dev-perl/Test-UseAllModules
- virtual/perl-autodie
- )
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] && BDEPEND+=" ${DZIL_DEPENDS}"
-src_unpack() {
- if [[ $PV == 9999 ]]; then
- "${VCS_ECLASS}"_src_unpack
- mkdir -p "${S}" || die "Can't make ${S}"
- else
- default
- fi
-dzil_src_prep() {
- einfo "Patching dist.ini"
- # This block of sed invocations removes all plugins that aren't
- # useful for users to have on Gentoo, because all of them are
- # conditional and subjective style checks, which don't indicate
- # a real issue for users, and paying the price of their dependencies is undesired.
- # The {N;d} trick adds the [n]ext line after the match to the pattern-space
- # so that the final [d]elete deletes the next line too. Can be expanded for each
- # line, ie: {N;N;N;d} deletes 3 lines after the match as well as the match.
- sed -e '/^\[Test::Kwalitee\]/d' \
- -e '/^\[Test::Perl::Critic\]/d' \
- -e '/^\[PodSyntaxTests\]/d' \
- -e '/^Test::Kwalitee =/d' \
- -e '/^Test::PerlTidy =/d' \
- -e '/^Test::Pod =/d' \
- -e '/^\[Test::CPAN::Changes\]/{N;d}' \
- -e '/^\[OptionalFeature/,/^$/d' \
- -e '/^\[Test::MinimumVersion\]/{N;d}' \
- -i dist.ini || die "Can't patch dist.ini"
-dzil_env_setup() {
- # NextRelease noise :(
- mkdir -p ~/.dzil/
- local user="$(whoami)"
- local host="$(hostname)"
- printf '[%%User]\nname = %s\nemail = %s' "${user}" "${user}@${host}" >> ~/.dzil/config.ini
-dzil_to_distdir() {
- local dzil_root dest has_missing modname dzil_version
- dzil_root="$1"
- dest="$2"
- cd "${dzil_root}" || die "Can't enter git workdir '${dzil_root}'";
- dzil_src_prep
- dzil_env_setup
- dzil_version="$(dzil version)" || die "Error invoking 'dzil version'"
- einfo "Generating CPAN dist with ${dzil_version}"
- has_missing=""
- einfo "Checking dzil authordeps"
- while IFS= read -d $'\n' -r modname; do
- if [[ -z "${has_missing}" ]]; then
- has_missing=1
- eerror "'dzil authordeps' indicates missing build dependencies"
- eerror "These will prevent building, please report a bug"
- eerror "Missing:"
- fi
- eerror " ${modname}"
- done < <( dzil authordeps --missing --versions )
- [[ -z "${has_missing}" ]] || die "Satisfy all missing authordeps first"
- einfo "Checking dzil build deps"
- while IFS= read -d $'\n' -r modname; do
- if [[ -z "${has_missing}" ]]; then
- has_missing=1
- ewarn "'dzil listdeps' indicates missing build dependencies"
- ewarn "These may prevent building, please report a bug if they do"
- ewarn "Missing:"
- fi
- ewarn " ${modname}"
- done < <( dzil listdeps --missing --versions --author )
- einfo "Generating release"
- dzil build --notgz --in "${dest}" || die "Unable to build CPAN dist in '${dest}'"
-src_prepare() {
- if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- # Uses git sources in WORKDIR/rex-git
- # to generate a CPAN-style tree in ${S}
- # before letting perl-module.eclass do the rest
- dzil_to_distdir "${EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}" "${S}"
- fi
- cd "${S}" || die "Can't enter build dir"
- perl-module_src_prepare
-src_install() {
- newbashcomp "share/${PN}-tab-completion.bash" "${PN}"
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- newins "share/${PN}-tab-completion.zsh" "_${PN}"
- perl-module_src_install
next reply other threads:[~2020-11-11 21:44 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 59+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2020-11-11 21:44 Patrice Clement [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-02-06 13:39 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: app-admin/rex/ Patrick Lauer
2024-11-06 10:36 Patrick Lauer
2024-11-06 10:36 Patrick Lauer
2024-11-06 10:04 Patrick Lauer
2023-09-04 12:30 Sam James
2023-08-14 17:08 罗百科
2023-08-14 17:08 罗百科
2023-05-20 5:55 罗百科
2023-03-06 12:04 罗百科
2023-03-06 12:04 罗百科
2023-02-15 11:03 罗百科
2023-02-15 11:03 罗百科
2023-02-15 11:03 罗百科
2023-02-15 11:03 罗百科
2023-02-14 9:16 罗百科
2023-02-14 8:57 罗百科
2021-07-30 19:28 Patrice Clement
2021-06-12 9:44 Patrice Clement
2021-03-06 22:02 Patrice Clement
2021-03-06 22:02 Patrice Clement
2021-02-28 23:28 Sam James
2020-11-14 9:34 Kent Fredric
2020-11-14 9:34 Kent Fredric
2020-11-14 9:34 Kent Fredric
2020-11-13 7:51 Kent Fredric
2020-11-13 7:51 Kent Fredric
2020-11-11 21:44 Patrice Clement
2020-11-11 21:44 Patrice Clement
2020-11-11 21:44 Patrice Clement
2020-11-11 21:44 Patrice Clement
2020-09-09 8:39 Kent Fredric
2020-09-09 8:39 Kent Fredric
2020-08-07 17:00 Kent Fredric
2020-08-07 16:41 Kent Fredric
2020-08-07 16:41 Kent Fredric
2020-07-29 12:16 Kent Fredric
2020-07-29 12:16 Kent Fredric
2020-07-01 14:22 Kent Fredric
2020-06-13 20:20 Kent Fredric
2020-05-12 8:16 Kent Fredric
2020-05-12 8:16 Kent Fredric
2020-05-12 8:16 Kent Fredric
2020-04-22 20:17 Kent Fredric
2020-04-17 14:12 Kent Fredric
2018-02-13 20:47 Patrick Lauer
2017-03-31 10:28 Kent Fredric
2017-03-31 10:15 Kent Fredric
2017-03-31 10:14 Kent Fredric
2017-02-23 18:58 Kent Fredric
2017-02-23 18:58 Kent Fredric
2016-07-20 10:13 Patrick Lauer
2016-04-29 19:36 Andreas Hüttel
2016-03-07 14:34 Patrick Lauer
2016-03-07 14:34 Patrick Lauer
2016-03-07 13:19 Patrick Lauer
2016-02-23 9:19 Patrick Lauer
2016-02-09 14:06 Patrick Lauer
2015-12-20 18:45 Patrick Lauer
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