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From: "Andreas Sturmlechner" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-db/postgis/
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 23:20:08 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1581635967.1adf60a3b3b33756e05ad547dd0b247cc30588c7.asturm@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     1adf60a3b3b33756e05ad547dd0b247cc30588c7
Author:     Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Thu Feb 13 22:40:25 2020 +0000
Commit:     Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Thu Feb 13 23:19:27 2020 +0000

dev-db/postgis: Drop 2.4.7, 2.4.8 and 2.5.2

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.88, Repoman-2.3.20
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT>>

 dev-db/postgis/Manifest             |   3 -
 dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.7.ebuild | 125 ------------------------------------
 dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.8.ebuild | 125 ------------------------------------
 dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.5.2.ebuild | 123 -----------------------------------
 4 files changed, 376 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-db/postgis/Manifest b/dev-db/postgis/Manifest
index 584507e4d98..617516bdd3e 100644
--- a/dev-db/postgis/Manifest
+++ b/dev-db/postgis/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
-DIST postgis-2.4.7.tar.gz 12831401 BLAKE2B 0069a339cc778a02a008835189b5560ffb1724aceaaeeec5264750cdfaa4346310ca1d112f698556e750b6559f0dabb727584c9d41ff8747ed7673e147c9723e SHA512 832f039e582227cd1c6edef98af8dfcceb90db75b18d4ba605b7baf2842227b23fe2d15c3b1cde941182c93230ba41ab94da59e97506c77e79f2016bbd98c885
-DIST postgis-2.4.8.tar.gz 12846228 BLAKE2B dc7cd26f08774011bddba362040f35fd46dab5f58870643d4e6d939fb107a8e93ccb8c2d57ac67bf5ba44a7dd05c25eee77358548d9d7d9a8b3e2f7538e49538 SHA512 afeddbdcbad68358c3bc36beec5f1baf74c328daba90f0ac7d6322e4330d18da2e5534fa200f8ae3f19e7e897221989a564f6e2855e9181eadfd9cc32315b666
-DIST postgis-2.5.2.tar.gz 16252761 BLAKE2B 181ecc41e659c1df32392d0dfea9cc081c2a647fd23401b8b0470f99e1136b6b8ed900eaea38afdf87cc801bf13ede4247f9c188fcf0da6782624239c77b434f SHA512 b10781f0b74bad8162c33eb111a6090fba184b45fe5874d22cd3a5b0acfb057f3407c073bc44c9d4cd20ed8c2cb1fbb34480b0cf331340bc8b52580d4eccb819
 DIST postgis-2.5.3.tar.gz 16424752 BLAKE2B 94c2ccd41eb88a39c6db48ad7f4d142742a1b0791e3abe57adb2c778406dcc8286afc6d55c80067e0b94a1300eff1c76a227d3cfd813e12541c715edeea11a9b SHA512 1c9f873ba8f8ff4aeae248c68c001eb4174416de1e00ce6a0d0c9ea129b475e887a83235027068d52f587ab95c549adbfaa7e5dccdda77855e39c55dac0fdc2d
 DIST postgis-3.0.0.tar.gz 17359802 BLAKE2B aa83bdc2d1950c517f99cbdd877eb7261f6c29ce2cbd9f67f1e606c290080fc3d02ab0b7ceb68ce852e0c0d3d4b7753f03cb5b0921da164ab65d68e23d1df538 SHA512 82c233681fa6444686f9979768e5d6d3a9b6ca9cbd4fc2b14bd0a5d1269a8d0f45ee067e64984077063407c7abc13fa0e37a29928d7ccbfe3a61b694f592bed2

diff --git a/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.7.ebuild b/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b057bbea83..00000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.{4..6} {10..11} )
-inherit autotools eutils postgres-multi versionator
-MY_PV=$(replace_version_separator 3 '')
-DESCRIPTION="Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="address-standardizer doc gtk static-libs mapbox test topology"
-	dev-libs/json-c:=
-	dev-libs/libxml2:2
-	>=sci-libs/geos-3.5.0
-	>=sci-libs/proj-4.6.0
-	>=sci-libs/gdal-1.10.0
-	address-standardizer? ( dev-libs/libpcre )
-	gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
-	mapbox? ( dev-libs/protobuf )
-		doc? (
-				app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
-				app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.5
-				dev-libs/libxslt
-				|| (
-					media-gfx/imagemagick[png]
-					media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick,png]
-				)
-		)
-		virtual/pkgconfig
-		test? ( dev-util/cunit )
-PGIS="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-# Needs a running psql instance, doesn't work out of the box
-MAKEOPTS+=' -j1'
-# These modules are built using the same *FLAGS that were used to build
-# dev-db/postgresql. The right thing to do is to ignore the current
-# *FLAGS settings.
-src_prepare() {
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.2.0-arflags.patch"
-	local AT_M4DIR="macros"
-	eautoreconf
-	postgres-multi_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
-	local myargs=""
-	use gtk                  && myargs+=" --with-gui"
-	use address-standardizer || myargs+=" --without-address-standardizer"
-	use mapbox               || myargs+=" --without-protobuf"
-	use topology             || myargs+=" --without-topology"
-	postgres-multi_foreach econf ${myargs}
-src_compile() {
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake -C topology
-	if use doc ; then
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake comments
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake cheatsheets
-		postgres-multi_forbest emake -C doc html
-	fi
-src_install() {
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake -C topology DESTDIR="${D}" install
-	postgres-multi_forbest dobin ./utils/
-	dodoc CREDITS TODO loader/README.* doc/*txt
-	docinto topology
-	dodoc topology/{TODO,README}
-	if use doc ; then
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" comments-install
-		docinto html
-		postgres-multi_forbest dodoc doc/html/{postgis.html,style.css}
-		docinto html/images
-		postgres-multi_forbest dodoc doc/html/images/*
-	fi
-	use static-libs || find "${ED}" -name '*.a' -delete
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ebegin "Refreshing PostgreSQL symlinks"
-	postgresql-config update
-	eend $?
-	elog "To finish installing PostGIS, follow the directions detailed at:"
-	elog "${PGIS}/postgis_installation.html#create_new_db_extensions"

diff --git a/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.8.ebuild b/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7248b26049e..00000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.4.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.{4..6} {10..11} )
-inherit autotools eutils postgres-multi versionator
-MY_PV=$(replace_version_separator 3 '')
-DESCRIPTION="Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="address-standardizer doc gtk static-libs mapbox test topology"
-	dev-libs/json-c:=
-	dev-libs/libxml2:2
-	>=sci-libs/geos-3.5.0
-	>=sci-libs/proj-4.6.0
-	>=sci-libs/gdal-1.10.0
-	address-standardizer? ( dev-libs/libpcre )
-	gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
-	mapbox? ( dev-libs/protobuf )
-		doc? (
-				app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
-				app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.5
-				dev-libs/libxslt
-				|| (
-					media-gfx/imagemagick[png]
-					media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick,png]
-				)
-		)
-		virtual/pkgconfig
-		test? ( dev-util/cunit )
-PGIS="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-# Needs a running psql instance, doesn't work out of the box
-MAKEOPTS+=' -j1'
-# These modules are built using the same *FLAGS that were used to build
-# dev-db/postgresql. The right thing to do is to ignore the current
-# *FLAGS settings.
-src_prepare() {
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.2.0-arflags.patch"
-	local AT_M4DIR="macros"
-	eautoreconf
-	postgres-multi_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
-	local myargs=""
-	use gtk                  && myargs+=" --with-gui"
-	use address-standardizer || myargs+=" --without-address-standardizer"
-	use mapbox               || myargs+=" --without-protobuf"
-	use topology             || myargs+=" --without-topology"
-	postgres-multi_foreach econf ${myargs}
-src_compile() {
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake -C topology
-	if use doc ; then
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake comments
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake cheatsheets
-		postgres-multi_forbest emake -C doc html
-	fi
-src_install() {
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake -C topology DESTDIR="${D}" install
-	postgres-multi_forbest dobin ./utils/
-	dodoc CREDITS TODO loader/README.* doc/*txt
-	docinto topology
-	dodoc topology/{TODO,README}
-	if use doc ; then
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" comments-install
-		docinto html
-		postgres-multi_forbest dodoc doc/html/{postgis.html,style.css}
-		docinto html/images
-		postgres-multi_forbest dodoc doc/html/images/*
-	fi
-	use static-libs || find "${ED}" -name '*.a' -delete
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ebegin "Refreshing PostgreSQL symlinks"
-	postgresql-config update
-	eend $?
-	elog "To finish installing PostGIS, follow the directions detailed at:"
-	elog "${PGIS}/postgis_installation.html#create_new_db_extensions"

diff --git a/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.5.2.ebuild b/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.5.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 39283cedf71..00000000000
--- a/dev-db/postgis/postgis-2.5.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.{4..6} {10..12} )
-inherit autotools eutils postgres-multi versionator
-MY_PV=$(replace_version_separator 3 '')
-DESCRIPTION="Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="address-standardizer doc gtk static-libs mapbox test topology"
-	dev-libs/json-c:=
-	dev-libs/libxml2:2
-	>=sci-libs/geos-3.5.0
-	>=sci-libs/proj-4.6.0
-	>=sci-libs/gdal-1.10.0
-	address-standardizer? ( dev-libs/libpcre )
-	gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
-	mapbox? ( dev-libs/protobuf )
-		doc? (
-				app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
-				app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.5
-				dev-libs/libxslt
-				|| (
-					media-gfx/imagemagick[png]
-					media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick,png]
-				)
-		)
-		virtual/pkgconfig
-		test? ( dev-util/cunit )
-PGIS="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-# Needs a running psql instance, doesn't work out of the box
-# These modules are built using the same *FLAGS that were used to build
-# dev-db/postgresql. The right thing to do is to ignore the current
-# *FLAGS settings.
-src_prepare() {
-	eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.2.0-arflags.patch"
-	local AT_M4DIR="macros"
-	eautoreconf
-	postgres-multi_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
-	local myargs=""
-	use gtk                  && myargs+=" --with-gui"
-	use address-standardizer || myargs+=" --without-address-standardizer"
-	use mapbox               || myargs+=" --without-protobuf"
-	use topology             || myargs+=" --without-topology"
-	postgres-multi_foreach econf ${myargs}
-src_compile() {
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake -C topology
-	if use doc ; then
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake comments
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake cheatsheets
-		postgres-multi_forbest emake -C doc html
-	fi
-src_install() {
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
-	postgres-multi_foreach emake -C topology DESTDIR="${D}" install
-	postgres-multi_forbest dobin ./utils/
-	dodoc CREDITS TODO loader/README.* doc/*txt
-	docinto topology
-	dodoc topology/{TODO,README}
-	if use doc ; then
-		postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" comments-install
-		docinto html
-		postgres-multi_forbest dodoc doc/html/{postgis.html,style.css}
-		docinto html/images
-		postgres-multi_forbest dodoc doc/html/images/*
-	fi
-	use static-libs || find "${ED}" -name '*.a' -delete
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ebegin "Refreshing PostgreSQL symlinks"
-	postgresql-config update
-	eend $?
-	elog "To finish installing PostGIS, follow the directions detailed at:"
-	elog "${PGIS}/postgis_installation.html#create_new_db_extensions"

             reply	other threads:[~2020-02-13 23:20 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 132+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2020-02-13 23:20 Andreas Sturmlechner [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-01-19 13:15 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-db/postgis/ Patrick Lauer
2024-12-28  9:40 Patrick Lauer
2024-12-04  9:15 Sam James
2024-12-04  9:15 Sam James
2024-12-03  9:30 Sam James
2024-12-03  2:44 Sam James
2024-11-23 20:15 Arthur Zamarin
2024-11-23 20:15 Arthur Zamarin
2024-10-17 11:36 Patrick Lauer
2024-10-04 17:30 Arthur Zamarin
2024-10-04 17:30 Arthur Zamarin
2024-09-26 14:05 Patrick Lauer
2024-09-26 13:21 Patrick Lauer
2024-09-26 13:21 Patrick Lauer
2024-09-17  9:25 Patrick Lauer
2024-07-07 13:32 Patrick Lauer
2024-06-13  9:18 Patrick Lauer
2024-06-13  7:18 Patrick Lauer
2024-06-13  7:18 Patrick Lauer
2024-06-13  7:18 Patrick Lauer
2024-01-19 14:05 罗百科
2023-11-24  6:36 罗百科
2023-09-18 10:43 Aaron W. Swenson
2023-09-14 16:37 罗百科
2023-09-04 10:56 罗百科
2023-09-04  7:55 罗百科
2023-08-07 10:27 罗百科
2023-06-02 15:20 罗百科
2023-05-28 23:33 Sam James
2023-05-18 15:41 Andreas Sturmlechner
2023-05-01 15:55 David Seifert
2023-05-01 15:19 罗百科
2023-01-22  6:38 Sam James
2023-01-22  6:38 Sam James
2023-01-09  9:45 Sam James
2022-12-18  8:32 Sam James
2022-12-18  8:32 Sam James
2022-11-13 14:31 罗百科
2022-11-13 14:31 罗百科
2022-09-11  7:15 罗百科
2022-08-28  8:27 罗百科
2022-08-23 13:54 罗百科
2022-08-23  7:53 罗百科
2022-08-19  9:14 罗百科
2022-07-29  2:47 Sam James
2022-05-25  8:08 罗百科
2022-02-14  6:34 罗百科
2022-02-04 11:29 罗百科
2022-02-04 11:29 罗百科
2022-02-02  7:38 罗百科
2022-02-02  7:38 罗百科
2022-01-15  7:56 罗百科
2021-12-18  9:06 罗百科
2021-12-11 18:04 罗百科
2021-12-08  6:17 Sam James
2021-12-08  6:16 Sam James
2021-12-08  5:13 Sam James
2021-12-08  5:12 Sam James
2021-12-06 15:29 罗百科
2021-10-25 15:17 罗百科
2021-09-30 18:44 罗百科
2021-09-05 13:28 罗百科
2021-08-22 21:53 David Seifert
2021-08-18 19:39 Sam James
2021-07-03 16:44 罗百科
2021-06-01  7:01 罗百科
2021-03-02  9:14 罗百科
2021-02-23 15:29 Aaron W. Swenson
2021-02-18 21:47 Sam James
2021-02-18 21:47 Sam James
2021-02-18 21:44 Sam James
2021-02-18 21:44 Sam James
2020-12-18 23:19 Aaron W. Swenson
2020-11-22  9:08 罗百科
2020-11-22  8:36 罗百科
2020-08-18 17:57 罗百科
2020-08-14  0:49 Aaron W. Swenson
2020-07-18  6:46 罗百科
2020-02-26 17:23 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-02-03 11:31 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-02-03 11:28 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-01-31  9:56 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-30 21:27 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-30 21:27 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-30 19:58 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-28 22:13 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-28 22:13 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-10-20 16:20 罗百科
2019-10-13 19:48 罗百科
2019-08-13 18:51 罗百科
2019-07-22  9:21 Mikle Kolyada
2019-07-08 12:10 Thomas Deutschmann
2019-06-18 10:54 Aaron W. Swenson
2019-06-15 10:58 Aaron W. Swenson
2019-05-19 11:05 Aaron W. Swenson
2019-02-08 14:20 Mikle Kolyada
2019-01-24 22:22 Thomas Deutschmann
2019-01-04 11:11 Aaron W. Swenson
2018-12-01 13:53 Aaron W. Swenson
2018-11-26 11:20 Aaron Swenson
2018-05-13 16:56 Aaron Swenson
2018-01-17 12:07 Aaron Swenson
2018-01-04 17:29 Mikle Kolyada
2017-12-19 21:45 Thomas Deutschmann
2017-12-19 15:46 Thomas Deutschmann
2017-11-16 15:29 Aaron Swenson
2017-10-06 13:41 Aaron Swenson
2017-10-05 14:07 Aaron Swenson
2017-10-01 17:55 Patrick Lauer
2017-09-29 16:58 Patrick Lauer
2017-09-24 16:50 Patrick Lauer
2017-09-18 18:50 Patrick Lauer
2017-09-17  2:56 Matt Turner
2017-07-10  2:27 Aaron Swenson
2017-04-08 21:41 Patrice Clement
2017-02-10 10:49 Amy Liffey
2017-02-03 12:04 Patrick Lauer
2016-11-20 22:54 Aaron Bauman
2016-11-20 14:16 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-11-20 14:15 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-10-18 17:41 Amy Winston
2016-10-18 17:41 Amy Winston
2016-09-24 13:45 Agostino Sarubbo
2016-06-17 15:07 Amy Winston
2016-06-17 14:59 Amy Winston
2016-06-17 14:59 Amy Winston
2016-03-27 12:02 Sam Jorna
2016-03-27 12:02 Sam Jorna
2016-02-27 22:56 Patrick Lauer
2015-12-15 12:32 Aaron Swenson
2015-12-15 12:32 Aaron Swenson

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